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上海博物馆藏《战国楚竹书(一)·孔子诗论》解诂(一)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文是以传统训诂学的方式对上海古籍出版社新近出版的<上海博物馆藏<战国楚竹书(一)·孔子诗论>>第1-5简简文的逐句训解.训解中,在求其通的同时,对<诗论>的作者以及一些重要字、句的含义提出了新的看法,力求尽可能发覆<诗论>真意.  相似文献   

关于《左传》的记事终止时间,现在流行的《中国文学史》和《古代汉语》教材中存在两种不同的说法:一种认为迄于鲁哀公二十七年,即公元前468年;一种认为迄于鲁悼公四年,即公元前453年。结合《左传》一书的自身性质、编写体例、行文风格、古书通例等因素综合考察,鲁悼公四年和有关战国预言史料并不能作为记事终止时间的根据。《左传》的记事年代是和《春秋》大体一致的,最终止于鲁哀公二十七年,即公元前468年。但在流传过程中也间杂有一些战国史料。  相似文献   

Sitting on the shore platform at Ben Buckler, the north‐east headland of Bondi Beach, Sydney, is a large isolated boulder, weighing around 235 tons. In this article I analyse geomorphological explanations for, and historical representations of, the boulder, locally known as the Big Rock. Explanations for and representations of Bondi's Big Rock typically appear in discussions and debates about changes to the New South Wales coast and the impact of storm waves and tsunami. Geomorphologists date the Big Rock from a storm in July 1912 and have identified a range of wave sizes and forms to explain its presence. Yet, neither their explanations nor evidence have convinced a number of local residents who claim the rock existed before the 1912 storm. Bondi's Big Rock is thus a valuable reminder that geomorphological features are not fully formed subjects. Rather, they must be defined and contextualised in inordinately complex processes of explanation and representation that ultimately are always interpretations.  相似文献   

This article examines the 2013 Australian federal election to test two competing models of vote choice: spatial politics and valence issues. Using data from the 2013 Australian Election Study, the analysis finds that spatial politics (measured by party identification and self-placement on the left–right spectrum) and valence issues both have significant effects on vote choice. Spatial measures are more important than valence issues in explaining vote choice, however, in contrast with recent studies from Britain, Canada and the USA. Explanations for these differences are speculative, but may relate to Australia's stable party and electoral system, including compulsory voting and the frequency of elections. The consequently high information burden faced by Australian voters may lead to a greater reliance on spatial heuristics than is found elsewhere.

本文研究了2013年澳大利亚联邦选举,以检验两种竞争的投票选择:空间政治和共价议题。作者使用了2013年澳大利亚选举数据进行分析,发现空间政治(用政党认同和左右光谱自定位来测量)和共价议题都对选举的选择有重要影响。不过,空间测量比共价议题更能解释投票的选择,这和英国、加拿大及美国近年的研究形成对照。对这些差异的解释是推理性的,但跟澳大利亚稳定的政党及选举制度有关,包括义务投票、选举频率之类。澳大利亚选民面临着沉重的信息负担,由此而导致了对空间启发的依赖要大于其他地方。  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
History and Tropology: The Rise and Fall of Metaphor By F. R. Ankersmit  相似文献   

Mineralogical analyses of nephrite jade artifacts have been used to identify likely causes of alterations in which some specimens exhibit raised relief above the original polished surfaces. In all of the specimens examined, the raised areas consist of either large diopside ± large tremolite crystals, or, in a few cases, only fibrous tremolite, within a non-raised matrix of nephrite (fibrous tremolite). Apparent relief may be cause by a number of different effects, either mechanical (abrasive), chemical (e.g., dissolution), or a combination (mineralogical alteration leading to formation of relief). The most enigmatic examples occur where the relief formed after the object was polished and can not be easily attributed to chemical dissolution or mechanical abrasion. One possible explanation for these is that minor amounts of secondary growth of hydrous minerals, such as clays along grain boundaries, produced a volume increase which caused the crystals to rise. Carbon-14 analysis on one vessel that displays raised relief has produced an age of 3010 ± 30 years before present for organic material that coated the alteration.  相似文献   

尽管在许多教科书和相关的专论中,都把江户时代的商家经营,作为日本型企业经营的起源,但事实上自绳文时代就开始形成的集落共同体形态,以及在弥生时代逐步培养起来的“家”的观念,还有在大和时代展开的“家”的经营,可能是日本型经营更为久远的原型所在。在仔细研读了有关日本经营史的多种著作和有关稻盛和夫经营哲学一些重要理念的资料之后,我确信:“家”的观念及其从远古时代形成的人们在共同体内的行为模式,对现代日本企业经营的影响,至今仍清晰可寻。  相似文献   

作为认识世界的思维工具,哲学特别是辩证法为人们认识和掌握包括地方志等社会文化现象以及世间事物提供了功能强大的利器.掌握辩证思维方法,正确理解地方志事业的至上与非至上、发展条件、内容与形式、质量与数量、守成与创新等原理和范畴,有助方志人跳出自我封闭的狭小境界,更客观地评价地方志的社会功能,从社会发展和方志事业发展需要这一...  相似文献   

对旅游本质的哲学辨析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对旅游本质的正确认识是关系到旅游学科建设和旅游业健康发展的重要命题,然而这一问题在学术界至今未能得到很好解决。从哲学的视角来辨析,旅游的本质应是“体验”,即旅游者的异地身心自由体验。将体验视为旅游本质的理由是:体验是旅游现象所具有的最一般、最普遍、最稳定的共同属性,体验是旅游现象区别于其他现象的独特属性,体验是规定和影响旅游现象中其他非本质属性的根本,体验是旅游活动产生、变化及发展的依据,这些理由符合哲学关于本质研究的特点及规定性。  相似文献   

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