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E. O. James 《Folklore》2013,124(4):304-305
MY FIRST HUNDRED YEARS. By MARGARET MURRAY. London, W. Kimber, 1963. Pp. 208 + 5 plates (portraits). Reviewed by Wilfrid Bonser.

ARTE POPOLARE ITALIANA. By PAOLO TOSCHI. Rome, Carlo Bestetti — Edizioni d'Arte, 1960. Pp. 451 + 553 plates and over 90 unnumbered popular prints, and bibliography. 15,000 lire. (A supplementary booklet of 31 pp. contains a shortened text, and picture captions in English.) Reviewed by Francis Celoria.

TRADIZIONI POPOLARI NEL ‘DECAMERON’. By MARIA PIA GIARDINI. Biblioteca di ‘Lares’, Vol. XX. Florence, L. S. Olschki, 1965. Pp. X, 91. 1,800 lire. Reviewed by Francis Celoria.

CANTI POPOLARI ISTRIANI. By GIUSEPPE RADOLE. Biblioteca D. ‘Lares’, Vol. XIX. Florence, L. S. Olschki, 1965. Pp. XXX, 231. Lire 4,000. Reviewed by Francis Celoria.

HISTORISCHE SCHICHTEN DER UNGARISCHEN VOLKSDICHTUNG. By IMRE KATONA. FF Communications No. 194. Helsinki (Academia Scientiarum Fennica) 1964. Pp. 36. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.


JAHRBUCH FÜR OSTDEUTSCHE VOLKSKUNDE. Vol. viii. Marburg (N. G. Elwert Verlag) 1964. Pp. 290, 2 maps, 1 text ill., 1 photograph. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

ARCHAEOLOGY IN THE HOLY LAND. By KATHLEEN KENYON. University Paperbacks, Methuen 1965. Pp. 328.25s. net. Reviewed by E. O. James.

THE FORMATION OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. By R. M. GRANT. Hutchinson University Library, 1965. Pp. 196, 15s. net. Reviewed by E. O. James.

GENETICS AND PREHISTORY. By SIR GAVIN DE BEER. The Rede Lecture, 1965. Cambridge University Press, 1965. Pp. 37.5s. net. Reviewed by E. O. James.

BIBLIOGRAPHY OF OLD NORSE-ICELANDIC STUDIES, 1963, edited by H. Bekker-Nielsen and T. D. Olsen, Munksgaard, Copenhagen, 1964. Pp.64. Reviewed by H. R. Ellis Davidson.

FORM AND FABLE IN AMERICAN FICTION. By DANIEL HOFFMAN. New York, Oxford University Press, 1965. (A Galaxy Book.) Pp. xvi, 368. $1.95. Reviewed by Richard M. Dorson.

ESKIMO. By E. CARPENTER, F. VARLEY and R. FLAHERTY. University of Toronto Press, 1964. Reviewed by W. R. Mead.

MARRIAGE CUSTOMS IN SYRIA (Taqālīd al-zawāj fi '1-iqlīm al-sūrī). Published 1961. Pp. 183. Illustrated. Text in Arabic; French captions added under most of the illustrations. Reviewed by A. S. Tritton.

A HANDBOOK ON WITCHES. By GILLIAN TINDALL. Arthur Barker Ltd. 1965. 21s. Reviewed by K. M. Briggs.

THEORIES OF PRIMITIVE RELIGION. By E. E. EVANS-PRITCHARD. Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1965. 25s. Reviewed by E. P. Baker.  相似文献   

T. Fairman Ordish 《Folklore》2013,124(2):149-175
EYRBYGGJA SAGA. Translated from the Old Icelandic by PAUL SCHACH with introduction and verse translations by LEE M. HOLLANDER. The University of Nebraska Press and the American-Scandinavian Foundation, 1959. $4.25. Pp. xx, 140. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

THE LAXDOELA SAGA. Translated from the Old Icelandic with Introduction and Notes by A. MARGARET ARENT. Seattle. University of Washington Press. New York. The American-Scandinavian Foundation. 1964. pp. xlii, 210. $6.75. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

THE PSYCHOANALYTIC STUDY OF SOCIETY. Vol. III. Edited by WARNER MUENSTERBERGER, Ph.D. and SIDNEY AXELRAD, D.S.Sc. New York, International Universities Press, Inc., [1965]. Reviewed by E. P. Baker.

