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潢水石桥,是内蒙古自治区历史上最古老的石桥,也是中国北方地区,时代最久远、史志有着录的古老名桥之一。然而,几经沧桑,古老石桥早已今非昔比.加之朝代更迭,相继修建,特别是1963年新建——巴林桥,把古老桥址错误地视为“障碍”,从桥基到桥梁以及处在原石桥两桥中间由玄武岩自成基岩的河中小岛,一起加以清除。  相似文献   


Numerous new bridges were needed when the railway line from London to Holyhead in Wales was built in the 1840s. The project's chief engineer, Robert Stephenson, chose a cast iron girder design to cross the river Dee just outside Chester, and the bridge was finished in November 1846. About six months later, on 24 May 1847, a local train was crossing the final span when one of the girders failed suddenly, sending most of the train crashing into the river below. Five lives were lost. The accident created a national furore, and Stephenson came close to being accused of manslaughter for the design. We have reviewed the witness evidence and concluded that the bridge probably failed by fatigue due to a defect at a sharp corner in a flange on a girder. The corner was present in a cavetto moulding, which had presumably been added as an artistic flourish.  相似文献   

为了对南京明代石拱桥襟湖桥的科学保护技术进行系统研究,首先通过现场调研,对南京明代石拱桥的残损进行分析,找出其可见的病害。然后通过ANSYS有限元模拟分析其结构性能,找出其潜在的病害,并进行结构构件的重要性分析。最后,综合残损调研及数值模拟结果,提出了适用于明代石拱桥的保护技术,得出的结论可供同类型石拱桥的加固修缮参考。  相似文献   

为明晰明代石拱桥的结构性能,并提出适宜的加固修缮方法,以典型的明代石拱桥永昌桥为例进行研究。首先对其进行精确测绘,获得其准确可靠的几何信息;然后对其建筑形制、构造工艺及残损状况进行研究,为结构性能分析提供依据;接着利用ANSYS软件建立永昌桥主体结构的有限元模型,进行包括荷载影响分析、重要度分析和裂缝分析的结构性能研究;最后基于现状分析和结构性能研究,通过对比拱背套钢筋混凝土拱加固法和拱背粘贴碳纤维布加固法对石拱桥的结构性能的影响,提出了明代石拱桥永昌桥的加固修缮方法。研究成果可为同类型石拱桥的加固修缮提供参考。  相似文献   


How might the continuous changes in the standing orders of the Camera dei Deputati between 1861 and 1922 be explained? To answer this question, the text investigates the political events associated with standing order reforms. Two results are emphasized. On the one hand, and contrary to common views, the study shows that the reforms were not casual or episodic, but resulted from different sets of political pressure, internal or external to the parliamentary ambit. This fact, on the other hand, draws attention to the need to go deeper into the question of the institutional evolution of the liberal parliament, chiefly with regard to relations among institutional actors.  相似文献   

在我们的日常生活中,糖的重要性不言而喻。人们每天用它,对它司空见惯了,便没有意识到它可能是一个有学术价值的题目。而不起眼的糖,却让大名鼎鼎的季羡林先生年过八十还花了十多年时间来专门研究,并终于从季老的学术生命中获得了自己的“身份”,成为一部长达八十多万言之作的“主人公”。  相似文献   

The report describes the use of the High Precision Acoustic Surveying System on the Museum of Tropical Queensland 1999 Pandora Expedition and on a project undertaken by the Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek and the Netherlands Institute of Ship Archaeology (ROB/NISA) on the remains of a Roman bridge at Maastricht, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

The article presents the results of an experimental and numerical investigation on Azzone Visconti bridge, a 14th century arch bridge in Lecco (northern Italy). Starting from the historical data and from an extensive mechanical characterization of both the soil constituting the riverbed and of the masonry constituting the piers, the aim of the study is to investigate the bearing capacity of the bridge. A testing loading scheme defined according to the current Italian Code is adopted to check the structural behavior. A simplified finite element structural model was conceived and calibrated as a control tool to safely perform the experimental tests. Post-test nonlinear finite element analyses have allowed the prediction of the bridge bearing capacity and the definition of the bridge class according to the Italian regulations.  相似文献   

