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抗战期间国民政府的人力管制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进行人力管制是抗战期间国民政府采取的重大举措.实施这一举措的直接原因在于抗战的需要,即推行兵役制度、保障军需后勤、建设后方工业、平衡人力资源.国民政府为实施人力管制,设置了专门机构,进行大规模摸底调查与登记,制订出一系列法规.人力管制的具体对象和内容主要为:一般人力管制、技术员工管制、工资管制、实施国民义务劳动.在抗战最为艰苦的40年代初期,国民政府的人力管制为坚持持久抗战、最后夺取抗战的胜利提供了人力政策上的保证.但随着时间的推移和客观形势的变化,其效果则越来越差,最终与国民政府的预期理想相去甚远.  相似文献   

金志焕  KIM Ji Hwan 《安徽史学》2007,1(2):78-83,100
本文主要探讨抗战胜利后在纺织事业管理委员会(代表国民政府)之管制下,中国纺织建设公司(代表国营纱厂)和上海及苏浙皖区棉纺织工业组成的第六区机器棉纺织工业同业公会(代表民营纱厂)实行棉纱布抛售政策的过程,进而探析纺织资本家对该政策的态度及其与政府的关系.  相似文献   

七七事变前国民政府的经济备战--以翁文灏为核心的考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以先后任国民政府国防设计委员会秘书长和军委会资源委员会秘书长的翁文灏为中心,考察1932年国防设计委员会成立至1938年初战时经济体制建立期间,国民政府以工矿业为重点的抗战经济准备工作。作者认为国防设计委员会的成立,标志国民政府抗战准备工作的开始。1935年4月国防设计委员会改组为资源委员会,成为国民政府经济备战中最重要的部门之一。其所做工作在抗战初期确发挥了一定作用:一,开展调查设计工作,为制订政策、战时动员及后方经济建设提供了基本依据。二,主办特矿贸易,换取了重要且希缺的外国贷款,进口了大量武器和工业设备。三,经济备战工作吸引和组织了国内一大批学者和技术专家投入到对日抗战工作中,同时也为抗战时期的后方经济建设储备了人才。四,主持厂矿内迁运动,改变了中国工业的不合理布局,推动了内地工业的发展,促进了战时后方经济开发建设。国民政府经济备战工作也存在着很大的局限性,客观效果亦有限,不应盲目夸大,以偏盖全。  相似文献   

抗日战争时期,中国国防用铜量急剧增加,但国土大部沦陷,云南成为抗战军需用铜唯一的供给地。国民政府经济部所属资源委员会与云南省政府共同组建"滇北矿务局","彻底管理"云南铜业,有效整合云南铜矿资源,把云南铜业完全纳入国家军事战略资源的范畴。国民政府在云南采取积极措施,使云南军需铜材产量大幅提升,保证了抗战的铜材需求,有力支持了中国人民的抗日战争。云南铜业的生产规模和技术也在抗战期间得到极大提升,加快了云南矿业现代化发展步伐。  相似文献   

毛泽东对国民政府抗战态度的评价,大致经历:积极抗战、反共准备投降、反共投降与反共抗战交替变换、积极反共消极抗战、峨眉山观战下山摘桃子几个阶段.评断前后不同,是出于政治需要,随着国共关系和国共力量对比的变化而变化.国民政府"积极反共、消极抗日"说影响巨大.现在抗战史学界出现了修正此说的趋势.史学研究必须从史实出发,不能以领导人物的论断为依据.  相似文献   

本组史料为国民政府行政院秘书处与内政部、赈济委员会等在抗战初期就云南省开发事宜签注意见的往来函件  相似文献   

全面抗战爆发前,国民政府已开始逐步对出口大宗商品实施统制,但面对重重阻力,政策执行成效并不理想。淞沪抗战爆发后,长江下游航运阻滞丛生,商人不得不在诸多方面主动向国民政府寻求援助。国民政府适时通过中央信托局推出兵险,为商品运输提供保障,使商人对之产生依赖,并成立贸易调整委员会等机构,在"调整"贸易的同时进行权力渗透。江阴、南京沦陷后,积压在汉口的出口商品只得通过政府控制的粤汉铁路运出,国民政府在初步完成权力渗透后整合中央与地方贸易机构,撕掉"调整"的面纱,将贸易调整委员会更名为贸易委员会,正式建立起对出口贸易的统制。  相似文献   

资源委员会与战时国防重工业建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
资源委员会与战时国防重工业建设王卫星抗战爆发后,中国不仅进行了全国军事的总动员,同时也进行了全国经济的总动员,使中国的经济迅速转入战时轨道。资源委员会是抗战期间国民政府最重要的筹办、主管、经营国防重工业的经济部门,其自身及所属重工业厂矿的发展与否,直...  相似文献   

抗日战争是中国历史上一次规模最大、持续时间最长的反侵略战争.由于战争的残酷性,国民政府军队几乎在每次重大战役中都有大量的兵员损耗,为了满足战时兵员补充的需要,国民政府采用了征募并行的兵役制度,既尽力招募志愿兵,也大量征集义务兵.特别是在抗战中后期.国民政府在国统区大力推行以征额配赋为特征的义务兵役制度,使义务兵成为国民政府军队的主要兵员来源.虽然由于当时实行义务役制的基础尚不具备,制度本身亦不是很完善,特别是国民政府基层政权的黑暗,导致征兵过程中出现了严重的弊端,影响了国民政府兵员动员的成效,但总的来说,整个抗战时期,国民政府征集到的兵员数量还是比较大的,基本上满足了作战部队兵员补充的需求,支持了抗战.  相似文献   

