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3D打印技术已在多领域证明其高效性以及便捷性,成为社会热点。由于3D打印带有非接触式扫描的特点,这对于文物修复工作者而言,是在复制和修复过程中,为保护材质脆弱、价值珍贵的陶瓷类文物的可引进的新手段。在简单介绍3D打印技术复制陶器的主要过程之后,通过实例细致地了解每一个具体步骤,分析液化打印、粉末打印等不同打印技术的优缺点,如何在不同需求下进行选择;并且介绍在得到3D打印复制件后,通过复制件表面上色、纹饰加工处理等步骤完成整个复制品。3D打印技术不仅可被运用于文物复制,而且能以其与传统修复手法相比之下的无损、快速、精确等特点,在文物修复中发挥作用。  相似文献   

珂罗版印刷是一种古老而精妙的平面印刷技术,珂罗版印刷在印刷复杂的书画作品时,特别是在中国古代书画的笔触和墨韵表现上,可以最大限度地体现原作的艺术特色,达到其他印刷手段难以企及的艺术境界。珂罗版印刷与人工设色相结合,提高了人工临摹的工作效率使古老珂罗版印刷更具艺术生命力,成为复制书画文物的最佳手段。  相似文献   

《古今图书集成》版本考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《古今图书集成》编制过程留世档案很少,所以许多细节问题多有待考证,另外由于卷帙浩繁,出版印刷时间较长,各图书馆在著录版本和出版印刷时问等细节上,也常有错误之处。特别是最近国内外《古今图书集成》零本的高价拍卖,使了解此书版本情况的读者日益增多。本文经过多方考察并且对照各版次实物进行了详细的考证。纠正了许多常见的错误。  相似文献   

The English printing house was initially conceived, legally, as a printing house, with public work taking place in a private setting. This private space emphasised the traditional hierarchies of political and legal order: Women’s work that took place within the printing house thus fell into the traditional role of household labours. This erasure of labour is one that foregrounds the erasure of women’s writing from history; women who worked in essence as publishers, as printers and booksellers, are very clearly present in the historical records but invisible in our narratives of book history. How did this erasure happen, and why is their presence, and work, overlooked? If we consider the language of space in theory and reread Moxon’s Mechanickal Exercises closely, we see the ways in which the ideas of space itself can be implicitly gendered, and how this might shape our idea of the printing house.  相似文献   

From the proclamation of the « liberties » in 1789 to the law on bookselling of 1810, the dynamics of the world of print continue to be an interesting and original field of study when one is seeking to gain a deeper understanding of intellectual activity, both from an institutional and epistemological point of view. Because traditional modes of scientific and literary production were challenged from 1789 onwards, the study of printing and publishing can shed light on the social, institutional and theoretical changes which characterized this moment of « transition ». This article, although not exhaustive, aims to put the printing press at the heart of a better understanding of the changes in social relations, social identities and intellectual output during the Revolution.  相似文献   

宋代国子监既是中央教育机构,也是国家主要刻书机构,并兼有管理各地图书刻印之责。为满足其政治、思想统治,宋廷对国子监刻书之内容及其质量控制、机构设置及其管理、图书刻印发行出售等方面都订有颇为详备之制度,从而对当时各地州县官学大量印行图书,以及后世国子监刻书产生了重大影响。  相似文献   

珂罗版印刷是书画文物主要复制方法之一。由于该方法复制书画真迹印刷品仿真程度高,满足了广大书画爱好者研究和收藏的需要,同时给书画真伪识别带来一定的难度。本工作通过视频显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、红外光谱、拉曼光谱等多种检测手段对珂罗版印刷油墨和传统书写墨迹进行研究。结果表明,珂罗版印刷油墨与传统油烟墨和墨汁在形貌、成分方面均存在一定的差异,从而对可疑书画印刷品的鉴别提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

字画是艺术品市场的大宗,具有极高的收藏和研究的价值.然而,字画鉴定通常以经验的目测为主,其主观随意性在所难免,致使不同专家鉴定结论相左的情形时有发生.显然,字画鉴定的困惑业已成为艺术品市场健康发展的瓶颈.随着印刷科技的飞速发展,使低成本、高质量的字画印刷赝品几可乱真.针对这一现状,根据色彩学原理,在对比分析手工绘画和印刷赝品显微形貌的基础上,筛选出有效甄别印刷高仿赝品的微观特征,相信具有实际的应用前景.  相似文献   

文物复制是文化遗产(尤其是超大型不可移动文物)保护、传承和发展的重要基础,三维激光扫描、3D打印等新兴技术的发展为文物复制提供了新的思路。本研究以云冈第18窟为研究对象,首次探索并建立了基于高精度三维模型的超大型文物等比例高保真复制技术体系,主要包括:高保真数据获取、三维重建、复制模型分块、打印与安装、高保真涂料喷绘。该方法已应用在云冈第18窟等大型石窟类文物的等比例高保真复制工程。结果表明,本方法能够实现大型石窟类文物的高保真等比例复制,复制成果满足可移动的实际需求。该方法可为类似的文化遗产保护工作提供一定的借鉴和指导。  相似文献   

周丽丽 《南方文物》2013,(4):94-96,97-100
瓷器剪纸贴花工艺始创于唐代,其与当时流行的薄片饰物有着密切的联系,与宋代吉州窑的同类装饰并不同源。宋代吉州窑瓷器上的剪纸贴花主要是受该地区发达的纺织印染、造纸刻书,乃至剪纸业的影响而来的,风格独特.其中一些特殊的宗教纹样则是为该地区的宗教机构设计烧制的。吉州窑是我国宋代著名的民间窑场,其产品以装饰手法的丰富多样而别具特色,黑釉剪纸贴花工艺即是其中代表性的一种。长期来对于瓷器剪纸贴花的始创年代,工艺渊源.宋代为何只有吉州窑流行剪纸贴花技法,以及剪纸贴花纹样是否与当地的社会习俗相关等问题,一直是笔者颇为关注的课题,本文试图就此类问题的思考作一简述。  相似文献   

