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Following in the wake of Benedict Anderson's work in particular, cultural geographers and cultural studies scholars have analyzed the nation and nationalism as primarily 'imagined' or abstract entities. Coincidentally, the greatest analytic attention has been given to nationalist representations of place, rather than to the everyday discursive practices constitutive of the nation as lived. Drawing on Pierre Bourdieu's practice theory, in this paper I develop the beginnings of a corporeal approach to the nation. Here the relationship between the practice of identity (the embodiment of gendered and sexualized subjectivities via discursive practice within culturally defined spaces) and an Irish nationalist sense of place is explored. In this approach, analytic considerations of identity and space are collapsed within the shared material and metaphoric medium of the body. Irish nationalism and the nation are analyzed as corporeal materialities via an ethnohistorical focus on late nineteenth-century changes in the political economy of 'peasant' and nationalist bodies. The analysis suggests that a particular matrix of constructions of femininity and masculinity was extended paradigmatically throughout the society in the latter half of the nineteenth century. These paradigmatic changes are characterized as a 'heterosexing' of bodies and places linked to economic change and the rise of the confessional state.  相似文献   

Escaping one heritage of British colonialism for another, Irish immigrants to Canada in the nineteenth and early twentieth century helped to shape the image of Canada and Canadian nationalism. In this paper, I compare the diversity of Irish immigrant experiences in Canadas urban and wilderness landscapes. The Irish immigrant experience in major urban centers is well documented. Community neighborhoods, Church activities and domestic and manual labor constitute just part of the stories of urban Irish Canadians in cities such as Toronto. The popular conception of the Irish as strictly city people is strengthened by the lack of discussion of the Irish immigrant role in taming (and ideologically shaping) the wilderness of Western Canada. It is argued that this has to do with the colonial image of the Irish from which British imperialist Canada sought to distinguish itself.  相似文献   

本由三部份组成:一、印度简史与种姓制度;二、印度的神话,具有明显的宗教性与哲理性:三、印度的明、宗教明是其主线。  相似文献   

秦娅 《神州》2014,(12):2-3
The difference between human and animals is that human not only obey the rules of nature and history but also possess subjective attitude and spirit of life, which are presented as life values by reflecting directly on ideology. According to it,Greek mythology pours out its life values based on its subjective attitude and spirit of life.  相似文献   

陈连山 《民俗研究》2002,(1):115-122
一般说来,作为人类最早意识形态形式的神话在社会生活中所具有的意义是极其丰富的。神话既有能被人们的显意识所感觉的意义,比如被马林诺夫斯基称为“原始信仰与道德智慧上实用的特许证”的那种社会功能意义;也有隐藏在人们潜意识之中的内在意义,比如被佛罗依德称为“恋母情结”的那种心理意义。至于神话在文学艺术方面的意义更是人人尽知。分析神话的方法很多,也各有千秋。本文选择有关中岳嵩山最可靠的古迹——启母石的神话作为分析对象,并借此探讨一下分析方法的适应性问题。  相似文献   

The Rebellion in Wicklow 1798 Ruan O'donnell, 1998 Dublin, Irish Academic Press pp.441, ISBN 0.7165.2659.X, £39.50 (hb)

On the Road to Rebellion: The United Irishmen and Hamburg 1796–1803 Paul Weber, 1997 Dublin, Four Courts Press pp.205, ISBN 9.781851.82311.6, £30.00 (hb)

The Summer Soldiers: The 1798 Rebellion in Antrim and Down A. T. Q. Stewart, 1995 Belfast, The Blackstaff Press pp. 294, ISBN 0.85640.558.2, £12.99 (pb)

1798: Rebellion in County Down Myrtle Hill, Brian Turner & Kenneth Dawson (eds), 1998 Gortrush, Colourpoint pp.286, ISBN 1.898392.44.7, £8.99 (pb)

The Sites of the 1798 Rising in Antrim and Down Bill Wilsdon, 1997 Belfast, The Blackstaff Press pp. 191, ISBN 85640.615.5, £7.99 (pb)  相似文献   

《Political Geography》2007,26(8):877-885
This article introduces a special issue dealing with partition and the reconfiguration of the Irish border. Notwithstanding southern nationalist refusal to accept the partition of Ireland in 1921, the border gradually consolidated its position. The article describes the transformation in relations across the Irish border which first found a place on the political agenda in the early 1970s, but which was given full institutional expression only following the Good Friday agreement of 1998. This new configuration has two aspects, which seem at first sight to be in conflict with each other: it marks a new, unreserved acceptance of the legitimacy of the border by Irish nationalists (though moderated by British agreement to end partition if the two parts of Ireland so wish), and it is characterised by a significant growth in public sector bodies which span the border.  相似文献   

THE DISCOVERY of a Viking-Age burial in the Kilmainham-Islandbridge cemetery, Dublin, comprising skeleton, spear, sword-fragments and beads, is described from antiquarian MSS sources. The surviving pieces are detailed and the deposit tentatively dated to the late 9th or early 10th century. The grave-goods indicate one, possibly two, burials, one female. A brief survey of similar pagan burials in the British Isles and a close examination of this one would suggest a mixed Irish-Scandinavian cultural milieu for it.  相似文献   

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