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Theories and data do not always fit and sometimes are sources of conflicts among scientists. This is the case of a morphological structure, the perineuronal net, which was denied on the basis of an ideological conflict between two giants of neurosciences: Camillo Golgi and Santiago Ramon y Cajal. The perineuronal net is a reticular structure enveloping many neurons. Orginally reported by Golgi in 1893 and 1898 and confirmed by several authors before the turn of the century, the perineuronal net was used by Golgi to support the reticular theory of the organization of the nervous system. Ramon y Cajal, the paladin of the neuronal theory who had also observed this anatomical structure, denied its existence suggesting that it was a fixation artifact. After Cajal's statements, only a few Italian scientists continued to work in this field, and after the 1930s the perineuronal net was forgotten. Only the recent advances in histochemical and immunocytochemical technology confirmed the existence of this structure opening new fields in functional neuroanatomy and neuropathology.  相似文献   

Knowledge of cerebral structure and function in its modern form can be traced to the neurone doctrine based largely on the work of Santiago Ramón y Cajal [1852–1934] and his lifelong exploitation of the Golgi method. Cajal openly acknowledged his debt to the neuropsychiatrist Luis Simarro Lacabra [1851–1921] who introduced him to the method in 1887, and recalled that the sight of the silver-impregnated nerve cells was the turning point which led him to abandon general anatomy and concentrate on neurohistology. Simarro, who dissipated his free time in trying to improve not only the scientific but also the political world around him, was able to produce exciting Golgi preparations of the cerebral cortex after he returned from voluntary exile in Paris from 1880 to 1885. Certainly it was there that he learned the methods of experimental histology from Louis-Antoine Ranvier [1835–1922] whose laboratory exercises, in the guise of lectures, he attended assiduously.  相似文献   

Ivan Pavlov (1849–1936) and Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852–1934) were two contemporary scientists who not only had a great impact on Russian and Spanish science but also on the international stage. Both shared several common features in their life and work, yet they followed fundamentally different paths during their training as scientists. While Pavlov received his laboratory training under the guidance of Ilya Tsion (1843–1912), Cajal did not receive any formal training within a particular laboratory nor did he have a mentor in the traditional sense, rather he was mainly self-taught, although he was supported by key figures like Maestre de San Juan (1828–1890) and Luis Simarro (1851–1921). In this article, we compare the scientific training of these two Nobel Prize laureates and the influences they received during their scientific lives.  相似文献   

Spanish histologist Santiago Ramón y Cajal, one of the most notable figures in Neuroscience, and winner, along with Camillo Golgi, of the 1906 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discoveries on the structure of the nervous system, did not escape experimenting with some of the psychiatric techniques available at the time, mainly hypnotic suggestion, albeit briefly. While a physician in his thirties, Cajal published a short article under the title, “Pains of labour considerably attenuated by hypnotic suggestion” in Gaceta Médica Catalana. That study may be Cajal's only documented case in the field of experimental psychology. We here provide an English translation of the original Spanish text, placing it historically within Cajal's involvement with some of the key scientific and philosophical issues at the time.  相似文献   

Camillo Golgi and Santiago Ramón y Cajal shared the Nobel Prize in 1906 for their work on the histology of the nerve cell, but both held diametrically opposed views about the Neuron Doctrine which emphasizes the structural, functional and developmental singularity of the nerve cell. Golgi's reticularist views remained entrenched and his work on the nervous system did not venture greatly into new territories after its original flowering, which had greater impact than is now commonly credited. Cajal, by contrast, by the time he was awarded the Nobel Prize, was already breaking new ground with a new staining technique in the field of peripheral nerve regeneration, seeing the reconstruction of a severed nerve by sprouting from the proximal stump as another manifestation of the Neuron Doctrine. Paradoxically, identical studies were going on simultaneously in Golgi's laboratory in the hands of Aldo Perroncito, but the findings did not seem to influence Golgi's thinking on the Neuron Doctrine.  相似文献   

