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本文从汉赋作品中的服饰形象着眼,论述了汉赋在中国文学史中的重要地位以及体现汉代文化精神的礼乐精神,汉赋中的服饰形象描写与汉代礼乐精神的关系。通过汉赋中帝王、嫔妃、武士等的服饰描绘,论述其体现的礼乐精神以及礼乐精神对服饰的影响。  相似文献   

张萍  吕强 《丝绸之路》2009,(6):67-75
明清陕甘道路交通有一个逐渐发展完善的过程,这一过程也是近代陕甘交通道路格局形成的基础。明代陕西商路主要借助驿路交通。清以后,交通道路又有新的发展。关中道路出现多元发展趋势;陕北交通则向北与向东发展:甘肃交通道路除利用原有的古丝绸之路外,又形成许多新的分支,是对丝绸之路的补充与完善。  相似文献   

中西封建君主制中的"法治"与"人治"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中西封建政治史上都存在着限制君权的传统。西欧盛行的是由日尔曼法、神法与封建法融合而成的“王在法下“的“法治“传统,在中国则表现为儒学的君主受制于“天“、“礼“的政治传统,但这类传统多流于理论或理想的层面。在中西君主制中,“谏议“虽有规范君权的效应,但最终并不能束缚君权,而君主以加冕誓词或“罪己诏“所作的政治承诺也是如此。从君权的实际运作来看,中西封建君主制都带有基本的“人治“特征。  相似文献   

明代徽州家谱的编修及其内容与体例的发展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
陈瑞 《安徽史学》2000,(4):23-27
明代是中国谱学发展史上一个崭新的时期,该时期徽州地区家谱编修较前代更为频繁,内容与体例方面有较大的发展,呈现出鲜明的时代特征。本文拟对此作一论述,不妥之处,敬请方家指正。一、家谱的创修与续修 明代徽州家谱的名称繁多,对前代既有继承又有发展,大致有宗谱、世谱、族谱、家乘、会通谱、统宗谱、支谱、房谱等称谓。从中国谱牒发展的历史看,宋以后修谱的宗旨发生了较为明显的变化,此前家谱作为官吏铨选和巨姓望族婚姻门第参考的依据作用已逐渐丧失,编纂  相似文献   

20世纪30年代报刊媒介与西北开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宗玉梅 《史学月刊》2003,1(5):54-58
在20世纪30年代,中国面临着严重的经济危机、政治危机和民族危机,各报刊杂志纷纷刊登开发西北边疆的文章,喊出了开发西北的呼声。各有识之士利用报刊这一信息工具来研究西北、宣传西北;为开发西北制造舆论,推动了南京国民政府对西北的开发。但最终实效十分有限。  相似文献   

西汉郡国并行论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉初开国皇帝刘邦惩戒亡秦孤立之败,综周秦之分封与郡县为一体,在地方上推行郡县、封国并行的行政体制,制定了一系列对封国控放适度的政策,使封国在维护国家政权、促进经济恢复、发展中发挥了屏藩枝辅的作用。吴楚七国之乱平定后,景、武及后世诸帝不断削弱封国,强大郡县,使汉初郡国并行制演变为单一的郡县制,汉政权因此失去了地方藩护力量。因而,导致了王氏外戚篡权。  相似文献   

赵冉 《南方文物》2012,(1):87-94
宋元时期墓壁上的题刻文字,称之为榜题和题记。它们是研究当时丧葬观念和社会生活的重要文字资料,是现今所见到的最原始的宋元民间书写形式。榜题与图像相配,用于解释图像、指示图像内容;题记涉及纪年、地理、家族、历史史实等,富含大量的社会历史信息,堪补史籍之不足。  相似文献   

元代全国实施的是统一的钞锭政策,而惟独云南例外.云南行省的货币流通状况与其他行省相比较呈现了多元化的特征,不但以贝币为主要通货,而且也有金银货币和盐币、缯帛等其他实物货币.云南行省多种货币流通格局的出现,从表面看是元朝给了云南特殊的货币政策,但从根本上讲与云南商品经济发展的总体落后、省内各地区间发展的不平衡、云南历史发展的特殊性以及历史上形成的独特货币体系不无关系.  相似文献   

In early medieval Europe the cult of the saints emerged as a prominent focus for the construction of political identity. Corporeal relics became objects of importance, conferring status on their possessor; and, like other precious commodities, they frequently served as prestigious diplomatic gifts, useful for the fostering of political affiliations between donor and recipient. This strategic use of saints' cults is here examined with special regard to the region of the northern Adriatic. In the first decade of the ninth century, Byzantine attempts to maintain the allegiance of Venice and urban centres along the Dalmatian coast may have prompted the translations to the region of the relics of saints such as Anastasia, Tryphon and Theodore, all of whom became important civic patrons. Later in the century, the Byzantine mission to Moravia was focused on the relics of St Clement, while archaeological and other evidence suggests that Frankish missions into the Balkans may have stressed the cult of St Martin, a native of Pannonia. Ultimately, Venetian independence from both powers was made possible by their adoption of a new patron saint, Mark, whose cult arrived from Alexandria unencumbered by implicit political debts.  相似文献   

