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南京大屠杀是人类历史上罕见的不幸悲剧之一,但更为不幸的是战后六十年来,南京大屠杀却仍然是日本右翼不断歪曲否认其侵略历史的突破口,甚至成为某些日本政界要人进行政争的工具。与此相反,近几年来国内学术界针对南京大屠杀的调查研究,学术理性氛围日益浓厚。一方面有许多学者潜心搜集整理有关南京大屠杀的史料,这是进行学术研究的必要前提。经过海内外数十位学者4年多的合作努力,2005年由江苏人民出版社陆续出版了由张宪文教授领衔主编的《南京大屠杀史料集》,该史料集按专题汇编成28册,合1500万字,几乎囊括了目前所能搜集到的各种文字版…  相似文献   

This paper is intended to draw the attention of historical geographers to the regional problem of interwar Britain. Although unemployment measured at the aggregate national level is usually seen as the dominant characteristic of the period, the disparity in the experience of unemployment across different regions is equally striking. Yet the issue has received little attention from economic historians and virtually none from historical geographers, despite its being sufficiently important to promote the first attempts at regional policy. To consider why economic historians have neglected this matter the economic historiography is outlined using a classification that distinguishes between optimistic and pessimistic views of the period. This indicates that either the regional problem plays no part in such studies or it is considered only where it might cast doubt on, or lend support to, the hypothesis being proposed at the national level. The fascination of economic historians with the national experience, the relative shortage of complete and consistent data series and the mysteries of regional analysis make the study of regional issues uninviting for the economic historian. The historical geographer must have a role to play in giving us a better understanding of this important issue.  相似文献   

This article focuses on a controversy that took place in the academic medical circles of Helsinki in c. 1925–1927. Among the main actors in this controversy was Elsa Ryti, MD, one of the first women to make herself a name in medical science in Finland. The controversy became public in early 1926 and was then discussed by the Board and the Council of the Finnish Medical Association. The dispute is historically interesting because of its capacity to disclose tensions, power structures and lines of power within the field of academic medicine. In order to understand the course and outcome of the controversy, it is necessary to take into account several intersecting lines of power: the asymmetrical distribution of power and knowledge at the university clinics, the acute language strife at the time between speakers of Finnish and Swedish, the tension between the clinic and the laboratory and, last but not least, the matter of gender.  相似文献   

本文重点从民国名人的日记、书信、回忆录等史料之中,搜集有关南京大屠杀的记录,以资证明在大屠杀发生后不久,中国朝野上下就已经通过各种途径知道了这场骇人听闻的暴行.从蒋介石到前线士官、从文学家到记者,对南京大屠杀都有真实的记录,其后10年间,更有一批相关出版物不断问世,并在社会上传播开来.这些史料不仅有力地批驳了日本右派的谬论,而且从一个新的角度上为侵华日军南京大屠杀增添了史证.  相似文献   

南京沦陷后,日军制造了南京大屠杀,南京的医疗救助任务空前繁重。虽然绝大多数医生在沦陷前离开了南京,但是留在南京的西方人士、慈善机构、隐匿身份生活在难民收容所内的军医以及参差不齐的民间医生出于人道主义立场,以各自的方式投入南京的医疗救助。南京内外信息交流初步恢复后,西方在宁人士又积极申请外援,经历一波三折,方才成行。上述努力为南京难民挺过难关做出了贡献。  相似文献   


The Nanjing Massacre of 1937 is a historical tragedy that is hard to erase from the collective memory of Nanjing residents. Since 1982, the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall and other monuments have been established as a Chinese response to the Japanese revision of their high school history textbooks, and these facilities have opened a mnemonic channel for the Nanjing people to link history to reality. In the Nanjing people’s traumatic memory, the historical facts of the Nanjing Massacre of the contemporary nationalistic sentiments are entangled and symbiotic. Many survivors have profound factual memory of the massacre, yet they have shown tolerance and forgiveness to the victimizers. While their memory has transcended the primitive stage of retaliation, the traumatic memory of mankind should be transformed into invaluable resource of the human endeavor to pursue peace.  相似文献   

