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THE HISTORY OF MELANESIAN SOCIETY. By W. H. R. RIVERS, F.R.S. Two volumes. Cambridge: University Press. 1914. Reviewed by E. Sidney Hartland.

ZEUS, A STUDY OF ANCIENT RELIGION. By ARTHUR BERNARD COOK. Vol. I. : Zeus of the Bright Sky. Cambridge, at the University Press. 1914. Medium 8vo, pp. xliii + 885. Reviewed by W. Crooke.

THE ASIATIC DIONYSOS. By GLADYS M. N. DAVIS. Pp. x + 276. London, G. Bell &; Sons, Ltd. 1914. Reviewed by W. Crooke.  相似文献   

C. A. Burland 《Folklore》2013,124(4):495-497
DIVINE HORSEMEN: The Living Gods of Haiti. By MAYA DEREN. Thames and Hudson. London and New York. 1953. pp. 350. 25s. net. Reviewed by E. O. James.

THE OLDEST STORIES IN THE WORLD. Edited by Theodor H. Gaster. The Voking Press. New York. 1952. pp. 238. $5.00. Reviewed by E. O. James.

FOLKLORE STUDIES I. THE ITALIAN WELLERISM TO THE END OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. By CHARLES SPERONI. University of California Press. Berkeley and Los Angeles. 1953. Reviewed by Estella Canziani.

WILD MEN IN THE MIDDLE AGES. By RICHARD BERNHEIMER. Harvard University Press. 1952. xiii + 224 pp. Illustrated. $4.00 25s. (O.U.P.). Reviewed by G. Bullough.

ALBERT WESSELSKI AND RECENT FOLKTALE THEORIES. By EMMA EMILY KIEFER. Indiana University Publications ; Folklore Series, No. 3, 1947. Pp. 84. Reviewed by R. M. Dawkins.

HIGHLAND SETTLER : a portrait of the Scottish Gael in Nova Scotia. Front., ix, 179 p., maps. University of Toronto Press. $4, Geoffrey Cumberledge 32s. 1953. By DUNN, CHARLES W. Reviewed by Shirley E. A. King.  相似文献   

L. Winifred Faraday 《Folklore》2013,124(4):387-426
FOLKLORE AND MEDICINE. By DR. J. D. ROLLESTON. Reprinted from the West London Medical Journal, April 1939 Reviewed by L. F. Newman.

COMPARATIVE RELIGION : AN INTRODUCTORY AND HISTORICAL STUDY. By E. O. JAMES, D. LITT., PH.D., F.S.A., Professor of the History and Philosophy of Religion in the University of Leeds. Pp, 374. Methuen. 1938. Reviewed by S. H. Hooke.

ROUND ABOUT THREE PALACE GREEN. By ESTELLA CANZIANI. Methuen. With 16 plates. Reviewed by E. F. Coote Lake.

THE THREE NORTHERN COUNTIES OP ENGLAND : BEING SOME ACCOUNT OF THE PEOPLE, THEIR COUNTRY AND THEIR HISTORY. Edited by SIR CUTHBERT HEADLAM, Bart., D.S.O., with an Introduction by the Right Hon. Lord Eustace Percy. Northumberland Press Ltd. ; Gateshead-upon- Tyne. 6s. Reviewed by E. M. W..

FOLK-ART OF BENGAL. By AJITCOOMAR MOOKERJEE. The University of Calcutta. 1939. Reviewed by Estella Canziani.

ANTHOLOGIA ANTHROPOLOGICA : NATIVE RACES OF AUSTRALASIA. By SIR J. G. FRAZER, O.M., F. R. S., F.B.A. Edited by R. E. Downie. London. 1939. Pp. viii + 390. Price 35s. Reviewed by J. H. Hutton.

PORTUGAL, A Book of Folk-ways. By RODNEY GALLOP. Cambridge University Press. 1936. Pp. 291 with index. 15s. Reviewed by V. A..  相似文献   

Alastair Couper 《Folklore》2013,124(1):116-118
KING ARTHUR IN HISTORY AND LEGEND. By W. LEWIS JONES. Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1911. 16mo, pp. vi + 145. Reviewed by Jessie L. Weston.

SIR PERCEVAL OF GALLES. A Study of the Sources of the Legend. By REGINALD HARVEY GRIFFITH. Chicago: University Press, 1911. 8vo, pp. viii + 131. Reviewed by Jessie L. Weston.

THE BLEEDING LANCE. By A.C.I. BROWN. Modern Language Association of America, 1911. 8vo, pp. 59. Reviewed by Jessie L. Weston.

THE TWO KNIGHTS OF THE SWAN, LOHENGRIN AND HELYAS. By ROBERT JAFFRAY. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1910. 8vo, pp. ix + 123. Ill. Reviewed by Jessie L. Weston.

ANCIENT HUNTERS AND THEIR MODERN REPRESENTATIVES. By W. J. SOLLAS. Macmillan &; Co., 1911. 8vo, pp. xvi + 416. Ill. Reviewed by W. Crooke.

ANTHROPOLOGY. By R. R. MARETT. (Home University Library). Williams &; Norgate, n.d. 16mo, pp. 256. Reviewed by W. Crooke.

PREHISTORIC MAN. By W. L. H. DUCKWORTH. (Cambridge Manuals of Science and Literature). Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1912. 16mo, pp. 156. Reviewed by W. Crooke.

THE THUNDERWEAPON IN RELIGION AND FOLKLORE. A Study in Comparative Archaeology. By CHR. BLINKENBERG. Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1911. Demy 8vo, pp. xii + 122. Ill. Reviewed by A. R. Wright.

THE WORLD OF DREAMS. By HAVELOCK ELLIS. Constable &; Co., 1911. 8vo, pp. xii + 288.

