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中国的艺术传统和丰厚的化遗产是中华民族一代又一代先哲智慧的结晶。中国书法是中华传统化中最为奇特的艺术。书法艺术在数千年继承、发展及开拓、创新的过程中,曾出现过一位又一位杰出的书法大师,在明末清初的书坛上,就有一位最具个性,独领风骚的书法大师——王铎。  相似文献   

陈联俊 《安徽史学》2008,1(3):81-85
陈独秀的思想发展可以分为三个阶段,很有必要对陈独秀早期社会思想进行研究.陈独秀早期社会思想的主要内容可概括为四个方面:个人与社会;经济与社会;政治与社会;社会发展.陈独秀早期社会思想的现代性意义主要表现在两个方面:一是陈独秀早期社会思想在近代思想史上的历史地位:二是陈独秀早期社会思想对于民族文化发展方向的启示.  相似文献   

It has often been repeated that Wollstonecraft was not read for a century after her death in 1797 due to the negative impact of her husband William Godwin's Memoirs of the Author of a Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1798) on her posthumous reputation. By providing the first full-scale reception history of Wollstonecraft in continental Europe in the long nineteenth century—drawing on rare book research, translations of understudied primary sources, and Wollstonecraft scholarship from the nineteenth century to the present—this article applies a revised Rezeptionsgeschichte approach to tracing her intellectual influence on the woman question and organised feminism in Europe. Although the Memoirs and post-revolutionary politics everywhere dampened and even drove underground the reception of her persona and ideas in the first decades of the nineteenth century, Wollstonecraft's reception in nineteenth-century continental Europe, like the United States, was more positive and sustained in comparison to the public backlash she faced as a ‘fallen woman’ in her homeland of Britain through the bulk of the Victorian era.  相似文献   

近年来,陈独秀晚年民主思想成为陈独秀研究的重点、难点和热点.学术界已有的研究成果主要集中在陈独秀晚年民主思想的形成、主要内容、相关评价与研究的方法论等几个方面.本文对此进行了综述,并就该研究中应该重视及存在的问题提出了自己的看法.  相似文献   

马洪波 《攀登》2007,26(6):68-71
可持续发展思想源远流长,但其作为一种系统理论产生于20世纪80年代末90年代初。本文回顾了可持续发展思想在西方经济理论中的演变过程,认为只有从根本上认识和接受可持续发展的新理念,人类才能迎来充满希望的未来。  相似文献   

This article explores the profound impact of the thought of Claude Bernard (1813-78) and his philosophy of experimentalism elaborated in his masterwork An Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine. I argue that Bernard's far-ranging theoretical impact on medicine and biology marks the end of conventional vitalism and the elusive notion of a "vital force" as a legitimate scientific concept. His understanding of medicine is as epistemologically significant in its time as Newton's contribution was to the physical sciences in the seventeenth century. This essay treats Bernard's philosophical ambitions seriously, exploring his important, even central, role in the mental world of nineteenth-century France. This includes his influence on Henri Bergson (1859-1941) and other late-nineteenth century thinkers. The subtext of Bernard's experimental epistemology is also contrasted with a key idealist philosopher of the period, the German Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), and placed in the context of the larger European philosophical sphere. In contrast to much of mid-nineteenth-century philosophy, Bernard, in creating the framework for experimental medicine, argued for an experimental approach in which a priori assumptions were to be strictly constrained. Bernard's thoughts on the nature of experiment put an end to "systems" in medicine, ironically by replacing all previous medical philosophies with the all-embracing "system" of experiment. And yet, while "vital forces" fade after Bernard, a form of vitalism still flourishes. Even in Bernard's own work, in the struggle with concepts like determinism, complexity, and causality, there is a realization of the unique character of living function in a kind of "physical vitalism."  相似文献   

A recently published volume – edited by Walter Tega and Luigi Turco – celebrates the Italian historian of philosophy Antonio Santucci. One of the founders of the neoilluminismo (new-Enlightenment), Santucci blended strong civil commitment with rigorous textual analysis and contributed to the popularisation of British and American philosophy in Italy. The book describes Santucci's contribution to the historical research on empiricism and stimulates a reappraisal of the heated cultural debate which flourished in Italy after the Second World War.  相似文献   

The Reign of King Pym took mid 17th‐century studies in a new direction when it was published in 1941. Anglo‐American collaboration in the field in the 1920s and 1930s had been rooted in making available in print to a scholarly readership one of the private diaries of the Long Parliament. J.H. Hexter's book, produced at a time when Anglo‐American collaboration was temporarily on hold under pressure of global war, changed the direction of academic discourse by its format (monograph), content (a detailed study of a brief period in a unique parliament) and tone (brash and unrestrained by the idiom of the academy). The book scoped out the power of John Pym, but also its limitations, and introduced to scholarly debate a categorisation of political groupings in 1642–3 that held sway for 40 years. The first direct attacks on Hexter's work, beginning in the 1980s, were weakened by overstatement. In the forthcoming History of Parliament volumes, Pym's signal importance is reasserted, but Hexter's concept of the ‘middle group’ is found to be untenable.  相似文献   

陶行知与胡适都是我国现代著名的教育家。他俩不但同乡、同龄,而且都是美国著名教育家杜威的得意门生。他们的教育思想有共同之点,亦有相异之处。如在教育理论上,他俩都师承杜威,但取弃有异;在普及教育方面,都积极提倡,但观点分歧。可贵的是在提倡白话文和开放高校女禁方面,他们的观点竟是如此一致。  相似文献   

孙宏云 《安徽史学》2005,(1):118-125
本文本"详人之所略,略人之所详"之旨,基于萧公权撰著<中国政治思想史>的背景与史实,结合文本分析,对萧公权与中国政治思想史研究这一主题再作探讨,在三个问题上展开论述:一、萧著的背景与动机;二、萧著的方法及其渊源;三、萧著在学界之反响.  相似文献   

20世纪初,清政府的专制、腐败与反动,暴露无遗。面临中国空前的民族灾难与政治危机,江苏地区的先进人士思考着中国的命运与拯救的方法,形成了两股主要的思潮与运动。其中,由于当时属于江苏管辖、与江苏地区水土相连的上海的强烈影响,以及江苏留日学生的革命活动,使得反清革命与民主共和思想在江苏地区广泛传播,并逐步地"由鼓吹时代进于实行时代",形成反清革命实践运动。1905年底"同盟会江苏分会"成立,标志着江苏的反清革命民主斗争,从自发转向自觉。随着形势的发展与深化,到1911年武昌起义爆发后,江苏的反清革命民主派迅速与以张謇为首的江苏立宪派走到一起,形成伟大的江苏辛亥革命风暴。  相似文献   

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