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The Biafran secession crisis raised a series of profound and unanswerable questions about the nature and limits of self-determination, state sovereignty and African decolonization. A wide range of actors—both supporters and opponents of Biafra—viewed the Nigerian civil war and Biafra's attempt to carve out a new state as an important moment in the history of self-determination as a political and legal principle. Likewise, the collapse of Biafra seemed to offer a series of lessons for movements asserting their right to self-determination, as well as for those seeking to limit its application, suggesting the open-ended and contested nature of the concept even as it was institutionalized in the fabric of international human rights law. Ultimately, however, Biafra's failed secession attempt could only highlight the ambiguity and contested nature of sovereignty and self-determination in the international system, and the ability of groups such as the Igbos to exploit their indeterminacy in an effort to achieve their aims.  相似文献   

史金波 《文献》2006,(1):11-22
中国是一个多民族国家.自古以来,各民族分别形成了各自的民族文化,各民族文化不断互相接触、交流、融会,推动了民族文化的发展,同时也丰富、发展了共同的中华民族文化.在少数民族文字书籍印刷出版方面,各民族的互动有生动的反映.由于汉族文化的先进和强势地位,对少数民族的影响更为突出.  相似文献   

Why doesn't Africa have more self-determination movements? Given the prevalence of weak states, artificial borders, and high ethnic diversity, one might expect that the majority of African rebel groups would pursue self-determination outcomes. Yet, the data indicate that most rebel groups have attempted to capture the state in center-seeking conflicts rather than to break off a piece of it. Why? In this study, we argue that the exogenously determined territorial size of the country in which new groups emerge shapes whether groups pursue center-seeking or self-determination outcomes. We argue that the size of the territory determines the overall cohesion of the state, which then shapes the political imagination of the group, affecting how an emerging rebel group conceives of itself and its constituents relative to the state. We also argue that the size of the territory shapes the perceived feasibility of either center-seeking or self-determination outcomes. Drawing from a recent dataset on rebel group emergence, we find support that rebel groups emerging in large states are more likely to seek self-determination than rebel groups in small states. We test multiple alternative arguments and find that our results are robust to them as well as additional testing specifications.  相似文献   

This contribution focuses on the right of nations to self-determination after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It suggests that sovereignty and territorial integrity are not as secure as once thought. A number of articles and statements issued by Vladimir Putin are analysed to identify nationalist themes which he uses to reject Ukraine's right to exist outside the Russian state. Key themes include a primordial account of national origins, the conflation of state and nation, and a refusal to recognise a right to self-determination of territories that had once been part of Russia. Putin's nationalism draws on imperial nationalism, state nationalism, revanchism and majoritarianism to underwrite his claims. Such views are widespread among established states, contributing to the instability of the contemporary world. It is argued that a reconfiguration of the relationship between state and nation is long overdue, as is the inflexible nature of territorial integrity.  相似文献   

党的第十七次全国代表大会明确提出的弘扬中华文化,建设中华民族共有精神家园的要求,与全球化背景下以美国为首的西方发达国家对整个世界文化的扩张和渗透密切相关。在当今这个资本全球化的后殖民主义时代,西方发达资本主义国家在推行经济全球化的同时,也在推行文化全球化,对世界文化进行新殖民统治,以此来宣扬自己的价值观念和意识形态。这就要求我们加强文化安全建设,弘扬中华民族文化,建设中华民族共有精神家园。  相似文献   


The Netherlands Delta Project is a 30 year endeavour to dam the estuaries of the river Rhin, Meuse and Scheldt with the aim of increasing the country's flood protection and improving its water management. From the beginning, a variety of scientists have been co-operating on planning, model making and monitoring the physical and ecological consequence. In the following article the Chief Engineer to the project discusses present and future problem of interdisciplinary co-operation and cites examples of successful solutions.  相似文献   

