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正Chapter V On the afternoon of the third day after my arrival,I came to say goodbye to Konchog Chogyal Sangpo.I was leaving the next day and knew this might very well be our last meeting.Too ill to talk,he was sitting uptight with his eyes half-closed.I looked around this run-down room:besides several Buddha statues,there were books,old patched-  相似文献   

As a member of a big aristocratic family in old Tibet,Horkhang Champa Tendar lived the sweet life,but bitter experiences also happened to him.In his old age,though both honor and dishonor sometimes came to him,he was never bothered,and he always carried on without any concern for his life.After retiring,though Gyama Village had no close relatives,he prefers to commute between Gyama and the city to contribute to the course of local development.His passionate sentiments toward his hometown and this land so impressed me I am profoundly touched.  相似文献   

Dear Editor, Ref.To our tele talk to day,I have the honour to write you as you claimed that"Rarely do journalist challenge the Dalai Lama". Dalai Lama is an hypocrite who used to systematically fool people and his principle of peace are too bogus,he must be stopped in the frame work of peace as his fol-lowers are sluggish and kept themself burried under ignorance.  相似文献   

My parents are the descendants of handicraftsmen. My father was born in 1933 and is 68 years old. At the age of 13 he learned gem inlaying technology from grandpa. There were five brothers in my father's home, but he lost his mother at the age of five. At the age of 18, he married and I was born when he was 25.  相似文献   

Editor‘s Note: Radi, a Tibetan, was born in August 1938 in Biru County, Tibet. He is a vice-chairman of the NPC Standing Committee.A serf in old Tibet, he was a Tibetan leader from 1975 to 2003. We interviewed him at the end of 2003,and he talked about changes that have taken place in Tibet in the past 14 years.  相似文献   

To take my aged father to Dejung hot spring for several days in summer or fall had long been a wish of mine since I started working. Now 77 years old, my father's rheumatic arthritis had worsened a lot since he was 70. A rugged and proud man, he had some tough times in his youth. He used to silently swallow all the pain without any complaint, afraid of causing trouble for his children.  相似文献   

When Qamba Lobsang bade farewell to his uncle at the Norbu Lingka, summer palace of the Dalai Lama, he didn't realize he would be doing the same job as the old man in the future: serving as a butler at the palace.However, what Galsang is doing is somewhat different from what his uncle used to do. As a senior official under the Gaxag government in old Tibet, his uncle was charged with tending the Potala Palace and Norbu Lingka. As  相似文献   

Kongsa Yedog, originally named Yexei Dorje, was born into a common farming family in Gyangze County of the Xigaze area in 1916. In his teens, he was taken into the Tashilhungpo Monastery by his monk uncle to study Tibetan language and sutras, studying together with several older male apprentices under an old lama. One year later, Yexei Dorje passed the examinations to become a real Zhaba of the monastery. One morning, the atmosphere in Tashilhungpo Monastery was hushed, and the curious Y…  相似文献   

On the afternoon of July 2, 2012, accompanied by my interpreter, I visited the home of SonamDawa and his wife Tsering Drolkar. It was less than 200 meters from the Namseling village committee. This was an unplanned interview. What led us here was that I had asked my interpreter to take me to a family with elders. For over two hours, we sat in the little courtyard of Sonam's home and listened to him talk about his family.  相似文献   

Ngaco was born into an ordinary herder's family in Chengzhang Village, Yajiang County, Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, in 1969. When he reached the age of five, his father packed his satchel and sent him to a school where he eventually served as a teacher. The minute he sat down in his classroom, the boy showed strong interest in study. He became so good that he could tell stories to fellow villagers within two years.As the school was only in a position  相似文献   

In 1951, when Tibet won peaceful liberation, Soinam Wangdui was nine years old and liv-ing in the Chongsaikang area of Lhasa. Apprenticed to a master cobbler, he made shoes for the PLA troops.Later, the cobbler guild arranged for him to stay with his uncle, accompanying his cousins to the largest private school in Lhasa. This gave him the chance to learn to read and write. He went to study in the Lhasa Primary School  相似文献   

正It was at the end of spring and the beginning of summer in 1245 when Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyaltsen(1182-1251),then in his 60 s,and his nephews set out from Sakya and headed for Liangzhou(present-day Wuwei,Gansu Province).In winter of 1244,he had received a letter of invitation from Mongolian Prince Godan,which actually implied that if he refused to go on the plea of old age war would be waged against the Tibetans.  相似文献   

In 1966,Ngawang Dorje served successively as a military lieutenant,party secretary of the district,subprefect and vice director of the People's Congress of the county.He is adept in agricultural production.Having formally retired,he was again reemployed by the county government to work in the agricultural development office of the county until finally retiring today.At present,he is living in his house located at Gyantse County in a comfortable and relaxed old age.  相似文献   

Geleg was born into a serf family. His fatherwas elected deputy chief of DonggarTownship, Doilungdeqen County, after theDemocratic Reform in 1959-60, but died when Geleg wasonly 15 years old. Years later,he was promoted to be secretary of the CPC DonggarTownship Committee andremained in the post for 20years.In the 1980s, Gelegresigned and joined handswith some of his friends andrelatives to carry on long-distance transport business.Money kept rolling in, and hissuccess inspired others to…  相似文献   

Losang is now 78 years old,one of the villagers who enjoy longevity.He is the former village head of Dangram Village,also a senior Party member.By right of his senior experience,he is really somebody of the village. It was Losang who sent us to Dangram in earlier times and provided horses and mules  相似文献   

During our talk with Danke, he suggested enthusiastically that we interview another person: "You've got to talk to him. He's been working tirelessly in Yushu for quite a few years, planning the new Yushu and new projects for it. Danke was talking about Deng Dong, Director of the Urban Planning and Design Institute of the China Academy of Urban Planning and Design (CAUPD). The locals have given him the nickname "Mr. Nice of Yushu'.  相似文献   

On hearing several times that there is a thousand-year-old walnut tree in Nyamo Town in Shigatse, I was curious, as I had never heard of a thousand year old tree in my life, except for cypress and ginkgo in my hometown. I have not had a chance to have a look at it but heard lots of both legends and true stories about this tree. In awe and expectation, I paid a visit to see the thousand-year walnut tree. I remember in my hometown there is an old tree which people referred to as the "divine tree". Every time 1 visited this divine tree, my heart was always in awe. I even dared not to get too close and only watched it from a distance because I was afraid of giving any offense to the holy tree. People say every divine tree would change to another kind. But in my memory, since I was a child, I did not see any trees change species, which I actually found disappointing.  相似文献   

<正>Ngabo Ngawang Jigme was one of the most outstanding contributors to the cause of democratic reform in Tibet.On hearing the news of his passing,Sonam Gelek, deputy,director of the Committee on Ethnic and Religious Affairs of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of the Tibet Autonomous Region,felt at his wit's end.His voice trembled as he said:"We Tibetans have lost our most excellent son.This is a major loss to our undertakings as well as a loss to the cause of ethnic affairs.I couldn't control my sadness."  相似文献   

In this paper,I will discuss the background of Gha rung pa Lhavi rgyal mtshan (1319-1403),the author of the Chos dbyings gsal sgron (Lamp to Illuminate the Expanse of Reality).To date,Gha rung pa,a student of the famous Dol po pa Shes rab rgyal mtshan (1292-1361),has been little studied outside of Tibet,and his name has rarely come up even in Tibetan scholarship.In order to have a clear understanding and a fuller picture of his writtings,we must explore the life of the author himself as well as the scholarly environment in which he lived and was educated.  相似文献   

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