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关于陕甘宁边区森林开发和保护的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗战期间的 194 0年 ,陕甘宁边区境内的森林覆盖率达到 10 %左右。但是 ,为了度过困难 ,边区只得毁林开荒 ,加之烧炭等 ,使大面积的森林遭到毁灭性的破坏 ,造成环境恶化 ,水、旱、雹等自然灾害频繁发生 ,给边区的农业生产和人民生活带来了巨大的损失。当时 ,边区政府已经开始认识到环境与气候的问题 ,认识到森林对气候的调节作用 ,开始注意对森林的保护 ,并颁布了一系列的政策、法令来保护森林 ,但是 ,这些政策和法令收效甚微。  相似文献   

抗战全面爆发之后,随着太行抗日根据地建立、巩固与发展,边区政府颁布了一系列新婚姻法规及其支持性政策,从而使得农村女性婚姻家庭与两性关系呈现出与以往不同的样貌。男女平等思想的倡导提高了妇女在婚姻家庭中的地位、婚姻自由政策的推行解除了妇女在婚姻问题上的痛苦,而频仍发生的家庭纠纷与日益增多的解约离婚案件亦造成了根据地各级政府在婚姻家庭管理上的混乱。尽管新婚姻法令的目标在于根除社会陋习并建立符合新民主主义革命诉求的新型男女关系和婚姻家庭关系,但中共对根据地的婚姻管理不得不立足于法制与现实的平衡之中。  相似文献   

1941年5月1日,由中共陕甘宁边区中央局提出、中共中央政治局批准的《陕甘宁边区施政纲领》规定:“在尊重中国主权与遵守政府法令的原则下,允许任何外国人到边区游历,参加抗日工作,或在边区进行实业文化与宗教的活动。其有因革命行动被外国政府压迫而来边区者,不问其宗主国人民或殖民地人民,边区政府当一律予以恳切的保护。”  相似文献   

抗战时期晋察冀边区的妇女权益问题研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
抗战时期,晋察冀边区政府先后颁布了一系列的保障妇女权益的法律、法令和条规,并在政府、妇联、妇救会等妇女组织的宣传和努力下得以贯彻实施,使边区妇女获得了空前的政治、经济、教育和婚姻权利,极大地调动了农村妇女的抗战积极性,为夺取抗战的胜利做出了重要的贡献。虽然边区在实际的贯彻执行中也存在一定的问题,但其保障妇女权益的贡献仍是不可磨灭的,对妇女自身的解放和抗战的最后胜利都产生了深远的影响。晋察冀边区保障妇女权益的政策法规在晋察冀妇女解放运动史和抗战史上都占有重要地位。  相似文献   

抗日战争时期,中国共产党十分重视经济工作,尤其农业作为晋察冀边区经济的基础,对其发展的情况,边区政府从政策法令及具体实践的组织领导等多方面进行了干预,积累了一套颇具特色的工作经验,这些为今日中国农业的发展、农民收入的增加及农村经济的繁荣仍具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

抗战时期陕甘宁边区的盐业   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
食盐是陕甘宁边区的特产之一,主要分布在三边分区定边、盐池县的北部。边区在盐业经营中私有制和公有制并存。1940 年前边区的盐业生产、运输、销售都是自流的,政府只征少量的税。之后,边区政府专门成立盐务局,对盐业的生产、运输、销售进行管理。边区政府积极开发这一资源优势,使盐业成为边区经济的支柱产业。抗战时期,由于边区政府的有效管理,使盐业在边区经济建设中发挥了重要作用,增加了边区政府的财政收入,打破了国民党顽固派的经济封锁,稳定了边区的金融秩序和平抑了物价;提高了人民生活水平  相似文献   

高翠 《中国钱币》2013,(5):59-71
抗日战争时期,陕甘宁边区银行发行了三种货币:光华商店代价券、陕甘宁边区银行币、陕甘宁边区贸易公司商业流通券。为了推广陕甘宁边区的货币,边区政府和银行不仅对国民党方面的责难进行了大量的解释工作,而且制定了各种政策、法令和措施,以保证边币的稳定。关于陕甘宁边区政府和银行对于推广陕甘宁边区货币所做的工作,目前还未见学者利用档案资料对这一问题进行分析。本文将利用陕甘宁边区政府和银行的档案资料对此问题进行研究,以阐明陕甘宁边区政府在抗日战争时期所采取的货币政策。  相似文献   

