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谢慧敏  李翠 《旅游纵览》2022,(17):90-92
江西赣南客家文化底蕴深厚,旅游前景好,但是赣南客家文化旅游发展晚,营销策略过于传统,造成赣南客家文化旅游业的发展受阻。文章首先分析新媒体旅游营销的特点,即信息的双向传递、旅游营销信息更含蓄、旅游营销信息的精准推送,其次分析赣南客家文化旅游新媒体营销的现状,发现赣南客家文化旅游景区欠缺能够与受众互动交流的官方网站,且缺乏自媒体营销。最后,文章基于发现的问题提出构建一个高效互动交流的官方网站;完善自媒体营销账户的建设;突出客家文化主题特色,线上线下共同完成等优化对策,希望能通过新媒体营销更好地服务赣南客家文化旅游的市场。  相似文献   

廖军 《南方文物》2001,(4):23-28
在赣南客家地区形成与发展起来的地方戏曲──赣南采茶戏,已走过了数百年的光辉历程。一个小小的地方剧种能跻身舞台,繁衍发展且深受历代人民群众的喜爱,靠的是什么?本文就其形成发展,艺术特点,以及今后的走向作一简要探究,旨在弘扬客家文化,繁荣社会主义戏剧。 一、赣南南采茶戏源流 1、茶山,是赣南采茶戏孕育形成的土壤 赣南地处山区,素有“八山一水,半分田园半分路”之说。山区是客家先民生存与发展的基地。靠山吃山,勤劳的客家先民垦荒种茶,以茶业谋生。茶,要算安远九龙山茶最具代表,明朝就列为贡品。茶农在长期的茶山…  相似文献   

邱丹文 《神州》2011,(3):33-33,35
近年来,我国农村社区非正式组织发展迅速,农民的集体行为增加。通过对H镇居民反对卖公共澡堂的事件分析,阐述非正式组织的形成原因、作用和过程,描述非正式组织进行集体行为的过程。非正式组织的形成原因复杂,所起作用多,进行集体行动的过程历时长困难多。农村社区非正式组织的集体行动存在困境和问题,例如有成员退出、成员搭便车、责任分散等。  相似文献   

赣南客家文化与中原文化在渊源上具有继承与被继承关系。由于翰南客家所处的地理环境和社会环境具有相对的封闭性和滞后性,以及赣南原有的土著文化,使得赣南客家文化与中原文化相比较又具有诸多特异性。本文试通过对赣南客家的数字民俗的分析,揭示赣南客家祈求吉祥、消除灾祸的种种心理积淀与趋向。  相似文献   

王大任 《近代史研究》2012,(5):65-76,161
市场机制在近代东北地区农村扩张的过程,实际上也是权力通过市场逐步获取资源的过程。在由权力掌控的市场机制中,资源不等量地进行传递。市场机制中资源的流动,不但造成资源流出地区生态系统的恶化,也造成了该地农民的贫困化。权力不但使东北农村与外界市场间通过资源的传递实现了贫困的传递,也使近代东北农业因资源匮乏而不能通过引进近代技术走上一条良性发展之路。  相似文献   

近代华北平原地租形态研究——近代华北平原租佃关系探索之一史建云租佃制度贯穿于传统中国社会,是中国封建地主制经济的重要生产关系之一。近代中国的社会经济发生了巨大的变化,处于这一背景中的租佃制度是否有变化,有什么特点,对研究近代农村经济,特别是近代农村的...  相似文献   

在苏维埃革命中,以毛泽东、朱德等为首的中国共产党人建立了以瑞金为中心.包括赣南、闽西的全国最大的一块苏维埃革命区域,轰轰烈烈地进行了土地革命.推动了中国革命的胜利发展。众所周知,赣南和闽西是中国客家人的聚集地区,95%以上均为客家人。毫无疑问,客家儿女在苏维埃革命中扮演了重要的角色。  相似文献   

杨救贫与赣南客家风水文化的起源和传播   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
赣南是客家人南迁的第一个聚居地,许多客家文化是从赣南起源的,客家风水文化也不例外。风水古称堪舆。中国的风水文化在唐代以前,以长安为中心,史称长安派。在唐代以后,随着南迁的客家先民来到赣南,形成了影响至今的赣派风水,并镀上一层浓郁的客家文化色彩。讨论客家风水文化的起源,首先应该考察被海内外风水人士奉为祖师的杨筠松。 一、杨救贫避乱赣南与赣州筑城 杨救贫名筠松,字益,号救贫。他虽然在客家区域内是一位家喻户晓的传奇人物,但《赣州府志》上只有54个字的介绍:“窦州杨筠松,唐僖宗朝官至金紫光禄大夫,掌灵台地…  相似文献   