SURVIVALS IN BELIEF AMONG THE CELTS. By GEORGE HENDERSON. Glasgow: James MacLehose &; Sons. 8vo, pp. xi + 346. 1911. Reviewed by Eleanor Hull.

COSTUMES, TRADITIONS AND SONGS OF SAVOY. By ESTELLA CANZIANI. Chatto and Windus, 1911. 4to, pp. xiii + 180. Col. pl. and text ill. Reviewed by W. F. Kirby.

VOLKSLIEDER AUS DEM KANTON AARGAU. Gesammelt von SIGMUND GROLIMUND. (Schriften der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Volkskunde, No. 8). Basel: Augustinergasse 8, 1911. 8vo, pp. vi + 279. Reviewed by Lucy E. Broadwood.

THE BAGANDA. An Account of their Native Customs and Beliefs. By the Rev. JOHN ROSCOE. Macmillan &; Co., 1911. 8vo, pp. xix + 547. Ill. Reviewed by E. Sidney Hartland.

CASTES AND TRIBES OF SOUTHERN INDIA. By E. THURSTON, assisted by K. Rangachari. 7 vols. Madras: Government Press, 1909. 8vo. Ill. Reviewed by M. Longworth Dames.

GRUNDLINIEN EINER VERGLEICHUNG DER RELIGIONEN UND MYTHOLOGIEN DER AUSTRONESISCHEN VÖLKER. Von P. W. SCHMIDT. In Denkschriften d. K. Akademie d. Wissenschaften in Wien, 1910. 4to, pp. viii + 142. Reviewed by B. Malinowski.

DIE MYTHOLOGIE DER AUSTRONESISCHEN VÖLKER. Von P. W. SCHMIDT. (Reprint from Mittteil. d. Anthrop. Ges. in Wien, vol. xxxix.) Reviewed by B. Malinowski.  相似文献   

Mary E. B. Howitt 《Folklore》2013,124(4):403-417
LAMPS OF ANTHROPOLOGY. By JOHN MURPHY, D.Litt., D.D., Emeritus Professor of Comparative Religion in the University of Manchester. (M.U. Press, 1943, sm. oct, pp. ix + 179.) Reviewed by J. H. Hutton.

ANTHROPOMORPHISM AND MIRACLE. By ERLAND EHNMARK (Uppsala Universitets. Arsskrift 1039:2). Uppsala, A. B. Lundequistska Bokhandeln, and Leipzig, Otto Harrassowitz. Pp. vi + 230. Reviewed by H. J. R.

YORKSHIRE HOBS. By BRUCE DICKINS. Trans. Yorkshire Dialect Society, vol. 7, part 43. Pp. 9–23. 1942. Reviewed by Wilfrid Bonsor.  相似文献   

LE ROND DES SORCIERS. Par CLAUDE SEIGNOLLE. Éditions des Quatre-Vents. Paris. 1945. Reviewed by Leslie F. Newman.

TRINIDAD VILLAGE. MELVILLE AND FRANCES HERSKOVITS. Published by Alfred A. Knopf. 1947. $4.75. Reviewed by Leslie F. Newman.

PAPAGO INDIAN RELIGION. By RUTH M. UNDERHILL. Columbia University Press. New York. 1946. London, Geoffrey Cumberlege. 25s. 6d. net. pp. 359. Reviewed by E. O. James.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
‘WE GATHER TOGETHER’: FOOD AND FESTIVAL IN AMERICAN LIFE. Edited by THEODORE H. HUMPHREY and LIN T. HUMPHREY. Utah State University Press, 1991. 289pp. $17.95 paper, ISBN 0-87421-155-7. Reviewed by Jennifer Chandler.

SPOKEN IN JEST. Edited by Gillian Bennett. Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield, 1992. ISBN 1850752575. 296pp., 3 plates, 22 figures. £25 (cloth). Reviewed by Susan Storrier.

WEDDING CAKES AND CULTURAL HISTORY by SIMON CHARSLEY. Routledge, London, 1992. 162pp. 4 illustrations. ISBN 0-415-02648-2 (hbk); 0-415-02649-0 (pbk). Reviewed by George Monger.

NORSE MYTHS. By R. I. PAGE. London: British Museum Press, 1990. 80pp. £5.95. ISBN 0 7141 2062 6. Reviewed by Carolyne Larrington.

DIE MAUS IM JUMBO-JET: NEUE SAGENHAFTE GESCHICHTEN VON HEUTE. By ROLF WILHELM BREDNICH, Beck'sche Reihe 435. München: Beck, 1991. 143 pp. Reviewed by W. F. H. Nicolaisen.

THE RISE OF MAGIC IN EARLY MEDIEVAL EUROPE by VALERIE J. FLINT. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1991. 452 pp. ISBN 0-19-820093-5. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

INTERNATIONAL PROVERB SCHOLARSHIP: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY. SUPPLEMENT I (1800–1981). WOLFGANG MIEDER. Garland Publishing Inc., New York and London, 1990. 436 pp. Reviewed by Malcolm Jones.

THE CONCISE OXFORD DICTIONARY OF PROVERBS. Ed. JOHN SIMPSON and JENNIFER SPEAKE. Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York (2nd ed.), 1992. 316 pp. ISBN 0-19-866177-0. Reviewed by Malcolm Jones.

A DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN PROVERBS. Ed. WOLFGANG MIEDER, S. A. KINGSBURY and K. B. HARDER. Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, 1992. 710 pp. £27.50. ISBN 0-19-505399-0. Reviewed by Malcolm Jones.

ETHNIC MUSIC ON RECORDS. By RICHARD K. SPOTTSWOOD. University of Illinois Press, 1990. Volumes 1-7. Pp. 4,347. Illustrated. ISBN 0-252-01718-8 (set). Reviewed by Gordon Ashman.

