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傅玄是魏晋之际的思想家、文学家,学者们对其家世、生平、著作进行了深入细致的考辩,对其思想面貌和文学业绩进行了认真分析,其代表作《傅子》在文学思想史上占有重要地位,引起了学界的注意。本文就现有资料,对今人研究傅玄及其《傅子》的文献作一简述。  相似文献   

试析傅玄、杨泉思想之同异陈见微傅玄、杨泉均为晋代思想家,分别有论著《傅子》及《物理论》辑本传世。今人在研究他们的学术思想时,往往将其二人并论。如侯外庐先生在《中国思想通史·傅玄=杨泉的学派性及神灭思想》中称。"原书(指《傅子》、《物理论》)既皆佚失,...  相似文献   

陈见微 《文献》2000,(3):222-232
《傅子》,魏晋之际杰出思想家傅玄著.《傅子》问世后,当时就备受有识之士的赞赏.  相似文献   

北魏司马金龙墓屏风题记中,有一则可与《北堂书钞》《艺文类聚》《文选》李善注、《意林》《太平御览》等对读。作者通过排比上述诸种资料,参照《金人铭》,发现此题记实为傅玄《拟金人铭作口铭》原文,并指出上述各对读资料均应源自已佚傅玄《傅子》。《意林》和《太平御览》引文几乎完全相同,二者均是对《拟金人铭作口铭》原文的删节。此题记不仅可资校勘传世对读文献,而且与传世文献一起差可还《傅子》之《拟金人铭作口铭》全璧。  相似文献   

吴点明 《沧桑》2010,(1):214-215
《傅玄〈傅子〉校读》一书具有填补学术空白,意义深远;读经释典,多有创新;注译精粹,力致达雅;视野开阔,内容宏博;兼收并蓄,厚积薄发;治学严谨,资料可靠等诸多亮点,是兼有工具书作用和重要学术价值的一本好书。  相似文献   

《傅玄〈傅子〉校读》一书具有填补学术空白,意义深远;读经释典,多有创新;注译精粹,力致达雅;视野开阔,内容宏博;兼收并蓄,厚积薄发;治学严谨,资料可靠等诸多亮点,是兼有工具书作用和重要学术价值的一本好书。  相似文献   

本文据宋苏易筒《文房四谱·笔谱》辑得晋代傅玄、成公绥、嵇含三人赋作中的四段佚文,此可补《先唐赋辑补》之遗。  相似文献   

傅玄在正始六年以选入著作修撰《魏书》而走上仕途,此后在魏晋两朝官职累迁而览史、著史不废。傅玄的历史著述自觉遵循传统史学的规范直书史事,其史文涉及面广泛,观点公正而通达,文笔生动。傅玄的重人事、民本的史学思想是很突出的。他对历史和历史学的评说卓识迭见,影响深远。傅玄是魏晋之际重要的史学家之一,我们应当重视对他在中国史学上的地位和影响的研究  相似文献   

《傅子》辑本考略曹东方,陈见微《傅子》,哲学著作,晋傅玄(217─-278年)撰。玄字休奕,魏晋之际哲学家、学者。北地泥阳(今陕西省耀县)人。少孤奋。学识渊博,精通音律,善为文章。历官弘农太守,领典农校尉,封鹑觚男。武帝受禅迁司隶校尉,性亮直刚劲,贵...  相似文献   

马黎丽 《安徽史学》2011,(4):117-119
傅咸(239—294),字长虞,其父傅玄(217—278),字休奕,父子二人在晋代均掌谏职,均以直言敢谏、刚劲亮直著称。《晋书》玄、咸本传史臣论曰:"傅玄体强直之姿,怀匪躬之操,抗辞正色,补阙弼违,谔谔当朝,不忝其职矣。及乎位居三独,弹击是司,遂能使台阁生风,贵戚敛手。……长虞风格凝峻  相似文献   

章太炎是我国近代史上名的民主革命家、思想家,又是一位享有盛誉的国学大师。他和《庄子》一书早有接触,并在二十余岁时“育其辞,理其训沾,求其义旨”。在流亡日本期间,除了忙于政事之外,他还致力于研究并为留日青年学生讲授《庄子》先后撰成了《庄子解帮》和《齐物论释》等论。特别是在《齐物论释》中,他纳入了西方哲学和佛教思想解释《庄子》,力图以此表述自己的哲学观点。由于时代的局限和章太炎自身存在的问题,无疑他建立起来的哲学体系在理论上存在着严重的缺陷。不过,他研究《庄子》的活动富于新意,给人予启迪。从批判和继承的观点来看,似应给予积极的、实事求是的评价。  相似文献   

Oswald Spengler (1880–1936) is a neglected figure in the history of European philosophical thought. This article examines the philosophical anthropology developed in his later work, particularly his Man and Technics: A Contribution to a Philosophy of Life (1931). My purpose is twofold: the first is to argue that Spengler's later thought is a response to criticisms of the “pessimism” of his earlier work, The Decline of the West (1919). Man and Technics overcomes this charge by providing a novel philosophical anthropology which identifies technology as the highest expression of human cognitive and creative capacities. The second is to suggest that in his later period Spengler presents an affirmatory account of modern technology as the final stage of human cultural evolution. I conclude that by providing a philosophical anthropology that reconciles technology with human nature, Man and Technics represents an important development of Spengler's theory of human culture.  相似文献   