抗战时期陕甘宁边区通讯站是人民邮政事业的重要组成部分,在抗日战争中发挥了独特的作用。本文在搜集大量历史资料的基础上,对边区通讯站的组织机构、邮路设置、业务状况以及通讯站工作的改进情况做了详细的考察,也对边区通讯站和中华邮政在抗战中的各个时期的关系进行了动态的梳理。边区通讯站保障了战时边区通信的畅通,也为后来的邮政事业的发展积累了经验。  相似文献   

抗战时期,中国共产党和陕甘宁边区政府制定了提倡自然科学、奖励自由研究、尊重科技人才和提高科技人员生活待遇等一系列政策,吸引了一批科技人才在根据地进行科学研究.在中共和边区政府支持下,各科研机构不仅对边区农林、矿产、地质等进行了全面调查,为开发边区资源提供了科学依据,而且密切结合边区经济建设的实际需要进行科学研究和技术创新.由于各种新技术在工农业生产中的应用,促进了边区经济比较快的增长,使边区由抗战前一个主要依靠输入的地区逐渐变成一个可以自给自足的地区.基本实现了边区政府提出的部分工农业产品自给的目标.边区科学技术与工农业经济的发展,不仅使根据地从被封锁的困境中摆脱出来,而且可以视为中共实现中国工业化一次比较成功的尝试.  相似文献   

抗日战争时期,陕甘宁边区经济曾遇到了巨大困难,发生了严重的通货膨胀。其原因是与边区的特殊自然社会、环境,国民党的封锁,和边区在金融方面的一些措施的缺陷有关。1942年后,在中共中央的领导和关怀下,边区政府和人民共同努力,采取了一系列切实可行的措施,大大的缓和了通货膨胀对边区经济的冲击,较成功地保障了边区的供给,为中国人民的反法西斯斗争做出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   

The 1969 reform of the divorce laws was part of a wider trendtowards the relaxation of family law that took place in mostwestern countries in the 1960s and 1970s.In Britain, the legislationresulted only in a regime of partial no-fault divorce. Thiswas the result of a compromise between church and state, whichis investigated in this article using Lambeth Palace papersand the archives of the Church of England's Moral Welfare Council. In particular, we focus on the origins of and reasons for theprofound shift in the Church's views on divorce that occurredin the 1960s. These had as much to do with changing views asto the source of sexual morality and the difficulties of imposingan external moral code. However, because divorce law reflectsa view of marriage, it was impossible for the Church to acceptfull no-fault divorce, which would have meant divorce by mutualconsent and have threatened the idea of marriage as a vocation.The compromise reached allowed the Church to go on treatingChristian and civil marriage as compatible. *The authors' names appear in alphabetical order.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代的婚姻法律与婚姻家庭变迁   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
颁布于中国全面改革开放起步时期的1980年《婚姻法》,反映了国家在婚姻家庭领域的法制重建以及社会转型带来的家庭婚姻制度的变化。在社会上引起较大反响的主要有三个方面:第一,明确了夫妻财产制,人们的个人财产权利意识增强;第二,实行计划生育政策,但由于重男轻女思想的影响,使性别选择问题更突出地表现出来;第三,明确把感情破裂作为离婚的条件,但“感情破裂”的衡量标准很难掌握,司法部门在处理离婚案件时仍有很大困难。总之,1980年《婚姻法》是一部承前启后的法律,它既是对1950年《婚姻法》的继承与发展,又通过20年的司法实践,为2001年《婚姻法》的修正案的制定作了法律上的铺垫。  相似文献   

In times of low divorce rates (such as the nineteenth century and early twentieth century), the authors expect higher social strata to have the highest divorce chances as they are better equipped to break existing barriers to divorce. In this article, the authors analyze data from marriage certificates to assess whether there was a positive effect of occupational class on divorce in Belgium (Flanders) and the Netherlands. Their results for the Netherlands show a positive association between social class and divorce, particularly among the higher cultural groups. In Flanders, the authors do not find this, but they observe a negative association between illiteracy and divorce, an observation pointing in the same direction.  相似文献   

