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The bone mineral content (BMC) was measured using a special dual-photon scanner in 25 mandibles with normal macroscopic and radiographic bone structure. The mandibles were excavated from two Norse sites in Greenland, which date to the first and last part of the medieval Norse settlement period, respectively. The main purpose of this study was to investigate whether there was a change in BMC levels between the early and the late settlement period. The results showed no difference in male BMC between the early and the late site material. A statistically significant gender difference was found, analogous to most clinical and archaeological BMC studies. The sample did not allow testing for age-related, especially female postmenopausal-related, bone loss. It is known that Eskimos generally have a very low BMC, probably the effect of a high-protein marine diet. The lack of decrease in BMC levels for the Norse could indicate that they did not increase their overall protein intake over the 500-year settlement period. Other studies (both archaeological and anthropological) point to an increased reliance on marine foodstuffs throughout the settlement period. Thus, if the Norse increased their reliance on marine foodstuffs, they probably did not do so to the extent of an almost exclusive marine diet like that of the Eskimo. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

THIS ARTICLE is based upon archaeological evidence from Lübeck, the capital of the Hanseatic League on the Baltic Sea. Discussed are examples of the material culture and the environment of different socio-economic quarters of the town and their transformation between the 13th and the 16th century. Evidence of the town's topography, urban plots and house-building is presented, and of everyday life including handicrafts, trade and food supply.  相似文献   

Jen Baker 《Folklore》2017,128(3):326-328

Palatine (PT) and mandibular torus (MT) have long been of interest to dental researchers and anthropologists, but their aetiology remains unresolved. Some combination of genetic and environmental factors influences their expression, but the relative role of each remains contentious. Previous research has shown that the Greenlandic Norse exhibit exceptionally high frequencies and pronounced expressions of PT and MT. In this regard, they are significantly different from genetically related medieval Scandinavian populations, so environmental factors have to be considered. An earlier study that estimated stable carbon and nitrogen isotope compositions for a Greenlandic Norse sample makes it possible to compare directly PT and MT expression with the relative degree of marine protein intake. For comparative purposes, parallel observations were made on a Greenlandic Inuit sample. Some researchers suggest the intake of marine resources could impact bone development, including torus expression, but our analysis found no significant correlation between PT or MT expression and δ13C and δ15N values in the Norse. In the Inuit, PT expression also showed no relationship to stable isotope compositions. MT size in the Inuit did, however, show a significant inverse relationship with δ13C and δ15N values. As MT size goes up, stable isotope compositions go down. Compared with contemporary European populations, the Greenlandic Norse show very positive isotope compositions, but the Inuit, with their high protein‐high fat diet, show significantly higher δ13C and δ15N values than the Norse. It is unclear how this relates to the contrasting findings for MT size and stable isotope values. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Recent studies of the Norse settlements on the west coast of. Greenland, which point to theories of biological adaptation, have emphasized the need for a comprehensive physical anthropological investigation of the Norse skeletal material, especially along the lines of paleodemography. The material, comprising the remains of app. 350 individuals, is presently stored at the University of Copenhagen. As the first step in a major investigation, the material has been incorporated into a computer database, linking anthropological and archaeological data. The aims of such a major physical anthropological investigation are presented here.  相似文献   


The first human impacts on the Icelandic environment came with the Norse colonisation or Landnám of the ninth century AD. The colonisation represents a fundamental environmental change that is both rapid and profound. In this paper we assess geomorphological dimensions of the initial settlement period using a tephrochronology that includes the Landnám Tephra, erupted ca. 870 AD, two tenth century AD tephras KR 920 and E 935, and 11 other well dated tephra layers. We report a new 14C age of 1676 ±12 14C yr BP (cal AD 345 (400) 419) for the tephra SILK-YN which forms a key prehistoric marker horizon that constrains rates of environmental change in the centuries before Norse Settlement. Aeolian sediment accumulation rates show five geomorphological responses to settlement that differ in the rate and trajectory of change. These distinct anthropogenic signals are the result of spatially variable sensitivity to grazing and deforestation, and reflect the extent of local soil erosion. This critical erosion threshold is variable in space and time.  相似文献   

Establishing and sustaining agricultural production was a key factor in the success of Norse settlements during the landnám colonisation across the North Atlantic. In light of the occurrence of channel features in several abandoned home-field areas of the Norse Eastern Settlement of Greenland, and the irrigation requirements of present-day Greenlandic sheep-farmers questions are raised: was irrigation used by the Norse settlers of Greenland on their home-field areas? and, if so, how frequently? Modelling of soil chemical, physical and soil-water hydraulic properties integrated with contemporary high-resolution climatic data demonstrate a frequent requirement for irrigation. Soil moisture deficits are related to the duration and intensity of winter temperature. Using the winter Dye 3 ice core δ18O record as a climatic proxy, the frequency of moisture deficits, based on comparing mean winter temperatures, indicates that there was a frequent irrigation requirement to maintain home-field productivity, increasing throughout the period of settlement until the 14th Century.  相似文献   


Undersøgelsen af areal‐ og ressourceudnyttelsen omkring udvalgte mindre, marginalt beliggende nordbogårde i Vesterbygdens centrale del fokuserer især på gårdsanlæggenes vegetationsressourcer med henblik på beregning af deres bæreevne og foderværdi.

