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16、17世纪英国政治文化中的父权主义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
向荣 《史学月刊》2001,(1):93-99
父权主义是在英国从封建主义向资本主义过渡的历史背景下,为适应秩序和稳定的需要而产生的,是16、17世纪英国大多数人共同的政治态度,为英国君权的扩张和君主实施社会控制提供了合法性依据,也在一定程度上阻止了暴君和暴政在英国的出现。英国率先完成从封建主义向资本主义过渡,父权主义是一个重要的因素。  相似文献   

The background to the problem of providing useful oak chronologies for the variable environmental conditions that apply in southern and eastern England is outlined. The reference chronologies published here embrace three new principles. Firstly, the samples, nearly 300, on which they are based are almost entirely of boards or planks that are of radial section (from oaks aged on average about 250 years) that form part of panel paintings or chests. Secondly, to take account of the differences in the growth pattern with the vigour of growth, separate chronologies for sequences of different ring-width have been formed. Thirdly, on account of the difficulties in extending, with the samples available, an English chronology by the method of overlapping, eight separate chronologies, each about 300 years long, have been created. Matching has been based on German methods, i.e. computer comparisons (with more than one reference chronology) supported by visual comparison of charts. Agreement values in about half a million positions were calculated.These reference chronologies, expressed as ring-widths, are suitable for application to oaks that have grown within a region of considerable size that covers both sides of the North Sea. For panels used as a support for paintings of the 15th and 16th centuries, they have dated 85% of 130 English (London area) ones and about the same percentage of 25 Flemish ones. Rather earlier, sequences for oak boards used in places as far apart as York, Norwich, Oxford and Winchester have been matched. In the 10th to 12th centuries, the ring-width chronology derived for the London area shows good agreement with those for the hilly regions of Germany and that for Schleswig, as well as dating floor planks from Viking houses in York. A floating chronology, 322 years long, dataed to the 6th to 9th centuries by several radiocarbon analyses, has been formed from long sequences of rings from timbers excavated at Old Windsor and Portchester: this has matched material from Southampton and is linked with a mean curve for the well at North Elmham (Norfolk) and the strakes of the Graveney ship.  相似文献   

中共十六大与八大的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
八大是中国共产党成为执政党后召开的第一次全国代表大会,这次代表大会分析了生产资料所有制的社会主义改造基本完成后的形势,提出了全面开展社会主义建设的任务,在指导思想、政治路线和组织路线上都有重要建树,对探索中国特色社会主义的道路产生了深远的影响。十六大是中国共产党执政52年后在新世纪召开的第一次全国代表大会,也是中国共产党在开始实施社会主义现代化建设第三步战略部署的新形势下召开的一次具有深远影响的重要大会。对八大和十六大进行比较研究,可以发现其一脉相承的内在联系,可以加深对十六大确立的指导思想、奋斗目标、组织路线的认识。  相似文献   

东晋南北朝道经属于重要的“古道经”系统,对道教史研究具有重要意义。本文对近五十年来西方、日本及国内的东晋南北朝古道经研究作了一个简略的综述,重点探讨了此类研究所采取的方法及其指导意义,并在此基础上进行了简单的总结。  相似文献   

传统社会向现代社会的过渡常常导致社会冲突,解决冲突的方式不一,其中以改革和革命为主.当改革不足以解决尖锐的社会冲突之时,革命便不可避免,旧制度随之寿终正寝,而由国家实施的改革模式则力主法律的继承性和合理化变化.19-20世纪初的俄国则成为这样两种社会发展模式博弈的舞台.俄国通过革命解决了当时的社会冲突,其革命模式对许多亚非拉国家产生了深远影响.然而,这些采取革命方式解决冲突的国家多以失败告终,不仅未能步入现代化道路,反而使国家陷入混乱状态.现代化进程顺利与否完全取决于其自身的历史条件与外部因素,盲目效仿他人不足取.  相似文献   

许国林 《史学月刊》2006,1(5):71-74
19世纪末20世纪初,美国大众化杂志迅速兴起和发展。大众化杂志有如下几个特点:迎合大众口味;内容贴近社会现实;价格低廉;有一个稳定增长的、数量较大的读者队伍。美国大众化杂志的兴起和发展,是当时美国社会政治经济状况决定的,并对20世纪初美国黑幕揭发运动的兴起和发展,以及20世纪初美国社会的变革和转型起了重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

