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This paper makes comparisons between various sources—historical, ethnographic and archaeological—that relate to birds on the Isle of Man, in order to give a picture of the former uses of birds by the Manx people. Written references suggest that seabirds in particular were an important source of the essentials of life, and this is reinforced by recent archaeological evidence. The bird bones discussed are from excavations at St Patrick's Island off the west coast and Castle Rushen, Castletown. Manx Shearwaters Puffinus puffinus were present in greater numbers than they are now, and two fragments of the now extinct great auk Pinguinis impennis were identified, confirming the presence of this species on the Isle of Man. The evidence points to over-harvesting of the shearwaters and members of the auk family. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

G. W. Wood F.I.C. 《Folklore》2013,124(3):229-274
PALE HECATE'S TEAM. By K. M. BRIGGS. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1962. Pp. 291 + 8 plates. 40s. net. Reviewed by H. A. Beecham.

THE DARK WORLD OF WITCHES. By ERIC MAPLE. London, Robert Hale Ltd., 1962. Pp. 192 + 21 plates. 21s. net. Reviewed by H. A. Beecham.

ATLAS DER DEUTSCHEN VOLKSKUNDE. Neue Folge: 4th issue, part 1. Edited by M. ZENDER. Marburg, G. Elwert, 1966. Maps NF 37–48. Explanations Pp. 233, with 28 text ills. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

FOLKTALES OF HUNGARY. Edited by LINDA DÉGH. Translated by JUDIT HÁLÁSZ. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1965. Pp. xlvi, 381.35s. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

DAREDEVILS OF SASSOUN. By LEON SURMELIAN. George Allen and Unwin, 1966. Pp. 251. 30s. net. Reviewed by E. O. James.

JEFET SCHWILI ERZHÄLT. Hundertneunundsechzig jemenitische Volkscrzählungen aufgezeichnet in Israel 1957–1960. Edited by DOV NOY. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 1963. Supplement-Serie zu Fabula, Reihe A, Band 4. Pp. xii + 376. DM 58. — Reviewed by W. F. H. Nicolaisen.  相似文献   

契约文书的地域性特点明显,桂北地区民间现存契约文书数量宏大,内容丰富,具有较高的史料价值.桂林博物馆近年来对桂北地区民间契约文书的收集初见成效.本文简要介绍桂北地区民间契约文书的收集、保护及整理并以土地买卖文书、分关文书和过继文书为例对桂林博物馆收集的桂北地区民间契约文书进行举例.  相似文献   

一座民间艺术博物馆就是一部物化的民间发展史,人们了解民间艺术的过去和现在是可以从博物馆开始的。人们通过文物与历史对话,穿过时空的阻隔,俯瞰历史的风风雨雨。这是源远流长的手工艺艺术的重要见证,也是维系中华民族团结统一的精神纽带。  相似文献   

土族民间文学由于植根于传统文化的丰沃土壤中,所以具有独特的风格和鲜明的个性。在青海早期,由于文人文化的不发达,土族文学的主要领域是在民间,即表现为民间文学。浪漫主义手法一直是民间文学的主要创作手法,无论是神话传说、民间故事,还是英雄史诗等,处处体现了一种激荡浪漫  相似文献   

The medieval wall-paintings formerly in the south aisle of St Andrew's Church, Headington, Oxford, have not hitherto been either comprehensively or accurately recorded. This paper seeks to remedy this, especially as one of the subjects, the legend of the Miraculous Cornfield on the Flight into Egypt, is otherwise unknown among surviving English medieval wall-paintings. Another of the subjects has never been satisfactorily identified, and it will be suggested that it represents one of the miracles of St Clement of Rome, another unique subject.  相似文献   

数字图书馆与传统图书馆比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨了数字图书馆现实背景,并从馆藏、工作中心、借阅、工作人员四个方面,对数字图书馆与传统图书馆进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

This paper is a part of a wider study into landscape change around St Albans, Hertfordshire. The original area of enquiry covered six medieval parishes, that is an area of126.z square km. While it has not been possible to subject the area to detailed field-walking, new information has arisen that requires a fresh assessment to be made of the area in the Late Iron Age. The new data come from a variety of sources such as aerial photographs, non-systematic field-walking, topographical observation, new archaeological discoveries and previous excavation reports. This combined information permits an insight into the earliest discernible landscape around St Albans and something of the society which created it.  相似文献   

尹凯 《东南文化》2018,(4):82-89
20世纪90年代,学界对当代社会生活领域的理解样式深受后现代阐释的影响。社会结构、生活模式、知识体系等层面的巨变引发了人文科学领域的全面危机与反思,博物馆世界也不例外。随着新博物馆学运动的持续发酵和不同研究范式的陆续出现,重新思考博物馆本质与角色的当代博物馆理念应运而生,具体表现在两个方面:一是传统博物馆管理、组织与沟通的角色重置;二是新博物馆学理论、方法与实践的价值转向。当代博物馆理念的梳理与思考对于理解诸多经验层面上的博物馆现象至关重要。  相似文献   

杨海涛 《东南文化》2018,(3):114-119
全国第一次可移动文物普查结束后,如何利用普查经验和结果,建立和完善与新时期博物馆发展相适应的藏品管理体系,是当前我国博物馆建设面临的重要任务。南京博物院藏品管理的实例说明,博物馆可以通过健全管理制度、构建网络管理平台、创新便于利用的管理模式、实时监测文物保护动态等手段,全面提升藏品管理能力,建立对藏品的规范化、信息化和精细化的管理体系,使藏品更好地服务社会。  相似文献   

刘俊  马风华 《旅游科学》2005,19(5):38-45
本文以广州南越王墓博物馆为例,在游客行为分析的基础上,探讨了其发展规律和动因.作者采用结构性问卷调查的方法现场收集游客行为问卷,运用SPSS软件进行统计分析,并辅之以案例地博物馆游客结构的二手资料.在对所收集资料进行定性定量分析后,作者认为,南越王墓博物馆作为地方性博物馆,属于区域性的文化观光旅游产品,重游率低,潜在市场规模有限,且呈现随出游游客增加而不断萎缩的特点,因此形成持续下滑的接待曲线.与Butler旅游产品生命周期曲线对比发现,南越王墓博物馆缺少探查、参与、发展和巩固阶段,而直接进入衰退阶段.这一结论对于经济发达地区地方性博物馆旅游开发管理具有重要意义.  相似文献   

This paper presents a discussion and catalogue of the Iron Age coins found on the Isle of Wight which have been recorded, or are extant, on the island. These coins show a wide variety of links with the mainland and Continental Europe. Many of the coins are of unusual or unique types, suggesting a political division between the Isle of Wight and recognized major tribal groups for at least some of the Late Iron Age. Links are indicated with the intermediary Hampshire group introduced by Sellwood (1984). Strong links are shown with the Durotriges group to the west, and to a lesser degree with the Atrebates/Regni group to the east of the island. There are also preliminary indications of political and social centralization on the island for the first time, from numismatic finds.  相似文献   

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