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The present account includes a brief life history of Walter Rudolf Hess (1881-1973) and a review of his major neurophysiological contributions. Hess belonged to the nearly extinct generation of great universalists among students of human physiology. He began his scientific work in hemodynamics and ophthalmology, then studied the functional organization and regulation of circulation and respiration and developed a number of highly sophisticated instruments which fostered his international reputation. By electrically stimulating the brain of the unanesthetized, freely moving animal he explored the functional organization and localization of the cat diencephalon in terms of autonomic, extrapyramidal motor functions, and instinctive behavior, e.g. hunger, thirst, fear, and rage. His thoughts on biological order led him to consider the problems of psychic forces. He was convinced of the close correlation of behavioral research and neurophysiology and believed that neuronal patterns determine the content of consciousness without providing clues concerning the transformation of such patterns into subjective experience.  相似文献   

1904—1912年顾维钧留学美国期间,积极参与中国留美学生会的各种活动,担任过东美中国留学生会会长及其他多项职务,并主编过《中国留美学生月报》,对中国留美学生会的组织发展和各项事业做出了重要贡献。他参与中国留学生会及其他各种社会活动,锻炼和提高了自身能力,积累了广泛的人脉关系,为他的从政生涯奠定了良好的基础和起点。  相似文献   

司徒美堂与抗日战争   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任贵祥 《史学月刊》2004,(11):57-63,69
美洲著名爱国侨领司徒美堂为祖国抗战做出了重大的贡献。他从九一八事变后即率先投身于抗日救亡运动,积极声援自发奋起抗战的国民党官兵;全国抗战爆发后,他出任抗日救国侨团的首领,带领广大华侨开展抗日救亡活动;他万里迢迢回国慰劳抗日军民,为祖国抗战出计献策,在途经香港陷入日军魔掌的危险时刻,表现出了铁骨铮铮的民族气节;他团结美洲洪门侨胞,报效祖国抗战,使这一古老的帮会组织焕发青春;他呼吁祖国团结抗战,反对妥协投降,有力地维护了国共合作抗战的大局。他是广大华侨抗日救国的领袖和楷模,其爱国思想在支援祖国抗战中进一步得到升华。  相似文献   


Bernard Narokobi's concept of the Melanesian Way was influenced by a variety of factors, including his own childhood in the village, his religion, and the understandings of the people around him. He also drew inspiration from his exposure to the views and opinions of the many Papua New Guineans who contributed to the work of the Constitutional Planning Committee (CPC) between 1972 and 1975 when he served as a consultant to the committee. He shared the belief in a specifically ‘Melanesian’ way of social organization and cosmological understanding with the others who took part in the CPC's work, most prominently its de facto chairman, Father John Momis. With Momis he drew on the people's contributions to formulate PNG's National Goals and Directive Principles, which, at least in part, embody Narokobi's understanding of what it is to be Melanesian.  相似文献   


Emmanuel de Martonne is well known among geographers as the founding father of geomorphology and as one of Paul Vidal de la Blache's main disciples. He also played a central role as a geographical expert on the Comité d'études, a body set up by Deputy Charles Benoist during the First World War to prepare guidelines for the organization of peace and, in particular, the demarcation of boundaries. De Martonne's special expertise was the construction and comparison of ethnographical maps. He applied his theories on ethnic mapping and improved methods of representation of mixed minorities to his map of the Romanian nation published in 1919 by the Service Géographique de l'Armée. In his reports on Central Europe, de Martonne claimed neutrality, but the graphical options employed on his map offered a biased view of the Romanian nation, inspired mainly by the views of the French school of regional geography.  相似文献   

The contributions of Charles Edouard Brown-Séquard (1817-1894) to the advancement of medical science included his emphasis on functional processes in the integrative action of the nervous system, his discovery of the vasomotor nerves, his experimental demonstration that the adrenal glands are esential to life, and his pioneering work on hormone replacement therapy. He is best remembered, however, for his work in delineating the sensory pathways in the spinal cord. His later work on the sensory function of the cord emphasized dynamic spinal mechanisms that may well have major implications for the rehabilitation of patients with cord injuries.  相似文献   