In this report we present and discuss an unpublished letter written by Santiago Ramón y Cajal in October 1904 in relation to his possible nomination for the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine. This letter shows that Cajal was aware of his previous nominations for the Prize. He was convinced that these nominations had not been successful because neither anatomy nor histology were among the sciences included in the Nobel Statutes' definition of Physiology or Medicine. He gives a list of the merits he thought might be used for a new nomination, which included only works concluded during the previous five years.  相似文献   

This paper presents an "impossible interview" to Professor Camillo Golgi, placed in time in December 1906. The Italian Professor Golgi from Pavia has been awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine ex aequo with the Spanish anatomist Santiago Ramón y Cajal. Both scientists have obtained the award for their work on the anatomy of the nervous system. However, they have opposite views on the mechanisms underlying nervous functions. Golgi believes that the axons stained by his "black reaction" form a continuous anatomical or functional network along which nervous impulses propagate. Ramón y Cajal is the paladin of the neuron theory, a hypothesis questioned by Golgi in his Nobel lecture of Tuesday, December 11. After the ceremony, an independent journalist has interviewed Professor Golgi in the Grand Hotel in Stockholm. Excerpts about his education, his main scientific discoveries, and his personal life are here given (reconstructing the "impossible interview" on the basis of Golgi's original writings).  相似文献   

Book Review     
Gustaf Retzius (1842–1919), the Swedish anatomist and anthropologist, and Camillo Golgi were contemporaries. They met on several occasions and came in closer contact when Golgi, together with Ramón y Cajal, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in Stockholm in 1906. Retzius came from an illustrious family. His father was professor of anatomy at Karolinska Institutet and Gustaf himself made a fast career. At 35, he was appointed to a professorship in histology, especially created for him at Karolinska Institutet, and later he became professor of anatomy in the same institution. Retzius was exceedingly productive, and published more than 300 scientific papers, most of which dealt with the nervous system and sensory organs. The majority of these were included in his magnificent volumes Biologische Untersuchungen, Neue Folge (Biological Investigations, New Series), which appeared from 1890 to 1921, and in Das Gehörorgan der Wirbelthiere (“The Acoustic Organ of Vertebrates”, 1881 and 1884), which may be his internationally better known contribution. Much of his work, especially on invertebrates, was based on Ehrlich's methylene blue method, but he also used the Golgi method early on. Particularly his studies of the innervation of the sensory organs became of great importance for the support of the neuron doctrine. His standing internationally was reflected in his membership in many of the most prominent academies abroad, as well as in invitations to him to give a “Croonian Lecture” in 1908 and “The Huxley Lecture” in 1909.  相似文献   

The concept of neuronal plasticity is widely used, but seldom defined in the neurosciences. It can signify many different occurrences, such as structural alterations of axons and dendrites (Cotman & Nadler, 1978), behavioural adaptations (Rosenzweig & Bennett, 1996), or physiological changes in synapse formation (Martin et al., 2000) at different stages of health and disease. Although there is such a wealth of research from many disciplines, the neuroanatomical aspects of plasticity are the focus of this paper. It seeks to illuminate the evolution of different concepts of plasticity concerning the structure and circuitry of the central nervous system (CNS). Early modern morphological research on de- and regeneration phenomena in the 19th- and early 20th-century is well documented. These studies, however, almost exclusively concentrated on the peripheral nervous system (PNS). It was one of the major contributions of Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852–1934), that he applied the concept of regenerative capacities to the CNS. But the term plasticity seemed to have disappeared for about two decades after his death. The ensuing comeback of the expression may be attributed, at least in part, to new neuroanatomical staining and tracing methods. The pursuit of these techniques will serve as a guidepost through varying approaches in different times: It was the 1950s which seemed to spawn the time for new departures in structural investigations of neuronal plasticity.  相似文献   

Focusing on a philatelic oddity that erringly identifies a picture of Santiago Ramón y Cajal as that of Camillo Golgi, this brief article examines official and unofficial stamp issues honoring the two great neuroanatomists, one from Spain and the other from Italy, who were early Nobel Prize winners in Physiology or Medicine.  相似文献   

