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Margaret Kennard was an American pioneer in the experimental study of sparing and recovery of function. Her most famous experiments were performed on monkeys and apes at Yale University during the late 1930s and early 1940s. By describing the behavioral effects of brain damage on infantile, juvenile, and older primates, she drew new attention to just how important developmental status can be at the time of neural insult. Kennard also conducted experiments which showed that even adult primates can exhibit significant sparing and recovery of function, especially if brain lesions are made in stages rather than all at once. In many respects, Kennard helped launch the modern era of research on sparing and recovery of function by demonstrating that several factors in addition to lesion locus can affect post-injury performance and by recognizing that, if neural reorganization does occur, it probably takes place in spared parts of the damaged system.  相似文献   

由当代中国研究所和中华人民共和国国史学会联合举办的纪念陈云诞辰100周年学术座谈会,于5月13 日在当代所召开。座谈会分两个阶段,在上午的座谈会上,全国政协副主席、中国社会科学院院长、国史学会会长陈奎元和原中顾委秘书长李力安应邀出席,陈云同志的夫人于若木、原国家体改委副主任周太和、中共中央文献研究室副主任李捷、中共中央党史研究室副主任张启华、《求是》杂志原总编辑有林、中共中央政策研究室原副主任郑科扬、国防大学原副校长侯树栋、北京大学校务委员会副主任梁柱到会并作了发言(详见发言摘登)。出席座谈会的还有陈云同志的老秘书、中纪委原常委刘家栋,中央档案馆副馆长杨公之,军事科学院科研指导部部长曾庆洋,陈云同志的子女以及来自中央国家机关、高等院校和当代中国研究所的专家和学者、国史学会的常务理事和理事,共120余人。会议由中国社科院副院长兼当代中国研究所所长朱佳木主持。  相似文献   

王杰 《近代史研究》2002,(6):214-223
由澳门历史物关注协会、澳门历史学会、广东省社会科学院、上海社会科学院和中国社会科学院近代史研究所联合举办的“郑观应诞辰160周年”学术研讨会,于2002年7月23-27日在澳门召开。来自中国大陆和台湾、香港、澳门地区以及澳大利亚的120名学出席了讨论会,提交论100篇。讨论会取得了建设性成果。下面分列专题予以介绍。  相似文献   

This article examines the gendering of the human mind by nineteenth-century Unitarians and Transcendentalists or, more specifically, the employment of the doctrine of “self-culture” to encourage girls and young women to cultivate traits that would lead themselves and others to gender their intellect “masculine,” even while many proponents of self-culture maintained a traditional understanding of woman's role: as wife and mother and the keeper of house and home. Beholden to nineteenth-century categories of masculinity and femininity, many Unitarian and Transcendentalist men — and women — were ambivalent about the practical results of self-culture for women. How could the people who promoted self-culture and self-reliance as the primary religious duties of the spiritually engaged person show only lukewarm support and occasionally outright opposition for the women who followed such advice? To answer this question, this article examines the early lives and educational experiences of Margaret Fuller and Caroline Dall, in their own words and through primary and secondary sources that highlight self-culture as a source of both empowerment and enervation. In doing so it tracks how both the process and effects of cultivating the “masculine mind” shaped these women and their respective understandings of what it meant to be whole in their own bodies.  相似文献   

这篇文章在《真理的追求》 2 0 0 1年第 3期刊载后作者又作了重要补充 ,本刊再予发表。新补充的文字 ,用黑体排印 ,并加了边注。 2 0世纪 ,中国出了个毛泽东 ,在长期革命和建设的实践中形成了毛泽东思想 ,从而改变了中国的历史和命运。毛泽东思想博大精深 ,是总结中华民族半个多世纪艰苦卓绝奋斗经验的理论和克敌制胜的法宝 ,是中国人民自立于世界民族之林的伟大旗帜 ,正像作者所指出的那样 ,2 0世纪与毛泽东、毛泽东思想“是一个非常重要的课题 ,很需要研究 ,很值得研究” ,“毛主席是 2 0世纪去世的 ,可是他的实践 ,他的理论 ,他的思想 ,不仅在 2 0世纪对中国对世界起过重要的作用 ,在 2 1世纪仍将发挥重要的指导作用”。  相似文献   