Harold Laski argued for international functionalism from his distinctive socialist perspective. He opposed the existing international system based on the principle of state sovereignty. He also criticised the international federalism proposed as an alternative to the existing system. Although Laski began to devise and present his functionalist case in the 1920s, the circumstances of the following decade led him to adopt and adapt some Marxist ideas and to place less emphasis on functionalism. During and after the Second World War he reconsidered the possibilities for international functional organisation. Although fragmented and undeveloped, his functionalist theory was innovative. By the end of the 1940s he had expressed it in a variety of publications as he reflected on the international conditions of that decade. Unlike what is probably the most well-known functionalist case of the early to mid-twentieth century – that of David Mitrany – Laski's argument bears affinities with the later neofunctionalist theorists. Laski's functionalism was underpinned by the critique of sovereignty which made his political philosophy distinctive. Reasons can be detected for the changes in his attitude to and emphasis on functionalism.  相似文献   

宦泽民第遵义名门、沙滩文化重要的学者宦懋庸之孙。从晚清留学日本,投身辛亥革命,参加护国运动,桑梓从教十余年。一生勇于奉献,尽职尽责,算得上是贵州一位有作为的乡贤,值得后世效法。  相似文献   

Throughout his medical career, Robert Dunn (1799–1877) published a number of clinical cases with postmortem reports involving acquired language disorders, with the first noted in 1842. He developed a physiologically informed approach to psychological function during the 1850s along with a group of notable colleagues Benjamin Collins Brodie, Henry Holland, Thomas Laycock, John Daniel Morell, and Daniel Noble. He was also active in ethnographic research on human origins and racial diversity. As such, Dunn represents an interesting player in the developing fields of neurology, psychology, and anthropology in England in the latter part of the nineteenth century. These various strands converged at the meeting of the British Association of the Advancement of Science in 1868, where Dunn shared the program of lectures on the cutting-edge topic of aphasia with Paul Broca (1824–1880) and John Hughlings Jackson (1835–1911). Dunn’s ideas developed over a longer time frame than his younger colleagues and as such represent a unique blending of concepts from the earlier work of Franz Josef Gall (1758–1828) and Jean-Baptiste Bouillaud (1798–1881) to the perspectives on language organization in the brain developed after 1861.  相似文献   

祁寯藻是清代道、成、同三朝帝师,位居首辅,影响整个咸丰初期的政局走向。他在政事之余作诗,出之以性情,寯平生哀乐于诗中,展示出晚清特定的时代风貌与文人士大夫的心态。他是宋诗派领袖,诗歌除宗法杜甫、韩愈、苏轼外,尤其推崇白居易,在师法渊源上独具特色。在表情达意方面,则常借助“剑”“春晖“‘萱草”等意象,形成个性鲜明的抒情体系。  相似文献   

侯方域是明末清初著名的文人之一,他出生于名门望族,受过良好的教育,很早就名满天下。他早年交游广阔,与当时的一帮名士朝夕对酒作诗,品评当世人物,颇有济世之志。后来,因得罪了小人,自己落得四处飘零,又由于农民战争及清军的蹂躏,他的大部分好友都散去或死去;明清易代,他又成了夹缝中的遗民。他虽然英年早逝,但短暂的一生却历经巨变沧桑。  相似文献   

何绍基是晚清宋诗派中最有成就的诗论家和诗人,其诗歌创作中呈现出的师承渊源非常丰富。何绍基一生不论为人、治学还是写诗作文皆服膺苏轼,苏轼忠孝节义的道义心性,旷达乐观、洒落超迈的胸襟,格物致知的进取精神与谐趣睿智的人格魅力对他产生深刻的影响。何绍基的诗作中除了对苏轼诗句的借用、比喻手法的吸收以及大量次苏韵等表象外,还在谐趣、理趣、儒者伦理的追求等方面得苏诗之神韵。随着阅历的变化,何绍基寄韵白居易,创作了讽喻诗,语言平易流利,不避口语俗语。晚年的何绍基心境较为黯淡,师法对象再次发生转移,“自将诗心比郊岛”,企望“敲诗”“苦吟”而达到“人夸奇想自天来”,寒瘦之诗成又一风貌。  相似文献   