THE SALERNITAN QUESTIONS. By BRIAN LAWN. Clarendon Press. Oxford Univ. Press, 1963. Pp. 240. frontis. 63s. Reviewed by Eric J. Trimmer.

GODS AND MYTHS OF NORTHERN EUROPE. By H. R. ELLIS DAVIDSON. Penguin Books, 1964. Pp. 251. 4s. 6d. Reviewed by E. O. James.

GLAUBENSWELT UND FOLKLORE DER SIBIRISCHEN VÖLKER. Edited by V. DÓISZEGI. Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 1963. Pp. 533. Reviewed by W. R. Mead.

SHAMANISM, ARCHAIC TECHNIQUES OF ECSTASY. By M. ELIADE. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1964. Pp. xxiii, 610. Reviewed by W. R. Mead.

THE PEOPLES OF SIBERIA. Edited by M. G. LEVIN and L. P. POTAPOV. University of Chicago Press, 1964. Pp. viii, 948. Reviewed by W. R. Mead.

DIE KUNSTBLUME VON DER ANTIKE BIS ZUR GEGENWART. Geschichte und Eigenart eines volkstümlichen Kunstgewerbes. B. SCHIER. Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für deutsche Volkskunde xi. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 1957. Pp. viii, 208: 5 coloured plates, 1 illustration, 1 diagram. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

JAHRBUCH FÜR OSTDEUTSCHE VOLKSKUNDE vii. Marburg, Elwert Verlag, 1963. Pp. 272 (7 pp. blank!): 3 photos, 4 illustrations, 19 tunes, 1 map. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

THE TELLTALE LILAC BUSH and Other West Virginia Ghost Tales. By RUTH ANN MUSICK. University of Kentucky Press, 1965. Pp. xviii, 189. $4.50. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

MAORI MYTHS AND TRIBAL LEGENDS. Retold by ANTHONY ALPERS. John Murray 1964. 30s. Reviewed by K. M. Briggs.

MORE HIGHLAND FOLKTALES. By R. MACDONALD ROBERTSON. Oliver and Boyd, 1964. 21s. Reviewed by K. M. Briggs.

DRAMA IN RURAL INDIA. By J. C. MATHUR. Bombay, Indian Council for Cultural Relations, 1964. Pp. 121. Illus. Bibliog. 40s. Reviewed by L. P. Elwell-Sutton.

THE PLACE-NAMES OF GLOUCESTERSHIRE. By A. H. SMITH. Part 4. English Place-Name Society, Vol. XLI. Cambridge University Press, 1965. Pp. xv, 274. 42s. Reviewed by Wilfrid Bonser.

BUYING THE WIND (Regional Folklore in the United States.) By RICHARD M. DORSON. University of Chicago Press. 574 pp. $7.95; 59s. 6d. Reviewed by A. W. Smith.  相似文献   

N. W. Thomas 《Folklore》2013,124(1):69-71
A WORLD REMEMBERED: TALES AND LORE OF THE POLISH LAND. Collected and compiled by MARION MOORE COLEMAN. Cherry Hill Books, 1965. Price 5 dollars. Reviewed by Violet Mason.

ANNUAL CUSTOMS AND FESTIVALS IN PEKING. By TUN LI-CH'EN. Trans lated and Annotated by DERK BODDE. Hong Kong University Press; Oxford University Press. Pp. 147. 52s. 6d. Reviewed by W. H. Hudspeth.

FOLKLORE BALEAR. Bv ANDRÉS FERRER GINARD. Ed. Cort. 1965. Reviewed by Violet Alford.

INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY OF REGIONAL EUROPEAN ETHNOLOGY AND FOLKLORE. VOL. ii: Folk Literature (Germanic). By LAURITS BØDKER. Published by CIAP with the support of UNESCO. Copenhagen, Rosenkilde &; Bagger, 1965. Pp. 365. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

STRAW PATH. Data on the Spread and the Origin of the Mediterranean Name Type of Via Lactea. By LÁSZLÓ MÁNDOKI. Acta Ethno graphica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Tomus XIV, Fasciculi 1–2. Budapest, 1965. Pp. 21. Reviewed by Theo Brown.

MYTH. A Symposium. Edited by THOMAS A. SEBECK. Indiana University Press, 1965. Pp. 180. $2–45 (7s 6d). Reviewed by E. O. James.

SOMERSET FOLKLORE, By R. L. TONGUE, edited by K. M. BRIGGS. County Folklore, Vol. VIII. The Folk-lore Society, 1965. Pp. 243. 40s. Reviewed by Faith Sharp.

HEALTH AND HEALING IN RURAL GREECE. By RICHARD AND EVA BLUM, Stanford University Press. 30s. Reviewed by Eric J. Trimmer.

SAGEN UND HIRE DEUTUNG. By MAX LÜTHI, LUTZ RÖHRICH and GEORG FOHRER. Introduction by W. E. Peuckert. Evangelisches Forum. Heft 5. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck &; Ruprecht, 1965. Pp. 80. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

DAS MÄRCHEN. SEIN ORT IN DER GEISTIGEN ENTWICKXUNG, By HEDWIG VON BEIT. Bern, Francke Verlag, 1965. Pp. 373. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

EARLY IRISH POETRY. Edited by JAMES CARNEY. Cork, The Mercier Press, 1965. Pp. 99. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

THE FIRST BOOK OF IRISH MYTHS AND LEGENDS. With introduction by EOIN NEESON. Cork, The Mercier Press, no year. Pp. 126. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

TRADITIONAL COUNTRY CRAFTSMEN. By J. GERAINT JENKINS. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd, 45s. Reviewed by D. N. Kennedy.

THE HOGARTH BOOK OF SCOTTISH NURSERY RHYMES. Collected and edited by NORAH AND WILLIAM MONTGOMERY. London. Hogarth Press, 1964. 15s. Reviewed by W. Bonser.

ENVIRONMENT AND ARCHAEOLOGY. An Introduction to Pleistocene Geography. By KARL W. BUTZER. Methuen, 1965. Pp. 524. 84s. net. Reviewed by E. O. James.

PATTERNS OF SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR. By S. FORD and FRANK A. BEACH. Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1965. Pp. 330. 30s. net. Reviewed by E. O. James.  相似文献   

MYTH AND RELIGION OF THE NORTH, The Religion of Ancient Scandinavia. By E. O. G. TURVILLE-PETRE. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1964. Pp. 340.50s. net. Reviewed by E. O. James.

HERBERT JENNINGS ROSE, 1883–1961. By W. L. LORIMER, Oxford University Press. 3s. net. Reviewed by E. O. James.

THE CULT OF THE CAT. By PATRICIA DALE-GREEN. London, William Heinemann. Pp. 189; 39 plates. Price 30s. Reviewed by Theo Brown.

DIE SAGEN DER MONATHLICHEN UNTERREDUNGEN OTTO VON GRABENS ZUM STEIN. Edited by W. E. PEUCKERT. Corpus Fabulorum I. Berlin, W. de Gruyter &; Co., 1961. Pp. xix, 327. Reviewed by E. Ettlinger.

GÖTTER UND GÖTTERTIERE DER MAYA. By WOLFGANG CORDAN. Bern, Francke Verlag, 1963. Pp. 75; 50 text figs. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

THE REGIONAL VOCABULARY OF TEXAS. By E. Bagby Atwood. University of Texas Press, 1962. Pp. 273, xiii. $5.75. Reviewed by C. A. Burland.

LAPP LIFE AND CUSTOMS. By ØRNULF VORREN and ERNST MANKER, (translated by Kathleen McFarlane). London, 1962. Pp. 183.38s. Reviewed by W. R. Mead.

FOLK TALES FROM RAJASTHAN. Retold by L. N. BIRLA. Illustrated by PHANI BHUSHAN. London, Asia Publishing House, 1964. Pp. 60. 20s. Reviewed by L. P. Elwell-Sutton.

