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拜占廷金币及其仿制品的发掘既有重要的考古价值,也有着极高的历史意义,这些金币所涉及到的信息涵盖了拜占廷帝国的经济、外交、国际贸易,以及古代亚洲的政治格局、东西商路沿途局势和风俗地理,乃至古代中国的一些生活特  相似文献   

王旭 《黑龙江史志》2013,(19):32-33
<正>公元6世纪末到7世纪初,拜占廷帝国进入了"边疆危机"时期,查士丁尼大帝统治时期建立起来的广大疆域和庞大的军队全部遭到了毁灭性打击,拜占廷帝国陷入了又一次巨大的危机中,公元610年,拜占庭帝国迦太基总督之子希拉克略进入君士但丁堡,建立了希拉克略王朝,并在帝国内部重点是亚洲领土上实行军区制,这一制度明显的缓解了帝国面临的危机,加强了拜占廷帝国的国家和军事力量并在三次波斯战争中彻底粉碎了波斯帝国对拜占廷的威胁,并使得拜占廷拥有了和正在兴起的阿拉伯帝国对抗的力量,为拜占廷帝国进入中期的"黄金时代"打下了坚实的基础,但由于军区制自身所存在的不可调和的矛盾又为帝国的毁灭埋下了  相似文献   

萨珊王朝公元3世纪兴起于伊朗南部,为帕提亚波斯萨珊家旗的阿尔达希于公元226年建立的政权:由于该政权仍以安息帝国的都城为首都,疆域大体与安息相同,其社会经济电是安息时代的进一步发展,因而史称“新波斯帝国”。  相似文献   

邵兆颖 《史学集刊》2013,(3):123-128
6世纪拜占廷帝国在东部边境大规模修建军事要塞,构筑了一道坚实的边防线,达拉(Dara)要塞是其中重要一环。本文试以达拉要塞为对象,以相关史料及考古报告为依据,从选址、规模、城防设施和水利建设等方面考察拉要塞的特点,并在此基础上分析拜占廷帝国东部边境要塞在对稳固拜占廷边防、遏制波斯扩张、实现拜占廷帝国战略等方面所产生的重要影响。  相似文献   

萨珊王朝公元3世纪兴起于伊朗南部,为帕提亚波斯萨珊家族的阿尔达希于公元226年建立的政权。由于该政权仍以安息帝国的都城为首都,疆域大体与安息相同,其社会经济也是安息时代的进一步发展,因而史称“新波斯帝国”。①萨珊王朝建立后依靠军事力量,不断对外扩张,到公元7世纪时其  相似文献   

公元3世纪,萨珊王朝兴起于伊朗南部,为帕提亚的波斯萨珊家族的阿尔达希于公元224年举兵,攻入伊朗西部和中部,帕提亚末王阿尔塔邦战败被杀。公元226年,阿尔达希占领帕提亚首都泰西封,重新统一伊朗,建立政权。由于该政权仍以安息帝国的都城为首都,疆域大体与安息相同,其社会经济也是安息时代的进一步发展,因而史称“新波斯帝国”。萨珊王朝建立后依靠军事力量,不断对外扩张,到公元7世纪时其势力范围已达西亚的广大地区。就古代波斯与中国的联系而言,  相似文献   

林钧永 《新疆钱币》2002,(3):39-39,42
陀拔里斯坦(Tabaristan,或译为太伯里斯坦),地处今伊朗高原北缘的厄尔布尔士山脉与里海南沿之间。在公元651年前曾是波斯萨珊王朝的附庸国。公元638年,阿拉伯帝国(大食)便开始发动征服波斯的战争,奥斯曼哈里发在位(公元644-656年)之初,波斯已基本上在阿拉伯军队的控制之下。公元651年,萨珊王朝的末代国王耶泽提格三世被杀,萨珊王朝灭亡,波斯地区便成了阿拉伯帝国的领土。  相似文献   

1953年咸阳底张湾独孤罗隋墓出土一枚拜占廷金币,夏鼐先生曾作过专门研究,正如先生认为的,这枚金币是六世纪君主坦丁堡铸币厂铸的"索里得"。我们参考了世界上最主要的几部拜占廷古币收藏大全,发现有些问题值得探讨。1.图像:金币的正面为拜占廷帝国皇帝查士丁二世(JustinII,565-578)半身像。首先,夏文未涉及币面人像的军服和装备,皇帝像不仅有头盔和胸甲,而且挂盾牌。背面人像则戴头盔,手持长矛,臂挂盾牌。这种图像是早期拜占廷帝国,特别是五、六世纪拜占廷金币的流行式样。从君士坦丁一世(324-337)起,早期拜占廷皇冠…  相似文献   

公元408年东罗马皇帝阿卡狄乌斯去世前立下遗嘱,把其幼子提奥多西乌斯二世托付给自己的宿敌萨珊波斯国王伊嗣俟一世。阿卡狄乌斯"托孤"于宿敌,一方面是由于罗马帝国东西部分裂离心严重、关系紧张,帝国东部不会把帝国西部当作自己的支持者;另一方面是由于此时的东罗马与萨珊波斯的关系较为缓和,使阿卡狄乌斯有可能把幼子和帝国托付给萨珊国王。对萨珊波斯国王伊嗣俟一世而言,此前萨珊波斯在与罗马的较量过程中,其领土和经济诉求都得到了极大满足,同时,萨珊波斯自身也面临着内外矛盾,他没有理由主动打破和平局面。阿卡狄乌斯"托孤"事件的完美结局,不仅使罗马帝国东部的统治实现了平稳过渡,也对晚期古代基督教在东方的发展具有重要的促进意义,对晚期古代东西方贸易交流产生了重要影响,并为晚期古代国家关系的改变提供了一种新范式。  相似文献   

