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借贷关系是中国乡村主要经济关系之一。由于贫困之故,晋西北农村有半数农民举债度日,无论钱债或粮债均具有高利贷性质。高利贷在乡村社会是与传统小农生产等社会经济组织相适应的一种经济制度,农民在入不敷出或天灾人祸等不确定因素打击下必求助于之。在该地区乡村私人借贷关系中,地主富农和商人构成债权方主体,普通农民和小手工业者等社会中底层阶级则是重要补充,但陷于极度贫困的绝大多数中贫农和雇农是借债主力军;借贷时间多无限制,亦无定例,常视债户付息情形及本身意愿而定;在借贷形式中最常见的是信用借贷和抵押借贷,其中后者以土地抵押最多,而其又分“押地”和“典地”两种类型且均属高利贷——农民在此之下一旦无法偿债则只好放弃土地所有权,土地由“押”或“典”而“卖”的过程构成农村大多数地权发生转移的基本线路。  相似文献   

宋代的“公债”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋代普遍实行官府向民间借贷的“公债”制度,包括朝廷的中央财政和地方官府,以地方官府的例子最多。所借包括钱和粮食、绢等物品。借贷的方式,多属强制性的。史料中未见是否支付利息以及偿还期限的记载,只有偿还的诏令和许愿,以及偿还的方式、名目。“公债”几乎全是因为军费,是筹措军费、缓解财政压力的常用手段,而且带有浓郁的专制色彩。然而并无一定之规,制度化程度较低,受到有识之士的指责。官方借贷于民间出于迫不得已,弊端百出,彰显了官方的财政虚弱和巧取豪夺,揭示了宋朝财政中的一个重要问题。  相似文献   

黄艳红 《史学集刊》2020,(2):105-117
在16-18世纪西方各国的竞争中,财政动员能力对竞争的走势起着决定性的作用。财政动员主要包括税收和公债两个相互联系的方面。考察尼德兰革命期间的联省共和国和西班牙、18世纪的英国和法国的财政史可以发现,各国的政治-社会结构对财政动员的效率产生了不同的影响,这体现在税收体制的合理性和公债信用之上,而公债信用之优劣也直接反映在公债利率上。相比而言,英国与联省共和国的政治制度使其税收更具合法性基础并提升了其公债信用,从而能够更好地动员民间财政资源;西班牙和法国王权受制于其政治-社会结构,在国际竞争中受其低效的财政动员的拖累。  相似文献   

清代前期农村的高利贷资本   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高利贷资本与地主制经济、商业资本都是中国封建社会重要的经济形态。在中国封建社会中,高利贷资本向封建贵族、官吏、地主和商人放债,其中尤以向农民政债,对社会经济的影响最大。本文拟从高利贷资本与农民经济关系的角度,对清代前期农村高利贷资本的发展问题,作点粗略探讨。(一)中国封建社会的农村,有着多种性质的借贷关系。封建政权、封建地主与农民之间,有低利息或无利息的借贷,如赈贷。常平仓、社仓、义仓等的借贷,以及农民之间互助性质的结会借贷等等,这些都不属于高利贷的范畴。以高利息率为特征的高利贷,则是封建社会农…  相似文献   

刘秋根在《明清高利贷资本》(社会科学文献出版社,2000年,第26页)中对于“高利贷资本”一词有着概念上的界定:所谓高利贷资本即指前资本主义社会生产方式的生息资本,就中国古代而言:凡带有经营谋利性质,且收益较一般地租收益高的借贷,均属于高利贷资本。这种借贷既有对小生产者、地主、贵族的生产性、生活性借贷,也有对商人、手工业者的经营性、资本性借贷。  相似文献   

“少数人的责任”:近代中国知识分子的士大夫意识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统中国的士大夫精英意识,在晚清“四民社会”解体之后,虽然一度被平等的国民意识所取代,但国民内部智性和能力的不平衡,使梁启超等人产生了“既有思想之中等社会”这一新的士大夫意识;而到五四启蒙运动,个人观念的崛起又进一步在意志和理性上强化了知识分子的精英意识,其合法性基础也从个人的德性转变为现代的知识。人民固然是国家的主人,但政治和舆论的操盘者,应该是具有现代知识和政治能力的知识分子。近代中国知识分子的士大夫意识,与另外一种相反的平民意识相互激荡,形成了近代中国思想界的两歧性分野,也构成了近代中国知识分子丰富复杂的内心世界。  相似文献   

