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<正>在马来西亚沙巴州西南海岸的红树林保护区,居住着一种珍贵的灵长类野生动物——长鼻猴(proboscis monkey)。长鼻猴有着大得出奇的长鼻子,目前只有在马来西亚婆罗洲的沙巴、沙劳越等地的红树林中才能看到,属于世界濒危动物,也是马来西亚的国宝。  相似文献   

台北故宫博物院收藏有三千余种方志,本文依其来源为纲,梳理诸种方志之撰修时代及分布地区,发现这些方志具有四个特色:年代久远,多康、雍、乾、嘉四朝纂修;明版量多,旧刊精钞兼备;宋、元撰修古方志多;地域范围广大,多塞北、华北地区方志。就价值言,从版本目录学角度来看,除作为史料运用外,不但有助于各式传本的对勘,对于古籍的流布传承亦具参考作用。其中明代以前刊行之方志超过四百部,其文物价值更不容小觑。  相似文献   

The Times was a mid-nineteenth-century newspaper phenomenon, defeating rival London newspapers through its skilful management, advanced technology, greater editorial resources and access to powerful politicians. Its authority enabled it to make and break governments. However, the uniqueness of The Times limits its usefulness as a historical source. This article begins with a brief history of The Times, before analysing how the newspaper remains centre stage in the historiography of journalism and of nineteenth-century culture more broadly, despite the digitization of provincial and other London papers. Over-dependence on The Times, it argues, has exaggerated the significance of London daily newspapers and underplayed the importance of weekly papers, particularly those published outside London. The Times was unusual because it was a metropolitan rather than provincial paper, with a focus on political news and a dearth of lighter, broader content, or news of events around the UK. Using quantitative analysis of recent scholarship, the article demonstrates that unwarranted conclusions are still drawn from over-use of this source and from a wider view that it was representative of nineteenth-century newspapers in general. The conclusion urges a more geographically and culturally nuanced approach to Victorian newspapers, beyond a metropolitan-focused political and cultural history.  相似文献   

伴随《论语》在儒家经典的地位的上升,以目录学为观察视角探析《论语》在众多的目录著作中由最初的"经之附庸",逐步发展为一个固定类目,梳理《论语》类目在目录著作中的分合衍化,在经过了先秦两汉、魏晋至隋、唐宋、明清四个阶段后,由《论语》类目发展为"四书"类目的脉络。  相似文献   

明清时期,韩城、郃阳、朝邑和潼关四县虽同处于黄河小北干流西岸区域范围之内,但是其区域内部地理环境具有明显的差异性。四县面对不同的地域环境,其村民营生方式的选择也就具有明显的多样性。这充分体现了地域环境对村民营生方式选择的影响,同时,多样性的营生方式又是村民对地域环境差异性的能动适应。地域环境的差异性与村民营生方式的选择,正是人地关系的集中体现,对此的研究可以使我们更好的理解人、地之间的关系。  相似文献   

龟兹地区流行的佛教,与说一切有部经律有密切关系。中心柱主室正壁壁画内容主要是根据小乘经典《长阿含经·帝释桓因问经》绘制,后室佛涅榘壁画出自《根本说一切有部毗奈耶杂事》。说一切有部经律在克孜尔石窟壁画内容中被具体地表现出来,说明说一切有部在古代龟兹佛教中占居主流地位。  相似文献   

《阅微草堂笔记》中有十余则笔记和杀生有关,从这些笔记中可看出纪昀对屠宰耕牛持坚决反对态度。对其他动物,则既不反对杀生,又反对过度杀生。纪昀形成这种观点既是受到佛教思想的影响,更是受到儒家思想的影响。他创作这些笔记的目的是用因果报应的方式劝戒人心,以弥补法律实施上所存在的不足,维护封建伦理道德,但其中也包含着劝善惩恶的朴素思想。  相似文献   

史金波 《文献》2003,(1):244-256
1917年宁夏灵武县修城时出土两大箱西夏文文献,后辗转传藏,于1929年大部分入藏于北京图书馆(今中国国家图书馆),计百余册,蔚然成为大观,少部分藏于甘肃、宁夏,一部分流失于日本.  相似文献   

《阅微草堂笔记》中记载了众多的轮回故事.死亡意味着遗忘前生,但《阅微草堂笔记》中的轮回者往往能清晰地记得前生.纪昀如此刻画轮回故事,和他坚持有限视角的叙述方式有关,也和他坚持“寓劝戒”的创作宗旨有关.既要用现实生活中并不存在的轮回故事导人向善,又坚持不能虚构,纪昀只能记载另类的轮回故事.  相似文献   