DUNBAR THE MAKAR. By PRISCILLA BAWCUTT. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1992. 196pp. £50. ISBN 0-19-812963-7. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

SIGNS FROM THE ANCESTORS by M. JANE YOUNG, 1990. Reviewed by Donald Taylor.

THE NIGHTWAY by JAMES C FARIS, 1990. Reviewed by Donald Taylor.

FORMS OF DEFORMITY. By LYNN HOLDEN. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series 131. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1991. 370pp. Appendix and bibliography. ISBN 1-85074-327-X. £40. Reviewed by Jennifer Chandler.

CITY, MARRIAGE, TOURNAMENT ARTS OF RULE IN LATE MEDIEVAL SCOTLAND. By LOUISE OLGA FRADENBURG. University of Wisconsin Press, 1991. 390pp, ill. ISBN 0-299-12954-3. Reviewed by Sandra Billington.

GEORGE EWART EVANS. By GARETH WILLIAMS. Writers of Wales Series, University of Wales Press, Cardiff, 1991. 93pp. £3.50. Reviewed by Trefor M. Owen.  相似文献   

M. A. Murray 《Folklore》2013,124(3):204-209

PATTERNS IN COMPARATIVE RELIGION. By MIRCEA ELIADE. Translated by Rosemary Sheed. Sheed and Ward, 1958. Pp. 484. 25s. Reviewed by E. O. James.

THE NEW OXFORD HISTORY OF MUSIC, Vol. I, ‘Ancient and Oriental Music’. Edited by EGON WELLESZ. O.U.P., 1957. Pp. xxiv, 530; bibliography; illus. Reviewed by Margaret Dean-Smith.

ORAL TALES OF INDIA. By STITH THOMPSON and JONAS BALYS. Indiana University Press. Pp. 448 + xxvi. $5.00. Reviewed by J. H. H.

GASTER CENTENARY PUBLICATION. Edited by B. SCHINDLER. Percy Lund, Humphries, and Co. Ltd., 1958. Pp. 40. 10s. 6d. Reviewed by E. O. James.

‘The Dead Obolus of the Slavs of Bohemia and Moravia’. By P. RADOMěRSKÝ. Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, vol. IX, A. Historia, no. 2. Prague, 1955. Pp. 82, with 5 plates and a Map. Reviewed by L. V. Grinsell.

MYTH AND RITUAL IN THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST. By E. O. JAMES. Thames and Hudson, 1958. 35s. Reviewed by E. P. Baker.

ANDROW MYLLAR: a short study of Scotland's first printer. By THOMAS RAE. Greenock, The Signet Press, 1958. Pp. viii, 21. Cloth boards (25 copies) 15s. 6d.; paper covers 7s. 6d. Reviewed by Wilfrid Bonser.

PERIODICAL LITERATURE. Reviewed by Christina Hole.  相似文献   

The Folk     
Joseph Jacobs 《Folklore》2013,124(2):233-238
FOLKLORIST OF THE COAL FIELDS: GEORGE KORSON'S LIFE AND WORK. By ANGUS K. GILLESPIE. Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park and London, 1980. Pp. 200. £10.20. 271 00255 7. Reviewed by J. D. A. Widdowson.

THE CRAFT OF RALPH ELLISON. By ROBERT F. O'MEALLY. Harvard University Press. Cambridge, Mass.-London, 1980. Pp. 212. £8.40. 0 674 17548 4. Reviewed by J. D. A. Widdowson.

ROSC: REVIEW OF SCOTTISH CULTURE 1 (1984), Edited by ALEXANDER FENTON with HUGH CHEAPE and ROSALIND K. MARSHALL. John Donald Publishers Ltd. and National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland. Edinburgh, vii + 104 pp. Illustrated, £5.00. Reviewed by W. F. H. Nicolaisen.

RESEARCH IN RITUAL STUDIES: A PROGRAMMATIC ESSAY AND BIBLIOGRAPHY. By RONALD L. GRIMES. The American Theological Library Association and Scarecrow Press. Metuchen N.J., and London, 1985. 177pp. $15. 0 8108 1762 4. (ATLA Bibliography Series No. 14). Reviewed by Susan Drury.

KINTYRE: THE HIDDEN PAST. By ANGUS MARTIN. John Donald Publishers Ltd., Edinburgh, 1984. xii + 232 pp., illus. £12.00 p.b. Reviewed by W. F. H. Nicolaisen.

NATIVE AMERICAN FOLKLORE, 1879 to 1979. An Annotated Bibliography. Compiled by WILLIAM M. CLEMENTS and FRANCES M. PALPEZZI. Swallow Press (Ohio University Press), Athens Ohio, London, Chicago, 1984. 247pp. 0-8040-0831-6672. £29.65. Reviewed by Robert Turpin.

ENZYKLOPÄDIE DES MÄRCHENS. Editor K. RANKE. Volume ii Fascicle 5. Berlin, New York (Walter de Gruyter), 1979. Cols. 1186-1444. Volume iii. 1981. 1446 Cols. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.  相似文献   

MYTH AND RELIGION OF THE NORTH, The Religion of Ancient Scandinavia. By E. O. G. TURVILLE-PETRE. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1964. Pp. 340.50s. net. Reviewed by E. O. James.

HERBERT JENNINGS ROSE, 1883–1961. By W. L. LORIMER, Oxford University Press. 3s. net. Reviewed by E. O. James.

THE CULT OF THE CAT. By PATRICIA DALE-GREEN. London, William Heinemann. Pp. 189; 39 plates. Price 30s. Reviewed by Theo Brown.

DIE SAGEN DER MONATHLICHEN UNTERREDUNGEN OTTO VON GRABENS ZUM STEIN. Edited by W. E. PEUCKERT. Corpus Fabulorum I. Berlin, W. de Gruyter &; Co., 1961. Pp. xix, 327. Reviewed by E. Ettlinger.

