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M. Linton Smith 《Folklore》2013,124(4):295-298


J.D.A. Widdowson 《Folklore》2013,124(1):111-113
Le Folk-Lore de France, par PAUL Sébillot. Tome iv. Le Peuple et l'Histoire. Paris: E. Guilmoto, 1907. By E. Sidney Hartland.

The Jataka, or Stories of the Buddha's former Births, translated from the Pali by various hands, under the editorship of Prof. E. B. Cowell. Vol. VI. Translated By Prof. Cowell and Dr. W. H. D. Rouse. Cambridge: The University Press, 1907. By W. Crooke.

Cradle Tales of Hinduism, by the Sister Nevedita (Margaret E. Noble). London: Longmans, 1907. By W. Crooke.

Folk Tales from Tibet, with Illustrations by a Tibetan Artist and some Verses from Tibetan Love-Songs. Collected and Translated by Capt. W. F. O'Connor. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1906. By A. R. Wright.

The Welsh Fairy Book. By W. Jenkyn Thomas. With 100 Illustrations By W. Pogány. Fisher Unwin, 1907. By Alfred Nutt.

Popular Handbooks of Religions.

1. J. Abrahams, "Judaism"; 2. E. Anwyl, "Celtic Religion in Pre-Christian Times"; 3. C. Bailey, "Religion of Ancient Rome"; 4. L. D. Barnett, "Hinduism"; 5. W. A. Craigie, "Religion Of Ancient Scandinavia"; 6. W. M. F. Petrie, " Religion of Ancient Egypt " ; 7. T. G. Pinches, " Religion of Babylonia and Assyria"; 8. C. Squire, "Mythology of Ancient Britain and Ireland. " London: Constable &; Co., 1906-7. By W. Crooke.

Short Bibliographical Notices.

Volkskundliche Zeitschriftenschau für 1904, herausgegeben im Auftrage der hessischen Vereinigung für Volkskunde von L. Dietrich. Leipzig: Teubner, 1907. pp. 328. By N. W. Thomas.

Transactions of the First Annual Congress of the European Theosophical Society, held at Amsterdam, 1904. Edited By Johan van Mauen. Amsterdam, 1906. Second Congress, London, 1905. London, 1907. Third Congress, Paris, 1906. London, 1907.

Trans. I., Amsterdam.

E. Weise, Fraternity as found in the Laws of Primitive Races. (Marriage-Laws, Taboo, Totemism, Etc.)

D. v. Hinlasper, Labbertav Kitab Tasaref. (A Dutch Paper, relating to a curious Javanese philosophical work.) By W. F. Kirby.

Trans. II., London.

A. Von Ulrich, The Religion of our Forefathers ; The Mythology of Germany in the Light of Theosophy. (Deals chiefly with the Eddas and the Sagas connected with them.) By W. F. Kirby.

Trans. III., Paris.

George M. Doe, Some Folklore Gleanings, principally from Devonshire. (An important paper, including notes on Omens and Warnings, Charms and Incantations, Witchcraft, and Beliefs and Customs.)

A. Von Ulrich, The Religion of our Forefathers in the SlavonicRace. (Some of the remains of old religious beliefs to be found among the Lithuanians, Russians, Bohemians and Poles, and the Wends and Prussians.)

M. U. Green, Some Notes on the Voyage of Bran, with special references to other Planes and States of Being.

Ed. Bailly, Invocation Aux Dieux Planitaires By W. F. Kirby.

Orkney and Shetland Old Lore, vol. i., 1907, and vol. ii., part i., January, 1908: together with Diplomalarium Orcadense et Hialtlandense. Collected and edited by Alfred W. Johnston, Amy Johnston, and Jón Stefánsson. London : Printed at the King's Weigh House for the Viking Club.  相似文献   

《UN chronicle》1996,33(2):61-63
Meeting for 6 weeks, the 53-member UN Commission on Human Rights adopted more than 83 resolutions and 14 decisions, the majority by consensus. Among its measures, the commission called for the creation of an open-ended working group to develop policy guidelines for economic structural adjustment programs and their effects upon economic, social, and cultural rights; and the holding of a seminar of experts to develop guidelines on the subject of forced evictions. This report offers a round-up of action with regard to children's rights and abuse, gender issues, the right of people to development, country situations, hostages, indigenous and minority issues, and follow-up to the 1993 Vienna World Conference on Human Rights. Children are being sold for prostitution, pornography, and adoption at an increasing rate worldwide. The commission has therefore called upon governments to take legislative, social, and educational measures to ensure the protection of children from exploitation. Deeply concerned by the persistence of such violations, the commission recommended that states adopt measures to eliminate the existing market for such practices, and asked the group drafting a related optional protocol to the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child to continue its work. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights will provide substantive support to the World Congress against the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, to be held in Stockholm in August.  相似文献   

泉州是我国古代海上丝绸之路的名港口。公元8世纪前后,泉州在中国南力海上交通的重要性已经相当突出。北宋元祐二年(1087年),北宋朝廷在这里设立海外贸易的管理机构市舶司,从而确立了其对外贸易的重要地位历史献资料和西方旅行家的游记告诉我们,在南宋至元代(1127~1368年),作为中国的航运中心、中外商品的集散地,它同亚、非近百个同家和地区有着频繁的贸易往来,其无与伦比的高度繁盛,不可估量的财富积聚,被誉为“属于整个世界的一座城市”。在中世纪的海上贸易热潮中,数量最多、影响最大、覆盖而最广的商品,不是别的,乃是中国的陶瓷器,陶瓷的外销在泉州港的兴衰中扮演了相当重要的角色。因此展开对泉州古外销陶瓷的研究具有十分重大的意义。  相似文献   