DRAMA AND IMAGERY IN ENGLISH MEDIEVAL CHURCHES. By M. D. ANDERSON. C.U.P., 1963. Pp. 248. 45s. Reviewed by Alex Helm.

BRETON FOLK DANCES. By JEAN-MICHAEL GUILCHER. Paris, School of Higher Studies, Sorbonne. Reviewed by Douglas Kennedy.

THE LAST DAYS OF THE SIOUX NATION. By ROBERT M. UTLEY. Yale University Press, 1961. Pp. 314; 24 plates. 56s. net. Reviewed by C. A. Burland.

STUDIES IN JAPANESE FOLKLORE. By RICHARD M. DORSON. Indiana University Press, 1963. Pp. 247. Reviewed by W. H. Hudspeth.

THE MEDIEVAL HISTORY OF THE COAST OF TANGANYIKA. By G. S. P. FREEMAN-GRENVILLE. Oxford University Press. Pp. 238; maps, plates. 50s. Reviewed by W. H. Whiteley.

DIE VOLKSERZÄHLUNG. By LEOPOLD SCHMIDT. Berlin, Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1963. Pp. 448; 4 maps. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

DEUTSCHES JAHRBUCH FÜR VOLKSKUNDE. Vol. ix. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 1963. Pp. 468; Pls. 8, xvi; 9 text figs. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

BRÜDER GRIMM GEDENKEN 1963. Gedenkschrift zur hundertsten Wiederkehr des Todestages von Jacob Grimm. Marburg, N. G. Elwert Verlag, 1963. Pp. ix, 610; 16 plates. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

SONGS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Compiled and edited by IRWIN SILBER, Piano and Guitar Accompaniment by Garry Silverman. Columbia University Press, 1960; Oxford University Press, 1961. Reviewed by K. M. Briggs.  相似文献   

Ellen Ettlinger 《Folklore》2013,124(4):268-275
ANCIENT BALLADS. TRADITIONALLY SUNG IN NEW ENGLAND. Compiled and edited by HELEN HARKNESS FLANDERS. Vol. I. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. 80s. Reviewed by K. M. Briggs.

HANS ANDERSEN'S FAIRY TALES, A SELECTION, Translated by W. L. KINGSLAND. The World's Classics, Oxford, Reviewed by K. M. Briggs.

ST JAMES IN SPAIN. By T. D. KENDRICK. Methuen, 1960. Pp. 223. 25s. Reviewed by E. O. James.

HUMANIORA. ESSAYS IN LITERATURE. FOLKLORE. BIBLIOGRAPHY Honouring Archer Taylor on his Seventieth Birthday. Edited WAYLAND D. HAND and GUSTAVE O. ARLT. J. J. Augustin, Locust Valley, N.Y., 1960. Pp. viii + 374. $10.00. Reviewed by H. J. Rose.

HIMMELSSTIER UND GLETSCHERLÖWE. Translated and edited by M. HERMANNS. 1955. Pp. 259, 2 maps, 1 photograph. DAS ELEFANTENSPIEL. Edited by L. KOHL-LARSEN. 1956. Pp. 233, 1 map, 1 photograph. STIMME DES WASSERBÜFFELS. Edited by H. NEVERMANN, 1956. Pp. 242. All Eisenach and Kassel (Röth Verlag). Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

THE PEOPLE ARE COMING SOON. Analyses of Clackamas Chinook Myths and Tales. By Melville Jacobs. University of Washington Press, Seattle, 1960. Reviewed by C. A. Burland.

DEUTSCHES JAHRBUCH FÜR VOLKSKUNDE. Vol. v, Part ii. Berlin, 1959. Pp. (230)–548, plates ix–xx, 4 maps, 25 text illustrations. Reviewed by E. Ettlinger.

THE FOUNDLING AND THE WEREWOLF. A LITERARY-HISTORICAL STUDY OF GUILLAUME DE PALERNE. By CHARLES W. DUNN, Toronto University Press. Oxford University Press, London, 1960. 40s. Reviewed by Mary Williams.