GÖTTER UND GÖTTERTIERE DER MAYA. By WOLFGANG CORDAN. Bern, Francke Verlag, 1963. Pp. 75; 50 text figs. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

THE REGIONAL VOCABULARY OF TEXAS. By E. Bagby Atwood. University of Texas Press, 1962. Pp. 273, xiii. $5.75. Reviewed by C. A. Burland.

LAPP LIFE AND CUSTOMS. By ØRNULF VORREN and ERNST MANKER, (translated by Kathleen McFarlane). London, 1962. Pp. 183.38s. Reviewed by W. R. Mead.

FOLK TALES FROM RAJASTHAN. Retold by L. N. BIRLA. Illustrated by PHANI BHUSHAN. London, Asia Publishing House, 1964. Pp. 60. 20s. Reviewed by L. P. Elwell-Sutton.

DRAMA AND IMAGERY IN ENGLISH MEDIEVAL CHURCHES. By M. D. ANDERSON. C.U.P., 1963. Pp. 248. 45s. Reviewed by Alex Helm.

BRETON FOLK DANCES. By JEAN-MICHAEL GUILCHER. Paris, School of Higher Studies, Sorbonne. Reviewed by Douglas Kennedy.

THE LAST DAYS OF THE SIOUX NATION. By ROBERT M. UTLEY. Yale University Press, 1961. Pp. 314; 24 plates. 56s. net. Reviewed by C. A. Burland.

STUDIES IN JAPANESE FOLKLORE. By RICHARD M. DORSON. Indiana University Press, 1963. Pp. 247. Reviewed by W. H. Hudspeth.

THE MEDIEVAL HISTORY OF THE COAST OF TANGANYIKA. By G. S. P. FREEMAN-GRENVILLE. Oxford University Press. Pp. 238; maps, plates. 50s. Reviewed by W. H. Whiteley.

DIE VOLKSERZÄHLUNG. By LEOPOLD SCHMIDT. Berlin, Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1963. Pp. 448; 4 maps. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

DEUTSCHES JAHRBUCH FÜR VOLKSKUNDE. Vol. ix. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 1963. Pp. 468; Pls. 8, xvi; 9 text figs. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

BRÜDER GRIMM GEDENKEN 1963. Gedenkschrift zur hundertsten Wiederkehr des Todestages von Jacob Grimm. Marburg, N. G. Elwert Verlag, 1963. Pp. ix, 610; 16 plates. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

SONGS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Compiled and edited by IRWIN SILBER, Piano and Guitar Accompaniment by Garry Silverman. Columbia University Press, 1960; Oxford University Press, 1961. Reviewed by K. M. Briggs.  相似文献   

E. S. Hartland 《Folklore》2013,124(3):316-326
A BALLAD OF KERALA. By M. D. RAGHAVAN, B.A. Reprinted from the Indian Antiquary, vol. lxi., pp. 9–12, 72–77, 112–116, 150–154, 205–211. Reviewed by F. J. R..

MYTH AND RITUAL. Essays on the Myth and Ritual of the Hebrews in relation to the Culture Pattern of the Ancient East. Edited by S. H. HOOKE. Oxford University Press, 1933. Pp. xix + 204. Illust. 20. Price 10s. 6d. Reviewed by A. M. Hocart.

THE ELIZABETHAN FAIRIES, THE FAIRIES OF FOLKLORE AND THE FAIRIES OF SHAKESPEARE. By MINOR WHITE LATHAM, Ph.D. Columbia University Press, 1930. 8½″ x 5½″. Pp. viii + 313. 18s. 6d. Reviewed by H. C. L..

INDO-EUROPEAN FOLK-TALES AND GREEK LEGEND. By W. R. HALLIDAY. Pp. vii.+ 158. Cambridge University Press, 1933. 7s. 6d. 8″ x 5½″. Reviewed by H. J. Rose.

DRAGUTIN SUBOTI?. YUGOSLAV POPULAR BALLADS, THEIR ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT. Cambridge, University Press, 1932. Price 10s. 6d. 288 pp. 8vo. Reviewed by M. Gaster.

SACRAMENTS OF SIMPLE FOLK. By R. R. MARETT, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1933. Pp. ii + 230. 10s.net. Reviewed by H. J. Rose.

PRIMITIVE ARTS AND CRAFTS. By R. U. SAYCE. Cambridge University Press. 1933. 7¾″ x 5½′ F - Pp. xiii + 291 Reviewed by M. M. B..

THE ALEXANDER BOOK IN ETHIOPIA : The Ethiopic versions of Pseudo-Callisthenes, the Chronicle of Al-Mâkin, the Narrative of Joseph ben Gorion, and a Christian Romance of Alexander. SIR ERNEST A. WALLIS BUDGE. London : Oxford University Press. 1933. i–xxix, and 1–277. 13 Plates. Price 7s. 6d. Size 7¾″ x 5¼″. Reviewed by M. Gaster.

QUILEUTE TEXTS. By MANUEL J. ANDRADE. Columbia University Contributions to Anthropology, Volume XII. New York: Columbia University Press ; Oxford : Humphrey Milford, 1931. 206 pp. 26s. 6d. Reviewed by Barbara Aitken.

TRIBES OF THE NIGER DELTA, THEIR RELIGIONS AND CUSTOMS. By P. AMAURY TALBOT, D.Sc. Illustrated. Map. London : The Sheldon Press. 1932. 9″ x 6″. Pp. xi + 350. 18s. Reviewed by Edwin W. Smith.

