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<正>中国近代报刊的创办,是西学东渐与中国迈向现代化的产物,对于开启民智、传播思潮、发表政见、引领社会等发挥了重要的作用,为近代中国的改良和革命提供了重要的舆论支持。无论是早期改良派、洋务派,还是维新派、革命派都相继创办了许多报刊来宣传主张、表达思想。中国共产党成立之前,早期马克思主义者已创办了具有党报党刊属性的刊物,如《新青年》《共产党》等,《向导》则是党成立后创办的第一份报纸。无论是大革命时期、土地革命时期,还是抗日战争时期、解放战争时期,众多的中国共产党党报党刊应运而生,存续时间长短不一。同时创办的还有不少地方党报党刊及军队报刊。新中国成立后,《人民日报》先后和《红旗》《求是》构成中共中央的一报一刊。  相似文献   

在浩繁如烟的史料里,他被称为“中国共产党的老朋友”,这可能是历史的记忆出了错误,因为他不是“中国共产党的老朋友”,而是中国共产党的创始者之一。在哲学界,他是第一位把罗素介绍到中国来的学者,也是第一批把马克思主义介绍到中国来的学者之一。以下是张申府的女儿张燕妮对其一生的点滴回忆——  相似文献   

在浩繁如烟的史料里,他被称为“中国共产党的老朋友”,这可能是历史的记忆出了错误,因为他不是“中国共产党的老朋友”,而是中国共产党的创始者之一。在哲学界,他是第一位把罗素介绍到中国来的学者,也是第一批把马克思主义介绍到中国来的学者之一。以下是张申府的女儿张燕妮对其一生的点滴回忆——[编者按]  相似文献   

中国人民爱戴邓小平同志,感谢邓小平同志,哀悼邓小平同志,怀念邓小平同志,是因他把毕生心血和精力都献给了中国人民,他为中华民族的独立和解放、为中国的社会主义现代化事业建立了不朽功勋。他七十多年波澜壮阔的革命生涯,是同中国共产党的创建和发展,中国人民军队的创建和发展,中华人民共和国的创建和发展,紧密联系在一起的。他是人民共和国的开国元勋,建国以后成为中国共产党以毛泽东同志为核心的第一代中央领导集体的重要成员。党的十一届三中全会以后,他成为中国共产党第二代中央领导集体的核心,领导我们开辟了建设有中国特…  相似文献   

孟皋卿 《百年潮》2007,(9):69-70
周恩来是中国共产党和中华人民共和国的重要领导人之一,他的标准像至今仍不断出现在国内外的报刊、杂志和电视屏幕上。照片中的周恩来,目光炯炯,神采奕奕,令人难以忘怀。而他的标准像是怎么照出来的,就鲜为人知了。  相似文献   

191 7年苏联的十月社会主义革命 ,给中国送来了马克思列宁主义 ,以陈独秀为代表的一批优秀的中国知识分子组织起来 ,成立了以马克思列宁主义为指导思想的政党———中国共产党。中国共产党从成立那天起 ,他就以一股新的不可抗拒的力量 ,活跃在中国的各个阶层 ,各个领域 ,在新闻报刊业 ,他也积极以报刊为阵地 ,为武器 ,宣传马克思列宁主义 ,同各种各样的反动势力 ,反动思想做针锋相对的斗争。中国共产党成立后 ,上海党的中央局、北京、湖北等地的党组织 ,及时派人到河南开展工作 ,河南在国内是较早开展活动和建立党组织的省份之一。开封 ,河…  相似文献   

伟大、光荣、正确的中国共产党成立八十年了。今天,全世界人民在称颂社会主义中国的巨大成就时,总会提到邓小平这个光辉名字。邓小平,是与二十世纪相始终的一代伟人、中国共产党第一代领导集体的成员和第二代领导集体的核心。他是怎样在1949年中华人民共和国  相似文献   

江磊 《炎黄春秋》2002,(4):30-33
曾山是从江西红土地上成长起来的老一辈无产阶级革命家,中国共产党的优秀党员。他1926年10月加人中国共产党,1930年10月担任江西省第一任苏维埃政府主席。在40多年的革命生涯中,他出生人死,历尽艰险,为中国革命和建设事业作出了重大贡献。他的最后岁月是在“文革”动乱中度过的。  相似文献   