《乾隆石经》自开刻迄今已二百余年。本文详引史料,对《乾隆石经》刊刻经营、所涉人事、重修奏修等诸多事项作了全面而系统地考述,既补前贤所未及,亦多有发明。  相似文献   

《增校清朝进士题名碑录·附引得》进士籍贯刊误述论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章以列表的方式,论述了《增校清朝进士题名碑录.附引得》中存在的6种进士籍贯刊误现象,即:省际进士籍贯刊载互误、省内进士县际籍贯互误、进士籍贯标注字误、以俗名标注进士籍贯、以府名标注进士籍贯及以府、县二级标注进士籍贯。文章并较细致地探讨了该书出现这些刊误的原因。  相似文献   

现藏于上海图书馆的南宋小字本《刘子》是目前惟一可见的宋板《刘子》,该书经多位名家收藏,研究价值极高。本文考察它的流传过程,比对文字和注释,发现该书问题很多,有后人补配痕迹,并非全宋本。另附录部分考察了清代宫廷所藏宋本的流传情况。  相似文献   

由纸币收藏家丁方忠、张安生、陈昌滨、刘继辉、冯乃川(香港)、马长海、王宣瑞等七人共同发起,北京收藏家协会主办,北京先锋集钞文化传播有限公司等协办,北京市钱币学会学术支持的2009北京·中国历代纸币展于2009年11月10-20日在首都博物馆举行。  相似文献   

Recent theoretical work on the transmission of cultural behavior has focused on how and why information is transmitted. Less work has been done on the particular behaviors being transmitted. Here, I argue that the kind of behavior being transmitted can have a greater effect on the conservation of behavior than how or why the behavior was transmitted. Specifically, behaviors such as motor skills and habits, which are stored in nondeclarative memory, are more likely to be conservatively maintained over longer periods of time than declarative memories, which include easily changeable ideas and plans. Thus, behaviors, as manifested in artifact traits, are more or less likely to be maintained over time depending on where in the memory systems they are remembered. In sum, not all artifact traits have equivalent value when interpreting the spatial and temporal distribution of artifact traits.  相似文献   

文章在民间采风的基础上,对大量莆田民间版画作了初步的归纳,指出莆田民间版画虽内容多封建色彩,但在制作、印刷、用色等诸多方面对当今的版画创作仍具有借鉴和参考价值。  相似文献   

Several cities in Sweden have been providing book-printing facilities since the 1640s. In our quantitative and explorative analysis of library catalogs from the National Library of Sweden and the National Library of Finland we identify the general trends in publishing, how book-printing has been affected by political events, and how printing developed at different paces in different parts of the realm. We have developed a new method for analyzing the totality of publishing through extensive data harmonization and comprehensive statistical analysis, and by treating library catalogs not as an endpoint of bibliographic research but as an inherently rich source of information. This facilitated the quantitative assessment of printing in the Swedish realm based on the metadata contained in library catalogs. Our data-driven approach to the transformation of public discourse demonstrates that whereas the amount of printed material grew steadily, political ruptures affected the development of printing. We also suggest that the culture of books and printing is best understood through the dynamics of competing intellectual hubs consisting of the university cities and the political center in Stockholm. This perspective further challenges the dominant, nationally delineated approach in book history.  相似文献   


After a lull in scholarship on the history of the Chinese book during the mid-twentieth century, there has been a reemerging surge of scholarly interest since the 1980s. This article accesses the expanding field of Chinese book history by focusing on two recently published volumes, which represent the newest approaches to the study of Chinese printing in the first significant phase of its development from the tenth to the fourteenth century and its long-term role in Chinese social and intellectual history after 1800, respectively. Placing them in the broader historical context, it further seeks to flesh out recent research trends and future prospects in the field, in particular the changing social and intellectual engagement with printed texts, the increasing impact of printing and publishing on cultural production, and the dynamic interaction between print and other media.  相似文献   

This article engages debates on emotional geography and non-representational theory by considering fear as a distinctly mobile engagement with our environment. Parkour, or freerunning, has exploded into public consciousness through commercial media representations and films. It is depicted as a spectacular urban sport that either can or cannot be done. Through ethnographic research with groups of parkour practitioners I consider what has been excluded from these representations: the emotions involved in trying, experimenting, and gradually learning to be in places differently. In parkour places are ‘done’ or mobilised in tentative, unsure, ungainly and unfinished ways which can be characterised by a kind of play with architecture. I argue that this play is contingent upon an array of fears, which, rather than being entirely negative, are an important way in which practitioners engage with place. Here fears can manifest differently, not only restricting mobility, but in some cases encouraging imaginative and playful forms of movement.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of philanthropy in conservation as a way of exploring how and why conservation might be becoming more neoliberal. It describes how conservation philanthropy supports capitalism both discursively and in more practical ways. Philanthropy is examined in terms of the two forces considered to be driving the neoliberalization of conservation — the need for capitalism to find new ways of making money, and the desire of conservationists to engage with capitalism as the best way of getting things done. It demonstrates how philanthropy can speak to both of these logics simultaneously, particularly through emerging ideas of philanthrocapitalism, which may be enhancing the neoliberalization of both philanthropy and conservation.  相似文献   

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