RECHERCHES SUR NOTRE ANCIENNE CHANSON POPULAIRE TRADITIONELLE. Exposé V. by PAUL COIRAULT. Libraire E. Droz, 25 Rue de Tournon, Paris. VIme. 1932. Pp. 321–685. 10″ x 6½″. Reviewed by M. M. B..  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
IN SARA'S TENTS. By WALTER STARKIE, Litt.D. London, 1953. Pp. 339. 25s. net. Reviewed by Violet Alford.

THE SHEPHERDS' PLAY OF THE PRODIGAL SON. Coloquio de pastores del hijo prodigo. GEORGE C. BARKER. University of California Press, 1953. Reviewed by Violet Alford.

THE PEOPLE OF THE SEA. By DAVID THOMSON. Turnstile Press. London. 1954. Pp. ix + 214. Reviewed by E. Ettlinger.

THE PERSONNEL OF FAIRYLAND. By K. M. BRIGGS, M.A., D. Phil. (Oxon.). Pp. 228. Oxford. 1953. 93. 6d. Reviewed by M. A. Murray.

BABYLONIAN AND ASSYRIAN RELIGION. By S. H. HOOKE. Hutchinson's University Library, London. 1953. Pp. xii + 128. 8s. 6d. Reviewed by S. G. F. Brandon.

THE BIBLE. Historical Social and Literary Aspects of the Old and New Testaments. Published by The Times. 1954. Pp. 32, with illustrations, 1s. net. Reviewed by E. O. James.  相似文献   

The Road to Hel, a Study of the Conception of the Dead in Old Norse Literature. By HILDA R. ELLIS : pp. VIII + 208, Cambridge University Press 1943, 12s. 6d. Reviewed by G. Turville-Petre.

CEREMONIAL COSTUMES OF THE PUEBLO INDIANS. By VIRGINIA MORE ROEDIGER. University of California Press : Cambridge University Press. 1942. 908. net folio, 241 pp., 40 coloured plates. Reviewed by B. A..  相似文献   

David Dymond 《Folklore》2013,124(1-2):110-111
Vision Narratives of Women in Prison. By Carol Burke. Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Press, 1993. 192pp. Notes. Appendices. Glossary. Bibliography. ISBN 0 87049 727 8. $26.95. Reviewed by Gillian Bennett.

Navajo Folk Tales. By Franc Johnson Newcomb. 2nd edn. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1990. 203pp. ISBN 0 8263 1231 4. Reviewed by Donald Tayler.

Sons of Scotia, Raise Your Voice: Early 19th Century Broadsides from a Collection in Edinburgh University Library. Selected and edited by Peter B. Freshwater. Edinburgh: Friends of Edinburgh University Library, 1991. 142pp. ISBN 0 905152 04 2. Reviewed by Steve Roud.

My Life with Punch. By Joe Beeby. Compiled and edited by G. Felix. London: G. Felix, 1993. 65pp. Illus. Obtainable from G. Felix, 111 Raglan Court, Empire Way, Wembley Park, Middlesex HA9 0RG. £6.49 inclusive of postage and packing. ISBN 0 9521371 0 0. Reviewed by Roy Judge.

Das Huhn mit dem Gipsbein: Neueste sagnhafte Geschichten von Heute. By Rolf Wilhelm Brednich. Beck'sche Reihe 1001. Munchen: Beck, 1993. 186pp. DM9.80. Reviewed by W.F.H. Nicolaisen.

The Evil Eye: A Casebook. Edited by Alan Dundes. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1992. 318pp. ISBN 0 299 13334 6. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

Tarot the Complete Guide. By Cynthia Giles. London: Robert Hale, 1992. 234pp. Illus. £10.99. ISBN 0 7090 5095 X. Reviewed by Juliette Wood.

Chronicles of King Arthur. By Andrea Hopkins. London: Collins and Brown, 1993. £19.99. ISBN 1 85585 172 5. Reviewed by Juliette Wood.

From Ritual to Romance. By Jessie L. Weston. MYTHOS: The Princeton/Bollingen Series in World Mythology. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1993. ISBN 0 691 02107 4. Reviewed by Juliette Wood.

Indexes Motifs Narratifs dans les Romans Arthurian Français en Vers (XIIe-XIIIe Siècles). By Anita Guerreau-Jalabert. Publications Romanes et Françaises, no. 202. Genève: Librairie Droz S.A., 1992. 501pp. Reviewed by Juliette Wood.

Culhwch and Olwen: An Edition and Study of the Oldest Arthurian Tale. Edited by Rachel Bromwich and D. Simon Evans. University of Wales Press, 1992. ISBN 0 7083 1127 X. £25.00. Reviewed by Juliette Wood.

Aspects of British Calendar Customs. Edited by Theresa Buckland and Juliette Wood. The Folklore Society Mistletoe Series, no. 22. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1993. 108pp. Illus. ISBN 1 85075 243 5. £11.95. Reviewed by W.F.H. Nicolaisen.

Boundaries and Thresholds: Papers from a Colloquium of the Katharine Briggs Club. Edited by Hilda Ellis Davidson. Stroud, Glos.: The Thimble Press, 1993. 104pp. £12.00. Reviewed by W.F.H. Nicolaisen.

Heroic Worlds: A History and Guide to Role-Playing Games. By Lawrence Shick. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1991. 448pp. ISBN 0 87975 693 5. £10.95. Reviewed by Juliette Wood.

Gothick Guides, Aylesbury, Bucks: Shire Publications Ltd, 1989, 1992. Gothick Cornwall. By Jennifer Westwood. 70pp. £3.95. Gothick Norfolk. By Jennifer Westwood. 48pp. £2.50. Gothick Hertfordshire. By Jennifer Westwood. 52pp. £3.95. Gothick Northamptonshire. By Jack Gould. 64pp. £3.95. Reviewed by Juliette Wood.

