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本文分析了故宫博物院所藏《倦勤斋陈设档》的状况,并据《陈设档》所载内容.结合历史事件及历史文献的记载,参阅《中国古籍善本总目》等著录情况.对陈494《陈设档》的立档年限进行了考证。  相似文献   

A law suit for racial discrimination brought against the School District of Rockford, IL, over the last decade and more has meant that recent high school graduates have been educated for almost the whole of their school careers within an environment of conflict. The paper outlines the conflict as the context in which the young people have grown up, demonstrating the ways that adults purport to fight for their children, yet transform the issues into their own priorities. It analyses the ‘sensitivity’ and ‘resilience’ of recent high school graduates to such an upbringing. It also explains how the schools are sites where the community conflict is reworked in new ways and perpetuated among the young people. While perhaps an extreme case, Rockford illustrates a continuing, but underplayed, wider social malaise in the USA.  相似文献   

Global supply chains play an increasingly important role in the economy and should therefore be addressed within geography coursework, especially given concerns that geographers have not fully explored various angles of globalization. This article explores the use of an online case study on supply chains and their vulnerability to natural disasters in two entry-level, undergraduate courses. Results from a post-study survey suggest that students increasingly prefer online sources of information and that online case studies can foster a greater understanding of global economic processes such as supply chains and how these can be influenced by natural phenomena at different scales.  相似文献   

<正>申遗材料的必选项按照《实施保护世界文化和自然遗产公约操作指南》要求,图纸是申遗材料中重要的必选项。《操作指南》中规定,图纸应清晰反映出申报遗产的区位、地理环境、构成要素、申报遗产区和缓冲区等内容,是申遗文本中"遗产辨认"一章中的重要组成内容。此外,图纸还是申遗文本重要的表达手段之一。申遗文本中都会采用大量示意插图,以更直观的方式补充说明  相似文献   

Geographic Data Science   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is widely acknowledged that the emergence of “Big Data” is having a profound and often controversial impact on the production of knowledge. In this context, Data Science has developed as an interdisciplinary approach that turns such “Big Data” into information. This article argues for the positive role that Geography can have on Data Science when being applied to spatially explicit problems; and inversely, makes the case that there is much that Geography and Geographical Analysis could learn from Data Science. We propose a deeper integration through an ambitious research agenda, including systems engineering, new methodological development, and work toward addressing some acute challenges around epistemology. We argue that such issues must be resolved in order to realize a Geographic Data Science, and that such goal would be a desirable one.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, ANTHROPOLOGY TODAY has published a number of features covering the relationship between anthropology and the security state. Here, David Price draws attention to an aborted counterinsurgency project, known as the M‐VICO project. Building on the categories and structures employed in the Human Relation Area Files (HRAF), this project relied on anthropologists to encode data cross‐culturally on all forms of behaviour in as many strategic localities as possible, which the security services subsequently scrutinize and probe for possible weaknesses that could be exploited. In this article, David Price shows that, in the secrecy that often surrounds the financing and precise purposes of its projects, anthropology is not all that different from many other disciplines, with some projects serving what he calls ‘dual‐use’ ends. Since civilian researchers are not supposed to have full knowledge of these ends, research into these semi‐covert purposes is particularly challenging.  相似文献   

The Ottoman government obtained current information on the empire's sources of revenue through periodic registers called tahrir defterleri. These documents include detailed information on taxpaying subjects and taxable resources, making it possible to study the economic and social history of the Middle East and eastern Europe in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Although the use of these documents has been typically limited to the construction of local histories, adopting a more optimistic attitude toward their potential and using appropriate sampling procedures can greatly increase their contribution to historical scholarship. They can be used in comprehensive quantitative studies and in addressing questions of broader historical significance or larger social scientific relevance.  相似文献   

珲春副都统衙门是清代驻防八旗的地方军事组织,管理地方行政事务。本馆藏珲春副都统衙门全宗档案,介绍该衙门及其直属机构和内部机构设置、演变及废止过程,以及对这一地区的发展所起到的作用。  相似文献   