<正> 战国中山王(?)兆域图铜版(以下简称“铜版”),1977年于中山王(?)墓中出土。铜版平面呈横长方形,无铸接及铆、焊的痕迹,为一次模铸而成。原来的铜版表面平光,后因于墓中经过火烧和压砸而凸凹变形,所以各部分的尺寸需仔细测量,才能得到准确的数据。铜版长一侧为95.6厘米,一侧为96.6厘米,中间平整处为96厘米,应以96厘米为准;宽度于平展处量得为48厘米;厚度不匀,为0.7至1.2厘米,大部分为0.8厘米。按长96厘米,宽48厘米,其长宽之比正好为2:1。现器重32.1公斤。这样大的铜版在当时条件下,一次铸造成功,并达到表面平整的效果,在技术上也并非易事。  相似文献   

Complementary techniques of midden analysis have been applied to large oyster mounds on the Richmond River, New South Wales, in order to quantify the dietary contribution of the molluscs. The results are compared with modern data on oyster yields and ethnohistorical data on diet and population size and suggest that, if oysters were the primary food supply while the shell mounds were in use, the sites would have been occupied, on the average, for as little as one week/year. The implications of this for the interpretation of molluscs as a food resource and for the use of shell middens as sources of information about economy, settlement pattern and material culture are discussed.  相似文献   

马蹄寺石窟群千佛洞第8窟中心塔柱右面,绘画内容丰富,涵盖七佛、十方诸佛、弥勒菩萨、释迦多宝并坐以及释迦牟尼十方分身诸佛等题材.其依据大概是连眉禅师昙摩蜜多翻译的《佛说观普贤菩萨行法经》.它们与该经记载的坐禅忏悔等活动密切相连.但是因为具体的忏仪没有流传下来,我们对其具体功能不甚明了.这种局面在天台宗智者大师《法华三昧忏仪》制定以后得到了改观.通过考察可以看出,这些图像集中应用于忏仪中的奉请、赞叹和礼佛三科中,其功能就是表示行者所奉请的诸佛与菩萨已经莅临道场并要接受行者的供养.  相似文献   

1907年,张百麟聘请广东摄影师谢石琴创办了贵州第一家照相馆镜秋轩.在镜秋轩,张百麟等人创建了革命党贵州自治学社,组织、策划、发,和指挥了辛亥武装起义,诞生了大汉贵州军政府,实现了贵州的光复独立,结束了清朝政府在贵州的专制统治,经历了“二·二”反革命政变.镜秋轩照相馆孕育和成就了贵州辛亥革命,忠实记录了贵州辛亥革命的历史风云,证明了摄影技术在推动和促进贵州社会变革和进步中的重大作用.  相似文献   

The key questions in interpreting objects in museums are: What are they doing there? and Where did they come from? National and local importance are not mutually exclusive: the critical difference is between intrinsic value, and value through context or association. Context is an integral part of interpretation. Experts can visualise an original location or environment; ordinary museum visitors need the context of people, or place, or familiar activities, to be able to relate to unfamiliar objects. Is seeing a good replica as good as seeing the original?  相似文献   

Ireland, located on the north‐west periphery of Europe, illustrates all the difficulties of a small, marginal, island economy. It is an ancient landscape rich in heritage and cultural features. Tourism is now a vital part of the Irish economy and recent research has demonstrated that ‘Irishness’. whilst difficult to define, is the major appeal to overseas visitors. In 1989 the Irish Government challenged Bord Failte (the Irish Tourist Board) to double revenue from overseas tourists and create 25,000 new jobs. Heritage attractions formed a fundamental feature of Bord Failte's Framework Plan for Tourism. The methodology adopted for the development and interpretation of heritage attractions is evaluated in this paper, together with an assessment of the outcomes of the strategy. This particular initiative is discussed in the context of sustainable tourism strategies.  相似文献   

本文研究的基础在于2005年以来结合神武门保护工程的实测成果。经过综合归纳数据、统计分析,作者提出神武门门楼大木所用尺长假说,并明确了精确到半尺的柱头平面设计。在此基础上,本文还尝试考察垂直方向上金柱高、屋架举架设计,以及斗栱细部设计等问题。  相似文献   

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