Contemporary Legend: A Folklore Bibliography. Gillian Bennett and Paul Smith. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1993. 340pp. ISBN 0 8240 6103 9. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

Telling Reality: Folklore Studies in Memory of Bengt Holbek. Edited by Michael Chesnutt. Copenhagen Folklore Studies 1/NIF Publications, no. 26. Copenhagen and Turku, 1993. 294 pp. Reviewed by W.F.H. Nicolaisen.

Proverbs are Never out of Season: Popular Wisdom in the Modern Age. By Wolfgang Meider. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993. xviii + 284pp. Bibliography. Index. Illus. £25.00 hb. Reviewed by W.F.H. Nicolaisen.

Vampire: The Encyclopedia. By Matthew Bunson. London: Thames and Hudson, 1993. 303pp. Index. Bibliography. Appendices. £9.95. ISBN 0 500 27748 6. Reviewed by Juliette Wood.

African Folktales in the New World. Edited by William Bascom. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1993.243pp. £28.50 hb, £12.99 p b (distributed in UK and Eire by the Open University Press). Reviewed by Teri Brewer.

The Red Swan: Myths and Tales of the American Indians. Edited by John Bierhorst. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1992. 386pp. Reviewed by Teri Brewer.

American Indian's Kitchen Table Stories. By Keith Cunningham. Little Rock, Arkansas: August House, 1992. 240pp. $25.95 US hb, $14.95 US pb. Reviewed by Teri Brewer.

Public Folklore. Edited by R. Baron and N. Spitzer. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1992. £34.95 hb, £14.95 pb. Reviewed by Teri Brewer.

Der Rattenhund: Sagen der Gegenwart. By Helmut Fischer. Beitrage zur rheinischen Volkskunde, no. 6. Cologne: Rheinland-Verlag, 1991. 184pp. Notes. Bibliography. List of key terms. Reviewed by W.F.H. Nicolaisen.

Old Oraibi: A Study of the Hopi Indians of Third Mesa. By Mischa Titiev. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1992. 277pp. Reviewed by Teri Brewer.

Ácoma: Pueblo in the Sky. By Ward Alan Minge. 2nd edn. Published for Pueblo of Ácoma by University of New Mexico Press, 1991. 245pp. Reviewed by Teri Brewer.

The Ballad and Oral Literature. Edited by Joseph Harris. Harvard English Studies, no. 17. Cambridge (Mass.) and London: Harvard University Press, 1991. viii+317 pp. £25.95 hb, £11.95 pb. Reviewed by W.F.H. Nicolaisen.

Contemporary Irish Traditional Narrative: The English Language Tradition. By Clodagh Brennan Harvey. University of California Publications: Folklore and Mythology Studies, no. 35. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1992. viii+130 pp. Map. Notes. Appendices. Bibliography. Index. Reviewed by W.F.H. Nicolaisen.

The Folklore of American Holidays: A Compilation of More Than 500 Beliefs, Legends, Superstitions, Proverbs, Riddles, Poems, Songs, Dances, Games, Plays, Pageants, Fairs, Foods, and Processions Associated with Over 120 American Calendar Customs and Festivals. 2nd edn. Edited by Henning Cohen and Tristam Potter Coffin. Detroit and London: Gale Research Inc., 1991. $85.00. ISBN 0 8103 7602 4. Reviewed by Philip Hiscock.

The Tsymbaly Maker and His Craft The Ukrainian Hammered Dulcimer in Alberta. By Mark Jaroslav Bandera. Canadian Series in Ukrainian Ethnology, no. 1. Edmonton: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press, 1991. 62pp. 23 figs. 4 b/w photographs. Reviewed by George Monger.  相似文献   

Marc Jacobs 《Folklore》2013,124(1):129-130
A FOLKLORE SAMPLER FROM THE MARITIMES: WITH A BIBLIOGRAPHIC ESSAY ON THE FOLKTALE IN ENGLISH. Ed. by HERBERT HALPERT. Mount Allison University and Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1982. 273 pp., appendices and bibliography. Reviewed by Georgina Boyes.

THE DRUNKEN KING, OR, THE ORIGIN OF THE STATE. By LUC DE HEUSCH, translated and annotated by Roy Willis. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1982. Pp. xv + 50 (£16.50). Reviewed by Loreto Todd.

RITES AND RELIGIONS OF THE ANGLO-SAXONS. By GALE R. OWEN. David and Charles, London, and Barnes and Noble Books, New Jersey, 1981. Pp. 216, 24 plates, 40 figs. £12.50. Reviewed by H. R. Ellis Davidson.

SIJOBANG: SUNG NARRATIVE POETRY OF WESTERN SUMATRA. By NIGEL PHILLIPS. Cambridge Studies in Oral and Literate Culture, Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. 255. 2 maps. 8 plates. £22.50. Reviewed by H. R. Ellis Davidson.

THE CULT OF THE SERPENT: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY SURVEY OF ITS MANIFESTATIONS AND ORIGINS. By BALAJIMUNDKUR. State University o f New York Press, Albany, 1983 ISBN 0-87395-631-1. 363 pp., 107 ills. Cloth $39.50, paper $12.95. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

BRÜDER GRIMM KINDER-UND HAUSMÄRCHEN. Textkritisch revidiert und mit einem Nachwort herausgegeben von HEINZ RÖLLEKE. Cologne (Eugen Diederichs Verlag), 1982. 2 volumes, pp. 592; with 4 illustrations by Ludwig Emil Grimm. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

LEGENDS OF THE WORLD. Ed. by RICHARD CAVENDISH. Orbis Publishing, London, 1982. Pp. 433, ill. £12.50. Reviewed by Alicia C. Percival.

THE RIVER'S IN MY BLOOD: RIVERBOAT PILOTS TELL THEIR STORIES. By JANE CURRY. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln and London, 1983. Pp. 288. £10.00. Reviewed by Ruth Glass.

