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From the sixteenth century on, the «mixed» government of Venice became a political model for the Europe of theAncien Régime. Harmoniously combining the principles of democracy (the Grand Council), aristocracy (the Senate) and monarchy (the Doge), guaranteeing social peace and the stability of the institutions, claiming to protect Venice from the hazards of history, this form of government gave birth to a veritable myth. An essential part of the reflection on the diversity of Italian republican traditions, the study of the Venitian political myth allows us to question also the disputable usages of the republican paradigm in recent historiography.  相似文献   

In this paper we try to throw some light on the Knightian distinction between risk anduncertainty attending to a number of previous contributions to philosophy and economics. On the economists' side, we propose to read Knight's distinction in the light of the distribution controversy that took place in theQuarterly Journal of Economics at the end of the xixth century. On the philosophers' side, the pair risk/uncertainty can be analysed in view of Knight's epistemological sources, as opposing a sort ofprobabilistic positivism to anagnostic variety of positivism. His philosophical commitments can be of use in explaining why Frank Knight closes down the distribution controversy, proposing instead a reconstruction of economics as a rational choice science.  相似文献   

The concept from Germany permits us to reveal, in keeping with a “misological” approach, the amplitude of the disagreements which presided over the definition of the concept of State in France. From the latter we approach diverse usages which illustrate models of State. The “germanic model” thus operates in a debate which is the crucible of modern political knowledge, with its paradoxes: those with reference to external soveignty to interstate order, to confederation. The article then exposes the relation between the theories of public law and the “continuity of assemblies”; in a certain manner, the foudation of political order. In fine, public law appears as the transfert of temporal power to the institution, to the collectivity, and its weakening as the reason of being of statism.  相似文献   

The terrier of the lordship of Maussat and La Romagière, drawn up in 1470–1480, is the principal source of information for this study of serfdom in western Bourbonnais. Conclusions are drawn from this source concerning the proportion of serfs in the population as a whole, the nature of the bonds of dependence, the ways of becoming a serf, and the obligations and rights of both lord and serf. The possibilities of serfs making socioeconomic progress through the concentration of tenures in a small number of servile families and the exercise of ministeriality are considered. The study demonstrates the dynamism and importance of serfdom in the organisation of the lordship. La condition du servage dans la seigneurie de Maussat et de La Romagière - à l'Ouest du Bourbonnais - a ètè ètudié à partir du tm?oignage principal du terrier de cette seigneurie, rédigé en 1470–1480. Dans ce travail, on établit: (1) La population totale de la seigneurie et celle de chacun des groupes afin de connaître l'importance quantitative du servage: 25% du total des dépendants; (2) La nature de lien de dépendance: serfs personnels ou réels, les premiers étant beaucoup plus nombreux; (3) Les voies menant au servage - héritage et accord - toutes deux en pleine vigueur; (4) Les obligations et les droits des serfs, et les droits du seigneur montrant une nette amélioration dans la condition du servage. On analyse enfin les possibilités d'évolution du groupe grâce à la concentration de tenures par un petit nombre de familles serviles et par l'exercise de la ministérialité. Cette étude permet de constater le dynamisme du servage et son importance dans l'organisation de la seigneurie.  相似文献   

Abstracting the main content of a recent report on the bad state of the archives of scientific research, this paper puts forward eleven thesis likely to feed, in this time of numeric transition to a new documentary regime and to a new patrimonial policy. The recent numeric conditions impose to set new archival pratices, more proactive, anticipative and prospective. Archives of scientific research must be thought in a double memorial and scientific dimension, and not only as a patrimonial or historical one.  相似文献   

Mathieu, J.‐L., La Défense de l'environnement en France (Presses Universitaires de France, 1994), 128pp., 45F., ISBN 2 1304 5939 0

Prendiville, B., Environmental Politics in France (Westview, 1994), xiii‐190pp., $27.00, ISBN 0 8133 8822 8. Translated from L'Ecologie, la politique autrement? Culture, sociologie et histoire des écologistes (L'Harmattan, 1993), 200pp., 110F., ISBN 2 7384 1864 3  相似文献   

Can sociologists and journalists share a given field of investigation? What are the consequences on a sociological investigation of group of working class advanced students when a film crew is there to shoot a documentary about them at the same time ? This article offers an analysis of collaboration of the journalists and the sociologist - it depicts the varied responses by the students to the shooting of the documentary, and shows what effects these responses had on the sociologist’s investigation. Doing so, the article demonstrates that this collaboration yields significant explanatory results even it is a difficult one.  相似文献   

Scientific knowledge and philosophic knowledge have an ethical responsibility that should not be disregarded. This observation made by scholar-philosophers such as Henri Poincaré and Federigo Enriques has experienced an importance of which 20(th) century epistemology has been unaware. It is important to relaunch this observation in the name of older values: equality, democracy, openness, research without dogmatic boundaries. The analysis of the work of Enriques enables us to grasp the stakes of such an endeavor.  相似文献   

From the Age of Classicism to the Age of the Enlightenment. Indian heathendom (that is to say, Hinduism as it was perceived in those times) provided Europe with the spectacle of an incomparable profusion of polytheism. But if India appeared as the living sanctuary of countless divinities, it had also been the cradle of Buddhism which disappeared from its native land to spread over an immense part of Asia. Buddhism was conceived of as an “absolute atheism”; whose fundamental doctrine — the famous nirvana — was considered to be a form of nihilism which had no equivalent in the history of the human mind. Thus, the historiographical discourse on religious matters in India fits into a triad‐like structure in which atheism plays a pivotal role between monotheism and polytheism. A long time after the scholarly discovery of Hinduism and Buddhism, the archaic aspect of this discourse constantly reveals itself in the residual nature of the myth of the double doctrine and the persistence of the theme of the Monster. For philologists and historians of religions until the beginning of the twentieth century, Indian excesses in the religious domain continue to constitute a violation of Reason and Nature.  相似文献   

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