Jacobi's polemics against philosophical theology is meant to show that neither Spinoza, nor Kant, nor Fichte nor Schelling have been able to think God as a person, that is as a free, intelligent being. In order to elucidate Jacobi's position I focus on two less well‐known texts of his, viz., A Few Comments Concerning Pious Fraud (1788) and Of Divine Things and Their Revelation (1811). In the second section I situate two key philosophical theological concepts — deism and theism — against the broader context of modern philosophy. The third section analyses Jacobi's polemic against deism, followed by an examination of his positive attitude towards theism and an explanation of the reasons why he, at the end of his life, came to identify theism with deism and extended the negative meaning of the latter term to the former. In the final section, I give an outline of Jacobi's alternative idea of philosophical theology.  相似文献   


Leibniz’s philosophical and philological interests overlapped at many points, and some of his fundamental philosophical notions shaped his views on language, particularly his thinking about language history, in decisive ways. Although he is better known for his work on universal language, his writings on natural language and language history are worth consideration both for their subtlety and for the insight they give into the complex history of thought on this topic. The principles of sufficient reason, praedicatum inest subjecto, and his doctrine of marks and traces are echoed in his work on natural languages and in his account of their histories. He attempted to reconcile philosophical investigations of the natural languages with the Biblical accounts of the confusion of languages at Babel, and in his approach to etymology he participated in a long tradition of thinking about language and its essence as hidden or secret, the truth of which remains scattered in signs and which etymology alone may occasionally reveal.  相似文献   

Ernest Gellner's work on nationalism is situated in a larger social metaphysic and philosophical anthropology. This paper investigates some of these overarching intellectual commitments and their implications for his arguments about nationalism. Two main issues are examined. Does the method of ‘philosophic history’ provide any philosophical or methodological support for his treatment of nationalism? What are the implications of the common culture of industrial civilization for his arguments about nationalism? Addressing these issues together contributes to the continuing evaluation of Gellner's work, particularly to recent discussion of his arguments about necessity and nationalism.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have returned to the famous controversy over the reception of Nietzsche’s Birth of Tragedy from the Spirit of Music (1872). By reinterpreting it within the immediate context of Germany in the early 1870s, James Whitman understands this controversy as a Methodenstreit within Classical Philology and James I. Porter claims that, through this controversy, Nietzsche developed an extensive critique of modern culture. I contend that Nietzsche’s reaction to the scholarly rejection of his first publication resulted in no immediate response on his behalf; rather, it led to three years of intense rethinking and strengthening of the position he took in The Birth of Tragedy. This is evidenced in his early published essays and notebooks of 1872–1875. From the first readers of these early notebooks, Karl Schlechta and Anni Anders, to its most recent interpreters, Richard T. Grey and Alexander Nehamas, these scholars are unanimous in understanding them as Nietzsche’s attempt to work through a number of conventional philosophical problems. I argue that Nietzsche developed in these essays and notebooks a type of criticism that broke away from all traditional philosophical problems and creatively introduced such notions as cultural horizon, background phenomena, and life as a philosophical measure — all of which would be further refined in his mature texts of the 1880s and underpin his innovative concepts of the will to power and eternal recurrence.  相似文献   

In Bielefeld, Germany in April, 1997 an author conference was devoted to Arthur C. Danto's 1995 Mellon Lectures After the End of Art: Contemporary Art and the Pale of History (Princeton,1997). This essay provides an introduction to seven essays given at that conference and expanded for this Theme Issue of History and Theory . Danto presented his view of the nature of art in The Transfiguration of the Commonplace (1981). He then added in the Mellon lectures a sociological perspective on the current situation of the visual arts, and an Hegelian historiography. The history of art has ended, Danto claims, and we now live in a posthistorical era. Since in his well-known book on historiography, Analytical Philosophy of History (1965), Danto is unsympathetic to Hegel's speculative ways of thinking about history, his adaptation of this Hegelian framework is surprising. Danto's strategy in After the End of Art is best understood by grasping the way in which he transformed the purely philosophical account of The Transfiguration into a historical account. Recognizing that his philosophical analysis provided a good way of explaining the development of art in the modern period, Danto radically changed the context of his argument. In this process, he opened up discussion of some serious but as yet unanswered questions about his original thesis, and about the plausibility of Hegel's claim that the history of art has ended.
Hegel . . . did not declare that modern art had ended or would disintegrate. . . . his attitude towards future art was optimistic, not pessimistic. . . . According to his dialectic . . . art . . . has no end but will evolve forever with time.  相似文献   

This article connects Mill's experience with France and the French with his theoretical vindication of the significance of studying foreign cultures and peoples, and offers an assessment both of the way in which he applied his views on this matter to his life‐long connection with France and of the overall part this enterprise had in his conception of his role as one of the ‘moral teachers of England’. It is argued that, whatever the merits of Mill's theory of half‐truths might be with regard to a number of philosophical or epistemological controversies, his application of it in the realm of the disputes and misunderstandings between nations is defensible and commendable.  相似文献   

In this article I contend that John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism has been widely misunderstood, and hence the importance of his philosophical project has been diminished. This misunderstanding arises primarily from misconceptions regarding Mill’s definition of pleasure. However, these misconceptions may be successfully resolved by reflecting on Mill’s educational roots and his commitment to Greco-Roman philosophy. In particular, I hold that a deeper understanding of Mill’s philosophical progenitors (i.e., Aristotle and Epicurus) would lead us to conclude that for Mill the “pleasures” of the Utilitarian project are in the final analysis nothing other than the “pleasures” of the mind and conscience. Thus, by following Mill’s line of reasoning and adhering to some of the salient points of his work, specifically in Chapter 2 of Utilitarianism, we may reach a richer and more nuanced understanding of his impressive philosophical project.  相似文献   

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