自2011年8月以来,温州等地有些借债人卷款潜逃、多家公司深陷“高利贷”漩涡、一些董事长因涉民间借贷纠纷被刑拘等系列事件的曝光,使得监管民间借贷这一社会问题开始引起社会的关注。实际上,中国传统社会,在人们的日常生产和生活中普遍存在借贷。虽然在不同历史时期,借贷的形式和影响有所不同,但是在当时缺乏有效的社会保障机制之下,借贷为维持农业生产、发展商业资本、抵御自然灾害等方面,  相似文献   

20世纪20年代末,西北三年大旱灾,关中尤为严重。为盈利或救济,20世纪30年代,陕西乡村借贷先后出现乡村传统的高利贷市场,新式农贷市场。通过考察新式农贷市场的机构及相关制度、贷款区域、借贷种类与方式及利率期限等,认为这种新的融通资金渠道从最初为乡村救灾逐步转变为陕西乡村借贷市场竞争,削弱了高利贷市场,亦形成乡村借贷市场激烈竞争的局面,并引起乡村借贷制度的转型及资金融通观念的转变,引起区域乡村社会生产观念的明显改进,进而引起乡村借贷体制的转型。  相似文献   

晚明清初是中国历史上一个动荡时代,尤其在思想上探求真知的科学思想逐渐兴起,入华传教士带来的西方先进的科技知识与中国知识阶层的传统观念产生了直接的正面冲突,清初关于改订历法的论争是中西文化冲突的集中表现,在这一论争中守旧派以捍卫"礼法圣教"为借口制造了中国天文历算史上少有的酷烈冤狱。虽然康熙平反冤狱,可保守派却依然占据着道德上的制高点,知识精英没有能够真正冲破礼教的桎梏,最终中西文化上的尖锐冲突使中国丧失了汲取西方有益文明成果的机会。  相似文献   

近期,民间借贷危机愈演愈烈,有中国经济风向标意义的温州频频出现企业老板因资金链断裂无法偿还高利贷而出逃。温州借贷危机已经引起政府高层关注。10月4日,国务院总理温家宝赴浙江调查中小企业发展情况,并提出多项政策扶持中小企业,遏制高利贷化倾向。  相似文献   

刘秋根 《史学月刊》2000,3(3):12-18
马克思在《资本论》第三卷中正确估价了高利贷资本的保守性,谴责了高利贷资本对小生产方式的冲击和破坏。中国学术界受这一观点影响,对中国古代高利贷资本的历史作用多加否定。但是从中国古代经济运行及高利贷资本的实际情况看,它对小农再生产及工商业运行既有残酷的一面,也发挥了一定的积极作用,尤其是因为高利贷资本对手工业、商业、矿业等资本性经营放贷的增加,更是促进了封建社会后期商业资本规模的扩大和总量的增加。  相似文献   

Genoa is well known for its characteristic public debt system, yet there has not been a great deal of research on this subject. This paper focuses on the creditor, and seeks to investigate why and under what circumstances people accept public debt. The significance of public debt for creditors in Genoa in the later middle ages will be examined through a case study of the Lomellini family, analysing colonne (a register made at a bank concerning creditors’ accounts), statutes, notarial acts, and in particular, testaments. The purpose of the purchase, use, and disposition of a share in the public debt is categorised as follows: (1) the purchase of real estate or of another public debt; (2) the property of women and minors; (3) the salvation of the soul. Through each analysis, we shall examine what influenced the creditors in their attitude toward the public debt. Public debt was not only a system of credit for the city state, but also something which penetrated into every part of people’s lives in Genoa.  相似文献   

This article analyses the effect of changes in international financial markets on the debt dynamics in sub‐Saharan Africa in recent years. A key development is the rise of the private sector as both a lender and a borrower in African debt markets, a process that is associated with the growing integration of the region into global financial markets. The article argues that the Debt Sustainability Framework of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank has taken some steps to account for this growth of private sector, cross‐border debt, but such steps still fall short of what is needed. A full appreciation of the importance of private debt implies, first, that debt sustainability in sub‐Saharan Africa be understood in the context of countries’ integration in global financial markets and the global liquidity cycles that characterize those markets and, second, that the interplay between private and public debt be monitored in order to provide a fuller picture of the impact of private sector debt on fiscal sustainability.  相似文献   

The costs of wars have been the main driver of public debt in the Western World during the modern era. The late twentieth century stands out as a period that saw a pronounced increase of government debt to GDP ratios in peacetime. This paper assesses the role that financial crises have played in shaping the public debt trajectory in the twentieth century. Focusing on the experiences of 14 industrial economies, I show that financial crises have long and lasting effects on public finances. I provide evidence that the costs of financial crises have increased strongly in the second half of the twentieth century and that the costs of financial crises grow with the size of the financial sector. In many countries, the rising costs incurred from stabilizing the economy after financial crises were an important cause of the peacetime surge of public debt ratios in the late twentieth century. In today's highly financialized economies, financial crises have become a key risk for public finances.  相似文献   

