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L. Winifred Faraday 《Folklore》2013,124(4):387-426
FOLKLORE AND MEDICINE. By DR. J. D. ROLLESTON. Reprinted from the West London Medical Journal, April 1939 Reviewed by L. F. Newman.

COMPARATIVE RELIGION : AN INTRODUCTORY AND HISTORICAL STUDY. By E. O. JAMES, D. LITT., PH.D., F.S.A., Professor of the History and Philosophy of Religion in the University of Leeds. Pp, 374. Methuen. 1938. Reviewed by S. H. Hooke.

ROUND ABOUT THREE PALACE GREEN. By ESTELLA CANZIANI. Methuen. With 16 plates. Reviewed by E. F. Coote Lake.

THE THREE NORTHERN COUNTIES OP ENGLAND : BEING SOME ACCOUNT OF THE PEOPLE, THEIR COUNTRY AND THEIR HISTORY. Edited by SIR CUTHBERT HEADLAM, Bart., D.S.O., with an Introduction by the Right Hon. Lord Eustace Percy. Northumberland Press Ltd. ; Gateshead-upon- Tyne. 6s. Reviewed by E. M. W..

FOLK-ART OF BENGAL. By AJITCOOMAR MOOKERJEE. The University of Calcutta. 1939. Reviewed by Estella Canziani.

ANTHOLOGIA ANTHROPOLOGICA : NATIVE RACES OF AUSTRALASIA. By SIR J. G. FRAZER, O.M., F. R. S., F.B.A. Edited by R. E. Downie. London. 1939. Pp. viii + 390. Price 35s. Reviewed by J. H. Hutton.

PORTUGAL, A Book of Folk-ways. By RODNEY GALLOP. Cambridge University Press. 1936. Pp. 291 with index. 15s. Reviewed by V. A..  相似文献   

W. L. Hildburgh 《Folklore》2013,124(3):169-207
HAUNTED ENGLAND. By CHRISTINA HOLE. London : B. T. Batsford. 1940. Pp. viii + 184. ios. 6d. Reviewed by M. M. Banks.

SAINT PAUL OF LÉON. By the REV. CANON GILBERT H. DOBLE. Cornish. Saints Series No. 46. 1941. Pp. 72. 2s. 6d. Reviewed by M. M. Banks.

THE FOLKLORE OF ALCOHOLISM. By J. D. ROLLESTON, M.D., M.A., F.R.C.P., F.S.A. British Journal of Inebriety, July–October 1941. Reviewed by L. F. Newman.  相似文献   

A. S. Cumming 《Folklore》2013,124(4):385-393
The Tribal System in Wales, being part of an Inquiry into the Structure and Methods of Tribal Society. By Frederic Seebohm, L. L. D., F. S. A. London: Longmans, Green &; Co., 1895 By Laurence Gomme.

Egyptian Tales Translated from the Papyri. Second Series, XVIIIth to XIXth Dynasty. Edited by W. M. Flinders Petrie, Hon. D. C. L., LL. D. London: Methuen &; Co., 1895

Kilns, Mills, Millers, Meal, and Bread. By the Rev. Walter Gregor, M. A., LL. D. London: David Nutt, 1894.

Legends of Florence Collected from the People, and retold by C. G. Leland. First Series. D. Nutt, 1895. By W. H. D. R.  相似文献   

The Green Lady     
A. B. Gomme  W. B. Gerish 《Folklore》2013,124(4):411-415
La Religion des Chinois. By Marcel Granet. Paris: Gauthier-Villars &; Cie. 1922. Pp. xiii+ 202. Price 8 f. By W. Perceval Yetts.

Australian Association for the Advancement of Science—Hobart-Melbourne Meeting, January 1921. Presidential Address By Sir Baldwin Spencer, K.C.M.G., F.R.S., M.A., Litt D., D.Sc. Melbourne : Reprinted from the Report. By E. Sidney Hartland.

The Old English Herbals. By Eleanour Sinclair Rohde. With Coloured frontispiece and 17 illustrations. Longmans, Green &; Co. 1922. 8vo. xii and 243 pp. 21s. By M. Gaster.  相似文献   


Egypt and the Egyptians. By the Rev. J. O. Bevan, M.A., F S.A. London : George Allen and Sons, 1909. Price 5s. net.