波斯帝国在世界古代史上占有重要的地位。波斯人在历史的长河中分别建立了三个影响深远的王朝,按年代先后分别是公元前550年建立的阿契美尼德王朝(Achaemenidl,历时二百一十九年;公元前247年建立的帕提亚王朝(Parthia);另外就是接替它的萨珊王朝(Sasan),萨珊建立于公元224年,历经四百二十七年.公元651年亡于阿拉伯帝国。  相似文献   

Excavation and surface survey at the site of ancient Merv, Turkmenistan has led to the recovery of a large number of coins, including a small number of Late Roman and Byzantine pieces. These coins are listed, and placed in the wider context of Roman coin finds far beyond the boundaries of the Roman Empire. The implications for east-west relations at this period are discussed.  相似文献   

论纸莎草纸的兴衰及其历史影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙宝国  郭丹彤 《史学集刊》2005,(3):107-110,112
纸莎草纸的出现是一种进步,表明了人类利用自然之赐,探索新的书写材料的创造力。但纸莎草纸也具有自身不可克服的诸多局限性,其最终被羊皮纸和纸所代替,更是一种历史的必然和进步。然而,纸莎草纸毕竟曾经是多达六种语言文字符号的载体,记录了包括古埃及、古希腊、古罗马和阿拉伯帝国弥足珍贵的历史信息,从而使其成为人类历史上最早的、应用时间最长的、最重要的纸质传播媒介。因此,无论是研究近东和欧洲古代文明史,还是研究人类传播媒介史,都离不开对纸莎草纸及其所承载的文献进行的研究,它是古代文明留给后人的一笔宝贵的文化遗产。  相似文献   

本文是2006年伦敦第21届世界拜占庭大会开幕式上的主题发言。从公开、自觉的夸示,世俗生活模式的展示和教俗势力所禁止的习俗表现等3个方面阐释了拜占庭帝国在历史上和现实中“展示”(display)自己的方式,并指出,21世纪拜占庭研究者的任务就是探寻拜占庭文明对其周边世界的影响,将其“展示”于天下。  相似文献   

The Byzantine silk industry played a major role in the history of the Byzantine Empire. Silk, a key economic asset, had strong political overtones, and the effects of its multiple influences were felt far and wide, both within Byzantium and abroad. This article highlights some of the difficulties encountered in the interpretation of important documentation surrounding the Byzantine silk industry in the period up to 1204 A.D.  相似文献   

The Byzantine silk industry played a major role in the history of the Byzantine Empire. Silk, a key economic asset, had strong political overtones, and the effects of its multiple influences were felt far and wide, both within Byzantium and abroad. This article highlights some of the difficulties encountered in the interpretation of important documentation surrounding the Byzantine silk industry in the period up to 1204 A.D.  相似文献   


Byzantine military technology remains to be examined thoroughly, despite its importance in demonstrating the Byzantines' ability to absorb ideas and practices from areas outside the Empire as well as developing their own traditions. This article examines arms and armour from the mid-sixth century to the end of the tenth century and puts the military panoply into a wider context, that of the development of offensive and defensive military equipment in Europe and the lands to the north and east of the Empire. Finally, it examines the relationship between military affairs and the economic and political situation of the Empire and attempts to account for the use of particular weapons and methods of equipping the soldiers at particular times.  相似文献   

Artificial cranial modification is one of the most often documented types of intentional intervention on the human skeleton in the anthropological record. A female cranium exhibiting headshaping recently came to light at the Early Byzantine site of Maroneia, in Thrace, northern Greece. Headshaping was practiced by several different population groups during the migration period (1st–9th c. AD), but was unknown in Byzantine customs. Homogeneity in burial customs, evidenced by the skeleton's position and orientation and by cemetery topography, strongly supports the hypothesis that this burial belonged to a Christianised citizen who had the right to be buried in a common Christian cemetery. Headshaping provides strong evidence for the cultural adaptability and complexity of Early Byzantine society at Maroneia, an important provincial urban centre of the Byzantine Empire. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A copper‐alloy thimble was found in 2010 at Punta Secca, Sicily, in a sealed context datable by coins to the first quarter of the seventh century AD. It has generally been thought that thimbles did not reach the Mediterranean area until the ninth century AD, but at least nine metal examples are in fact attested at various places from contexts datable between the late sixth century and the early ninth. It is suggested that the increasing use of silk in clothing in the Byzantine Empire during the seventh century, probably accompanied by the use for the first time of steel needles which made the use of a finger protector imperative, explains the apparent introduction of thimbles at this time. No securely dated metal thimbles are known from sites of Roman date, except for one at Ephesus of c.AD 100. It is very tentatively suggested that this last example might represent an import from China, where thimbles (and steel needles) are attested from at least the third century BC onwards.  相似文献   

本文探讨研究拜占庭文明的方法,分析拜占庭东正教和拜占庭神学的特点及其对社会发展的影响。通过对拜占庭文明与中世纪西欧文明的比较,说明拜占庭文明的独特性以及拜占庭文明在中世纪基督教世界历史发展中的地位。  相似文献   

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