论中国朝野对新银行团的回应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马陵合 《史学月刊》2004,3(10):61-65
1920年10月,美国倡议组成了新银行团。新银行团正式成立后长期无所作为,并逐步表现出更为明显的垄断性,中国朝野期望值逐渐降低,对其所体现的强权政治色彩愈益有了清醒的认识。中国民族主义的目标更加集中于政治层面,废除不平等条约的要求取代了关于铁路外债利弊的讨论。  相似文献   

Lucia Cecchet 《European Legacy》2018,23(1-2):127-148

This article discusses the way the ancient Greeks dealt with public and private debts, focusing on one specific aspect: debt cancellation. On the one hand, ancient Greeks were aware of the risks entailed in debt relief as a tool for fuelling civic strife: sources describe it as a demagogic or even criminal action often in association with the political agenda of tyrants. On the other hand, however, Greeks knew well also the benefic effects of debt cancellation in coping with financial and political crisis. In late accounts of archaic history, debt relief is the solution to civic strife and the foundation act of political order. Some public decrees of the Hellenistic period attest debt relief as a communal decision of the polis, dictated by the necessity of preventing or solving ongoing or imminent crises. This second meaning and purpose of debt cancellation should perhaps urge us to reconsider from a different perspective the “politics of debt” in today’s Europe.  相似文献   

公廨本钱制是唐政府实行的一种主要的官营高利贷商业,起初有着借以削弱和控制富商的目的。高宗永徽、麟德之前,公廨本钱制实行于京师诸司,置本收息以充京官俸料。之后,自京师推广到各地诸府州县,并在安史之乱后进一步得到发展,呈现出本钱来源更加多样、息利用途更加广泛、因事灵活设置、规模不断扩大的显特点。在经营管理上,安史之乱以前,尚书省刑部之比部司及内外诸司勾官构成公廨本钱的行政管理系统。安史之乱后,比部系统的管理职能削弱,中书门下、御史台以及由宦官掌领的诸司诸使诸军纷纷染指公廨本钱,表现出多头共管、经常变动的显特点。  相似文献   

Usury occupies a centrality in early modern culture that no mere professional practice, however innovative or controversial, could have occupied. As recent scholarship has shown, the reason has to do with the fact that, in the final analysis, usury constitutes a mental disposition, a worldview. This article seeks to refine our understanding of the psychological phenomenon of usury by examining its troubled relationship with theft as enacted in Shakespeare’s Venetian plays. Both The Merchant of Venice and Othello link the usurious mindset to an anxious sense of dispossession: Shylock is represented as a householder whose paranoid concern with burglars has not been sufficiently emphasised; usurious Iago is revealed to act on a compulsive need to instil into his victims, most notably Othello, an equally irrational fear of theft. The article argues that the emergent monetary economy is thus associated with a nightmarish dread of deprivation that is shown to destabilise the domestic space of the oikos.  相似文献   

近代长江中下游地区农村典当三题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐畅 《安徽史学》2005,1(3):53-59
典当是中国农村重要的金融机关,与其它借贷相比,利息较低,属于温和的高利贷.典当与农村经济和农民生活关系密切,它不仅是农民重要的融资机构,而且还是连接都市金融与农村金融的桥梁,对农村金融运转有重要的作用.  相似文献   

民国前期长江三角洲农村高利贷问题与土地的流转   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民国前期,长江三角洲绝大多数农家的年净余率为零或负数,旧式金融机构已经衰败、新式金融机构尚处襁褓,农村金融枯竭,农民信用缺失,高利贷肆虐其阃,占农村借贷额的70%左右.不愿变卖田地的农家,只能以土地为抵押,举借高利贷,没有失去土地,却向着变卖土地迈出了可怕一步.借贷用于生产投资的些微,利率的高昂,使举债农家还上抵押贷款的可能性极小,为了生存,以抵押为基础,将田地进一步活卖给高利贷者,在一定期限内失去了产权.田赋之外的捐税、借款的消费倾向、高额利率,使农家无力赎回活卖的土地,不得不进一步绝卖,最终失去了土地产权.大致0.51%的土地流转率,单向度的土地流动,说明民国前期长江三角洲土地商品化程度不高,仍处在前市场阶段.  相似文献   

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