This paper follows the form of that by Mazzarello that precedes it (Mazzarello, 2006) and presents an imaginary interview with Santiago Ramón y Cajal in December 1906. A few days earlier Cajal had been awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, an award that he shared equally with Professor Camillo Golgi. Golgi had been recognized for his work as a pioneer into investigations of the nervous system, primarily on account of his discovery of the "black reaction" of silver chromate impregnation of whole nerve cells and their processes. Cajal had been recognized for his implementation of that method and for laying with it the foundations of what was to become modern neuroanatomical science. Paradoxically, the two awardees had been led by their researches to diametrically opposed views of the organization of the nervous system. Golgi believed in a continuous network of axons that formed the basis of all the integrative properties of the nervous system, while Cajal had provided the information that led to the formulation of the neuron doctrine that saw the nervous system as being made up of chains of discontinuous cells joined by polarized functional contacts that we now call synapses. The paper takes the form of an interview with Professor Cajal in the Grand Hotel Stockholm. His responses to questions posed by the imaginary interviewer are all taken from Cajal's own writings.  相似文献   

Spanish histologist Santiago Ramón y Cajal, one of the most notable figures in Neuroscience, and winner, along with Camillo Golgi, of the 1906 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discoveries on the structure of the nervous system, did not escape experimenting with some of the psychiatric techniques available at the time, mainly hypnotic suggestion, albeit briefly. While a physician in his thirties, Cajal published a short article under the title, "Pains of labour considerably attenuated by hypnotic suggestion" in Gaceta Médica Catalana. That study may be Cajal's only documented case in the field of experimental psychology. We here provide an English translation of the original Spanish text, placing it historically within Cajal's involvement with some of the key scientific and philosophical issues at the time.  相似文献   

The existence of the cell organelle which is now known as Golgi apparatus or Golgi complex, or simply as 'the Golgi", was first reported by Camillo Golgi in 1898, when he described in nerve cells an 'internal reticular apparatus' impregnated by a variant of his chromoargentic staining. It soon became clear that the newly-identified cytoplasmic structure occurred in a variety of cell types. However, the reality of the organelle was questioned for decades, until it was finally ascertained with electron microscopy. The Golgi apparatus was destined to become a protagonist of the research in cytology and cell biology pursued in the second half of the twentieth century.  相似文献   

In 1985, a small agricultural center in south Florida became the site of a controversy when two scientists reported unexpectedly high numbers of AIDS cases and proposed that mosquito transmission might be the explanation. This article examines the representation of Belle Glade in print mass media and professional research journals from 1985 to the mid-1990s in order to demonstrate the role of racialized constructions of space in producing the category of heterosexual transmission and in establishing its distinction from normative heterosexuality. Employing a strategy of scalar shift, representations of Belle Glade invoked various and sometimes incommensurate spatial registers to construct racialized hierarchies which promised to provide effective borders around the mobility of HIV. The trope of containment not only misrepresented the spatiality of sexual networks, but also treated those most at risk of HIV infection as a threat to the nation rather than as those most in need of intervention and support. In Belle Glade, the material effects of this exclusionary practice included placing responsibility on the town's residents for its difficulties while effacing larger structural forces that produced its particular geography. Although these events took place in the first decade of the AIDS crisis, they offer a rich opportunity to integrate Belle Glade into an understanding of the US AIDS epidemic as well as to consider many of the challenges HIV/AIDS continues to present globally, especially around the intersection of race, gender, poverty, international capitalism and locally diverse experiences.