邹国斌 《神州》2012,(34):162
近年来国家实施了新一轮扶贫开发的重大战略,特别是今年国家出台了推进赣南等原中央苏区发展振兴的若干意见,让赣南苏区人民特别是广大农民看到了希望,这是赣州农村千载难逢的重大历史机遇,同时为全市检察工作提出更高要求和挑战。当前,农村社会关系总体是健康、稳定的,但也存在一些不容忽视的矛盾和问题。  相似文献   

客家以其独特的族群特色和区域文化特性自20世纪初始成为学术研究的热点,发展至今已成为众多学科的研究兴趣所在。然而透视客家研究的现状,从地域而言,粤东、赣南、闽西一直是重点探讨地区,就粤东而言,梅州向为客家研究的关注焦点,而河源、韶关等客家重镇却为研究者所忽视,  相似文献   

Informal financial markets in developing countries, and their role in the development process itself, form a relatively neglected area when it comes to research and policy planning. It seems, however, that this may be due to inaccurate perceptions of the value and effectiveness of this sector, and of its relationship to formal sector financial institutions. This paper uses data from an extensive research project on informal financial markets in Bangladesh to examine the size of the informal market, its relationship to the formal financial sector and the part it plays in the process of development. The paper concludes that, in all these aspects, the informal financial markets are more important, more efficient and more equitable than is generally supposed.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that microcredit does little to support self‐employment. Two main explanations are typically emphasized: from a microeconomic perspective, the poor have been argued to lack the skills, resources and motivation to start their own businesses; from a macroeconomic perspective, local markets are often saturated. This article uses first‐hand data from rural South India to explore a third explanation which focuses on the social regulation of markets. Drawing on a household survey, the authors show that self‐employment and microcredit are uncorrelated, and that women and lower castes have a significantly lower chance of starting up a business. The businesses they do start tend to be smaller, less profitable and based in very specific sectors. Qualitative insights into the workings of local economies show that caste and gender‐based social regulations influence local markets determining who can produce or sell what, to whom, and at what price. The authors observe that real markets are affected by power relations and structured through social institutions rather than being the sum of interactions between free and competitive individuals. These findings show the importance of integrating self‐employment programmes into broader policies for transforming the social regulation of markets and for eradicating discrimination against women and lower castes.  相似文献   

世界客属恳亲大会在中国内地的五次召开,加强了海内外客家人对族群身份的认同和文化寻根;促进了客家文化和“客家学”学科的发展。大会活动所带动的资金的运作,并由此形成的中国客家侨乡与海外华商的经济网络,对于扩大举办地的对外开放,加速举办地经济文化的发展具有重要的历史和现实意义。  相似文献   

走向知识经济时代的新型城乡关系   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
苏俏云 《人文地理》2002,17(2):78-81
21世纪,知识、技术的竞相发展,使社会范式发生转变,从而使整个人类社会走向知识经济时代。在知识社会中,封闭、地区性社会向开放、全球性社会递进,城乡间公平享受社会公共资源。城市与乡村加速发展,城乡关系由传统的对立、两极化向新的协调、一体化发展,市场型城乡关系形成。本文在分析中国城乡关系演变历史的基础上,指出经济关系是城乡关系的主体,城乡社会关系趋于复杂化,城乡生态环境日益形成一个利益共同体,城乡政治关系民主化。  相似文献   

《Anthropology today》2012,28(4):i-ii
Front and back cover caption, volume 28 issue 4 Front cover: OLYMPIC LEGACY: FOOD Over the last decades, the Olympic Games have increasingly claimed to deliver a social and economic ‘legacy’ to the host city. The 2012 Olympic Games in London have set out to deliver a legacy of better food for east London, an area perceived as ‘deprived’, with higher than average rates of obesity and significant ‘food deserts’ in its midst. Various Olympic organizations have considered the issue, resulting in the publication of a Food vision for the first time ever in Olympic history. However, with companies such as Coca‐Cola and McDonald's having been appointed official suppliers to the Games, and with an extremely limited time frame, will the Games be able to deliver on this promise? Allotments have been demolished and plans are afoot for Queen's Market, Upton Park, to be replaced by a supermarket. In response, Queen's Market traders and customers protest that demolition of their market goes against the Olympic spirit. Indeed, the Games could be used instead to help improve access to London's ethnically diverse markets far beyond the borough limits, as suggested in this postcard distributed by campaigners. As Freek Janssens argues in his guest editorial in this issue, the 2012 Games provide the opportunity to more critically assess how food serves the marginalized in our ethnically diverse inner cities. Also in this issue, Johan Fischer deals with halal, another topic that impacts athletes and spectators at the Games, with sporting events taking place during ramadan. Back cover: POVERTY AND GRASSROOTS COMMERCE Aisha, a door‐to‐door entrepreneur in CARE Bangladesh’ s Rural Sales Programme (RSP), is one of 3,000 previously ‘destitute’ women who now earns an income by selling branded consumer goods across rural villages under a partnership between CARE and global multinationals such as Danone, Bic, and Unilever. Similar female distribution systems are now popping up across the world. From Procter and Gamble's distribution of sanitary pads to ‘poor’ adolescent girls in Kenya and Malawi, to Unilever's Shakti ammas distributing soap village‐to‐village in rural India, companies aim to expand their bottom line by fostering entrepreneurial opportunities among the poor through so‐called ‘bottom of the pyramid’ (BoP) initiatives. Such initiatives reflect the changing nature of international development where new development actors – celebrities, philanthrocapitalists, multinational corporations, social entrepreneurs etc. – spearhead efforts to reduce poverty, replacing the role long occupied by states and aid agencies. Today some of the world's largest corporations have become key players in global development by selling ‘socially beneficial’ products to the ‘poor’, and by drawing them into global commodity chains as entrepreneurs. These efforts are now widely endorsed as part of a pro‐market development agenda that looks to the perceived ‘efficiency’ of the private sector to do what billions of aid dollars have been unable to do. BoP distribution systems can offer ‘poor’ women like Aisha an opportunity to earn an income and contribute to the food security of their family. But these engagements pose risks as well as rewards, and raise pressing questions for anthropologists about how, under what terms, and with what effects, global capital is linking up with informal economies in the name of development.  相似文献   