The director of the Institute of Geography (Moscow) reviews a session of the Academy of Sciences USSR devoted to problems of technical progress and finds that geography as a research discipline is not mentioned once by the speakers. The author recalls his past proposals designed to transform traditional geography into a discipline concerned with constructive geographical engineering, or a constructive geography. He finds that in the light of current priorities, geography must be made even more relevant to the present-day needs of society. He outlines five problem areas that should become the main concern of the discipline: (1) economic evaluation of resources, (2) study of natural hazards, (3) the fight against environmental pollution, (4) locational patterns of production that will reduce or eliminate the effects of pollution, and (5) conservation of the environment for recreational and research purposes.  相似文献   

刘知白先生是现代山水画系中的一位隐士型画家,其泼墨山水取得的杰出成就,不仅在于笔墨语言和审美观念方面的突破,还在于图式构成中亦自成面目,深受美术界关注。刘知白具有极深的传统功力,他的艺术路子广阔,山水、花鸟俱佳,而且在诗与书法方面皆有造诣。值得一提的是,刘知白先生的指画在方法上延续了传统模式,但是却能融入画家个人情怀和时代精神,他擅长以极为简淡物象,抒写心志,表达如诗的山水意境,有着较高的研究价值。  相似文献   

In his well-known article “In Search of the Engram” published in 1950, Karl Spencer Lashley summarized his 33 years of research and theory on memory and the brain. He concluded that (1) memories are not localized but are instead distributed within functional areas of the cortex and (2) memory traces are not isolated cortical connections between inputs and outputs. Though not the first time he had expressed such convictions, their reiteration in this article was backed by Lashley's estimable reputation and expressive power and they have taken firm root in the collective knowledge of today's memory and neuropsychological research community.  相似文献   

Italian neurologist Vincenzo Neri was able to discover cinematography at the beginning of his career, when in 1908 he went to Paris to learn and improve his clinical background by following neurological cases at La Pitié with Joseph Babinski, who became his teacher and friend. While in Paris, Neri photographed and filmed several patients of famous neurologists, such as Babinski and Pierre Marie. His stills were published in several important French neurological journals and medical texts. He also collaborated with Georges Mendel, who helped Doyen film the first known surgical operation in the history of cinema. In 1910, when he came back to Bologna, he continued in his clinical activities and, for 50 years, slowly developed a huge archive of films, images, and prints of neurological, psychiatric, and orthopedic cases. This archive was extremely helpful to Neri, who especially needed to analyze neurological disorders and to differentiate them from functional conditions in order to understand clinical signs, rules, and mechanisms.  相似文献   

The author deals with the question whether the biological evolution of the species Homo sapiens is continuing under conditions of established civilizations. He replies in the affirmative, but qualifies his answer. The evolution of modern man affects behavioral patterns rather than anatomical or physiologic traits, and is reflected in a greater capacity for adaptation and an expansion of the area of settlement rather than in the improvement of a particular phenotype. The evolution is analyzed best in terms of the ethnos, or ethnic group. Two states of the ethnos are distinguished: a persistent (static) state, in which the ethnos may be said to stagnate, each generation copies the behavioral patterns of the previous generation, and the life patterns are adapted to the landscape; a historical (dynamic) state, in which the new generation breaks new paths, the landscape is adapted to the needs of the economy, and the ethnos strives to expand its area of settlement.  相似文献   

论陈独秀对中国近代农民的认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱从兵 《安徽史学》2005,1(4):115-122
在1938年前,陈独秀对近代农民作用的认识的总体思想趋势经历了一个由否定而肯定的转变过程,但他的肯定是留有余地的,他将农民的作用限定在一定的范围内.之所以如此,坚守十月革命的城市道路是一个根本的原因.他对农民的缺点始终有清醒的认识,这是他认识近代中国农民的思想主线.为克服农民的缺点,他一方面主张以解除农民痛苦、改善农民生活作为他们参加抗战的前提,另一方面主张联合中小农民或称参加劳动的"贫农",坚决地反对富农和游民无产阶级.这些观点构成了大革命失败后他的托派思想基础.但他对农民缺点的正视亦具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

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