南京大屠杀受害者PTSD初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于战争造成的"软性","隐性"伤害,第二次世界大战时即引起关注,现在国际学术界用正式定义的PTSD加以概括.南京大屠杀期间,日军营造的极度恐怖环境,是受害者PTSD广泛产生的客观环境.受害者的PTSD症侯、表现为因惊恐而失去行动能力、精神失常陷于歇斯底里状态,失忆,情绪失控、自杀等.美国籍受害者魏特琳、虽曾企图通过宗教来拯救自己,但最终被PTSD击垮.初步研究表明,PTSD存在于涉及南京大屠杀的中外人群之中,其影响从当时延续到现在.  相似文献   

南京大屠杀之前南京市民的社会心理   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
自1937年8月15日日机首次空袭之后直到12月13日南京失陷,南京就一直处在战争威胁之中。在近4个月的日子里,虽然,经过政府和一些民间团体的努力,市民对即将到来的战争在心理上有一定程度的准备.如向内地迁移、将女儿提前出嫁、避难安全区等;为应付日机空袭和战争威胁,政府及社会团体也做了许多卓有成效的民众工作。但是,无论是政府还是市民,人们对日军占领南京后可能出现的疯狂暴行,其认识显然不足。  相似文献   

东京审判中,日本战犯及其辩护律师进行了长时间的辩护.他们对起诉方的出庭证人和宣誓证词进行了质证,但未能在整体上形成否定性印象.辩护方提出了自己的出庭证人和宣誓证词,但在起诉方律师的强力质证下暴露了谎言.松井石根进行了自我辩护,但经质证,无法推托其犯罪责任.最终,国际军事法庭判决南京大屠杀案成立,松井石根被绳之以法.  相似文献   

Many contemporary theories of party leadership derive their concepts from organization theory and economic theories of rational choice. They stress the institutional contexts that shape leadership possibilities and the relationship between members (principals) and leaders (agents) in shaping leadership decisions. Both the macro (institutional context) and micro (principal-agent) theories assume that the main role of party leaders is to marshal majority support for legislation on which the party takes a position. Focussing on party position legislation, however, provides only a partial view of party leadership. This article expands this perspective by considering the Simpson-Mazzoli immigration reform bill, in which party leaders avoided taking a clear policy stand and pursued other interests instead. In broadening the assumptions inherent in organization theory to include behavior beyond taking party policy stands, we uncover leadership roles that are missed by those who adopt the policy-centered approach. Applying other organization theory concepts, we broaden principal-agent theories by explaining divergent leadership roles in the consideration of non-party position legislation as behavior that is typical for legislative leadership. We conclude that the nature of non-party position legislation provides party leaders a greater latitude to diverge from their expected party leadership roles and to behave according to their different strategic situations, district and state interests, philosophies, and personalities.  相似文献   

Italian settlement in Sydney has been distinguished by its poly-nuclear pattern of concentration and also widespread dispersion. The classical invasion-succession and concentric models of population movement have been less applicable to the process of settlement growth and change of the Italians for several reasons: first, the importance of chain migration and the resultant ‘urban village’ clusters and identifications; second, the possibility of owner occupancy of housing in ethnic concentrations through the conversion of the inner city rental market to an o wner occupier market of individual dwellings, so that concentrations could survive; and third, the tendency, despite substantial residential mobility within the first generation, for many longer-established residents to stay behind in the concentrations—the reverse of the classical models. The decision to stay or move is in part a matter of choice, but language constraints have been influential. Many recent arrivals and younger persons have by-passed the residential concentrations and their institutional structures because of better education and skills and because they could join relatives who had moved out, so that chain migration ultimately acted to disperse settlers after originally concentrating them.  相似文献   

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