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James F. Voss and Mario Carretero, (eds.) Learning and Reasoning in History. International Review of History Education  相似文献   

This article analyzes two female Bildungsromane published by nineteenth-century authors, Las dos Gracias by Fernán Caballero (1867) and La vida íntima by Pilar Sinués (1876). The female Bildungsroman in Spain explores different educational and developmental opportunities open to women since the middle of the nineteenth century. Fernán Caballero and Pilar Sinués, who have been—and still often are—dismissed as anti-feminist and conservative, created a very nuanced vision of female Bildung in their novels. Far from being mere propaganda pieces aimed at keeping women in subjection, these novels discuss the obstacles that society places in the way to female development and offer ways of overcoming these obstacles.  相似文献   

The article analyzes the work of Hanno Kesting, Reinhart Koselleck, Roman Schnur, and Nicolaus Sombart—four young followers of Carl Schmitt in postwar Germany. Their “intellectual Schmittianism” was less than a full commitment to Schmitt’s political positions, yet had more than an arbitrary similarity with them: it pertained to assumptions, categories, and modes of thought. Drawing on Pocock’s terminology, I identify a particular “language” of intellectual Schmittianism, introduce its key components, and analyze their interaction. I focus on six categories derived from Schmitt’s narrative of European political modernity: discrimination, historical parallels, secularization, global civil war, open/latent civil war, and category blurs. The analysis shows that these categories were interlinked argumentative devices rather than mere rhetoric and that they systematically upheld the postwar scholars’ arguments. While the Schmittian language enabled the young scholars to express their political skepticism without necessarily rejecting the newly adopted institutional forms, it also constrained their choices. Linguistic resources can always be used for novel purposes, yet the dense internal structure of the language of postwar intellectual Schmittianism hindered revaluation and selective utilization. Kesting excluded, the young scholars gradually grew critical of Schmitt to varying degrees, but they never directly confronted his problematic language.  相似文献   

塞音是布依语声母系统中重要组成部分,含塞音声母的词数量最多。从原始布依语中分化出来以后,各方言点的塞音演变表现出不同的特点,除清塞音和先喉塞音在各个点都有保留外,复辅音塞音、浊塞音和清送气塞音在三个土语中的分布不均匀,反映了方言演变的不平衡现象。  相似文献   

Nouveau Monde et renouveau de l'histoire naturelle, vol. 2. Edited by Marie‐Cecile Benassy and Jean‐Pierre Clement. Paris: Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 1993. Pp. 135.

Langues et cultures en Amérique espagnole coloniale. Edited by Marie‐Cecile Benassy‐Berling, Jean‐Pierre Clement and Alain Milhou. Paris: Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 1993. Pp. 328.

Relecturas del Barroco de Indias. Edited by Mabel Moraña. Hanover, New Hampshire: Ediciones del Norte, 1994. Pp. xii, 334.

Early Images of the Americas: Transfer and Invention. Edited by Jerry M. Williams and Roberte. Lewis. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1993. Pp. xviii, 319.

Discursos sobre la “invención” de América. Edited by Iris Zavala. Amsterdam and Atlanta: Editions Rodopi, 1992. Pp. 294.  相似文献   

本文根据相关史料,从历史学的角度,对六朝时期建康的语言状况及其所蕴涵的时代信息进行了深入的剖析和探讨。  相似文献   

新疆历史上第一部关于语言文字的志书--《新疆通志·语言文字志》(以下简称《语文志》)终于出版发行了.笔者从事修志已有18载,主持或参与编修志书10多部,惟有此志最劳心伤神,遇到的困难也最多.回顾《语文志》的编纂,难,难,难!  相似文献   

清代,乾隆九年京旗满洲移垦来到吉林将军管辖下的拉林、阿拉楚喀等地,将京旗满语及文化也传播过来。本文简述满语的历史演变,探讨拉林满语的特点,以期探求满语的文化内涵。  相似文献   


Jeffrey Mehlman. Genealogies of the Text: Literature, Psychoanalysis, and Politics in Modern France. Cambridge University Press, 1995. 262 pp.

Lewis C. Seifert. Fairy Tales, Sexuality and Gender in France, 1690-1715: Nostalgic Utopias. (Cambridge Studies in French 55). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. xii + 276 pp.

“Cher, très cher, admirable et charmant ami …” Correspondance Georges Perec &; Jacques Lederer. Jacques Lederer, preface. Paris: Flammarion, 1997. 617 pp.

Timothy Unwin, ed. The Cambridge Companion to the French Novel: From 1800 to the Present. Cambridge University Press, 1997. xxiii + 281 pp. $59.95.

Sarah Kay. The Chansons de geste in the Age of Romance: Political Fictions. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995. 273 pp. $65.

Carrol F. Coates, ed. Repression and Expression: Literary and Social Coding in Nineteenth-Century France. New York: Peter Lang, 1996. xv + 342 pp.

Charlotte Stern. The Medieval Theater in Castile. Binghamton, New York: Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, vol. 156, 1996. 321 pp.

José Belmonte Serrano, Origen y proceso de la narrativa de José Luis Castillo-Puche. Murcia: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia, 1997. 247 pp.

Brad Epps. Significant Violence. Oppression and Resistance in the Narratives of Juan Goytisolo, 1970-1990. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. xii + 513 pp. $82.00.

Francisco Javier, Díez de Revenga, and Mariano de Paco, eds. En círculos de lumbre. Estudios sobre Gerardo Diego. Murcia: CajaMurcia, Obra Cultural, 1997. 509 pp.

Charles F. Fraker. The Scope of History: Studies in the Historiography of Alfonso el Sabio. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1996. ix + 235 pp.

John A. Scott. Dante's Political Purgatory. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1996. 295 pp.

Amoldo Carlos Vento. La Generación Hijo Pródigo: Renovación y Modernidad. Lanham: University Press of America, 1996. 301 pp.  相似文献   

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