PERFORMED LITERATURE: WORDS AND MUSIC BY BOB DYLAN. By BETSY BOWDEN. Indiana University Press, 1982. Pp. 239. $18.95. 0 253 34347 X. Reviewed by Brian Hinton.

LEYENDAS, TRADICIONES, CUENTOS FABULOSOS, Y OTROS RELATOS FANTASTICOS DE LAS ISLAS CABRERA, FORMENTERA, EIVISSA, MENORCA Y MALLORCA. By GABRIEL SABRAFIN. Archivo de Tradiciones Populares, vol. 35. Apartado 296, Palma. 1982. 8vo. Pp. 237 + 3 folding maps. ISBN 84-85354-87-6. 1100 pesetas. Reviewed by Leslie Grinsell.

MYSTERIOUS WALES. By CHRIS BARBER. David and Charles, Newton Abbot, Devon. Pp. 243, 143 illus. and map. Hardback. 1982. £8.95. Paperback, 1983 (Paladin), £2.50. Reviewed by L. V. Grinsell.

OURS ONCE MORE: FOLKLORE, IDEOLOGY, AND THE MAKING OF MODERN GREECE. By MICHAEL HERZFELD. Austin: University of Texas Press 1982. x, 197 pp. Reviewed by Charles Stewart.  相似文献   

E. O. James 《Folklore》2013,124(4):304-305
MY FIRST HUNDRED YEARS. By MARGARET MURRAY. London, W. Kimber, 1963. Pp. 208 + 5 plates (portraits). Reviewed by Wilfrid Bonser.

ARTE POPOLARE ITALIANA. By PAOLO TOSCHI. Rome, Carlo Bestetti — Edizioni d'Arte, 1960. Pp. 451 + 553 plates and over 90 unnumbered popular prints, and bibliography. 15,000 lire. (A supplementary booklet of 31 pp. contains a shortened text, and picture captions in English.) Reviewed by Francis Celoria.

TRADIZIONI POPOLARI NEL ‘DECAMERON’. By MARIA PIA GIARDINI. Biblioteca di ‘Lares’, Vol. XX. Florence, L. S. Olschki, 1965. Pp. X, 91. 1,800 lire. Reviewed by Francis Celoria.

CANTI POPOLARI ISTRIANI. By GIUSEPPE RADOLE. Biblioteca D. ‘Lares’, Vol. XIX. Florence, L. S. Olschki, 1965. Pp. XXX, 231. Lire 4,000. Reviewed by Francis Celoria.

HISTORISCHE SCHICHTEN DER UNGARISCHEN VOLKSDICHTUNG. By IMRE KATONA. FF Communications No. 194. Helsinki (Academia Scientiarum Fennica) 1964. Pp. 36. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.


JAHRBUCH FÜR OSTDEUTSCHE VOLKSKUNDE. Vol. viii. Marburg (N. G. Elwert Verlag) 1964. Pp. 290, 2 maps, 1 text ill., 1 photograph. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

ARCHAEOLOGY IN THE HOLY LAND. By KATHLEEN KENYON. University Paperbacks, Methuen 1965. Pp. 328.25s. net. Reviewed by E. O. James.

THE FORMATION OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. By R. M. GRANT. Hutchinson University Library, 1965. Pp. 196, 15s. net. Reviewed by E. O. James.

GENETICS AND PREHISTORY. By SIR GAVIN DE BEER. The Rede Lecture, 1965. Cambridge University Press, 1965. Pp. 37.5s. net. Reviewed by E. O. James.

BIBLIOGRAPHY OF OLD NORSE-ICELANDIC STUDIES, 1963, edited by H. Bekker-Nielsen and T. D. Olsen, Munksgaard, Copenhagen, 1964. Pp.64. Reviewed by H. R. Ellis Davidson.

FORM AND FABLE IN AMERICAN FICTION. By DANIEL HOFFMAN. New York, Oxford University Press, 1965. (A Galaxy Book.) Pp. xvi, 368. $1.95. Reviewed by Richard M. Dorson.

ESKIMO. By E. CARPENTER, F. VARLEY and R. FLAHERTY. University of Toronto Press, 1964. Reviewed by W. R. Mead.

MARRIAGE CUSTOMS IN SYRIA (Taqālīd al-zawāj fi '1-iqlīm al-sūrī). Published 1961. Pp. 183. Illustrated. Text in Arabic; French captions added under most of the illustrations. Reviewed by A. S. Tritton.

A HANDBOOK ON WITCHES. By GILLIAN TINDALL. Arthur Barker Ltd. 1965. 21s. Reviewed by K. M. Briggs.

THEORIES OF PRIMITIVE RELIGION. By E. E. EVANS-PRITCHARD. Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1965. 25s. Reviewed by E. P. Baker.  相似文献   

Northcote W. Thomas 《Folklore》2013,124(4):388-408
PRINCIPLES OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. By T. M. WILLIAMS. New York: A. A. Knopf, 1922. $5.00 net. Reviewed by R. R Marett.

DANMARKS TRYLLEFORMLER. Ved F. OHRT. Vol. I. Indlsdning og Text. Copenhagen &; Christiania: Gyldendalske Boghandel, 1917. Pp. 516. Reviewed by W.A. Craigie.

JOHANNES PAULI, SCHIMPF UND ERNST, herausgegeben von JOHANNES BOLTE. Erster Teil. Berlin: Herbert Stubenrauch Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1924. Pp. 30 + 418. Reviewed by M. Gaster.


SPECIMENS OF BANTU FOLK-LORE FROM NORTHERN RHODESIA. By J. TORREND, S.J. Pp. 187. ios. 6d. net. Reviewed by E. Sidney Hartland.