En 1985, un pequeño centro agrícola en el sur de Florida se convirtió en lugar de controversia, cuando dos científicos reportaron cifras inesperadamente altas de casos del SIDA y propusieron como causa de transmisión a picadura de mosquito. Este trabajo examina la representación de Belle Glade en las periódicas y revistas académicas de 1985 hasta mediados de los 90 para demostrar el rol de construcciones racializadas del espacio en la producción de la categoría de ‘transmisión heterosexual’ estableciendo a su vez la diferencia con la heterosexualidad normativa. Empleando una estrategia del escalas variables, estas representaciones de Belle Glade usos de variados y a veces inconmensurados registros espaciales con el fin de construir jerarquías racializadas que prometían fronteras efectivas para contener la movilidad del VIH. La preocupación por contener el virus no solo tergiversó la espacialidad de las redes sexuales sino que también definió a quienes estaban en mayor riesgo infección del VIH como una amenaza a la nación en vez de cómo recipientes de intervención y apoyo. En Belle Glade, los efectos materiales de esta práctica de exclusión incluyeron de hacer responsable a la población de sus dificultades ocultando así las fuerzas estructurales que producirán esta geografía particular. Aunque estos eventos sucedieron en la primera década de la crisis del SIDA, ofrecen una valiosa oportunidad para comprender Belle Glade dentro del contexto de la epidemia del SIDA en los EE.UU., así como también considerar muchos de los desafíos globales de la VIH y el SIDA, especialmente en las intersecciones raza, género, pobreza, capitalismo internacional y experiencias locales diversas.  相似文献   

Although recent work on masculinities has emphasised the complex ways in which masculinities are produced, performed and interpreted in different contexts, to date these insights have been given little consideration in relation to the process of ethnographic research itself. In this paper, I explore the negotiation of masculinities during fieldwork, with an emphasis on issues confronting male researchers who fail to conform to dominant expectations of ‘manliness’ which have currency in a given setting. I review how male social scientists have written about their fieldwork experiences, and note that many of these accounts in some ways serve to reinscribe the hegemonic masculine positions of their authors. Through a discussion of my own fieldwork with young people in a British voluntary organisation, I address how my masculinity was critiqued and policed, particularly by young men. I conclude by calling for a wider discussion of masculinities and fieldwork. However, I also note my ambivalence about writing the gendered self into research, if this means that those who conform to hegemonic ideals will be validated in reaffirming these identities in print while others are asked to expose the ways in which they fail to do their gender ‘right’.

Aunque obras recientes de masculinidades han enfatizado las maneras complejas en que masculinidades se producen, se representan su papel, y se interpretan en contextos diferentes, hasta la fecha estas perspicacias no han dado mucha consideración con relación al proceso mismo de investigación etnográfica. En este artículo, exploro la negociación de masculinidades durante el trabajo de campo, con un énfasis de temas se enfrentan investigadores masculinos los cuales no se conformen de las expectaciones dominantes de ‘hombría’, lo que tiene valor en escenarios específicos. Reviso como científicos sociales masculinos han escrito sobre sus experiencias en el campo, y noto que muchas de estos relatos en algunos modos sirven para reinscribir las posiciones hegemónicas masculinas de sus autores. A través de una discusión de mi propio trabajo de campo con jóvenes de una organisación voluntaria británica, concluyo que requerimos una discusión mas amplia de masculinidades y trabajo de campo. Sin embargo, también noto mi ambivalencia de escribir su género mismo dentro de su investigación, si se significa que los que se conforman a las ideales hegemónicas estén validado en reafirmando sus identidades publicado, mientras se preguntan otros a revelar las maneras en que se fracasen para hacer su género ‘correcto’.  相似文献   

This essay argues that the individual nature of the sketch of manners (cuadros de costumbres) imagined, in the midst of post-war politicisation of the popular classes, a dismantling of alliances of class and race to privilege a single possible image of community: the nation. By reconstructing the discourses – in particular of José María Vergara y Vergara and Ramón Páez – that facilitated the production of the llanero type in Venezuela and the Indian (indio) type in Colombia, this essay posits the sketcher as embodying a ‘patrician mindset’. As a product of it, the sketchers project their own personal histories onto their representations of the people and, in so doing, erases the frontier histories of these populations. By confounding the history of the nation with their own histories, Vergara y Vergara and Páez equated ‘patria’ with patrimony, producing peaceful populations as ‘pueblo’ (national people). Paradoxically, these idyllic portraits of the ‘pueblo’ belie an all but peaceful principle of authority that these post-independence patricians used to legitimise themselves.  相似文献   

