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20世纪50年代,党和政府在领导农村进行社会主义改造、发展农业生产的过程中,积极推动农业生产工具的改良和改革,双轮双铧犁作为主要的新式农具之一,经历了试验推广、重点推广和全面推广的过程。根据不同地区的具体情况和农机工业状况,中央有关部委制定了一系列指导政策和落实措施,坚持重点示范、稳步推广的原则,统一生产计划和规格,制定管理办法,强化生产质量管理和修配,增设工作机构和推广站,改进经营服务,逐步提高了产品质量,一度促进了双轮双铧犁的推广使用。  相似文献   

我国铁犁的形制从战国时期开始便一直向着既方便安装又增强翻土能力的方向发展.上世纪80年初张传玺对考古出土的两件有代表性的大铁犁进行了复制和试耕,试验的结果使人们倾向于铁犁脊面向下的安装方式,对于长期以来农史界关于汉代使用左右摇摆的"铧式犁"的观点颇为有利.通过对铁犁形制和试耕结果的分析,我们认为脊面向下是不可行的,脊面向上的试耕结果正与河南内黄三杨庄发现的汉代代田遗迹相吻合.汉代铁犁的安装和使用方法要结合当时农耕中的作亩方式来研究才更有意义.  相似文献   

Up until the late 1990s, the Balanta of Guinea‐Bissau constituted what could be described as a ‘deep rural society’, whose central identity was linked with rice production and cattle accumulation. At the same time, it could be argued that even in the early days after Independence in 1974, the social aspirations of Balanta young men matched those of other Guinean youths in their shared desire to get away from the strictures of gerontocracy and of rural life. Surprisingly, however, this study documents the agency of many rural Balanta young men in changing oppressive social rules, and in using agriculture as a means to fund their education, to feed their families and as a route to prosperity. The authors conclude that the persistent political instability in the country (most acutely felt in the capital city) and the national and global economic crises, together with the Balanta agricultural ethos and the softening of gerontocratic power, are at the root of this revaluing of rural livelihoods. This article challenges current dominant narratives about the crisis of young men in contemporary Africa and highlights the need to study the aspirations and achievements of youth in their rural–urban nexus from a historical and holistic perspective.  相似文献   

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