The reports of Arab geographers and numismatic data are combined in a review of the literature on two major transit trade routes in Eastern Europe: the Baltic-Caspian trade route and the route “from the Varangians [Scandinavians] to the Greeks [Byzantium].” Hoards of Arab silver coins, known as dirhems, along major water routes clearly point to the direction of the Baltic-Caspian route along the Volga, and date the earliest use of the route from the late 8th century. Trade along the route involved mainly the Volga Bulgars, Ugro-Finnic and Letto-Lithuanian tribes, but not the Slavs, as had earlier been supposed. The existence of the route from the Baltic to the Black Sea along the Dnieper River (“from the Varangians to the Greeks”) was reported by two 11th-century historians—an unidentified Russian chronicler and Adam of Bremen. The author rebuts recent suggestions that the Dnieper route was not as significant as commonly assumed.  相似文献   

男性身高的变化能够反映出俄国人口福利状况的变化。1700—1980年,俄国男性士兵身高资料及与之相应的生活状况和福利评估大体分为9个阶段,人的生活状况提高、降低和稳定阶段分别为150、100和30年,280年间男女的身高分别增加了10—11厘米。每逢战争和激烈改革时期,赋税增加和连年歉收,人口的身高、生活状况和福利无不下降;而每逢战争过后,政策得当,社会稳定,风调雨顺之时,人口的身高、生活状况和福利均提高。总之,18世纪俄国民众的整体生活水平下降,而19—20世纪俄国,特别是1921—1980年苏联时期的人口福利提高。这些结论察前人所未察,发他人所未发。  相似文献   

Since the arrival of Dutch colonists in the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, Khoesan populations were subjected to severe political and economic marginalisation and often fell prey to racial conflict. These circumstances persisted until the early 20th century, during which an astonishing number of Khoesan skeletons were transported from South Africa to various locations in Europe, as at the time, different institutions competed to obtain these remains. The purpose of this study was to assess the health status of the late 19th and early 20th century Khoesan. Skeletal remains housed in two different European institutions were studied. The sample comprised 140 specimens from the Rudolf Pöch Skeletal Collection in Vienna, Austria, and 15 specimens from the Musée de l'Homme in Paris, France. These individuals represent both sexes and were aged between newborn and 75 years, with 54 being younger than 20 years of age. Results indicated high levels of typical disease conditions associated with groups under stress, such as periostitis, cribra orbitalia and porotic hyperostosis. Treponemal disease, rickets, osteoarthritis and trauma were also encountered amongst other more specific indicators of health and disease. This study provided additional knowledge on the health status and lives of the Khoesan people during this turbulent period and created new awareness regarding a group of severely mistreated individuals. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

选择17至19世纪中叶暹罗对外贸易中的华人作为研究对象,分不同阶段,对其在暹罗的对外贸易活动进行了描述,对暹罗华人在暹罗对外贸易中的角色和作用进行了探讨。由此得出结论,华人在暹罗对外贸易中,利用其自身优势,逐渐成为主要参与者和经营者。他们通过对外贸易活动,发展了自己的商业,积累了财富,同时满足了暹罗王室对海外贸易的需求,享受到国王赐与的特权,为其在暹罗事业的发展打下基础。  相似文献   

Roads designed by civil or military engineers for animal-drawn vehicles before the arrival of the railways constituted an essential factor for the movement of goods and people and for the economy and trade in different countries. The improvement in road construction techniques over the 18th and 19th centuries, following the creation of the first civil engineering colleges and institutions, allowed greater transportation at diminishing cost. Despite its significance, this heritage has received comparatively little attention from industrial archaeologists. As such, the object of the present article is to provide an overview of the development in road planning and construction in Spain over the 18th and 19th centuries, in order to demonstrate the historical and technological value of these roads. The article also presents two sections of Spanish roads corresponding to the start and end of the study period, and identifies some of the main archaeological elements dating to their time of construction that prove the evolution in road technology. This process has made it possible to create an inventory which incorporates the main elements that characterise this type of infrastructure.  相似文献   

在"文明使命"价值观的指引下,英国人在印度扮演的角色,既是征服者和殖民者,又是统治者和开化者.他们在治理与掠夺印度的过程中,摧毁了印度原有的社会与经济结构,推进了印度社会的近代化,用强力手段将古老的印度拉进了以英国为中心的世界资本主义体系.  相似文献   

中共十三届四中全会以来党在指导思想上的创新发展是与党对历史经验的总结相伴随的,总结是紧密围绕两大历史课题展开的,通过总结,党在什么是社会主义、怎样建设社会主义和建设什么样的党、怎样建设党这样两个核心问题上形成了新的认识,丰富和深化了邓小平理论,凝结成"三个代表"重要思想.我们党在总结经验中还善于汲取群众智慧,从群众的实践创造和发展要求中获得前进的动力;能够立足于时代高度,把中国的问题放在全球的背景下来思考."三个代表"重要思想是13年来我党理论创新的最大亮点,体现了马克思主义与时俱进的理论品质.  相似文献   


