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Soviet Russia in the 1920s was the scene of intensified Zionist activity, fed by an economic and existential crisis among large segments of the Jewish population and tolerated to a surprising degree by the Soviet authorities. The article explores these factors and the “Soviet context” of Zionism, and documents the powerful influences they exerted on the young membership of the Zionist organizations. The author's interest goes beyond articulated ideological positions to include learned habits of work, political and cultural practices, and perceptions of the social and the personal. She analyzes the transplantation of these elements of political culture into Palestine by the 3,000-odd young Zionist immigrants who arrived between 1924 and 1931, cautioning that ideas and practices were borrowed selectively and modified by the reality of the Jewish settlement in Palestine.  相似文献   

Basil Bernstein, ed. Class, Codes and Control Volume 1: Theoretical Studies towards a Sociology of Language. Primary Socialization, Language and Education Series. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1971. xiv + 239 pp. Tables, figures, notes, references, and index. $10.00.

Basil Bernstein, ed. Class, Codes and Control Volume 2: Applied Studies towards a Sociology of Language. Primary Socialization, Language and Education Series. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1973. xvi + 377 pp. Tables, figures, notes, references, appendix, and index. $16.95.  相似文献   

孙浩 《中国钱币》2006,(3):89-90
在中国近代机制金银币的领域里,早期收藏方面谈得上丰富的很多,但能出书论述的就很少了,而其中资料详尽完整者,则以耿爱德(Eduard Kann,1880-1962)为佼佼者。耿氏发表之文章极多,为我国泉界保存大量的珍贵资料,所著之《中国币图说汇考》(Illustrated Catalog ofChinese Coins)更使中国钱币在国际上大放光芒,贡献至大不可磨灭。虽耿爱德之名常见泉界提及,但有关其生平叙述相当零散,因此许多同好仅有模糊的了解。1966年《中国币图说汇考》一书再版时,增加了介绍耿氏经历之序言,现特将该段述说予以整理译出,聊表对耿氏之微薄敬意。耿爱德生…  相似文献   

Neurocysticercosis, or brain infestation with the larval stage of Taenia solium, is the most common risk factor for epilepsy in many endemic regions of the world. Hardly any cases are seen in Western developed countries, including Britain. However, a sizeable number (n = 450) was seen among British soldiers returning from deputation to India, then a British colony, first reported by Col. MacArthur at the Queen Alexandria Military Hospital in 1931. Here, we review the influence of the perceptive observations of British Army medics on the understanding of the parasitic disorder. The majority of these people presented with epilepsy. Among the contributions of the army medics were establishing the diagnosis, initially by histological examination of subcutaneous and muscular infestation, and later by radiography, clarifying the prognosis and the role of medical and surgical treatments and uncovering the close relationship between the larval (cysticercosis) and adult (intestinal tapeworm) stages of T. solium.  相似文献   


Kant maintains in the Critique of Pure Reason that both materialism and spiritualism cannot explain our existence. This paper argues that Kant’s relation to (psychological) materialism is more complex than this rejection suggests and is usually thought, and it evaluates this relation in a new and more positive light. The paper shows that Priestley anticipates some of Kant’s arguments against rationalist psychology, and that Kant’s rejection of materialism does not commit him to an immaterialist metaphysics of the soul. These arguments involve a discussion of the problem of the unity of consciousness and of notions such as simplicity and identity.  相似文献   

This article aims at illustrating the historical circumstances that led Julius Bernstein in 1902 Bernstein, J and Tschermak, A. 1902. Ueber die Beziehung der negativen Schwankung des Muskelstromes zur Arbeitsleistung des Muskels. Pflügers Arch, 89: 289331.  [Google Scholar] to formulate a membrane theory on resting current in muscle and nerve fibers. It was a truly paradigm shift in research into bioelectrical phenomena, if qualified by the observation that, besides Bernstein, many other electrophysiologists between 1890 and 1902 borrowed ideas from the recent ionistic approach in the physical-chemistry domain. But Bernstein's subjective perception of that paradigm shift was that it constituted a mere reinterpretation of the so-called preexistence theory advanced by his teacher Emil du Bois-Reymond in the first half of the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

This article aims at illustrating the historical circumstances that led Julius Bernstein in 1902 to formulate a membrane theory on resting current in muscle and nerve fibers. It was a truly paradigm shift in research into bioelectrical phenomena, if qualified by the observation that, besides Bernstein, many other electrophysiologists between 1890 and 1902 borrowed ideas from the recent ionistic approach in the physical-chemistry domain. But Bernstein's subjective perception of that paradigm shift was that it constituted a mere reinterpretation of the so-called preexistence theory advanced by his teacher Emil du Bois-Reymond in the first half of the nineteenth century.  相似文献   


The paper focuses on Priestley’s complex views on the essence of God in connection with his materialism, elaborated in the Disquisitions Relating to Matter and Spirit (1777/ 1782). This issue is crucial if one wishes to get a clear idea of what Priestley’s materialism amounts to; whether it is mainly a thesis about the material grounds of the human mind (“psychological materialism”), or a more far-reaching one about what kind of substances exist in the world (a version of “ontological materialism”). The claim that God may be material allows for the most radical version of ontological materialism according to which everything in the world is material, without altogether denying that God exists. In fact, Priestley considers and partially defends at least three different views on the potential materiality of God: (1) an agnostic stance that is his official view, (2) materialism about God based on his own theory of matter, and (3) “gross” materialism about God. The aim of the paper is to analyze these three views, in particular concerning what kind of materialism they support and whether they can contribute to the consistent Christian materialism Priestley envisaged.  相似文献   

耿爱德是在华侨居多年,对中国货币金融问题有着深入研究的外籍专家.他关于中国币制方面的集大成之作是1929年出版的<中国货币论>.20世纪二三十年代,国际银价的骤降骤升严重威胁着中国货币制度的稳定,耿爱德也更多地关注着当时我国的货币金融问题.他的主要关注点有二,一是纸币与现银的流通和兑换,即银纸关系,二是币制改革的原因和方向,研究世界银产、银市、银价及经济危机对中国的影响.耿爱德支持国民政府进行币制改革,其主张和看法也大体上符合史实与潮流.  相似文献   

广东省有个珠海市。市里有个淇澳岛。岛上有个淇澳村。村里有条用花岗岩石板铺成、全长约两公里的白石街。由这条街留下一段当地居民抗击“番鬼佬”的历史传说。说法多种多样,细节各有不同,基本内容则是:清道光年间(有的说十三年,有的说十六  相似文献   

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