ARAB MEDICINE AND SURGERY : A STUDY OF THE HEALING ART IN ALGERIA. By M. W. HILTON-SIMPSON, B.Sc. Ill. Oxford Univ. Press, 1922. Pp. 96. Reviewed by A. R. Wright.

THE CHILDREN OF THE SUN : A STUDY IN THE EARLY HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION. By W. J. PERRY, M.A. Methuen &; Co. 1923, 16 maps. Pp. xvi, 551. 18s. net. Reviewed by E. N. Fallaize.

THE ORIGIN OF MAGIC AND RELIGION. By W. J. PERRY, M.A. Methuen &; Co., 1923. Pp. viii, 212. 6s. net. Reviewed by E. N. Fallaize.

STUDIES IN RELIGION, FOLK-LORE, AND CUSTOM IN BRITISH NORTH BORNEO AND THE MALAY PENINSULA. By IVOR H. N. EVANS, M.A. Cambridge University Press, 1923. Pp. vii + 296. 20s. n. Reviewed by H. A. Rose.  相似文献   

Roy Vickery 《Folklore》2013,124(2):256-258
ENZYKLOPÄDIE DES MÄRCHENS. Edited by KURT RANKE. Volume 5. Issues 1-3. Berlin (Walter de Gruyter) 1985/86. cols 1-864. Issue 1: ISBN 3 11 010590X. Price: DM 73.00. Issues 2/3 ISBN 3 11 010591 8. Price: DM 152.- Reviewed by Sandy Hobbs.

OEDIPUS: A FOLKLORE CASEBOOK. Edited by LOWELL EDMUNDS and ALAN DUNDES. Garland Publishing, Inc. New York and London. 1983. xv 266 pages. ISBN 0.8240.9242.2 Reviewed by Sandy Hobbs.

OEDIPUS: THE ANCIENT LEGEND AND ITS LATER ANALOGUES. By LOWELL EDMUNDS. The Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore and London, 1985. xxii, 242 pages. List of Analogues. Bibliographies. Index of Sources. Index of Names and Subjects. ISBN 0.8018.2490.7 Reviewed by Sandy Hobbs.

COUNTRY VOICES: LIFE &; LORE DM FARM &; VILLAGE. By CHARLES KIGHTLY. London: Thames &; Hudson, 1984. £8.95. pp. 239; Illus.,; Glossary; Index. Reviewed by Georgina Boyes.

DER ALTERSVERS DES WECHSELBALGES UND DIE ÜBRIGEN ALTERSVERSE. (FF Communications No. 235). By ROBERT WILDHABER. Academia Scientiarum Fennica, Helsinki, 1985, Paperback, pp. 116 Reviewed by Jon Erickson.

THE HONEY TREE SONG: POEMS AND CHANTS OF SARAWAK DAYAKS—by CAROL RUBENSTEIN. Ohio University Press, Athens, Ohio 1985. ISBN 0-8214-0413-X. Reviewed by Jan Knappert.

BELLE GUNNESS: THE LADY BLUEBEARD by JANET L. LANGLOIS. University of Indiana Press, 1985, xi, 174pp, hardback. No price. Reviewed by Brian McConnell.

THE BANSHEE: THE IRISH SUPERNATURAL DEATH MESSENGER by PATRICIA LYSAGHT. Dublin, The Glendale Press, 1986, 433 pp., maps and bibliography, ISBN 0-907606-29-6. Reviewed by Gillian Bennett.

MABON AND THE MYSTERIES OF BRITAIN. By CAITLIN MATTHEWS. Arkana, London and New York, 1986. £5.95. pp. 205. Index. Bibliography. Illustrated. ISBN 1-85063-052-6 Reviewed by Juliette Wood.

GERMAN VOLKSKUNDE: A Decade of Theoretical Confrontation, Debate and Reorientation (1967–1977) (Folklore Studies in Translation), edited and translated by JAMES R. DOW and HANNJOST LIXFELD. Indiana University Press. Bloomington, Indiana, 1986. 343 pp. $35.00 Cloth. 0-253-32577-3 Reviewed by Craig Fees.

LOUDER THAN WORDS: AN INTRODUCTION TO NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION. By Marjorie Fink Vargas. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press. $19.95. pp. 182 Illus. ISBN 0-8138-1113-9 Reviewed by P. G. Daniels.

EVOLUTION IN TEXTILE DESIGN FROM THE HIGHLANDS OF GUATAMALA. By MARGOT BLUM SCHEVILL. University of Washington Press, P.O. Box 50096, U.S.A., $12.95, direct from Publisher. 84 pp, 87 illustrations, maps, appendices, glossary notes and bibliography. ISBN 0-963127-01-5, LC 86-2858 Reviewed by Wanda Stanley.

KATALOG ZUR VOLKSERZÄHLUNG, HANS-JÖRG UTHER. K. G. Saur, München, New York, London, Oxford, Paris 1987. 2 vols. pp. 1135 £165.00 Reviewed by RMJ.


A LYCANTHROPY READER: WEREWOLVES IN WESTERN CULTURE, by CHARLOTTE F. OTTEN. Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, New York. 1986. Cloth $32.50. Paper $14.95, Pp. 360. Index. Selected bibliography. ISBN 0 8156 2383 6 and 0 8156 2384 4 (pbk). Reviewed by Caroline Oates.

SAGA, LEGEND, TALE, NOVELLA, FABLE: NARRATIVE FORMS IN OLD TESTAMENT LITERATURE. Edited by GEORGE W. COATS. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Supplement Series 35. Department of Biblical Studies, the University of Sheffield. 1985. £15.95; pbk £6.50. pp. 157. Indeces of Biblical passages and of authors quoted. ISBN 0-905774-84-1 and 0-905774-85-x Pbk. Reviewed by W. F. H. Nicolaisen.  相似文献   

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