Despite the prevalence of both competitive forces and patterns of collaboration within academic communities, studies on research productivity generally treat universities as independent entities. By exploring the research productivity of all academic economists employed at 81 universities and 17 economic research institutes in Austria, Germany, and German‐speaking Switzerland, this study finds that a research unit's productivity negatively depends on that of neighboring research units weighted by inverse distances. This significant and exemplary robust negative relationship is compatible with the notion of competition for priority of discovery among individual researchers and the universities that employ them, and with the notion that the willingness to relocate decreases with distance. In addition, the empirical results support the hypotheses that collaboration and that the existence of economies of scale increase research productivity. A pesar de la existencia de tanto fuerzas de competencia como de patrones de colaboración dentro de la comunidad académica, los estudios sobre la productividad de investigación tratan por lo general a las universidades como entidades independientes. El presente estudio explora la productividad de investigación de todos los economistas académicos empleados en 81 universidades y 17 institutos de investigación económica en Austria, Alemania y Suiza germano‐parlante, y concluye que la productividad de una unidad de investigación depende negativamente de la productividad de las unidades vecinas ponderada por las distancias inversas que las separan. Esta relación negativa es robusta, significativa y emblemática, lo cual concuerda con el concepto de competencia por prioridad de descubrimiento (priority of discovery) entre investigadores individuales y entre las universidades que los emplean. Así mismo concuerda con la idea de que la voluntad de desplazarse disminuye con la distancia. Adicionalmente, los resultados empíricos de este estudio apoyan la hipótesis de que la colaboración y la presencia de economías de escala tienen un efecto positivo sobre (incrementan) la productividad de investigación. 尽管对学术团体的研究主要针对竞争力和合作模式,但在研究科研生产率时,大学仍被视为独立的实体。本文通过调查奥地利、德国和瑞士德语区的81所高校和17个经济研究单位经济学家的研究产出率,研究发现一个研究单位的产出效率高低负依赖于反距离加权相邻研究单位的研究产出率。这种重要且典型稳健的负相关关系与个人研究者及其所在大学关于发现优先权的竞争观念相符,同时也与研究者的调动意愿因距离增加而减少的情况相一致。此外,经验结果也支持了合作和规模经济的存在能提高研究产出率的假设。  相似文献   

El artículo analiza la relación entre el reformismo borbónico y el desarrollo de espacios públicos de deliberación sobre asuntos de interés común en la ciudad de La Plata, la sede de la real audiencia de Charcas (hoy Sucre), hacia fines de la década de 1770. Se exploran un conjunto de luchas en torno a cuestiones críticas al programa reformista, tales como los recortes a las potestades del ayuntamiento, las preeminencias ceremoniales, el monopolio del tabaco y los medios legítimos de resolución de conflictos entre gobernantes y gobernados. Como resultado, se genera una politización de las relaciones de mando y obediencia, la multiplicación de controversias en diversos ámbitos donde se desenvolvía la vida pública y la difusión de pasquines como medio de propagación de opiniones contestatarias. Argumentamos que este proceso terminó por poner en cuestión tanto los fundamentos ideológicos como las condiciones de posibilidad de las políticas absolutistas.  相似文献   

Este trabajo de investigación ofrece resultados inéditos en relación con Juan Niño —maestre y propietario de la carabela Niña— que colaboró de forma relevante con Cristóbal Colón en la preparación de la armada en 1492 y en su primera travesía oceánica a tierras americanas. Asimismo, desvela el lugar concreto de vecindad y de residencia de este marino en el puerto de San Juan (Huelva, España) mediante documentación contrastada, así como el periodo en el que se produjo su fallecimiento permitiendo aclarar especulaciones historiográficas que ofrecían determinados datos erróneos sobre su trayectoria vital después del descubrimiento de América. Por último, aporta datos indicativos sobre el estatus socioeconómico y el nivel de rentas disfrutado por el codescubridor de América y por su familia.  相似文献   