This study outlines a long history of divorce in Sweden, recognizing the importance of considering both economic and cultural factors in the analysis of marital dissolution. Following Ansley Coale, the authors examine how a framework of multiple theoretical constructs, in interaction, can be applied to the development toward mass divorce. Applying a long historical perspective, the authors argue that an analysis of gendered aspects of the interaction between culture and economics is crucial for the understanding of the rise of mass divorce. The empirical analysis finds support for a marked decrease in legal and cultural obstacles to divorce already during the first decades of the twentieth century. However, economic structures remained a severe obstacle that prohibited significant increases in divorce rate prior to World War II. It was only during the 1940s and 1960s, when cultural change was complemented by marked decreases in economic interdependence between spouses, that the divorce rate exhibited significant increases. The authors find that there are advantages to looking at the development of divorce as a history in which multiple empirical factors are examined in conjunction, recognizing that these factors played different roles during different time periods.  相似文献   

张淑清 《史学集刊》2008,92(2):48-53,60
犹太教允许离婚.在<圣经>时代,犹太男子可以随心所欲地休妻,犹太妇女没有任何话语权.到了<塔木德>时代,犹太社会尽管对男子的单方面休妻权利有所限制,但是并没有从根本上改变婚姻的男权制结构,犹太妇女在离婚问题上依然处于完全被动的地位.这种局面在中世纪的欧洲有了质的改变,而且,这种改变通过犹太社团最具权威的"市集大会"颁布的法规条例而不断地强化,从而使得犹太妇女的婚姻地位在附属中有了改善.  相似文献   

高岱 《史学集刊》2008,11(2):54-60
20世纪初,在英国自由党的支持和推动下,英国政府进行了一系列旨在减少贫困、缓解矛盾的社会改革,推出了养老金条例和国民保险法案,调节了社会各阶层之间的关系,打下了社会保障的基础,从而对20世纪英国社会的发展产生了深远的影响.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, the level of divorce, measured by the crude divorce rate (CDR), has increased dramatically in both the East and the West, but has recently appeared to fall or level off in some countries. To investigate whether the recent decline or stabilisation of the CDRs reflects the real trends in divorce risk, a decomposition analysis was conducted on the changes in the CDRs over the past 20 years on two western and three East Asian countries, namely, the UK, Australia, Taiwan, South Korea, and Singapore. The following is observed: the decline in the CDRs of the UK and Australia in the 1990s, and of Taiwan and Korea in the 2000s, was mainly due to shrinkage in the proportion of the married population rather than any reduction in divorce risk; only Australia experienced a genuine reduction in divorce risk between 2001 and 2011; and the continuous increase of Singapore’s divorce level between 1990 and 2010 may be is an unintentional effect of the government’s marriage promotion policies. The shift in the population age structure, and more importantly, the drastic decline in marriage, has seriously distorted the CDRs, making them unreliable indicators for monitoring divorce trends.  相似文献   

Drawing data from the local population registers in two northeastern agricultural villages, this study examines the patterns and factors associated with divorce in preindustrial Japan. Divorce was easy and common during this period. More than two thirds of first marriages dissolved in divorce before individuals reached age fifty. Discrete-time event history analysis is applied to demonstrate how economic condition and household context influenced the likelihood of divorce for females. Risk of divorce was extremely high in the first three years and among uxorilocal marriages. Propensity of divorce increased upon economic stress in the community and among households of lower social status. Presence of parents, siblings, and children had strong bearings on marriage to continue.  相似文献   

Researchers interested in policy feedback effects can use the nonrecursive modeling strategies proposed here when time series data are not available for assessing feedback dynamics. This strategy is illustrated in a study of the impacts of American state divorce policies on divorce behavior and the responsiveness of policies to divorce rates. The findings show appreciable impact and feedback effects. In states where divorces are easier to obtain, the incidence of divorce is higher; and where divorce is more widespread, states are likely to implement more permissive divorce policies.  相似文献   

中共晋西北抗日民主政权建立后即颁布《晋西北婚姻暂行条例》,对女性离婚权予以法律上的肯定。一批农村妇女以情感、经济等原因向丈夫提出离婚,根据地婚姻观念或离婚现象呈现出与以往不同的景观。由于离婚案件频频发生,影响了中共抗战大局,中共中央于1943年发表关于各抗日根据地妇女工作方针的四三决定,修正过去激进的婚姻变革路线,以将妇女关注的重点由婚姻问题转向生产建设并缓解根据地两性之间日益紧张的矛盾。这种策略性的政策转变引起法院对待离婚案件的处理发生演变,即不同时期性质相同或相近之案件,其审理结果迥然相异。这亦说明婚姻变革须立足于现实的客观实际。  相似文献   

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