With Mulai Hafid at Fez: Behind the Scenes in Morocco. By Lawrence Harris, F.R.G.S. London: Smith, Elder, and Co., 1909. Price 7s. 6d. net.

The Panama Canal and its Makers. By Vaughan Cornish, D.Sc., F.R.G.S. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1909. Price 5s. net.

Labrador. By Wilfred T. Grenfell, C.M.G., M.D., and others. New York : The Macmillan Company, 1909. Price 10s. net.

Across Papua. By Colonel Kenneth Mackay. London : Witherby and Co., 1909. Price 7s. 6d. net.

Life and Labour in Australia. By E. Waltham. London : H. J. Drane, Limited, 1909. Price 3s. 6d.  相似文献   

W. J. Harding King 《Folklore》2013,124(3):284-313
Mythes, Cultes et Religion, par A. Lang, traduit par Léon Marillier. Bibliothèque de Philosophic contemporaine, Paris: F. Alcan. 1896. By A. C. H.

Bahama Songs and Stories. A contribution to Folklore. By Charles L. Edwards, Ph. D., Professor of Biology in the University of Cincinnati. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin &; Co., 1895.

Studies in Ancient History : The Second Series, comprising an Inquiry into the Origin of Exogamy. By the late John Ferguson M'Lennan. Edited by his Widow and Arthur Platt. London : Macmillan and Co. Limited. 1896.

Henry Callaway, M. D., D. D., First Bishop of Kaffraria. His Life-History, and Work. A Memoir by Marian S. Benham. Edited by the Rev. Canon Benham. London: Macmillan &; Co., Limited. 1896.

Horde und Familie in ihrer urgeschichtlichen Entwickelung. Eine neue Theorie auf statistischer Grundlage von Dr. Joh. Richard Mucke. Stuttgart, Enke: 1895, 8vo.  相似文献   


To Venice and Back in a Two‐Seater. By E. Halford Ross. London : Cassell and Co., Ltd., 1924. Price 6s.

Through Central France to the Pyrenees. By Maude Speed. London : Longmans, Green and Co., 1924. Price 10s. 6d. net.

Eynhallow: The Holy Island of the Orkneys. By John Mooney, F.S.A. Kirkwall: W. R. Mackintosh, 1923. Price 8s. 6d.

Impressions of Soviet Russia. By Charles Sarolea, Professor of French Literature in the University of Edinburgh. London: E. Nash and Grayson, 1924. Price 10s. 6d. net.

The Road to Rannoch and the Summer Isles. By T. Ratcliffe Barnett. Edinburgh: Robert Grant and Son. 1924. Price 7 s. 6d.

The Hill Paths, Drove Roads and "Gross Country” Routes in Scotland from the Cheviots to Sutherland. By Walter A. Smith, F.F.A., Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Macniven and Wallace, 1924. Price 2s. 6d.

Le Mont Olympe (Thessalie). Monographie par Marcel Kdrz, Ingénieur de la Mission suisse près le gouvernement Hellénique. Paris and Neuchâtel: Victor Attinger, 1923.


Sport and Service in Assam and Elsewhere. By Lt.‐Col. Alban Wilson, D.S.O. London: Hutchinson and Co., 1924 Price 18s. net.

Arab Asia. A Geography of Syria, Palestine, Irak, and Arabia. By Lanice Paton Dana.

My Nestorian Adventure in China. By His Excellency Fritz Holm, G.C.C., G.C.O.M., etc. London : Hutchinson and Co., 1924. Price 18s.


Big Game and Pygmies : Experiences of a Naturalist in Central African Forests in Quest of the Okapi. By Cuthbert Christy, M.B., C.M. (Edin.). With an introductory chapter by Sir Harry H. Johnston, G.C.M.G. London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1924. Price 21s. net.


Jamaica: The Lodestar of the Caribbean. By E. M. Cook. Bristol: J. W. Arrowsmith, 1924. Price 2s. 6d.

Desert Trails of Atacama. By Isaiah Bowman, Director of the American Geographical Society. The American Geographical Society, New York, 1924. Price $5.

Economic Geography of Indiana. By S. S. Visher, Ph.D. New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1923.


Cotton in Australia. The Possibilities and the Limitations of Australia as a Cotton‐growing Country. By Richard Harding. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1924. Price 12s. 6d. net.


The Cosmic Bust. By Rajani Ranjan Sen, B.A., B.L. Chittagong : M. R. Sen, 1923. Price Rs. 6/8.


