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李文 《黑龙江史志》2012,(19):78-79
明代流民现象产生的原因有多种,对社会也造成了深远影响,面对这一问题统治者采取了各种措施稳定局面。本文结合各地方志分析在不同时期流民产生的原因,以及统治者采取的安抚流民的措施。  相似文献   

明代自永乐以后,流民问题愈演愈烈。至明宪宗成化年间,尤以荆襄流民问题最为突出。能否解决好荆襄流民问题关乎社会秩序的稳定、封建国家的赋税收入、基层统治等方面。成化年间,工部尚书白圭、右都御使项忠、副都御使原杰先后负责荆襄流民的安置事宜。  相似文献   

西晋永嘉之乱以后,产生了大量的流民,并形成了严重的流民问题。流民的大量产生,以及流民势力的迅速发展,迫使两晋之际的统治设法解决流民问题。流民所引起的震动,使残破的西晋政权能够控制的力量更加弱小,从而加速了西晋政权的灭亡。北方流民的大量南下,使南方的政治、军事力量迅速增强,从而为东晋的建立提供了必要的条件。流民聚集而成的政治、军事性集团如京口集团等,是东晋政权的支撑性力量。东晋政权与流民的关系至为密切,而统治对于流民问题的处理方式与程度,亦直接地影响着当时的政治变迁。  相似文献   

流民,《明史·食货志》云:“其人户避徭役者,日逃户;年饥而避兵他徙者曰流民。”两者并无严格界限可言。笔者认为,流民是指那种未得到政府许可而离开原籍、四处游动的人口。流民问题是明代有关社会、经济和政治诸  相似文献   

《明代人口流动与社会变迁》一书问世明代的流民现象,是中国历史上全国性的一次大规模运动,它的深刻性超过前朝历代。透过这次流民现象来揭示其本质,是深入研究中国封建社会后晚期社会结构变化的重大线索和基本课题。牛建强博士正是进行了这方面工作,写成31万字的《...  相似文献   

明代山西方志总体数量、普及程度有了空前的发展,志书种类开始定型,体例亦逐步完善,内容日见丰富,并产生了初级方志理论。作还从明代方志勃兴的原因、编修的组织形式及特点等方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

16世纪和17世纪前期英国的流民问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹虹 《世界历史》2001,(4):30-37
就历史发展而言,流民问题在各个历史时期和各国都不同程度地存在过。这是一个带有普遍性的问题。从16世纪开始的一个多世纪里,在资本主义原始积累过程中英国流民问题突出。流民问题为什么会引起人们的普遍关注并成为英国政府面临的迫切需要解决的社会问题?这个时期流民有哪些特点?流民的状况怎样?鉴于失业、贫困、流浪问题是所有国家在经  相似文献   

近年来史学界对东北区域史的研究不断深入,对清代关内汉族流民开发东北这一课题引起重视,并发表了一些有见解的论文。然而关于清代东北流民的流向及其规律问题尚无专人论及。笔者在研究中发现,清代关内汉族民人流入东北呈现出由南向北,即由奉省到吉省至黑省的趋势。顺康雍时期流民主要集聚在奉省即以奉天府为中心,乾隆以后流民流向有所变化,柳条边外的吉林地区流民迅速增多,一跃为关外各处之冠,咸同以后流民开始大量流入黑龙江地区。本文试就上述流民流向及对东北的开发问题作一探讨。(一)顺治、康熙、雍正时期流入东北的流民主要…  相似文献   

明代的政治、经济方面都出现了新特点,文化领域内的变化尤为突出,至明代的中后期出现了转型。本文从多个方面论述明代中后期的文化转型及原因,明代的文化上承宋元,下启清代,地位举足轻重,对明代中后期文化转型的研究意义重大。  相似文献   

在明代及清初 ,鄂西南土家族地区民族分布存在土蛮集中分布的土司区和汉蛮杂居区两大区域 ;土司区内民族构成中土蛮占绝大多数 ,汉蛮杂居区内汉人、土蛮间比例几乎相等。清代改土归流后 ,由于大量流民的涌入 ,形成土蛮大分散小聚居分布 ,汉、苗等兄弟民族插花般镶嵌分布的格局 ;民族构成转变为以汉族人居多、以土蛮为少数民族主体的构成格局。明清时期导致该地区民族分布与构成及其变化的因素有自然和人文两方面 ,自然因素提供变化的可能 ,人为因素决定变化的方向。当前该地区的发展还得多从人文方面着手。  相似文献   

The scattering problem of seismic waves is an important issue for studying earthquake engineering. In this paper, the null-field boundary integral equation approach was used in conjunction with degenerate kernels and eigenfunction expansion to solve the SH-wave scattering problem of a circular or an elliptical-arc hill. The original problem is divided into subdomains by taking a free-body diagram. One region is an interior boundary value problem. The other is a canyon scattering problem. For the boundary value problem, not only a simply connected domain (elliptical-arc hill problem) but also a doubly connected domain (a circular-arc hill problem containing a circular tunnel or a circular inclusion) is considered. The canyon scattering problem may be addressed in an infinite domain with an artificial boundary of a full plane such that the degenerate kernel can be fully utilized. The null-field integral equation method is used to match boundary conditions. Numerical results are compared favorably with the available data.  相似文献   