THE LEGEND OF MERLIN. By A. O. JARMANN. University of Wales Press, 1960. Pp. 1–31. 3s. Reviewed by Mary Williams.

THE SCALLOP: studies of a shell and its influences on humankind by eight authors. Edited by IAN COX, C.B.E., M.A. Published in London by the Shell Transport and Trading Company, 1957. Reviewed by Barbara Aitken.

A HISTORY OP BANBURY. By WILLIAM POTTS. The Banbury Guardian Ltd., 1958. Reviewed by Christina Hole.  相似文献   

A. M. Hocart 《Folklore》2013,124(3):224-225
STRANGE THINGS. By JOHN L. CAMPBELL and TREVOR H. HALL. Routledge &; Kegan Paul, 1968. Pp. 350. Plates IX. 55s. Reviewed by Theo Brown.

HOUSING NOMENCLATURE IN BRISTOL. By H. C. W. HARRIS. City and County Housing Dept. 1969. n.p. Reviewed by A. W. Smith.

THE SEMA NAGAS. By J. H. HUTTON. Oxford University Press, 1968. Pp. 468. Rs 40. Reviewed by E. O. James.


CINDERELLA DRESSED IN YELLER. Australian Children' Play rhymes by IAN TURNER. Heineman Educational Pty. Ltd., 1969. Reviewed by K. M. Briggs.


DEUTSCHE VOLKSKUNDE ZWISCHEN GERMANISTIK AND SOZIALWISSENSCHAFTEN. By I. WEBER-KELLERMANN, Stuttgart (J. B. Metzlersche Verlagsbuchhandlung) 1969. Pp. x, 113. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

GHOSTLY GOLD AND GOBLIN TUNES. By THEO BROWN AND STEPHEN DEWAR. West Country Folklore, No. 2 (General Editor, Theo Brown). Mount Durand, St Peter Port, Guernsey, The Toucan Press. Pp. 10, 3 plates. 2s. 6d. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

SKUDDET I DANSK SYGDOMSTRO. By C. C. MATTHIESSEN. Akademisk Forlag, Copenhagen, 1967. Pp. 207. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.  相似文献   

C. S. Burne 《Folklore》2013,124(2):146-154
FOLKTALES OF ENGLAND. Edited by KATHERINE M. BRIGGS and RUTH L. TONGUE. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1965. Pp. 174.25s. Reviewed by Theo Brown.

FOLKTALES OF CHINA. Edited by WOLFRAM EBERHARD. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1965. Pp. xxxviii, 267.40s. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

MITOS Y LEYENDAS EN LAS VILLAS. Edited by SAMUEL FEIJÓO. Folklore Cubano. Universidad Central de Las Villas (Cuba), 1965. Pp. 252. Reviewed by Barbara Aitken.

EUROPEAN FOLKTALES. Edited by LAURITS BÖDKER, CHRISTINA HOLE, G. D'ARONCO. Published for the Council of Europe. Rosenkilde and Bagger, Copenhagen, 1963. Pp. xxiii + 223. Reviewed by Stewart F. Sanderson.

FF Communications No. 195: THE MORPHOLOGY OF NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN FOLKTALES. By ALAN DUNDES. Helsinki, 1964. Reviewed by K. M. Briggs.

THE SIGNPOST LIBRARY, Oliver and Boyd, 9s. 6d. No. 10. GYPSIES. By JOHN HORNBY. Illustrated by David Gentleman. 1965. No. 11. WITCHES AND WIZARDS. By FRANCES WILKINS. Illustrated by Fritz Wegner. 1965. Reviewed by K. M. Briggs.


A GUIDE FOR FIELD WORKERS IN FOLKLORE. By KENNETH S. GOLDSTEIN. Hatboro, Pennsylvania, Folklore Associates Inc.; London, Herbert Jenkins, 1964. 42s. Reviewed by Stewart F. Sanderson.

THE WITCHCRAFT AND FOLKLORE OF DARTMOOR. RUTH ST LEGER GORDON. Robert Hale, 1965. Pp. 192; illust. with photos by the Author. 21s. Reviewed by Theo Brown.