Grundzüge der Länderkunde. Von Alfred Hettner. Band 1 : Europa. 2nd (revised) Ed. Preis 9 Goldmark Band 2: Aussereuropäische Erdteile. Preis 11.20 Goldmark. Leipzig and Berlin : B. G. Teubner, 1923.

Regional Geographies: I. The British Isles. By J. Hamilton Birrell, M.A., F.R.S.G.S. ii. The British Umpire. By T. S. Muir, M.A., F.R.S.G.S. Edinburgh : W. and E. Chambers, Ltd. Price 1s. 3d. each.

Economic Geography of the British Empire. By Ciias. B. Tiiurston, B.Sc., F.R.G.S. Fourth and Revised Edition. London : University of London Press, Ltd., 1924. Price 5s.

Junior Regional Geographies. Book III. The Regions of the World. By W. H. Barker, B.Sc. F.R.G.S., and Leonard Brooks, M.A., F.R.G.S. London: University of London Press, Ltd., 1924. Price 2s. 9d.

A Junior Economic Geography. By O. J. R. Howarth. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1923. Price 2s. 6d. net.  相似文献   

The Folk     
Joseph Jacobs 《Folklore》2013,124(2):233-238
FOLKLORIST OF THE COAL FIELDS: GEORGE KORSON'S LIFE AND WORK. By ANGUS K. GILLESPIE. Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park and London, 1980. Pp. 200. £10.20. 271 00255 7. Reviewed by J. D. A. Widdowson.

THE CRAFT OF RALPH ELLISON. By ROBERT F. O'MEALLY. Harvard University Press. Cambridge, Mass.-London, 1980. Pp. 212. £8.40. 0 674 17548 4. Reviewed by J. D. A. Widdowson.

ROSC: REVIEW OF SCOTTISH CULTURE 1 (1984), Edited by ALEXANDER FENTON with HUGH CHEAPE and ROSALIND K. MARSHALL. John Donald Publishers Ltd. and National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland. Edinburgh, vii + 104 pp. Illustrated, £5.00. Reviewed by W. F. H. Nicolaisen.

RESEARCH IN RITUAL STUDIES: A PROGRAMMATIC ESSAY AND BIBLIOGRAPHY. By RONALD L. GRIMES. The American Theological Library Association and Scarecrow Press. Metuchen N.J., and London, 1985. 177pp. $15. 0 8108 1762 4. (ATLA Bibliography Series No. 14). Reviewed by Susan Drury.

KINTYRE: THE HIDDEN PAST. By ANGUS MARTIN. John Donald Publishers Ltd., Edinburgh, 1984. xii + 232 pp., illus. £12.00 p.b. Reviewed by W. F. H. Nicolaisen.

NATIVE AMERICAN FOLKLORE, 1879 to 1979. An Annotated Bibliography. Compiled by WILLIAM M. CLEMENTS and FRANCES M. PALPEZZI. Swallow Press (Ohio University Press), Athens Ohio, London, Chicago, 1984. 247pp. 0-8040-0831-6672. £29.65. Reviewed by Robert Turpin.

ENZYKLOPÄDIE DES MÄRCHENS. Editor K. RANKE. Volume ii Fascicle 5. Berlin, New York (Walter de Gruyter), 1979. Cols. 1186-1444. Volume iii. 1981. 1446 Cols. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.  相似文献   

E. S. Hartland 《Folklore》2013,124(1):70-77
Legends of the Micmacs. By the Rev. Silas Tertius Rand, D.D., D.C.L., LL.D. Wellesley Philological Publications. New York and London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1894. By E. S. Hartland.

Old Rabbit the Voodoo, and other Sorcerers. By Mary Alicia Owen. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1893. By E. S. Hartland.

More English Fairy Tales. Collected and edited by Joseph Jacobs. London: David Nutt, 1894. By E. S. Hartland.

Scottish Fairy and Folk-Tales. Selected and edited, with an Introduction, by Sir George Douglas, Bart. London: Walter Scott, Limited. By E. S. Hartland.  相似文献   

The Scenery of Scotland viewed in connection with its Physical Geology. By Archibald Geikie, LL.D., F.E.S., etc. 2d Edition, pp. 472. Two Maps, Index, and copious Illustrations. London: Macmillan and Co., 1887. Price 12s. 6d.

