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This paper makes a case for cyberspace and geographical space coexisting simultaneously as an interconnected dyadic cyber/space combining the virtually real and the actually real. Based on empirical evidence from a study examining the role of the Internet in the life of new mothers, we investigate the simultaneity of online/onsite experiences through an exploration of cyberspace as a performative liminal space, one where the women 'tried out' different versions of motherhood. We suggest that liminality, as a concept that can denote both a space and time of 'betweenness', is a useful tool in the virtual geographers 'conceptual handbag' as it enables a more lively understanding of cyberspace. But although cyberspace can result in the production of new selves, these selves have residual attachments to embodied experiences and practices. This suggests that new theorizing about cyber/space must combine a consideration of liminality with everyday corporeality.  相似文献   

This paper presents a close reading of the reports of racial oppression that appeared in issues of two periodicals, Anti-Caste and its successor Fraternity, between 1888 and 1895. Edited in Street, Somerset, these periodicals created an extensive political geographical imagination by mapping international cases of racial prejudice. Although critical of the British empire, neither Anti-Caste nor Fraternity demanded the destruction of the British empire. In a tactic similar to that used by early Pan-Africanists, the papers’ narratives desired an end to the expansion of the British empire and an increase in the respect for and conditions of those who were ruled ‘under the British Flag’. However, Anti-Caste’s focus upon racial inequality across the United States as well as the British empire enabled it to create a distinctive critique of racial prejudice across the English-speaking world. Its criticism of the imperial project combined with support for human brotherhood allowed the paper to develop a framework for debates on racial prejudice that drew together criticisms of labour laws in India, the removal of people from their lands in Southern Africa, the racial segregation of public transport in the United States and the restriction of Chinese labour in Australia.  相似文献   

Fortgeschrittene Klimamodelle lassen erwarten, dass die Folgen des Klimawandels in Deutschland regional differieren werden. Ebenso variiert auch das Ausma?, mit dem die einzelnen Regionen zum Klimawandel beitragen. Die regionale Ebene ist daher besonders gefordert, den Herausforderungen des Klimawandels zu begegnen. Die institutionalisierte Regionalplanung kann ein Tr?ger des vorbeugenden Klimaschutzes sein: Einerseits geht es darum, eine Beschleunigung des Klimawandels zu verhindern, andererseits müssen Anpassungen an die sich ver?ndernden Bedingungen erfolgen, um schlimmere Folgen des Klimawandels zu vermeiden. Der Artikel gibt einen überblick über die Diskussion der regionalen Klimamodelle und zeigt das breite Spektrum von existierenden und potenziellen neuen Instrumenten der r?umlichen Planung auf regionaler Ebene. Schlie?lich kann der Klimawandel als ein Anlass gesehen werden, die r?umliche Planung politisch zu st?rken.  相似文献   

This article argues that the widespread assumption that the events of world politics since 9/11 represent a radical break in world politics is incorrect. It goes on to argue, first, that world politics since 9/11 displays far more continuities than disjunctions and, second, that the belief that there was a radical change signalled by 9/11 is deeply problematic not just for conceptualizations of world politics but also for practice. This argument is then discussed in the context of four specific areas, the geo-political configuration of world politics, the ideological shape of world politics, ideas and assumptions about the use of force in world politics and the relationship between civil liberty and security.  相似文献   

The present study employs δ34S analysis to investigate the potential of this method in the investigation of local/geographic origin for the 12 individuals buried collectively over the ruins of a Bronze Age building, under a tumulus, in Thebes, Greece, and to help in the understanding of this unique case in Greek archaeology. Sulphur isotope analysis of bone collagen is applied with increasing frequency to elucidate aspects of paleodiet and movement in archaeology. Sulphur is linked to local geology and can also be used to indicate proximity of people and animals to the sea. The osteoarchaeological analysis of the assemblage revealed that it included individuals of both sexes and all age groups, a configuration which could traditionally be interpreted as an extended family. The absence of synchronous burials in Thebes amplifies the importance of this assemblage. At the same time, traditional archaeological practice has been unable to elucidate the conditions that led to this event, proposing a biological affinity for the individuals and personal reasons for their extinction. However, sulphur isotope analysis clearly demonstrated that at least one of the individuals had spend the last years of life in an environment different from the rest, a fact likely to indicate a rather random composition of this assemblage.  相似文献   

While the poets of the Augustan age described herdsmen and farmers indulging in fluteplaying, singing and lovemaking, paintings from the same period give a different picture. When the inhabitants of the so-called sacred landscapes are not working, they are worshipping in rustic sanctuaries. This is characterstic of many Roman representations of country life down to late Antiquity. Though they may occasionally play a tune to their animals, the inhabitants of the countryside are mostly seen engaged in serious work. Theirs is not the joy of a careless existence, but rather the quiet happiness of those who have fulfilled their duties and respected the mos maiorum.  相似文献   