The author discusses the contribution that Soviet geography can make in solving broad problems of transformation of the natural environment. He cites as examples the Caspian problem, the problem of the surplus moisture of the West Siberian plain, the problem of Central Asian irrigation, the problem of snow-cover control, and the problem of altering the over-all water balance of a given area for the benefit of man.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on cooperation among organizations in a common‐pool resource (CPR) problem situation. Cooperation is particularly challenging in settings where resource degradation is produced by a variety of different sectors and parts of the population; and where the problem, as well as public responsibilities, transcend borders and jurisdictions. Focusing on transboundary water quality management in the Rhine catchment area, we ask: What drives two actors in a CPR problem situation to cooperate with each other? We argue that the degree of threat to a CPR is an important driver for collective action, and focus on actors’ exposure to and perception of a threat to a CPR. Furthermore, we rely on applications of the ecology of games framework (EGF), taking into account the larger institutional context of CPR management. This allows us to test whether actors’ participation in forums, such as regional and international water body associations, helps to overcome the CPR problem by further enhancing interactions among actors. Based on survey data and applying advanced network statistics (exponential random graph models [ERGM]), we conclude that although problem exposure is one factor that enhances joint cooperation, participation in forums plays an even bigger role for cooperation in a CPR problem setting. Our study contributes to research on cooperation in CPR problem settings, highlights the need to more systematically include the effects that CPR problems have on actors when analyzing CPR problem settings, and stresses the function of forums as triggers for cooperation in CPR problem situations.  相似文献   

中国国民政府与琉球问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪40年代,中国国民政府曾一度面临解决中、日之间悬而未决的琉球问题的有利时机。但是,由于国民政府内部分歧重重,以及二战后最高当局忙于内战,没有能够在该问题上达成任何政府共识,最终丧失了解决琉球问题的法理权。而且,伴随着东、西方冷战的加剧以及国民政府在国共内战后败退台湾,琉球问题被美国所操纵而成为美、日冲绳问题,从而给海峡两岸的中国人民留下深深的历史遗憾。  相似文献   

Multiple Facilities Location in the Plane Using the Gravity Model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Two problems are considered in this article. Both problems seek the location of p facilities. The first problem is the p median where the total distance traveled by customers is minimized. The second problem focuses on equalizing demand across facilities by minimizing the variance of total demand attracted to each facility. These models are unique in that the gravity rule is used for the allocation of demand among facilities rather than assuming that each customer selects the closest facility. In addition, we also consider a multiobjective approach, which combines the two objectives. We propose heuristic solution procedures for the problem in the plane. Extensive computational results are presented.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the p-median problem, the location set-covering and the maximal covering location problems are important facility location models. This paper gives a historical perspective of the development of these models and identifies the theoretical links between them. It is shown that the maximal covering location problem can be structured and solved as a p-median problem in addition to the several approaches already developed. Computational experience for several maximal covering location problems is given.  相似文献   

蓝日基 《中国地方志》2012,(4):31-34,4,5
人物是地方志书要认真记述的重要内容。人物入志是发挥地方志书资治、教化、存史功能的需要,是社会各界人士了解人的作用的需要。人物入志的基本做法有:为去世的重要人物立传入志,为在世的重要人物写简介入志,列各类型的人物表入志,随党政部门、企事业单位、乡镇机构内容记述历任正职领导姓名。记述人物要注意解决记述内容见事不见人的问题;解决为在世人物立传的问题;解决人物入志范围过宽的问题;解决写人物简介和人物传略界限不清问题;解决记述人物出现错漏问题;解决人物传、人物简介排序混乱的问题;解决领导人照片入志存在的问题。  相似文献   

试论《临时约法》对庙产问题的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
庙产问题是清末民初时期一个重大的社会问题,它是由庙产兴学政策引起的。《临时约法》的颁布对庙产问题产生了广泛而又深远的影响:一是激发了普通民众的国民意识和平等意识;二是改变了清末以来征用庙产的标准;三是使清末以来征用庙产的行为失去了合法依据;四是赋予普通民众聚集力量的手段。这就使庙产问题迅速复杂化、表面化,促使政府制定相关政策,进而使庙产问题向法制化的方向迈出了重要的一步。  相似文献   

邓小林 《史学月刊》2004,18(10):47-54
近代国立大学教师的聘任问题,不仅是一个复杂且尚需深入研究的问题,也是一个极具现实意义的问题。民国初年至抗战前夕,政府对大学教师的聘任进行了制度规范,国立大学在实际操作时也有相应的政策,或规定或按照对学术成果的判定来鉴别受聘者是否有真才实学。但政府制度运作和大学实际操作之间在很多方面存在着不同程度的分歧。  相似文献   

The Narrative Policy Framework (NPF) suggests that narratives can be employed to define and contest policy problems. Yet, few NPF studies have explicitly addressed the narrative portrayal of problem intractability. What role do narratives play in a situation of uncertainty about the causes and solutions of the problem, when strong divergences regarding the values and interests of the policy actors exist? The article anchors the NPF to the literatures on problem definition and implementation to advance two propositions about (a) how differences in the use of narrative elements can be suggestive of the degree of problem (in-)tractability; and (b) whether other elements of tractability, namely the presence of a valid causal theory, are associated with the usage of narrative strategies. I test the propositions by analyzing media commentaries surrounding the implementation of European decisions to tackle a tree-killing epidemic in Italy. The findings suggest that narratives can helpfully illustrate the intractability inherent in the policy debate. However, narratives can also develop independently of factors that the implementation literature understands as conducive to lowering intractability, namely knowledge accumulation. The NPF may represent a promising alternative to understand policy implementation processes.  相似文献   

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