中国共产党创始人之一毛泽东,是中共秘书工作的第一人,也是中共调研工作第一人,他创造和形成了一整套行之有效的调研工作方法。这位历史伟人的大智慧、大胸襟、大气魄、大手笔,来自他务实求真的作风,来自他对党对人民的赤诚忠心,来自他对中国这块土地的深情热爱,更来自他一生践行调查研究的养成之功。  相似文献   

瞿秋白的短暂辉煌的一生,曾有过一段不平凡的报人生涯。五四运动时,他因呼唤民主而编辑《新社会》,后又为《晨报》特派记者,前往莫斯科,并缘此而走上马克思主义者的求索之路。回国后,他又为中国共产党创办了很多报刊。他青春年华的精力、智慧和才气,都无私地奉献于此,这些报刊是他绚丽灿烂人生的最具典型的实证。  相似文献   

焦烜 《攀登》2010,29(4):119-121
地市级党委机关报是发布党的路线、方针、政策和地方党委政府具体工作布署、督办措施的主渠道。在新时期,地市级党报只有做好新闻策划,彰显本土新闻亮点,充分体现党报性质,凸显新闻策划的针对性,强化编辑策划意识,做好新闻的选题策划,才能实现传播效益的最大化,增强报纸的影响力、吸引力和战斗力,进而增强党报的竞争力。  相似文献   

This article engages with recent work on the nature of the press in the late 17th and early 18th centuries that has emphasized that print, and more specifically printed news, came to dominate religious and political affairs. Recent scholarship has suggested that political elites embraced the new opportunities that the lapse of licensing (1695) offered by reading and buying newspapers and periodicals in ever greater numbers. Inherent in this portrayal of news culture is a sense that censorship had little effect on news‐writers. Journalists, so it is claimed, were left alone to pursue their trade free from any consistent interference. This article, by contrast, argues that scribal news – handwritten newspapers – continued to be important in the 18th century. The reason for the survival of scribal news‐writers such as John Dyer can be found, I argue, in understanding the complex relationship between press and parliament. Far from embracing the press, most members of parliament were, in fact, reluctant to allow unhindered publication of their discussions. While recognizing the importance of news to political debate, this article insists that the continued production of scribal news is indispensable for understanding both the nature of censorship and the power of the press in post‐licensing England.  相似文献   


This article explores the phenomenon of how news about the discovery of gold on the North Saskatchewan River in British administrated Rupert's Land was propagated by the press in the early 1860s. It tracks the resonance of gold rush news first in the Nor’-Wester, a newspaper published in the Red River Settlement, and then reveals how this paper's coverage was re-published and transmitted across the Anglophone world. The article shows how news about the Saskatchewan gold rush was highly politicised. In the Red River Settlement, editors of the Nor’-Wester sought to spur on the British parliament to implement responsible government in the colony, issuing dire warnings about the potential repercussions of a mass migration to the region and the need to act precipitously. Likewise, in newspapers across North America, editors republished and endorsed news from the Nor’-Wester about the Saskatchewan gold fields to benefit their own communities. But while editors championed the Saskatchewan gold fields to lure potential gold rushers to the region, no large-scale migration to the Northwest occurred. While news about the Saskatchewan gold fields may have been popular across the Anglophone world, it was not actionable. While news reports conveyed the impression that a gold rush was ongoing on the North Saskatchewan River, the reality on the ground did not match the press coverage.  相似文献   

This article examines the way in which the Holocaust was linked to the process of the birth of Israel between 1947 and 1948 in the mainstream British, Swedish and Finnish press. By utilising a framework of comparative cultural history, this essay seeks to understand why different countries responded to the suffering of the Jews during the Second World War in such diverse ways. This essay also seeks to question the popular belief that the two events were intimately linked, and that the link was recognised in a straightforward manner. Hence, the study argues that although the press coverage sometimes managed to establish the connection between the two events, more typically the news was domesticated. In other words, the news had a transcendental and meta-historical character, working as an extension to each country's own self-understanding of Jews, Zionism and the Holocaust.  相似文献   

