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在1905年和1917年俄国革命期间,美国的态度曾发生过极大的变化.对1905年革命,美国先是表示欢迎与支持,后又希望俄政府给予强力镇压;1917年,美国先是支持二月革命并立即承认了临时政府,后却对十月革命表现出了极度的反感与敌视.本文在对这一历史现象进行深入分析的基础上指出:美国的俄国观、使命观及其革命观是导致它在此问题上立场变化的重要原因.19世纪80年代以来,美国便将俄国看做是一个与文明世界相对立的野蛮的、残暴的国家,一直期望着按照自己的模式塑造一个新的"自由的俄国",然而俄国的历史有其自身的发展规律,塑造一个美国式的俄国,仅仅是美国人关于俄国的一厢情愿的设想.  相似文献   


Teaching qualitative methods in the context of an existing research methods course presents a number of problems. Qualitative methods tend to be marginalised and constrained by traditional expectations of teachers and taught to elicit a polarised response from students. A number of factors contribute to this reaction: the paucity of library resources, a perception that qualitative methods are frivolous and challenge traditional values and the difficulty of teaching large numbers. As the course has developed, a number of innovations have been introduced to combat these reactions and they are described and evaluated in a short article by James Sidaway appended to this paper.  相似文献   

The passing of the Aliens Act of 1905 was a defining moment in British immigration law and history. This article investigates the influence of settler-colonial immigration restriction laws on the passing of the Act, and questions the current historiographical inclination to focus solely on the influence of American immigration restriction laws. By analysing the trajectory of contemporary public debates, the evidence given to the Royal Commission on Alien Immigration (1902–03) and the political discussion on various bills, the article shows that the existence of colonial immigration restriction laws played an important role in the formulation and passing of the 1905 Aliens Act. Putting the Act in this larger context highlights its colonial derivation, but also its uniqueness: the British Act's defence of asylum, the exception extended to those landing as political and religious refugees, has no parallel in either early US law or any of the settler-colonial laws.  相似文献   


Pearl oysters are among the most important natural resources of the Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia. For over a century and a half, Tuamotuan pearl oysters have been commercially harvested by diving methods. Regulation by the French has allowed intensive exploitation by external extrepreneurs, leading to stock decline. Available archival documentation, primarily in the form of government communications and legal papers, reveals a long history of recurrent struggles involving islanders, external entrepreneurs, and colonial administrations. Today, a new and highly successful pearl farming industry has been developed, but problems have emerged which mirror those in the former diving industry.  相似文献   

山西国民师范旧址革命活动纪念馆,坐落在太原市五一路北端,是山西省重点文物保护单位。该校创建于“五四运动”爆发的1919年,教学体制为“半工半读,以工养学”,每年在全省各县招生约1200余人。由于大部分学生出身贫苦,受新文化和新思潮的影响,1924年春,该校学生梁卜五(梁其昌)、韦思恭、纪秀川(纪子中)三位同学秘密建立了社会主义青年团组织。1925年山西省党组织又在国民师范创立了中国共产党国师支部,在这里点燃了革命的火种。从此,国民师范的一大批学生在中国共产党的领导下,接受马列主义启蒙教育,走上革…  相似文献   

Keith Griffin. The Political Economy of Agrarian Change: An Essay on the Green Revolution. Cambridge‐. Harvard University Press, 1974. xv + 264 pp. Tables and index. $11.00.  相似文献   

The seventeenth century was one of scientific fervour and of fundamental change in how the natural world was to be approached. With increased voyages abroad, the world was being drawn into Europe and each country wanted to be the first to capture the ‘Codex Naturae’. French physician/naturalists were examining and dissecting nature and Jesuit missionaries were documenting day-to-day life of First Peoples in the New World. The interplay between an ethnogeography and a scientific knowledge including an environmentally orientated medical geography illustrate the contrast of approaches to health, humanity, and place.  相似文献   

During the Constitutional years (1906–11) the legal status of the Jews and some other religious minorities improved, even if only to a limited extent. Can one assume that this change in the legal status of the Jews reflected changes in the public's actual treatment toward the Jews in reality during the days leading up to the Constitutional Revolution in 1906? To an extent, the answer is in the affirmative. The present article argues, however, that the real life situation of the Jews in the years leading up to the Constitutional Revolution was still often one of abuse and occasional persecution. To prove this contention, section I of the article presents some such cases. Section II establishes some of the reasons for the attacks on the Jews—not only religious, but also economic and socio-political ones, as well as briefly suggesting certain recurring paradigms surrounding it. Section III looks at one case study from November 1905 in the city of Shiraz. Finally, this preliminary research ends with some concluding remarks.

Be-karestan-e Sane‘ kas cheh danad,

kherad dar kar-e U hayran bemanad.1 1Shahin, Shahin-i Turah, ed. M. Khooban (Los Angeles: Ketab, 1999), 280. View all notes  相似文献   

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