Eddy covariance (EC) time‐series data obtained from flux towers are noisy due to both stochastic atmospheric turbulence and deterministic processes, and no standard data‐denoising protocols exist for them. The potential of six temporal artificial neural networks (ANNs) augmented with and without three orthogonal wavelet functions was tested for predicting net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2) based on a long‐term EC data set for a temperate peatland. Multiple comparisons were made of (1) temporal ANNs with and without discrete wavelet transform (DWT) denoising; (2) denoising with the orthogonal wavelet families of Daubechies, Coiflet, and Symmlet; (3) different decomposition levels; (4) time‐delay neural network, time‐lag recurrent network, and recurrent neural network; (5) online learning versus batch learning algorithms; and (6) diel, diurnal, and nocturnal periods. The coefficient of determination, root mean square error, and mean absolute error performance metrics were used for multiple comparisons based on training, cross‐validation, and independent validation of the temporal ANNs as a function of 24 explanatory variables contained in an EC data set. Integration of the temporal ANNs and DWT denoising provided more accurate and precise estimates of net ecosystem CO2 exchange. Los datos de series de tiempo de covarianza tipo Eddy (EC) obtenidos de torres de flujo (flux‐towers) contienen ruido debido tanto a la turbulencia atmosférica estocástica como a los procesos determinísticos modelados. A pesar de esto, no existen protocolos estandarizados para la eliminación de ruido en este tipo de datos. El estudio presente pone a prueba el potencial de seis redes neuronales artificiales temporales (ANN) a las que se les añade con (y remueve) tres funciones de transformada de ondícula (wavelets) ortogonales con el fin de predecir el intercambio neto ecosistémico (NEE) de dióxido de carbono (CO2) usando un conjunto de datos EC de largo plazo correspondientes a una turbera ubicada en zona templada. Se realizaron múltiples comparaciones de (1) las ANN temporales con y sin transformación wavelet discreta (DWT) para la remoción del ruido; (2) la eliminación de ruido usando las familias de wavelets ortogonales de tipo Daubechies, Coiflet y Symmlet; (3) diferentes niveles de descomposición; (4) redes neuronales con retraso temporal (time‐delay) (TDNN ), con retardo (lag) de red recurrente (TLRN), y la red neuronal recurrente (RNN); (5) con aprendizaje en línea versus algoritmos de aprendizaje en lote (batch); y, (6) para ciclos circadianos, diurnos, y nocturnos. Para comparar los rendimientos de cada método se calcularon el coeficiente de determinación, el error cuadrático medio (RMSE), y la media de error absoluto (MAE), provenientes de los datos de validación cruzada, calibración y validación independiente de los ANN temporales y en función de 24 variables explicativas de los datos EC. Los autores concluyen que la integración de los ANN temporales con la remoción de ruido tipo wavelet proporciona estimaciones más exactas y precisas del intercambio neto ecosistémico de CO2. 受随机大气湍流和确定性过程扰动的影响,利用涡度相关法从通量塔中测定的时间序列数据是高噪音的,目前仍缺乏标准的数据去噪方案。本文基于一个温带泥炭地长期观测的EC数据集,测试了六个潜在的时态人工神经网络(ANNs),以及其在包含或者不包含三个正交的小波函数增强的条件下对二氧化碳(CO2)的净生态系统交换(NEE)的预测能力。比较试验分为以下几组:(1)使用或不使用离散小波变换(DWT)去噪的时态ANNs;(2)采用Daubechies, Coiflet和 Symmlet正交小波族去噪;(3)不同的小波分解层级;(4)时间延滞神经网络(TDNN)、时间滞后递归网络(TLRN)和递归神经网络(RNN);(5)在线学习与批量学习算法;(6)昼夜、白天和夜间三种周期。将时态ANNs作为EC数据集中24个解释变量的函数,运用决定系数、均方根误差(RMSE)和平均绝对误差(MAE)指标对其训练、交叉验证和独立验证过程进行多重比较测试。结果显示,集成时态ANNs和DWT去噪可以提供更为准确的净生态系统CO2交换量的估计。  相似文献   

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