St. Kilda and the Kildians. By Robert Connell. London and Glasgow : Thos. D. Morison, 1887. Price 2s. 6d.

The British Umpire. By Sir George Campbell, M.P. Cassell and Co., London, 1887. Pp. 184. Price 3s.

The Great Silver River. Notes of a Residence in Buenos Ayres in 1880 and 1881. By Sir Horace Rumbold, Bart, K.C.M.G. With Illustrations, partly from Sketches by R. S. Wilkinson, C.E. London : John Murray. 1887. Pp. xiv. + 330. Price 12s.

Ten Tears in Melanesia. By the Rev. Alfred Penny, M.A., late of the Melanesian Mission. With Chart and six Engravings. Pp. 232. London : Wells Gardner and Co., 1887. Price 5s.

Uebersichten der Weltwerthschaft. Von Dr. F. X. von Neumann‐Spallart. Jahrgang 1883–84. Stuttgart, 1887.

The Teaching of Geography: Suggestions regarding Principles and Methods for the Use of Teachers. By Archibald Geikie, LL.D., F.R.S. Mac‐millan and Co., London, 1887. Pp. 202. Price 2s.

Longman's New Geographical Readers: The First Reader for Standard I. Longmans, Green, and Co., London, 1887. Pp. 128. Price 9d.

Great Waterfalls, Cataracts, and Geysers. By John Gibson. Thomas Nelson and Sons, London and Edinburgh, 1887. Pp. 238. Price 2s. 6d.  相似文献   

Paul Cowdell 《Folklore》2013,124(4):433-438
SIR WALTER SCOTT'S MINSTRELSY OF THE SCOTTISH BORDER. Edited by T. F. HENDERSON. 4 vols., 8vo. Wm. Blackwood and Sons, 1902. Price £2 2s. net. Reviewed by Charlotte S. Burne.

THE HOME-LIFE OF BORNEO HEAD HUNTERS, ITS FESTIVALS AND FOLK-LORE, By WILLIAM HENRY FURNESS, 3d., M.D., F.R.G.S. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1902. Reviewed by E. Sidney Hartland.

ANTIQUE WORKS OF ART FROM BENIN. By General AUGUSTUS PITT-RIVERS. 1900. 12s. 6d. Privately printed. To be obtained from B. T. Batsford, 94, High Holborn. Reviewed by Margaret Eyre.

HISTORY AND CHRONOLOGY OF THE MYTH-MAKING AGE. By J. F. HEWITT, Late Commissioner of Chotia Nagpur. With Map, Plates, and Diagrams. James Parker &; Co. 1901.

THE EARLY HISTORY OF SYRIA AND PALESTINE. By L. B. PATON. THE THEOLOGY AND ETHICS OF THE HEBREWS. By A. DUFF. The Semitic Series. Vols. iii. and iv. London: Nimmo. 1902. 6s. each. Reviewed by A. H. Sayce.

SOHRAB AND RUSTEM : the Epic Theme of a Combat between Father and Son. A Study of its Genesis and Use in Literature and Popular Tradition. By MURRAY ANTHONY POTTER, A.M. London: David Nutt. 1902. Reviewed by W. Crooke.  相似文献   

《History and theory》2005,44(2):304-309
D ictatorship in H istory and T heory : B onapartism , C aesarism, and T otalitarianism . Edited by Peter Baehr and Melvin Richter.
A ction as H istory: the H istorical T hought of R. G. C ollingwood . By Stein Helgeby.
P ast I mperfect : F acts , F ictions, and F raud in A merican H istory F rom B ancroft and P arkman to A mbrose , B ellesiles , E llis , and G oodwin . By Peter Charles Hoffer.
A H istory of R easonableness : T estimony and A uthority in the A rt of T hinking . By Rick Kennedy.
A C ultural H istory of C ausality : S cience , M urder N ovels , and S ystems of T hought . By Stephen Kern.
V ico's U ncanny H umanism : R eading the N ew S cience B etween M odern and P ostmodern . By Sandra Rudnick Luft.
S attire , H istory , N ovel : N arrative F orms , 1665–1815. By Frank Palmeri.
B ritish H istoriography in the T wentieth C entury : M ain T heoretical and M ethodological T rends , S chools , and D irections . By I. I. Sharifzhanov.  相似文献   

Books received     
The Lake‐Dwellings of Europe : being the Rhind Lectures in Arch?ology for 1888. By Robert Munro, M.A., M.D. Cassell and Co., 1890. Pp. xl. and 600.