På grundlag af biomasseberegninger synes en kronologisk og/eller social betinget bebyggelsesekspansion fra “gode” områder mod mere marginale områder at kunne påvises.

Analyser af forholdet mellem græs‐ og husarealer tyder på, at gårde med begrænset græsareal i nærheden kompenserer herfor enten ved at holde flere får eller geder (fremfor køer), som kræver mindre græs som foder og som oftere huses i fritliggende udhuse, eller ved at have større udhuskapacitet til oplagring af hø høstet længere borte fra gårdene.

En veldokumenter et gård bliver brugt som eksempel til beregning af vegeta‐tionspotentialets bæreevne, det faktiske dyreholds størrelse og husstandens størrelse.

Desuden bliver udnyttelsen af højlandet søgt belyst i forbindelse med betragtninger over forekomsten af anlæg og ressourcer relateret til sæterdrift og rensdyrjagt.  相似文献   

To continue to explore the impact of past human activity on the stable nitrogen isotope ratios of modern vegetation, we have measured the δ15N values of plants now growing on several ancient farmsteads in the Western Settlement of Norse Greenland. Although this new test area is some 400 km north and in a different ecoregion from the previous study area, the same isotopic effect was observed. A clear isotopic signature was found on the ancient farms which could be directly correlated to past activity areas; in particular, the infields. Further, the magnitude of the δ15N values was found to be similar between study areas, indicating the same interpretative framework can be applied in widely separate geographic regions. A first test of different plant species showed that although the magnitude differed greatly the same basic information was found for functionally different plants. These observations provide additional information to aid in future archaeological application of this newly observed phenomenon.  相似文献   

The heritage industry now makes extensive use of digital audioguides and similar interpretation tools to reach new audiences but many remain rooted in authoritative and didactic conservatism. This paper critically evaluates the state of play in the field, from downloadable audio tours and apps, through more complex engagements with theatrically enhanced and affective simulation, to attempts at fuller dialogic visitor participation and the use of gps or RFID-triggered game mechanics. While ‘armchair’ and home screen-based game and interpretation models are addressed, particular attention is paid to the use of mobile and locative design, where embodiment in place is privileged over less associative or remote experience. The paper takes a research project led by the author as a case study. Ghosts in the Garden was conceived in collaboration with a museum and an experience design SME to test the potential of immersive, affective real world games on public understandings of history. It sought to engage visitors with researched history from below by using a pervasive media soundscape, the ‘ghosts’ of past visitors and a ‘choose-your-own-adventure’ game mechanic in which outcomes are variable, visitor agency is retained and a more radical model of historical knowledge suggested.  相似文献   

Current models of DNA degradation and previous research on Icelandic human skeletons predict ancient DNA preservation in the Norse North Atlantic faunal remains to be excellent. In contrast, we found that DNA preservation in Viking‐Age pig remains was poor. We posit that this discrepancy in DNA survival between human and faunal remains is due to differing taphonomies. Our results highlight that DNA degradation is strongly dictated by micro‐environmental taphonomic processes even in regions where the climate is conducive to DNA survival. Due to these differences, DNA preservation in animal remains may not be suitable proxies for DNA preservation in associated human remains. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


This paper employs δ13C and δ15N analysis of bone collagen to explore animal management at large Norse settlement sites in the liminal environments of the Scottish North Atlantic Islands. The Norse period was a time of social, cultural and economic change; the need to feed an expanding population and the demand for trade meant that domestic stock were a crucial resource. Our results indicate that rearing animals in these challenging insular environments required careful management. At all sites, the diet and movement of domestic cattle and sheep were highly similar and carefully controlled and, despite many of the analysed settlements lying close to the coast, there was no use of shorefront grazing or fodder resources. In contrast, pig rearing strategies varied across the island groups. In the Western Isles pig diets were diverse, indicative of household or ad hoc management, whilst on Orkney all pigs consumed a more restricted diet based primarily on terrestrial protein. A comparison of red deer with domestic stock on the Western Isles indicates that both groups were exploiting similar grazing niches.  相似文献   

Various types of evidence have been used in the search for Norse migrants to eastern England in the latter ninth century. Most of the data gives the impression that Norse females were far outnumbered by males. But using burials that are most certainly Norse and that have also been sexed osteologically provides very different results for the ratio of male to female Norse migrants. Indeed, it suggests that female migration may have been as significant as male, and that Norse women were in England from the earliest stages of the migration, including during the campaigning period from 865.  相似文献   

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