PASTEURS-NOMADES MÉDITERRANÉENS. LES SARACATSANS DE GRèCE By G. B. KAVADIAS. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1965. Pp. x, 444, 1 map, 109 illustrations, 4 diagrams, 1 table. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL FOLK MUSIC COUNCIL. Vol. XVII, 1965. Part 1, pp. 80; Part 2, pp. 355. Both parts for 30s. Reviewed by Mary Hudleston.  相似文献   

C. W. Von Sydow 《Folklore》2013,124(4):291-309
ANIMAL LEGENDS. Retold and pictured by K. NIXON. F. Warne. 15s. Reviewed by E. F. Coote Lake.

RELIGION IN AN AFRICAN SOCIETY. By ROBERT T. PARSONS. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1964.Pp. 245. Reviewed by E. O. James

THE PROSE EDDA OF SNORRI STURLUSON: TALES FROM NORSE MYTHOLOGY. Selected and Translated by JEAN I. YOUNG. Introduction by Sigurður Nordal. University of California Press and Cambridge University Press, 1966. 28s.; paperback 12s. 6d. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

THE MAGICAL ARTS A SHORT HISTORY. By C. A. BURLAND. Arthur Barker Ltd. 42. Reviewed by K. M. Briggs.

MAGIC PEOPLE. By BARBARA SOFTLY. Illustrated by Gunvor Edwards, Published by Oliver and Boyd (‘The Open Gate Library’ No. 8). 106. 6d. Reviewed by Roger Lancelyn Green.

AYERS ROCK, ITS PEOPLE, THEIR BELIEFS, AND THEIR ART. By CHARLES P. MOUNTFORD. Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1965. 65s. Pp. xiv, 208; 5 coloured plates, 106 in black and white, 43 figures. Reviewed by J. S. Ryan.

THE ROCK PAINTINGS OF THE CHUMASH. By CAMPBELL GRANT. Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1965. 80s. Pp. xviii, 163. Frontispiece and 31 colour plates, 120 figures. Reviewed by J. S. Ryan.

THE TRADITIONAL AND NATIONAL MUSIC OF SCOTLAND. By FRANCIS COLLINSON. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1964. Pp. xvii + 294. Price 63s. Reviewed by Douglas Kennedy.

JAHRBUCH FüR OSTDEUTSCHE VOLKSKUNDE. Edited by A. PERLICK. Vol. ix. Marburg, N. G. Elwert, 1965. Pp. 238; 16 photographs. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

OESTERREICHISCHER VOLKSKUNDEATLAS. Edited by RICHARD WOLFRAM Vienna, 1965. Commentary, pp. 278; 2 text ills.; maps 14–32. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

THE NUNAMIUT ESKIMOS: HUNTERS OF CARIBOU. By NICHOLAS J. GUBSER, Yale University Press, 1965. Reviewed by W. R. Mead.

ESP: BEYOND TIME AND DISTANCE. By T. C. LETHBRIDGE, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1965. Pp. x, 148. Illustrated by the Author. 25s. Reviewed by Theo Brown.

SIXTY YEARS A FENMAN. By ARTHUR R. RANDELL. Edited by ENID PORTER. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1966. Pp. ix, 126; illustrated. 13 Plates. 25s. Reviewed by Theo Brown.

HEBREW AMULETS, THEIR DECIPHERMENT AND INTERPRETATION. By THEODORE SCHRIRE. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1966. Pp. xii, 180.50s. Reviewed by A. A. Barb.

NEDERLANDSE INCANTATIELITERATUUR. Een gecommentarieerd compendium van Nederlandse bezweringsformules. Door Dr JOZEF VAN HAVER. Gent, Kon. Vlaamse Academie voor Taal- en Letter-kunde (Reeks VI, Nr. 94), 1964. Pp. 506. Reviewed by A. A. Barb.

