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Dark, mysterious, and dangerous: The representation of Paris in 19thcentury French literature contrasts sharply with the ideals and expectations of a society that dreamt of progress and modernity. Through his symbolism, Victor Hugo recaptures the dark side of Balzac's Paris, and turns the capital into a gigantic spider's web that symbolises the power of Fate upon individuals, and underlines the carceral oppression of the city. In this article, a reading is proposed of some of Hugo's major prose (Notre-Dame de Paris , Les Misérables) illustrating his claustrophobia: Paris, the capital of 'materiality', is represented metaphorically in Hugo's writings as a huge prison, and ultimately as a dreadful monster, swallowing and literally digesting its prey. This image of Paris connects Hugo's work to that of several other major 19th-century French writers, notably Balzac, Zola and-less obviously-Baudelaire.  相似文献   


Grotius has a rudimentary theory of sociability. Only with hindsight has a remark about appetitus societatis been promoted to the starting point of a theory that flourished in the writings of later natural jurists. In this article, I address the issue of the appearance in Grotius's natural law of sociability [as the 1715/38 English translation of John Morrice renders appetitus societatis, following Barbeyrac's sociabilité]. Writing in the just war tradition, Grotius is first of all interested in finding out the conditions for peace, and although injustice is a condition of war, it is not per se true that injustice is a perversion of society. Apparently, not all societies are perfect and the violence of war and the legal actions of peace are both instruments for achieving a greater modicum of justice in this world. Yet appetitus et custodia societatis is called the foundation of justice. Grotius achieved this context for sociability in phases, through a series of writings from c. 1600 until De iure belli ac pacis of 1625, and its revision of 1631. In this development the notion of fides plays an intriguing role, through which we can obtain a better understanding of the meaning of appetitus societatis in the later work. The present article is a sequel to a previous publication, on fides in De iure praedae (Ms. 1604/5). Analysing the genesis of appetitus societatis in De iure belli ac pacis, I argue that Grotius was changing his strategy over the years, without however arriving at a definitive solution to the question of what commits men to the pursuit of justice.  相似文献   

Victor Turner’s The ritual process is discussed as articulating a general sociological theory, a practice theory, concerning the dynamics of continuity and change methodologically grounded in the analysis of rites that address moments of sociocultural and personal existential crisis. The significance of Turner’s development from the work of Arnold van Gennep (rather than Durkheim) is considered in relation to the ongoing contemporary importance of Turner’s intervention across disciplines and in relation to the existential crises that humanity faces.  相似文献   

The book is confined to the study of the “popular morality” of the Athenians of the second half of the fifth century BCE and the whole extent of the fourth. The author moves outward from the central phenomenon of Athenian life, the oikos, comprising the family and extended family (Chapter 1), with a more sideways to take in threats or alternatives to the family, in the shape of courtesans and other ladies of irregular status (Chapter 2), returning then (Chapter 3) to the oikos with a chapter on problems of inheritance. After this he passes (Chapter 4) to the topic of friends and enemies, as essential feature of the Greekpolis.  相似文献   

Dreams and Discourses (1627) by Francisco de Quevedo is a Baroque satirical work composed by five dreamlike narrations that criticize the moral decadence of seventeenth-century Spanish society. Traditionally, it has been read as a conservative Catholic text that conveys an official view of truth and morality. This article attempts to question that reading by addressing the use of subversive strategies, such as wordplay and ambiguity. Through an analysis of the paratext, the narrative voices, and the satire of popular trades—e.g., bankers—the article sheds light on the text's self-erosion of established moral and epistemological values. It concludes that behind its apparent religious correctness, the work reflects on the fundamental opacity of language. Theoretically, Quevedo's satire is understood as a disseminatory artifact following Derrida in Dissemination.  相似文献   

Victor Turner anticipated many of the new directions that distinguish contemporary sociocultural anthropology. In The Ritual Process, Turner set out the significant parameters of his approach in which ethnography plays a central role. He advocated an anthropology that is open, non-dualist, and that is concerned with the human condition in the diversity of its practices. In his introductory guest editorial to part two of the special issue on Ritual process, Bruce Kapferer focuses in particular on the structure/anti-structure dynamic in Turner’s approach to ritual process.  相似文献   

Thomson  Erik 《French history》2007,21(4):377-394
Cardinal Richelieu's commercial projects have long been seenas a part of his early efforts to reform the French state. Thispaper argues that Richelieu's commercial activity can more profitablybe viewed in the context of his thinking about relations betweenFrance and its neighbours and of a pan-European movement toreconsider the connections among commerce, governance and sovereigntyspawned by the Dutch war with Spain. Specifically, it examinesRichelieu's relations with the Dutch jurist Hugo Grotius. In1626 the cardinal attempted to hire Grotius as a commercialexpert, consulting with him on several occasions. Although Grotiusdeclined, the cardinal was deeply influenced by Grotius’arguments about the freedom of commerce and trade. Richelieuadapted these arguments to suit French needs and his own Catholicvision of the state.  相似文献   

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