资源委员会与中国抗战的经济准备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王卫星 《民国档案》2003,(4):112-115
资源委员会是抗战前设立的主要从事国防资源的调查、统计、计划与国防重工业建设的秘密机构 ,它的设立是直接为抗战作准备工作的。以往人们在论述抗战准备时 ,往往将目光集中在军事准备方面 ,然而现代战争与其说是交战双方军事力量的对抗 ,不如说是交战国综合国力的较量。因此 ,本文以资源委员会在抗战前的主要活动为切入点 ,分析、研究资源委员会为抗战所做的经济准备 ,并给予客观公允的评价。一九一八事变后 ,蒋介石一方面采取了“攘外必先安内”的政策 ,另一方面也着手进行抗战的准备工作。 1 932年 1 1月 ,经国民政府秘书兼教育部次长钱…  相似文献   

This paper supplements a previous article published in Soviet Geography, March 1961, pp. 73–79. The author reports an inefficient use of oil shale as a power-station fuel and recommends its greater utilization as a chemical raw material. The growth of gas and fuel oil as power-station fuels is expected while the use of long-haul steam coals will drop in the next few years.  相似文献   

Turf and cow dung, especially the latter, are major sources of fuel in most of the areas in Tibet other than the southern forests.  相似文献   


The Norse inhabited Greenland between AD 1000 and AD 1500 and, toward the end of the occupation, according to archaeological evidence, they were predominately marine mammal hunters. Despite the fact that marine resources became important for subsistence, the Norse Greenlanders settled the area in o?der to farm. This is indicated by site locations, faunal material, archaeobotanical, and palynological evidence.

Phytolith analysis from a quern stone, likely made from stone of local origin, found at Gården Under Sandet, a Norse farmstead in Greenland, was examined to determine if there was any evidence indicating domestic cereal processing. The phytoliths found on the quern stone can be associated with grasses and sedges, but the absence of dendritic phytoliths likely indicates that the quern stone was not used to grind seed. This preliminary study demonstrates that information about Norse agriculture may be obtained by examining the phytolith remains from a quern stone.  相似文献   

Hydrogen and fuel cells may have a major role in the future energy market if governments give a high priority to reduction of CO2 emissions with associated R&D investment in efficient hydrogen technologies. It is predicted that China would have the highest share of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in 2050 if their ambitious climate and energy security policies are adopted (OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)/IEA (International Energy Agency) (2005) Prospects for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells (Paris: OECD Publications)). R&D in hydrogen and fuel cell technologies in China has been pushed by the central government's commitment to reduce air pollution emissions from transportation, to enhance energy security and improve national competitiveness. The paper focuses on current policies and progress on hydrogen and fuel cell development in China. Development prospects and challenges are discussed with a view to achieving better understanding of the emerging hydrogen economy.  相似文献   

The United States has adopted a policy of geological disposal to resolve the problem of permanent disposition of highly radioactive spent nuclear fuel (SNF), but has been unable to implement this policy. This study draws upon literature on policymaking and interest group representation to examine that inability. It develops and explores a conceptualization of policy stalemate to analyze the case.
The study finds that the United States has arrived at a stalemate over SNF disposal policy in part because of its pluralist system of interest group representation, and in part because of the nature of the problem. The case demonstrates how, in a pluralist system, the interaction of interests over a complex and difficult policy problem can result in stalemate. Few of the involved interest groups have sufficient incentives to either implement current SNF disposal policy or to revisit the policy. Barring significant change in the nature of the problem, the balance of interests, or other factors in the policy environment, the stalemate will continue.
The central question of this symposium is how institutionalized systems of interest group representation manage competing demands for environmental protection with demands for energy. In the case of SNF disposal, the United States in effect is managing these competing demands by not addressing them. SNF disposal policy does not appear to pose directly the expected tradeoff between demands for environmental protection and accessible energy, as the conflict tends to be defined primarily in environmental terms. However, the trade-off is implicit; failure to resolve the problem will eventually impact continued access to nuclear energy.  相似文献   

This article explores water’s capacities as a vibrant matter with specific properties that generates passions, attachments and a sense of belonging, and which enrols bodies in new connections, socialities, alliances and politics in unpredictable ways. Based on research into practices and engagements with water in a large urban public space the paper builds on studies of blue space. It concludes that water has the capacity to enhance a sense of well-being in those that swim in it and to mobilise a very particular sense of embodiment which gives this form of public space its distinctiveness constituting new forms of sociality and connections amongst diverse individuals. It seeks to do this by paying attention to the experiences of things themselves and the active participation of nonhuman forces in events and the ‘vital materiality’ that runs through and across bodies both human and non-human. The article also explores water’s capacity to be constituted and defined by experts as dangerous and risky matter, and to thus engender political associations and connections amongst diverse groups who seek to oppose such expert interventions.  相似文献   

论20世纪七八十年代日本的石油危机对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李凡 《世界历史》2003,5(1):40-48
面对突如其来的石油危机 ,日本首先在对外政策上采取稳住石油供应对策 ,放弃对阿以冲突的“中立”政策 ,采取支持阿拉伯国家的“亲阿拉伯”政策 ,加强同中东产油国关系。随着石油危机的缓解 ,日本又积极开展国际合作 ,与西方石油消费大国共同合作避免石油危机再度袭来。与此同时 ,日本在对内政策上大力开展调整主要产业结构对策 ,放弃以重化学工业为主的产业结构 ,发展低能耗、高科技产业 ,力争从根本上摆脱石油危机的困扰。  相似文献   

<正>水是生命之源,万物之本,是人类生存不可替代的重要资源和环境要素。但是,随着现代社会的人口增长、工农业生产活动和城市化的急剧发展,全世界的水资源及水环境都受到了巨大的冲击。水资源的短缺、水环境的恶化,严重影响了社会经济的发展,威胁着人类的福祉。  相似文献   

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