1841年,黄河发生了持续8个月的南泛,河南、安徽受灾严重。面对这场近200年来罕见之灾,社会上下各有应对。道光帝自灾害发生之日起,就对水情、灾情予以关注,谕令河督、豫抚伺机堵口,并通过济民粮物、以工代赈、蠲免税赋等手段,赈恤灾民。河督、豫抚和皖抚等官员,虽从其职守出发,采取了一定的应对措施,然而受专制制度的制约和行政管理条块分割的影响,其行为缺乏主动性、积极性,且迟缓、低效;与应对洪患本身相比,朝廷和各级官吏更为关切的是,灾民潜在的对政府统治的威胁。因此,有关应对基本着眼于安定社会秩序、维护专制制度。另外,受长期灾荒、区域社会发展滞缓的掣肘,除个别地方外,泛区内士绅阶层缺乏足够的参与社会事务能力,在应对灾害方面,没有起到引人关注的作用。  相似文献   

The International Society for the History of the Neurosciences (ISHN) defines “neurosciences” broadly, and we want to encourage the widest possible range of scholarly approaches to our subject. However, this deliberate inclusiveness could potentially cause problems with internal coherency in our organization and in the scholarship that we are trying to create. In other words, we need to avoid the pitfalls of the internalistexternalist tension without losing the benefits of both perspectives. In fact, I think that there is a large and interesting “gray zone,” where the boundary between these supposedly separate approaches is both artificial and porous. This should be one of the most rewarding intellectual domains for the study of neuroscience history, because our subject is always culturally loaded by the mind/body problem and by the assumptions that it entails. Of course, neuroscience history is also influenced by all of the other cultural and scientific aspects of the milieus in which it is conducted. Understanding neuroscience history in all of its multiple historical contexts will require the participation of a wide range of scholarly viewpoints. To keep ourselves coherent in the process, we will have to educate each other.  相似文献   

徐华 《史学月刊》2001,(2):126-130
玄学之形成于北方,是和汉魏之际中原地区整体学风的变迁分不开的.对比董卓之乱前洛下士人的矛盾心态与董卓之乱后许下士人的精神风貌,可以看出这时人们的思维方式心态、价值观念等等方面都已经发生了剧烈的转型.也正是这一转型的完成,为其后魏晋思想的大解放奠定了基石,为南方荆州新学所带来的玄学种子提供了适宜的气候与土壤.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代末80年代初,在国家政策扶持下,社队企业在集体所有制下实现了较快发展。农业实行包干到户之后,社队企业迅速转型,或直接转化为个体、私营企业,或实行了各种形式的责任制。社队企业转型与农村私营企业兴起之间有着密不可分的关联,前者成为后者的起点。社队企业向农村私营企业的转型为以后城镇中小型企业转型积累了宝贵的经验和教训。  相似文献   


The list of returnees (Ezra 2, 1–67; Nehemiah 7, 6–68) forms one of the cornerstones for the study of the province of Yehud in the Persian period. Because of the lack of ancient Near Eastern sources on Yehud, discussion has focused primarily on the biblical texts and has thus, in certain cases, become trapped in circular reasoning. The only source of information that can break this deadlock is archaeology. The finds at the places mentioned in the list of returnees seem to show that it does not represent Persian-period realities. Important Persian-period places not mentioned in the list support this notion. The archaeology of the list seems to indicate that it was compiled in the late Hellenistic (Hasmonaean) period and represents the reality of that time.  相似文献   

The International Society for the History of the Neurosciences (ISHN) defines "neurosciences" broadly, and we want to encourage the widest possible range of scholarly approaches to our subject. However, this deliberate inclusiveness could potentially cause problems with internal coherency in our organization and in the scholarship that we are trying to create. In other words, we need to avoid the pitfalls of the internalist-externalist tension without losing the benefits of both perspectives. In fact, I think that there is a large and interesting "gray zone," where the boundary between these supposedly separate approaches is both artificial and porous. This should be one of the most rewarding intellectual domains for the study of neuroscience history, because our subject is always culturally loaded by the mind/body problem and by the assumptions that it entails. Of course, neuroscience history is also influenced by all of the other cultural and scientific aspects of the milieus in which it is conducted. Understanding neuroscience history in all of its multiple historical contexts will require the participation of a wide range of scholarly viewpoints. To keep ourselves coherent in the process, we will have to educate each other.  相似文献   

侯宗辉 《丝绸之路》2009,(10):89-90
明清时期陇右地区的画家数量众多、作品丰富,文人画气息浓厚,宗教壁画艺术、水陆画艺术成就非凡。本文通过对这一时期画家的初步整理,对其地理分布、艺术风格进行了归纳。  相似文献   

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