Whereas Ivan P. Pavlov (1849-1936) is well-known for his work on classical conditioning, his contribution to neuroscience, particularly his interest in the function of neural centers in the central nervous system, is not as widely known. During the last three decades of his life, Pavlov explored cortical processes by salivary reflex conditioning, a method he used to develop his theory of higher nervous activity. This theory outlined the function of the brain in higher organisms in their interaction with the changing environmental contingencies. As early as 1908, Pavlov outlined a neurophysiological theory as the physiological basis of his theory of higher nervous activity. He maintained that the neural processes of excitation and inhibition irradiate and concentrate among the cortical neural centers. Most of all, he emphasized the plasticity of the cortex in higher organisms' in the Darwinian struggle for existence.  相似文献   

Modern psychosurgery began in 1936 with the work of the Portuguese neurologist, Egas Moniz, who attempted to treat the symptoms of mental illness by severing neural tracts in the frontal lobes. This procedure eventually became widespread and applied to thousands of institutionalized, psychotic patients in the United States and other countries. Despite serious side effects associated with psychosurgery, the apparent importance and validity of the treatment was recognized in 1949 when Moniz received the Nobel Prize for his innovation. Psychosurgery was largely replaced by anti-psychotic drugs in the mid-1950s, and the procedure and its practitioners rapidly fell into disrepute. This article reviews Moniz's career, the factors that led up to his first clinical trials of frontal lobe surgery, and the circumstances that allowed psychosurgery to flourish in the 1940s, eventually leading to Moniz's Nobel Prize.  相似文献   

Democratic faith may seem like an ill-advised concept when the ills of democratic life are so glaring. This article claims that it is possible, even necessary, to recover and reinvigorate a notion of democratic faith that grapples with the flaws and intractabilities of the democratic condition. Conceived of as a virtue that inhabits uncertainty, I argue that democratic faith is well-tailored for democratic exchanges — particularly those involved in the risky business of building trust among citizens. Democratic faith's temporal orientation in the present girds the activist for the spade-work of democratic life, where future success often seems unlikely. On these terms, democratic faith can be distinguished from democratic hope. Jeffrey Stout's recent work exemplifies both hope and faith as democratic virtues, however Stout neglects the language of faith in favor of hope. I argue that Stout and other activists should consider the ways that democratic faith speaks to the dogged persistence required to face the dispiriting conditions of democratic life.  相似文献   

李军 《东南文化》2016,(3):96-102
museum是西方近代文化的代表,近代博物馆知识、理念和思想传入中国面临的第一个问题就是狭隘意义上的翻译问题,而通过考察museum一词在19世纪的翻译及使用情况,可以从一个侧面窥见博物馆知识早期传播的景象。在museum及其对应西方词汇的翻译过程中,中西方人士均参与其中,基督教新教传教士、天主教传教士、林则徐及其翻译班子等都是其间最重要的推动力量。通过对19世纪外汉字典的研究发现,至1844年,museum一词后来被广泛采用的"博物馆"、"博物院"两种汉语译名均已出现,但在这一时期的中文报刊中,"博物院"一词的使用频率要远远高于"博物馆"。同时,将museum翻译为"博物院"的译法也逐渐被晚清时期的中国士人广泛采用。由此,museum这一西方文化的舶来品完成了其本土化的第一步。  相似文献   

2001年5月28至30日,由中国史学会、中国太平天国史研究会、中国社会科学院近代史研究所、南京大学等单位发起,南京太平天国历史博物馆承办的“纪念太平天国150周年暨罗尔纲诞辰100周年学术研讨会”在南京召开。大会的主题是“太平天国历史的再认识”和“继承发扬罗尔纲严谨求真的治学精神”。出席代表80多人,提交论74篇。现择要介绍如下。  相似文献   

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