Journeys in Persia and Kurdistan, including a Summer in the Upper Karun Region and a Visit to the Nestorian Rayahs. By Mrs. Bishop (Isabella L. Bird). Two volumes. London : John Murray, 1891. Price 24s.

My Mission to Abyssinia. By Gerald H. Portal, C.B., H.B.M. Agent and Consul‐General at Zanzibar. With Map and Illustrations. London : Edward Arnold, 1892. Pp. 261.

A Transatlantic Holiday; or, Notes of a Visit to the Eastern States of America. By T. Fitzpatrick, M.A. London : Sampson Low, Marston, and Co., 1891. Pp. viii + 210. Price 10s. 6d.

A Winter Cruise in Summer Seas. By Charles C. Atchison. London : Sampson Low and Co., 1891. Pp. 369. Price 16s.

Aus dem Kaukasus. Von C. Hahn. Leipzig : Verlag von Duncker und Humblot, 1892. Pp. 299. Price M. 6.

The New Era in Russia. By Charles A. de Arnaud. London : Gay and Bird. N.D. Pp. 166. Price 2s. 6d.

The Australian at Home. By Edward Kinglake. London : The Leadenhall Press. Pp. 159.

Illahun, Kahun, and Gurob, 1889–90. By W. M. Flinders‐Petrie, with Chapters by Professor Sayce, D.D., Professor Mahafft, Canon Hicks, F. Ll. Griffith, B.A., and F. C. J. Spurrell, F.G.S. London : David Nutt, 1891. Pp. 59, and Plates xxxiii.

Africa Rediviva, or the Occupation of Africa by Christian Missionaries of Europe and America. By Robert Needham Cust, LL.D. London : Elliot Stock, Pp. 118.

The Negro Question; or, Hints for the Physical Improvement of the Negro Race, with special reference to West Africa. By Joseph Benner Maxwell, M.A., B.C.L. (of Merton College, Oxford). London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1892. Pp.188.

Oliver &; Boyd's Edinburgh Almanac and National Repository for the year 1892. Edinburgh : Oliver &; Boyd. Pp. 1195. Price 6s. 6d.

An Almanack for the year of Our Lord 1892. By Joseph Whitaker, F.S.A. London. Pp. 728.

Hazell's Annual for 1892 : A Cyclop?dic Record of Men and Topics of the Day. London : Hazell, Watson, and Viney, Ld., 1892. Pp. 726. Price 3s. 6d.

Barker's Facts and Figures for the Year 1892. Edited by Thomas P. Whittaker. London and New York : Frederick Warne and Co. Pp. 384. Price 1s.

North Wales. Part II. By M. J. Baddeley, B.A. and C. S. Ward, M.A. Third Edition, revised. “Thorough Guide Series.” London : Dulau and Co., 1891. Pp. xvi+147. Price 2s. 6d.

Lochnagar. By Alex. Inkson M'Connochie. Aberdeen: D. Wyllie &; Son. 1891. Price 1s.

Handbook to the Geology of Derbyshire. By Rev. J. Mageno Mello, M.A., F.G.S. 2d Edition. London : Bemrose and Sons, 1891. Pp. 89.  相似文献   

The Viking Age: The Early History, Manners, and Customs of the Ancestors of the English‐speaking Nations. Illustrated from the Antiquities discovered in Mounds, Cairns, and Bogs, as well as from the Ancient Sagas and Eddas. By Paul B. du Chaillu. With 1366 Illustrations, and Map. 2 vols. London: John Murray, 1889. Price, 42s.

Hindu‐Koh: Wanderings and Wild Sport on and beyond the Himalayas. By Major‐General Donald Macintyee, V.O. With Illustrations. Edinburgh and London: W. Blackwood and Sons. Pp. xx., 464. Price 21s.

The River Karún: An Opening to British Commerce. By William Francis Ainswoeth, Ph.D., F.S.A., F.E.G.S. London: Wm. Allen and Co., 13 Waterloo Place, 1890.

A Visit to the Azores; with a Chapter on Madeira. By Mrs. Charles Roudell. Pp. 197. London: Bickers and Son, 1889.

H. M. Stanley, the African Explorer. By Arthur Montefiore, F.R.G.S. London : S. W. Partridge and Co., n.d. Pp. 160. Price 1s. 6d.