今年是郑和下西洋600周年纪念。在600年前,郑和率领中国船队,前后28年内,他七下西洋,打开并开展中国与东南亚、东非、阿拉伯等国家和地区的海上交通,为世界航海事业的发展,与世界各国人民的友好交往和交流做出了不可磨灭的贡献。郑和七下西洋是世界古代航海史上时间最长、人数最多、规模最大、活动范围最广的航海活动。  相似文献   

郑东  石钦 《南方文物》2005,(3):90-94
一、厦门港的自然条件和发展历史 1.厦门港优越的自然、地理条件 厦门市是福建省第二大城市和福建最重要的海港,由厦门岛、鼓浪屿等岛屿和占总面积十分之九的大陆部分——九龙江出海口北岸的沿海陆地及厦门港东部的沿海陆地组成,陆地总面积1640平方公里。  相似文献   

陕甘宁边区的食盐运销及对边区的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
抗日战争时期,为了克服经济困难、打破国民党当局对边区的经济封锁,陕甘宁边区政府曾发起了大规模食盐运销活动,这次食盐运销活动基本上是与抗战相始终的,对当时边区的贸易、财政、金融,以及军政机关供给和边区人民生活都产生了巨大的影响,对边区社会经济的发展起到了积极作用,从而有力地保障了抗战大后方——陕甘宁边区的稳定,为全民族抗战做出了很大的贡献。  相似文献   

黑水城出土西夏文卖地契研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
史金波 《历史研究》2012,(2):45-67,190,191,193
已公布的1件黑水城出土西夏文土地买卖契约及本文公布新发现的11件西夏文草书土地买卖契约,为了解西夏黑水城地区的土地买卖及相关情况提供了宝贵资料。西夏晚期,该地区相当部分农民生活困苦,不得不出卖土地换取口粮,从而导致寺庙和地主兼并土地的现象。契约提供了关于农户的耕地数量、耕地和院落、土地四至的信息。从一些有连带关系的土地买卖契约,还可大致勾画出部分土地和灌渠的分布情况。而契约中有些农户分散居住在各自耕地上的特点,则反映出党项民族游牧习俗的影响和当地耕地较多的地方特色。契约中关于渠道、给水等内容反映了当地农业依靠灌溉的特点,补充了西夏法典《天盛律令》有关水利管理的规定。这些契约继承了中国传统契约的形式,并形成自己的风格,是唐宋契约和元代契约的一种中间过渡形式。  相似文献   

清前期贵州大定府铅的产量与运销   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
温春来 《清史研究》2007,5(2):65-74
矿业深刻地影响着清王朝的货币与军器制造,以及西部民族地区的开发,成为康乾盛世的表征之一。当时矿业的成就,主要表现在铜与铅的开采和冶炼上。本文探讨清代最重要的铅产基地——贵州大定府的铅的产量、分配与运销,以期揭示偏僻的西南一隅在改土归流之后是如何影响到整个王朝国家的。  相似文献   

郑东 《南方文物》2004,(1):56-64
闽南地区主要包括今天的厦门、泉州、漳州三市辖境,面积2.5万平方公里,约占福建全省总面积五分之一强。历史上,闽南曾是南方名的产瓷区和外销瓷产地,现已发现各时期古窑址超过500处,生产陶瓷品种包括青釉瓷、青白釉瓷、白釉瓷、青花瓷、  相似文献   

The number of sale transactions recorded by northern Spanish charters of the tenth century is very striking, especially in the 930s to 960s. A record of price paid was a consistent element of such documents, although words used to express price varied from silver solidi to goats, shirts and grain. Valuations, in solidi and in other units of account such as cattle, were often stated when objects were used as payment. While it looks as if some silver was really used in deals in urban León and its hinterland, using pieces of silver called argenzos , argenteos etc., elsewhere this was rare. Comparing the transactions in the three very different monastic collections of Celanova in the north–west, Sahagún in the central meseta and Cardeña in the foothills of the sierras in the north–east, regional difference is also striking. Sahagún is notable for the volume and early date of its sales and for increasing use of silver–based expressions of price and value. Round Celanova, by contrast, although there were also many sales, people used several modes of valuation simultaneously, but metal–based notions very rarely. Round Cardeña, close to urban Burgos, far fewer sales are recorded, and they come later in the century, but silver–based notions of value were the only ones used. This latter sub–urban context seems to have been much less commercially active than that of León and Sahagún, with exchange by gift and countergift a more prominent characteristic.  相似文献   

刘经华 《民国档案》2003,1(3):55-61
民国初期关于盐务改革模式的选择集合中,最有价值的设计和最基本的倾向有两种:一是以政府垄断为主的就场专卖制,这是多数中国改革所极力推崇的改革方案;另一种是揭橥自由贸易宗旨的就场征税制,为盐务稽核所洋会办丁恩(Sir.Richard M.Dane 1854-1940)和少数中国改  相似文献   

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