Historic documents are a useful tool in understanding post-contact archaeological sites. Documents can show different forms of interaction between Europeans and Native Americans and chronicle events that are invisible in the archaeological record. Using interactions between the Lower Creek and Westerners as a case study, a sample of 300 historic documents, written between 1620 and 1840, were analyzed and quantified. Results indicate that this method of quantification reflects historic events seen both in the documents and archaeological records and measures the level of interaction between Native Americans and colonialist through time.  相似文献   

<正>In the Barkor Street,there are still many traditional Tibetan craftsmen.They have consummate skills.Danda,a native,is the boss of such a craft shop.He deals ...  相似文献   

The idea of holding an in/out referendum on Britain's membership of the European Union has increasingly become a norm of British politics, an act seen as a necessary step for the country to answer what David Cameron described as the ‘European question in British politics’. A referendum, it is hoped, will cleanse British politics of a poisonous debate about Europe and democratically sanction a new stable UK–EU relationship, whether the UK stays in or leaves. Such hopes expect more of a referendum than it can provide. The European question is a multifaceted one and whatever the result of a referendum it is unlikely to address underlying questions that will continue to cause problems for UK–EU relations and Britain's European debate. A referendum can be a step forward in better managing the relationship and debate, but it is only that: a single step, after which further steps will be needed. Coming to terms with the European question and bringing stability to Britain's relations with the EU—whether in or outside the EU—will require comprehensive, longer‐term changes which a referendum can help trigger but in no way guarantee.  相似文献   

Brooke, Christopher N.L. The Medieval Idea of Marriage Duby, Georges Love and Marriage in the Middle Ages Sheehan, Michael M. Marriage, Family and Law in Medieval Europe: Collected Studies Laiou, Angeliki, E. (ed.) Consent and Coercion to Sex and Marriage in Ancient and Medieval Societies Elliott, Dyan Spiritual Marriage: Sexual Abstinence in Medieval Wedlock  相似文献   

Many previous thinkers have imagined that there was a glorious or harmonious period in the past better than the world of their own time, but Thucydides and Sima Qian do not describe the early stages of human society as a Golden Age. I suggest that Sima Qian marks a separation between the mythical stories and the historical spirit in China, just as Thucydides did in Greece. Further, they both presented a modified cyclical view of human history. For a better understanding of the basic characteristics of Greek and Chinese historiographies, this paper discusses the cyclical views of human history underlying ancient Greek and early Chinese historiographies through a comparative study of Thucydides’ and Sima Qian’s texts. I analyze some similarities and differences between the two great historians’ conceptions of historical process, and I conclude that Thucydides believes human intelligence develops through a historical spiral, while Sima Qian focuses on dynastic cycles with a strong moral concern.  相似文献   

During the last two years media attention has centred on the issue of torture during the Algerian war. An exploration of this debate shows that the deep passions and tensions which have, in the past, bitterly divided the participants in the war and prevented an objective historical investigation or dialogue, are now receding. In France, in spite of a long history of state secrecy surrounding 'sensitive' archives, there has been a quiet but significant liberalisation of access and a new body of research based on this huge and growing body of evidence is dramatically changing our understanding of the war. Although many historians hope to see a growing Franco-Algerian collaboration, the torture debate reveals at the same time how far the current political crisis in Algeria and the authoritarian military regime continue to impede access to archives and a more open research agenda.  相似文献   

In der Wirtschaftsregion Chemnitz-Zwickau steigt in den kommenden Jahren – wie in vielen anderen Regionen auch – die Siedlungsfl?che pro Kopf der Bev?lkerung signifikant an. Damit verbunden ist die Gefahr, dass vorhandene Infrastrukturen nicht mehr ad?quat ausgelastet und ?ffentliche Haushalte sowie private Abgabenzahler durch deren hohe Fixkosten überproportional belastet werden. Aufgrund des bereits heute vorhandenen überhangs an Bauland und einer gro?en Zahl ungenutzter Brachfl?chen kann auch die zuletzt positive Entwicklung der regional ans?ssigen Wirtschaft diesen Trend absehbar nicht kompensieren. Deshalb ist eine aktive, auf Nachhaltigkeit orientierte Steuerung der Siedlungsfl?chenentwicklung notwendig. Die Wirtschaftsregion Chemnitz-Zwickau verfolgt dieses Ziel seit 1998.  相似文献   

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