One Man's Power: The Life and Work of Emin Pasha in Equatorial Africa. By the Rev. Henry W. Little, Author of Madagascar: its History and People; How to save Egypt, etc., etc., etc. With Portrait and Map. London: J. S. Virtue and Co., 1889. Pp. 112.

Swiss Travel and Swiss Guidebooks. By W. A. B. Coolidge, Editor of The Alpine Journal. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1889. Pp. 336. Price 10s. 6d.

The Mount Pilatus Railway. By J. Hardmeyee. With 32 Illustrations. Zurich : Orell Füssli and Co., 1889. Price 1s.  相似文献   


Racial Realities in Europe. By Lothrop Stoddard, London: Charles Scribner's Sons,1924. Price 12s. 6d.

Europe. Vol. I. The Peninsula. Edited by B. C. Wallis, B.Sc. (Lond.). Compendium of Geography and Travel (New Issue). With Maps and Illustrations. London: Edward Stanford, Ltd., 1924. Price 15s. net.

The Roman Occupation of Great Britain. Being Six Ford Lectures delivered by F. Haverfield. Now revised by George Macdonald. With numerous Plans and Illustrations. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924, Price 18s. net.

A Pilgrim in Spain. By Aubrey F. G. Bell. London: Methuen and Co., Ltd., 1924. Price 12s. 6d. net.

Die Pflanzenwelt der Hohen Tatra. By Dr. J. Györffy, Kesmai'k: “Turistik und Alpinism us, 1922.”

Unlcnown Warwickshire. By Mary Dormer Harris. Illustrated by J. E. Duggins. London: John Lane, Ltd., 1924. Trice 15s.

Kirlccaldy Burgh and Schyre: Landmarks of Local History. By Rev. John Campbell, D.D.; Rev. Andrew T. Richardson, F.S.A.; Gregor Macgregor, M.A., B.Sc.; George B. Deas, F.S.A.; and Lachlan Macbean. Kirkcaldy: The Fifeshire Advertiser, Ltd., 1924.

The Mineralogy of Scotland. By the late M. Forster Heddle, M.D., F.R.S.E. Edited by J. G. Goodchild. Reprinted under authority of Alex. Thoms, by the Council of University College, Dundee. Assisted by D. E. I. Innes, M.A., M.C. Two volumes. St. Andrews: W. C. Henderson, 1924. Price 15s.

Clydesdale. By A. MacCallum Scott. London: Thornton Butterworth, Ltd., 1924. Price 7s. 6d, net.

Gone Abroad: A Story of Travel, chiefly in Italy and the Balearic Isles. By Douglas Goldring. London: Chapman and Hall, Ltd., 1925. Price 12s. 6d.


Die Feldfrüchte Indiens in ihrer Geographischen Verbreitung. Von Dr. Th. H. Engelbrecht. Erster Teil: Text. Hamburg: L. Friederichsen und Cie., 1914.

Tibet: Past and Present. By Sir Charles Bell, K.C.I.E., C.M.G., Late British Political Representative in Tibet, Bhutan, and Sikkim. Author of Grammar of Colloquial Tibetan, and English‐Tibetan Colloquial Dictionary. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1924. Price 21s. net.


The Vast Sudan. By A. Radclyffe Dugmore. London: Arrowsmith, Ltd., 1924. Price 21s.

Mysteries of the Libyan Desert. By W. J. Harding King, F.R.G.S. London: Seeley, Service and Co., Ltd., 1925. Price 21s. net.

Egypt under the Egyptians. By Murray Harris. London: Chapman and Hall, Ltd., 19–25. Price 12s. 6d.


Mexico in Revolution. By Charlotte Cameron, O.B.E. London: Seele Service and Co., Ltd., 1924. Price 21s.


My Eskimo Friends: "Nanook of the North.’’ By Robert J. Flaherty, F.R.G.S., in collaboration with Frances Hubbard Flaherty. Illustrated with Photogravures and Colour Plates from Photographs by the Author, Half‐tone Drawings by Eskimo artists, and Maps. London: William Heine‐mann, Ltd., 1924, Price 21s.


The Menace of Colour. By Prof. J. W. Gregory, F.R.S., D.Sc. London: Seeley, Service and Co., Ltd., 1925. Price 12s. 6d. net.

Adventures in Turkey and Russia. By E. H. Keeling, M.O. London: John Murray, 1924. Price 10s. 6d. net.