Discussions of rural development in the highlands of Papua New Guinea have often centred on coffee, and been couched either in narrowly economic terms or in class analysis terms. Fresh food marketing has received less attention, although it is an important activity for many highland people. An approach which takes into account the subjectivity of actors, and the contests of power which permeate markets, is explored in this paper. The history and present forms of fresh food marketing in the Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea are then outlined. The author concludes by arguing for a geography of rural development, which is based on close attention to social interaction at the local level, coupled with an awareness of global structures provided by non-universalist political economy.  相似文献   

As non-governmental organizations (NGOs) accumulate experience at implementing development projects, they sometimes attempt to increase their influence by engaging in policy advocacy. This article analyses the organizational conditions under which national NGOs in Africa have been able to influence the formulation of agricultural and rural development policies. Case studies are presented of three African NGOs that have sought, with varying degrees of success, to represent the ‘voice’ of the rural poor to policy-makers. Comparative analysis of these cases leads to the conclusion that policy advocacy is most likely to be effective in organizations that have several key characteristics: an homogeneous membership, a federated structure, a focused programme, informal ties with political leaders, and a domestic funding base.  相似文献   

The concept of sustainability emphasizes four basic principles when applied to rural communities: that basic needs must be met; that resources should be subject to local control; that local communities must have a decisive voice in planning; and that they should represent themselves through their own institutions. These principles have been notionally accepted by development planners and conservationists at all levels. Yet, throughout the tropical forest belt, they are being systematically overridden by international and national policies and development programmes, leading to increasing poverty, social conflict and rapid deforestation. Traditional knowledge and systems of land use have proved far more environmentally appropriate, resilient and complex than initially supposed by outsiders. Forest peoples have successfully opposed many socially and environmentally destructive development schemes proposed for their lands. However, these societies are not resisting all change: population increase and the internal dynamic for development have also created social and environmental problems. A review of community-based initiatives in South and South-East Asia shows that in some countries, positive initiatives have been taken by local and national governments to promote a community-based approach. Notable successes have been achieved but many other initiatives have failed. The examples show that, besides the four principles noted above, environmentally successful management also depends on innovative political organization at the community level.  相似文献   

The idea of communal tenure has formed a key plank in the rural governance of Zimbabwe since independence, but its retention following the Fast Track land reforms of 2000–2002 perpetuates a distinction between ‘commercial’ land governed by a land market and ‘communal’ land on which market transactions are illegal. This article draws on recent research in Svosve Communal Area to examine the dynamics of land access and their implications for rural poverty in Zimbabwe. The authors argue that, as in many other parts of Africa, access to land governed by customary authority in Svosve is increasingly commoditized via informal, or ‘vernacular’, sales or rental markets. In failing to acknowledge and address this commoditization of land, the ‘communitarian’ discourse of customary land rights that dominates the politics of land in Zimbabwe — as elsewhere in much of Africa — undermines, rather than protects, the livelihoods of the rural poor.  相似文献   

The Romanian dairy-farming sector is marked by subsistence and semi-subsistence farms. Through consolidation in the retail and dairy sector, the price pressure has moved toward producers of raw milk. Through new European, national and private standards and global actors tapping into the Romanian market this development is reinforced. At the same time, the smallholders, formerly accepted to be acting on an informal level, cannot access their main distribution channels anymore. Additionally, through several legal constraints being developed since Romania’s accession to the European Union, the smallholders are neither able to issue invoices, nor to access certain subsidy programmes as they are not considered juridical persons. This article focuses on the consequences of this disembedding of farmers. The peasants are pushed toward informal activities or value chain positions, in which they do not have any bargaining power with the globally sourcing intermediaries they are supplying. The contemporary approaches of global value chains and global production networks build the theoretical framework for the study. Here it is argued that informal markets must be included into these approaches more concisely.  相似文献   

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