This paper describes the use of palm nuts for the manufacture of artefacts in the Netherlands. From the 17th to 19th century buttons were made of nuts of the Brazilian palm tree Attalea cf. funifera. Finds from 17th century shipwrecks suggest that the palm nuts of this species were directly imported from Middle or South America. Coconuts were used for carving, for example for the manufacture of coconut beakers. In the 19th century buttons were also made of 'vegetable ivory' or tagua nut.  相似文献   

本文通过对中国现存的古代木构建筑、《营造法式》以及其它相关间接史料的研究,揭示出公元7-14世纪中国扶壁形制的典型类型及其分区、分期特征。并在此基础之上探讨了此时期中国南北方建筑的部分区域特点,以及《营造法式》的部分地域渊源与流布关系。  相似文献   


Between about 1500 and 1640 iron was smelted by the direct, bloomery, process on the lands of the Rockley family at (N.G.R.) SE/340023, to the south-west of Barnsley, Yorkshire, using charcoal and ore from the well-wooded outcrops of the Tankersley ironstone, adjacent to the site. Evidence for operation early in the 16th century was limited to accumulations of hearth-cinder and of debris from ore-roasting, minor structures and traces of a dam. About 1600 a major rebuilding involved the construction of a bloom-hearth and probably two stringhearths, with bellows powered by waterwheels, and an unpowered hammer. Minor rebuilding took place early in the 17th century, and archaeological and documentary evidence combine to place abandonment at about 1640. Demolition and stone-robbing could well have provided material for the blast-furnace built a short distance away in 1652. The bloomery site was abandoned to pasture and perhaps a cottage, and at some time early in the 19th century was occupied by two houses and a workshop for an adjacent colliery tramway. It was covered by a road embankment in 1966.

Evidence was found of techniques at a comparatively advanced bloomery, in operation at a time when English ironmasters were, however, increasingly favouring the use of the blast furnace.  相似文献   

训诂学在我国有悠久的历史。但是作为一门学科,乃是从20世纪前期开始的。关于学科名称定义的讨论主要经历两个阶段,即20世纪20年代至40年代学科研究的发轫阶段,以及70年代末直至今天的学术锐进和日趋兴盛阶段。在这两个阶段,主要有“字义学”、“语义学”、“解释学”和“语义学加解释学”等几派观点。通过分析各派具有代表性的21家研究者的观点。可以发现,“训诂/学即解释学(注释学)”的观点较为科学,其中尤以冯浩菲先生的定义最为完备、科学。  相似文献   

16、17世纪之交,在日本的耶稣会士以“谋略智取型”开展送医送药、救助奴隶、兴办教育等“慈善活动”,在社会底层民众中赢得了大量信众,开辟了一个“天主教时代”。这与天主教在拉美对异教徒采用以“刀剑传教”的赤裸裸的征服完全不同,成为天主教传教史上极具典型意义的特例。究其原因,是由于在日耶稣会缺乏武力后援且为适应文化差异而被迫采用的传教策略。“慈善传教”与“刀剑传教”在形式上大相径庭,然两者的目的却是“殊途同归”。  相似文献   

Two sets of wine bottles dated between the end of the 17th and the 19th centuries were characterized by means of μ‐PIXE (major and minor elements) and LA–ICP–MS (trace and REE elements). The fragmented wine bottles were recovered from two archaeological contexts in Lisbon and reach a total of 79 fragments. One of the archaeological bottle sets comes from a house structure that collapsed during the major earthquake in 1755, providing a precise terminus ante quem. The second set comes from the exploratory archaeological intervention performed in Rua do Arsenal, where the Côrte‐Real Palace (built in the 16th century), was discovered. From this site, posterior contexts dated up to the 19th century were considered. This systematic study allowed the glass to be identified as high‐lime, low‐alkali (HLLA) for all the considered chronologies. However, the 19th‐century bottles have a different HLLA composition, suggesting the use of synthetic soda. Comparison with data from literature showed some similarity with English, Belgium and French reported compositions. This is the first systematic attempt to characterize the composition of glass wine bottles circulating in Portugal, giving new insights into their probable provenances, and on the exchange between Portugal and its trading allies.  相似文献   

汉文大藏经是中国与朝鲜半岛间佛教交流和图书出版交流的重大项目,有着典型意义.10-14世纪,中国刻本汉文大藏经流播朝鲜半岛前后分19次,传去20几藏,或由赐送,或为购买,是当时"贡赐贸易"的生动反映.朝鲜半岛与中国的佛教、出版交流,不是简单的接受,而是在中国的基础上,精益求精,不断发展,<高丽藏>的三次雕印,就是很好的例证.而且这种交流不是单一的、孤立的只是中国向朝鲜半岛的单向输出,而是双向的互动,循环往复、各擅其能、相互促进.  相似文献   

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