Ben Kendim: A Record of Eastern Travel. By Lieut.‐Col. Hon. Aubrey Herbert, edited by D. McCarthy. London: Hutchinson and Co., 1924. Price 21s. net.

Selected Papers on Anthropology, Travel and Exploration. By Sir Richard Burton, edited by N. M. Penzer. London: Philpot, Ltd., 1924. Price 15s.


Certificate Geographies: The Mediterranean. By O. J. R. Howarth, O.B.E., M.A. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924. Price 2s. 6d.

Bell's Natural Science Series: Readable Physical Geography. By J. A. O. Muirhead, B.A. London: G. Bell and Sons, Ltd., 1925. Price 2s. 4d.

The “Explorer” Geographies: Asia. By J. Thomas; M.A. London: G. Bell and Sons, Ltd., 1924. Price 2s. 6d.  相似文献   

New maps     
The Ruin of the Soudan: Cause, Effect, and Remedy. A Résumé of Events—1883–1891. By Henry Russell, resident for twelve years on the Red Sea Littoral, assisted by William Gatty. With Maps and Illustrations. London : Sampson Low, Marston, and Co., 1892. Pp. 407. Price £1, 1s.

Tanganyika: eleven years in Central Africa. By Edward Coode Hore, Master Mariner. London : Edward Stanford, 1892. Pp. 306.

Life in Ancient Egypt and Assyria. From the French of G. Maspéro. London : Chapman and Hall, 1892. Pp. 376. Price 5s.

Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa. By Henry Barth, Ph.D., D.C.L. With full‐page Illustrations of the original Woodcut Illustrations. London, New York, and Melbourne : Ward, Lock, and Co., 1890. Pp. 548. Price 2s.

Island Life; or the Phenomena and Causes of Insular Faunas and Floras, including a Revision and attempted Solution of the Problem of Geological Climates. By Alfred Russel Wallace. Second and Revised Edition. London : Macmillan and Co., 1892. Pp. xx + 563. Price 6s.

The Chinese, their Present and Future: Medical, Political, and Social. By Robert Coltman, Jr., M.D. Illustrated with Fifteen Fine Photo‐Engravings. F. A. Davis : Philadelphia and London, 1891. Pp. 212.

Arménie, Kurdistan, et Mésopotamie. Par le Comte de Cholet. Paris : E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie, 1892. Pp. 394.

Mexico: Its Progress and Commercial Possibilities. By E. J. Howell, F.S.S. London : W. B. Whittingham and Co., Limited, 1892. Pp. x + 203. Price 5s.

The Mediterranean Shores of America. Southern California: Its Climatic, Physical and Meteorological Conditions. By P. C. Remondino, M.D. Fully Illustrated. F. A. Davis : Philadelphia and London, 1892. Pp. 160.

Phases of Animal Life, Past and Present. By R. Lydekker, B.A. London : Longmans, Green, and Co., 1892. Pp. 248. Price 6s.

Nomina Geographica. Sprach‐ und Sach‐Erklärung von 42,000 Geographischen Namen aller Erdräume. Von Dr. J. J. Egli. Zweite vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. Erste Lieferung. Leipzig: Fr. Brandstetter, 1892. Pp. viii. + 40.

Geography of Africa south of the Zambesi, with Notes on the Industries, Wealth, and Social Progress of the States and Peoples. By the Rev. William Parr Greswell, M.A. Oxon., F.R.C.I. With three Maps. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1892. Pp. xii + 400. Price 7s. 6d.

Elementary Geography of the British Colonies. By George M. Dawson, LL.D., F.R.S., Assistant Director, Geological Survey of Canada, and Alexander Sutherland, M.A., Carlton College, Melbourne. With Illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co., 1892. Price 3s.

Sound the Empire. For the use of schools. By George E. Parkin, M.A. With a Preface by the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Rosebery, K.T. London : Cassell &; Company, 1892. Pp. 263. Illustrated. Price 1s. 6d.

About England: or, First Lessons in English Geography. By M. J. Barrington‐Ward, M.A. London : George Bell and Sons, 1892. Price 1s. 4d.

Bartholomew's Pocket Guide, to Edinburgh and Neighbourhood. With 9 Maps and Plans. John Bartholomew and Co.: The Edinburgh Geographical Institute, 1892. Pp. 87. Price 1s.

