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In 2016 Yosef Garfinkel suggested that J.L. Starkey, Director of the Lachish excavations, was murdered in 1938 by men sent by landowners of the mound due to an extended dispute between them and Starkey on payments for permission to dig on the summit of the mound. The present paper presents additional data which support the view that Starkey was murdered by bandits who came from the Hebron area.  相似文献   

解焱 《世界遗产》2013,(1):110-112
在现行分类体制下,我国小于20平方千米的自然保护区数量占自然保护区总数的30%,面积仅占0.36%:而大于1000平方千米的数量仅占5.8%,面积几近80%,绝大部分位于西部和北部。大量重要的生物多样性和生态系统服务重点功能区被城市、人口聚居地、农业等分割而成为孤岛。  相似文献   

Since the expeditions led by A.A. Savvin in 1939 and by A.P. Okladnikov in 1941, Suruktakh-Khaya, a key rock art site on the Markha River, Yakutia, was only revisited recently in 2011. The paintings at the site, unlike those at most sites on the Middle Lena, are quite satisfactorily preserved, making it possible to conduct additional studies in August 2011 mostly using digital photography.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(4):621-645

Extant literature on the U.S. Sanctuary movement of the 1980s mainly facilitates an understanding of the movement as part of liberal religious resistance to the Reagan-Bush Administrations' policy in Central America. However, I argue that Sanctuary should also be understood as pivotal to church involvement in a longer lineage of social activism that can be called immigrant advocacy. Church-based immigrant advocates (CBIAs) were in short supply until the end of World War II, when Christian clergy and laity used biblical calls for hospitality to argue for the admission of thousands of displaced persons from Europe. Over the next quarter-century, many CBIAs provided services to political refugees admitted under State Department criteria. But as CBIAs grew frustrated with double standards in refugee admissions, they began to develop discourses legitimating hospitality work outside of a nation-state framework. In tracing the history of church-based immigrant advocacy, Sanctuary indexes the juncture at which many Christian organizations widened their operations beyond the standard of sovereignty to accommodate undocumented refugees as well as immigrants motivated by economic need.  相似文献   

任新来 《文博》2011,(1):68-72
法门寺地宫出土的玻璃器,是世界伊斯兰玻璃考古的重大发现。本文通过对法门寺玻璃器的研究,结合国外伊斯兰玻璃器的考古发现与器物特特征,探讨法门寺玻璃器的制造时间、生产地点与文化内涵。  相似文献   


The interest in automatic modal parameter extraction techniques has increased significantly in recent years because of the rising demand for Continuous Structural Health Monitoring (CSHM) of civil structures and infrastructures. The wider use of CSHM is related to its capability for early damage detection and therefore to its usefulness for planning maintenance and strengthening interventions. This article presents the main steps followed in creating a robust routine to run on an online basis the first-ever Continuous Vibration-Based Structural Health Monitoring (CVB-SHM) of a large masonry oval dome, i.e., the dome of the Regina Montis Regalis Basilica, also known as Sanctuary of Vicoforte. The procedure uses an output-only stochastic subspace identification method complemented by an automatic analysis applied to identification results, which are typically provided in terms of stabilization diagrams. In this study, the fully automatic procedure also includes a hierarchical clustering algorithm to separate authentic from spurious modes.  相似文献   

Building upon existing literature, we offer a particular model of network policy diffusion—which we call sustained organizational influence. Sustained organizational influence necessitates an institutional focus across a broad range of issues and across a long period of time. Sustaining organizations are well‐financed, and exert their influence on legislators through benefits, shared ideological interests, and time‐saving opportunities. Sustaining organizations' centralized nature makes legislators' jobs easier by providing legislators with ready‐made model legislation. We argue that sustaining organizations uniquely contribute to policy diffusion in the U.S. states. We evaluate this model with a case study of state‐level immigration sanctuary policy making and the role that the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) played in disseminating model legislation. Through quantitative text analysis and several negative binomial state‐level regression models, we demonstrate that ALEC has exerted an overwhelming influence on the introduction of anti‐sanctuary legislative proposals in the U.S. states over the past 7 years consistent with our particular model of network policy diffusion. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

<正>锤头鲨,顾名思义,这种鲨鱼有着像锤子一样的脑袋,准确地说来,它们的脑袋长得如同一把榔头,而眼睛就长在头的左右两侧,距离非常远,看上去颇有几分怪异,不过也正是因为这样,锤头鲨才有了更为广阔的视野。锤头鲨的寿命通常有30~40岁。一般来说,锤头鲨的体长在4米左右,体重230公斤上下,生活在热带及温带海域。在今天,锤头鲨已经成为濒危动物,在加拉帕戈斯,你能够见到这些"水中巨头"的身影,其实还有赖于当地政府的保护,厄瓜多尔政府已经在加拉帕戈斯群岛的海洋保护区内为濒临灭绝的锤头鲨设立了禁猎区,让这些"水中巨头"可以有一片生存的净土。  相似文献   

“折柳”作为我国特有的送别习俗起源很早,因为“柳”在我国是“祝福”的象征,也是可以“驱鬼避邪”的“鬼怖木”;柳在中国古人心目中可以起到保护的作用,它既可以保护逝去的亲人的灵魂远行,同样保护活着的亲人路途平安。折柳送别的习俗植根于我国独特的传统文化,与我国古代人民的文化心理密切相关。  相似文献   

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