蒙古族的狩猎工具——布鲁及源流   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在漫长的历史岁月中,蒙古民族过着“逐水草而居”以畜牧经济为主的游牧生活,但狩猎经济在他们的生活中也占据着十分重要的地位。它曾是蒙古先民维持生存必要的经济形式之一。后来,牧养的牲畜成为他们生活的主要依靠后,狩猎作为衣食来源的一种补充和必要的护牧措施始终不曾被放弃。蒙古人的狩猎工具除马匹、猎犬、弓箭、猎刀、扎枪,套索、猎夹,以及后来使用的火枪外,还有一处传统的工具———布鲁。此为蒙古游牧民族特有的锤击和抛击猎物的击器。一、布鲁的形制及功用布鲁柄一般为榆木或山榆木等硬质木制作,形制呈前端弯曲的镰刀柄状,全长约…  相似文献   

满族国家的形成,传统的说法是根据极其有限的范例,认为是由氏族部落、部落联盟发展而来。西方学者在上个世纪六七十年代提出了被一些国内学者所接受的“酋邦”说,似乎看到并论述了宗族部族政权的存在,但“酋邦”说概括不了宗族部族政权的性质和形成的原因。笔者从历史史实和逻辑推理两个方面,论证了满族是在氏族部落解体后出现的重新分化、辗转迁徒和重新整合的过程中,形成了众多宗族部族的社会政治组织。在这些宗族部族政权的对抗与兼并的过程中,正是始终重视组成分权共治领导核心的努尔哈赤,通过统一战争和创建八旗组织的形式,完成了民族的统一和国家的建立。  相似文献   

清朝是以满族统治者为主体联合蒙古族、汉族等民族统治者而建立的中国最后一个封建王朝,在以少临众的历史条件下,统治中国近三百年,这与其成功的民族政策是密不可分的。清朝的民族政策大致可分为对汉族的政策和对少数民族的政策,本文主要分析清朝对汉族政策形成的社会背景与主要内容,以及对我们今天民族工作所给予的启示。  相似文献   

张静  甫岩 《满族研究》2007,(1):7-12
民族区域自治,是中国共产党把马克思主义民族问题理论和国家结构理论与中国实际相结合的成功创举。民族区域自治作为解决国内民族问题的基本政策和基本政治制度,是以毛泽东为核心的党的第一代领导集体在领导新民主主义革命和社会主义建设实践中确立起来的。党的十一届三中全会以后,在新的历史条件下,我们党在改革开放的实践中,运用新的实践经验,与时俱进,不断推陈出新,进一步发展和完善了民族区域自治制度。  相似文献   

本文对肃慎-女真族系形成发展研究的民族学价值意义进行探讨,主要从肃慎-女真族系研究对于中华民族多元一体构成、民族社会结构和社会性质、民族多元文化及交互影响、民族传统文化与现代化、民族学跨学科综合研究等问题研究的价值意义进行论述.通过对肃慎-女真族系各族的形成发展进行系统综合研究,丰富促进民族学人类学等相关学科的深入研究,对研究多元一体的中华民族历史文化、促进中国现代社会经济文化的快速发展、调整民族政策以及外交政策、促进人类文明进程、相互协调、和谐发展发挥重要的实效作用.  相似文献   

布依族夜宴酒歌的礼仪风俗,程序严格,内容繁复,形式多样,表现出雅俗共赏的民族传统文化艺术;夜宴过程能激发智慧,显示渊博知识,教育族人,增进民族间情感,形成团结互助的民族精神,从而加强民族的凝聚力。  相似文献   

姓氏在规范人类婚姻秩序和社会秩序,并使自身繁衍传承中有着巨大的作用。从群婚状态到对偶婚制,从母系氏族到父系氏族,姓氏与婚姻的关系经历了根本性的演变,逐步走向伦理规范。探索姓氏与婚姻伦理起源,有利于社会发展与进步。  相似文献   

少数民族文化旅游是近年来旅游的热点,已经成为民族地区新的经济增长点。了解我国民族文化旅游的开发现状和存在的问题,在全球化背景下如何保护少数民族文化旅游资源,以促进民族社区的可持续发展。  相似文献   

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