Cassell's Complete Pocket Guide to Europe. Revised and Enlarged. Planned and edited by Edmond C. Stedman. Compiled by Edward King. New York : Cassell Publishing Company, 1892. Price 6s.

The Canadian Guide‐Book. The Tourist's and Sportsman's Guide to Eastern Canada and Newfoundland. By Charles G. D. Roberts. London : Wm. Heinemann, 1892. Pp. 270.

Meyers Konversations‐Lexikon. Band xix. Heft 1. Vierte Auflage. Bibliographisches Institut. Leipzig und Wien: 1892. Pp. 64. Price 50 Pfennig.

Geographical Society. Illustrated with a set of 14 maps specially designed by E. G. Ravenstein, F.R.G.S. Second Edition. London and Liverpool: George Philip &; Son, 1892. Pp. vii + 307. Price 7s. 6d.

The Year‐Book of Commerce for 1892. Compiled under the authority of the London Chamber of Commerce, and edited by Kenric B. Murray. London : Cassell &; Co., Limited. Pp. 282.

The Year Book of Science. Edited for 1891 by Professor T. G. Bonney, D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S. London : Cassell and Co., Limited, 1892. Pp. xii.+473.

The Distribution of the Produce. By James C. Smith. London : Kegan Paul and Co., 1892. Pp. 77.

Comparative View of the Executive and Legislative Departments of the Governments of the United States, France, England, and Germany. By John Wenzel. Boston, U.S.A. : D. C. Heath and Co., 1891. Pp. 22.

Air and Water. By Vivian B. Lewes, F.I.C., F.C.S. London: Methuen and Co., 1892. Pp. 183. Price 2s. 6d.

Tours in Norway, Denmark, and Germany. The Leith, Hull, and Hamburg Packet Company.

The Hand‐Book for Travellers in Spain. By the late Richard Ford. Revised and Corrected. Eighth Edition. London: John Murray, 1892. In Two Parts. Price 20s.  相似文献   

Die Vegetationsverhältnisse der illyrischen Länder. By Dr. Günther Beck v. Mannagetta, Prag. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1901. 6 plates, 18 figures in text, and 2 maps. Pp. xv + 534.

Finland As It Is. By Harry de Windt, F.R.G.S. London: John Murray, 1901. Pp. 316. Price 9s.

Springtime in the Basque Mountains. By A. L. Liberty. London : Grant Richards, 1901. Pp. 299. Price 12s.

An Artist's Walks in Bible Lands. By Henry A. Harper, author of Walls in Palestine, etc.; with a Photogravure Frontispiece and 55 other Illustrations from Drawings by the Author. London: The Religious Tract Society. Pp. 256. Price 6s. net.

A Geography of Asia, including the East Indies. By Lionel W. Lyde, M.A., F.R.G.S. London : Adam and Charles Black, 1900. Price 1s. 6d.

With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple : Narrative of Four Years’ Residence on the Tibetan Border, and of a Journey into the Far Interior. By Susie Carson Rijniiart, M.D. Oliphant, Anderson, and Ferrier, Edinburgh and London, 1901. Pp. 406. Price 6s.

Baghdad during the Abbasid Caliphate. By S. Le Strange. Oxford : The Clarendon Press, 1900. Price 16s.

John Chinaman. By E. H. Parker. London : John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1901. Price 8s.

The Strange Adventures of Andrew Battell of Leigh. Edited by E. E. Ravenstein. London: Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1901. Pp. viii + 209.

The Land of the Wine. By A. J. Drexel Biddle, F.K.G.S., F.E.S.A., F.R.M.S. London: Funchal, Drexel Biddle, Publisher. Philadelphia and San Francisco. 1901.

The Sherbro and its Hinterland. By T. J. Alldridge, F.R.G.S. London : Macmillan and Co., Limited. New York : The Macmillan Company, 1901. Price 15s.

The Thirteen Colonies. By Helen Ainslie Smith. New York and London : E. P. Putnam's Sons, 1901. Price 12s.  相似文献   

Ada Janet Peggs 《Folklore》2013,124(4):324-367
THE LAU ISLANDS (FIJI), AND THEIR FAIRY TALES AND FOLKLORE. By T. R. ST. JOHNSTON, F.R.G.S., F.Z.S. London : The Times Book Co. Ltd. 1918. Reviewed by W. Crooke.  相似文献   

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