关于司马光民族观的若干思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
司马光充分汲取自先秦儒家与他同时代欧阳修等人民族观中的有益成份。他提倡了民族和睦观 ;发展了民族平等观 ;丰富了民族诚信观。司马光将孟子的“气节观”、“大丈夫”精神 ,渗透入其民族观中 ,大力倡导民族气节。  相似文献   

Previous research has pointed to the fact that ideological images of geographies are bound up with the ongoing struggle for economic and social resources, and that moral values and emotions are central in rendering such images intelligible and accepted. To explore this further, we critically engage with the ways in which moral values and emotions contribute to the (re)production of centres and peripheries in the Swedish news press reports of public-sector job relocations. We deploy the discourse theoretical notion of ideological fantasy to critically explain the forces that make particular moral and emotional judgements comprehensible. We identify two discourses in the news press material – one about competence and one about compensation – built up by morally and emotionally charged articulations. We argue that ideological fantasies worked as driving forces both in this moral and emotional news debate and also in the ongoing constitution of geographies.  相似文献   

Weber  Johannes 《German history》2006,24(3):387-412
English-language examinations of the history of the press oftenbegin with the 1620s or the 1640s, when this new medium beganto be more widespread in England. On the continent, however,around the year 1600 all the necessary technical, infrastructuraland communication elements were already in place for the developmentof the modern newspaper. Book-printing techniques enabled themass production of news reports; a regular relay post system,available to the general public, served the needs of a networkof professional correspondents from around the world. The timewas right for the first periodical news sheet, which appearedin Strassburg in 1605. The change from hand-copied to printednewspapers was of far-reaching significance, as the mass circulationof news gave regular publicity to the events and personalitiesof political life. By the 1620s a variety of newspapers werecirculating in central Europe, and in the second half of theseventeenth century newspapers were the most widely read secularmaterial. They provided a seedbed for the broadening politicaleducation which fostered the development of the Enlightenment.  相似文献   

Professor James Kwesi Anquandah was Ghana’s first archaeologist. He was also the first Ghanaian to become head of the Archaeology Department at the University of Ghana, which was the first archaeology department in sub-Saharan Africa, established in 1951. Dedicating his life to Ghanaian archaeology, particularly during the difficult years in Ghana in the 1980s and early 1990s, Anquandah had a significant impact on the development of archaeology in Ghana. In addition to his research, advisory and curatorial work, Professor Anquandah was instrumental in the training of three generations of Ghanaian archaeologists. During the course of a professional career that spanned nearly six decades, Professor Anquandah made archaeology relevant and accessible to all Ghanaians.  相似文献   

1904—1912年顾维钧留学美国期间,积极参与中国留美学生会的各种活动,担任过东美中国留学生会会长及其他多项职务,并主编过《中国留美学生月报》,对中国留美学生会的组织发展和各项事业做出了重要贡献。他参与中国留学生会及其他各种社会活动,锻炼和提高了自身能力,积累了广泛的人脉关系,为他的从政生涯奠定了良好的基础和起点。  相似文献   

none 《Northern history》2013,50(1):155-159

'Herbert Heaton and Five Principles of the Yorkshire Coal-Miners'. Herbert Heaton, born in 1890, was the son of a Yorkshire coal-miner. He obtained his schooling with scholarships from the age of twelve, including an undergraduate career at the University of Leeds. He went on to become a leading economic historian. He taught on three Continents, spending the last thirty years of his career at the University of Minnesota in the United States. His father was not only a coal-miner, but also a lay preacher in the Primitive Methodist Church and active in the governance of his local co-operative. Heaton wrote and lectured about five principles he had learned and adopted as his own, growing up in the Yorkshire coalfields. The five principles reflect how many coal-miners before 1914 believed economic and social justice could be achieved. While the miners changed their beliefs after 1918, Heaton, who never lived in Britain after 1914, retained the Yorkshire principles of his youth.  相似文献   

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