在青海高原的大通回族土族自治县工作和生活了六个年头。作为一名基层新闻单位的从业人员,我在工作中接触过许许多多各行各业的高原人。高原人的淳朴厚道,热情开朗,给我留下了永远也无法淡忘的记忆。在我离开青海十多年后的今天,许多高原人的影像仍然十分清晰地活跃于我记忆的屏幕上,一个个栩栩如生,呼之欲出。  相似文献   

西方中心主义的初步反省   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
西方中心主义在18世纪中后期西欧思想家那里,已经以欧洲的文明、进步与东方的落后、停滞、没有发展而表现出来。19世纪,西方社会更把这种思想加以发挥,认为西方白人是人类的优等公民与代表,世界精神的体现者,东方各国没有发展,处在世界历史之外,并且成为白人的负担。进入20世纪,世界各地纷纷按照西方的模式建立民族国家,进行工业化建设,并且大都放弃了本民族原有的学术语言,学着黑格尔一样使用理性、科学、自由、民主、进步、逻辑与整体性等概念说话。西方文明世界化了,也即世界西方化了。  相似文献   


In this article, researchers evaluate the empirical performance of the Mincer earnings equation, which has been the benchmark model for assessment of wage profiles since 1974. The analysis concerns workers in the manufacturing industry in three countries before 1900. The Mincer equation must be adjusted with respect to functional form in order to capture the wage profiles of past industrial workers. The quadratic spline consistently provides the best fit, while the standard quadratic produces misleading estimates of wage changes and gender wage gaps. These conclusions hold across contexts, for men and women, and for both age and experience profiles. The results have methodological relevance for estimating historical wage profiles and also have implications for the assessment of gender wage gaps in the past.  相似文献   

吕莜 《旅游纵览》2016,(12):53-55
正在漫长的岁月中,人类对自己生存的空间产生过各种遐想。大地有尽头吗?它是方的还是圆的?为什么日、月、星辰总是东升西落?为什么会有四季变化等等。从1492年,哥伦布首航发现美洲大陆开始,人类进入了地球地理发现的时代,这个阶段持续了400年。到20世纪初期,地球上的所有地方都被绘制在地图上,其中有3个地点虽然被人所知,但没有人去过。它们就是被称为极地的"北极""南极"和地球上的最高点——珠穆朗玛峰(以下简称珠峰)。  相似文献   

鸟瞰温泉水库,它像一枚硕大无比的绿宝石,镶嵌在巍巍昆仑的山坳里。它像湖泊,却没有如织的游人、轻荡的双桨、婆娑的烟柳;它像江河,却没有波涛汹涌,鱼翔浅底,百舸争流。其实它就是青藏  相似文献   

<正>苍鹭喜居树上,但在河北省卢龙县桃林口村,苍鹭却在断壁悬崖上叠床架屋,上上下下似楼房分布,被称作"自然界唯一住楼的苍鹭群落"。每年的清明节前后,难以计数的苍鹭便飞抵桃林口村东的小黄崖,择  相似文献   

介永强 《丝绸之路》2009,(6):105-107
佛教传入中国主要是通过丝绸之路而来,丝绸之路与佛教文化结下了不解之缘,丝路佛教文化研究是丝绸之路文化研究的重要内容。丝绸之路佛教文化遗产十分丰富,其中尤以石窟造像得天独厚。沿着丝绸之路,自西向东,从天山南北到河西走廊,再到关陇地区,大大小小的石窟寺弥山跨谷,星罗棋布,惟妙惟肖地展现了内涵丰富的丝绸之路文化。佛教石窟寺构成了丝绸之路的风景轮廓线,是丝绸之路上至关重要的历史文化遗产。全面深入研究丝绸之路佛教石窟寺,对于当前促进丝绸之路申报世界文化遗产具有重要的学术意义。  相似文献   

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