中以关系是中国对外关系中比较特殊的一对双边关系。1950年以色列就承认了中国,但1992年中以才正式建立外交关系。这期间中以接触不多,大部分接触发生在20世纪50年代。从20世纪50年代中以之间接触的整个进程来看,在中以建交问题上,中方的态度变化是由热到冷,以方的态度则由最初的犹豫不决到坚决谋求与中国建交。  相似文献   


In this article, the authors consider translation and translators as agents in globalization processes and focus on their role in the “first globalization” within the Spanish empire from 1500 onward. Combining concepts and methods from history and translation studies, they take the Southern Netherlands as a geographical center where translators, initiators of translations, printers, and other multilingual specialists were able to provide texts that circulated in the whole of the empire. The authors show how a relational database comprising multiple data on translations and the people related to them helps to uncover networks among the participants in the translation process and to discover if and how authorities were involved. Finally, the database sheds light on the translation centers and the empire's language system.  相似文献   


This study examines metropolitan segmentation in educational attainment during the postwar era. Employing a multilevel analytical approach with U.S. Census data drawn from IPUMS, it finds urban-suburban distinctions shifted and grew in magnitude. While students in central cities enjoyed an educational advantage in 1940, by 1980 it was suburban youth who clearly exhibited higher levels of attainment. Various explanations for these developments are considered as topics for further exploration, including the significance of suburban development in regional economic growth and the changing dynamics of racial inequality in education. Particular attention is devoted to methodological issues in conducting this sort of analysis with these data.  相似文献   

Residual spatial autocorrelation is a situation frequently encountered in regression analysis of spatial data. The statistical problems arising due to this phenomenon are well‐understood. Original developments in the field of statistical analysis of spatial data were meant to detect spatial pattern, in order to assess whether corrective measures were required. An early development was the use of residual autocorrelation as an exploratory tool to improve regression analysis of spatial data. In this note, we propose the use of spatial filtering and exploratory data analysis as a way to identify omitted but potentially relevant independent variables. We use an example of blood donation patterns in Toronto, Canada, to demonstrate the proposed approach. In particular, we show how an initial filter used to rectify autocorrelation problems can be progressively replaced by substantive variables. In the present case, the variables so retrieved reveal the impact of urban form, travel habits, and demographic and socio‐economic attributes on donation rates. The approach is particularly appealing for model formulations that do not easily accommodate positive spatial autocorrelation, but should be of interest as well for the case of continuous variables in linear regression.  相似文献   

The paper examines the use of the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and the Spearman rank correlation coefficient on map data that are spatially correlated. Research has shown that in this case standard estimators underestimate the true sampling variance of the Pearson coefficient. The Clifford and Richardson “effective sample size” solution to this problem is described, methods for implementing the procedure are considered, and properties of the technique examined. The method is also used to adjust the Spearman test. Two applications are given and the method of Clifford and Richardson contrasted with the method of data “prewhitening.”  相似文献   

Azadeh Akbari 《对极》2020,52(2):408-429
This research starts its journey from a video that failed to be published during the 2009 uprising in Iran. By following data outside the common trajectories of data circulation in the global North, this paper offers new geographical and data imaginations neglected by the universalised understandings of data and its political economy. Consequently, data’s behaviour as a thing is thoroughly investigated in the “follow the thing tradition” by scrutinising data as a commodity, its meanings and its associations. Using actor-network-theory, the paper highlights data’s open and contested character as well as the breakdowns throughout its journey. Following an uncirculated video via its traces sheds light on data’s agency in evoking different assemblages and spatialities. It also reflects on the epistemological importance of not treating the Southern data as exceptional and calls for a theoretical landscape that does not leave many realities of data out in its homogenised universal narrative.  相似文献   

新编《广宗县志》在对资料的处理和运用方面有许多值得提倡的地方。志书详载了民国和民国前的资料 ,且所用资料大都注明来源和出处 ,保证了资料的完整 ,增强了志书的可信度。志书坚持实事求是的原则 ,既注重记述成就 ,也注意记述挫折和失误 ,并做到材料真实可靠。志书不仅注意资料完整、真实生动 ,也注意对资料的综合提炼 ,总结事物发展的规律和特点。同时也未忽视对动态资料的记述 ,并灵活设置附文 ,保存了许多具有研究价值的资料。  相似文献   

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