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Berkeley's Theory of Vision, or Visual Language Showing The Immediate Presence and Providence of A Deity, Vindicated And Explained was published in 1733, occasioned by an anonymous letter of the previous year to the London Daily Post Boy. The letter criticized Berkeley's New Theory of Vision, which had been published in 1709, but which had been appended to Berekely's Alciphron, published in 1732. No one has ever identified the author whose criticisms led Berkeley to his Theory of Vision Vindicated. Circumstantial evidence presented here suggests that the author was Catherine Trotter Cockburn. Part of the evidence is the brilliance of her interpretation of Locke, whose position is defended in the letter against Berkeley.  相似文献   

Rose de Freycinet, the first woman to record her circumnavigation of the globe, was shipwrecked in the Falkland Islands in the closing stages of her three-year voyage. The significance of her account is slowly becoming widely recognised, rendering the archaeological remains at the wreck of her transport the corvette L'Uranie and the survivors' camp ashore of growing international importance. In March 2001 a team under the auspices of the Western Australian Maritime Museum conducted research, search and survey aimed at adding to the body of knowledge about the de Freycinets, their ship and their camp. This is a précis of their results.
© 2005 The Nautical Archaeology Society  相似文献   

马生祥教授的新著《法国现代化》一书,分上下两册计1038页,洋洋81.4万字,这是我国法国史研究领域中的新成果,它的出版为我国的法国史研究做出了贡献。  相似文献   

In France, the study of history behind regional geography has suffered a long decline since the late nineteenth century, but a new historical dimension is beginning to emerge. In the nineteenth century, historians showed how much regional character owed to remains from antiquity while historical geographers traced the history of exploration and discovery from ancient to modern times. Vidal de la Blache integrated historical reconstruction with social analysis in the study of regions. Vidal's followers not only characterized the distinctiveness of regional features but also demonstrated that differences in regional ways of life were more pronounced before industrialization and urbanization than later. In the first quarter of the twentieth century, historical investigations by geographers were neither sufficiently comprehensive nor sufficiently rigorous to explain spatial patterns. Historians of the Annales school obtained deeper understandings of social and economic changes and took a broader view of long-term psychological, cultural and geographical changes. Their interpretations of agrarian structures illuminated problems fundamental to the development of European civilization. In the 1970s, reacting against mechanistic analyses of spatial organization, young scholars again turned to historical geography to examine problems of social evolution. At the moment, this revival of historical interest among geographers has not attracted much attention from historians.  相似文献   

法国的乡村史研究是随着20世纪初社会经济史的兴起逐步发展起来的,它与年鉴学派的兴衰休戚相关。战后30(1945-1975年)是年鉴学派的高峰期,也是法国乡村史研究发展的黄金时期,出现了很多在欧洲史学界颇具影响的乡村史家。70年代后期乡村史研究进入一个相对沉寂的时期。1993年法国史学界发起一场乡村史的“复兴运动”,创立了有关乡村史研究的专门协会和期刊,至今仍对法国乡村史的发展起着积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

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