AMULETT UND TALISMAN, Erscheinungsform und Geschichte. By L. HANSMANN AND L. KRISS-RETTENBECK. Munich, G. D. W. Callwey, 1966. Pp. 270, 844 illustrations. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

FOLKTALES OF GERMANY. Edited by K. RANKE. Translated by L. BAUMANN. Folktales of the World. General Editor: R. M. Dorson. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1966. Pp. xxxiii, 257. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

FOLKTALES: The Peoples' Meeting-Place. Unpublished Sources. Vol. ii. Denmark-Germany. Edited by L. BØDKER and G. HÜLLEN. Schloss Bentlage (Gesellschaft zur Pflege des Märchengutes der europäischen Völker) Jahresgabe 1966. Pp. 199. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

TALES OF THE NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS. Selected and Annotated by STITH THOMPSON. Indiana University Press. Bloomington and London. Reprint 1966. Reviewed by K. M. Briggs.

BEITRÄGE ZUR LEHRE AND FORSCHUNG DER LEIBESERZIEHUNG: Band 13: Der Ursprung der olympischen Spiele, by Ludwig Drees; Band 14: Über die menschliche Bewegung als Einheit von Natur und Geist. by Frederik J. J. Buytendijk, Paul Christian, and Herbert Plügge. Schorndorf bei Stuttgart, Karl Hofmann. 1963. Pp. 144 and 80. Reviewed by W. F. H. Nicolaisen.

BELMONTE DE LOS CABALLEROS, a Sociological Study of a Spanish Town. By CARMELO LISON-TOLOSANA. Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1966. 75s. Reviewed by Barbara Aitken.  相似文献   

Walter Gregor 《Folklore》2013,124(1):73-86
AN EGG AT EASTER, A FOLKLORE STUDY. By VENETIA NEWALL. Routledge and Kegan Paul. £6. Reviewed by K. M. Briggs.

MYTH, LEGEND AND CUSTOM IN THE OLD TESTAMENT. A Comparative Study with Chapters from Sir James G. Frazer's Folklore in the Old Testament. By THEODOR H. GASTER. Harper &; Row, New York, 1969. Pp. 899. $20.00. Reviewed by E. O. James.

OUR LIVING TRADITIONS. An Introduction to American Folklore. Edited by TRISTRAM POTTER COFFIN. Basic Books, Inc. 1968. Pp. 301. $6.50. Reviewed by Theo Brown.

THE BALLAD AS SONG. By BERTRAND HARRIS BRONSON. University of California Press. Berkeley &; Los Angeles, 1969. Pp. 344. $7.95. Reviewed by Maud Karpeles.

THE PLEASANT LAND OF IRELAND. By K. DANAHER. Cork (Mercier Press) 1970. Pp. 88. 55 ills., 1 map. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

CAMBRIDGESHIRE CUSTOMS AND FOLKLORE. By ENID PORTER. With Fenland Material provided by W. H. Barrett. Routledge &; Kegan Paul, 1969. Pp. 419. Plates 78 and Map. £5.25. Reviewed by Theo Brown.

GREEN HILLS OF MAGIC. WEST VIRGINIA FOLKTALES FROM EUROPE. By RUTH ANN MUSICK. The University Press of Kentucky. $7.50. Reviewed by K. M. Briggs.

THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF EXMOOR. Bideford Bay to Bridgwater. By L. V. GRINSELL. David &; Charles, 1970. With 23 plates, 5 drawings in text, and 8 maps in two colours. Pp. 242. £3. Reviewed by Theo Brown.

SACHGÜTER UND LEBENSFORMEN. Einführung in die materielle Kulturgeschichte des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. Grundlagen der Germanistik vol. n. By D. W. H. SCHWARZ. Berlin (Erich Schmidt Verlag) 1970. Pp. 244; 7 illustrations.Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

JAHRBUCH FÜR VOLKSLIED-FORSCHUNG. Vol. XV. Edited by R. W. BREDNICH. Berlin (Erich Schmidt Verlag) 1970. Pp. 225, 2 plates, 6 tunes and 4 maps. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

TRADITIONS AND HEARTHSIDE STORIES OF WEST CORNWALL. By William Bottrell. 2nd Edition published by Frank Graham, 1970. Pp. 275 and Index. £2.50. Reviewed by Theo Brown.

STORIES TOLD BY THE AZTECS BEFORE THE SPANIARDS CAME. By Carleton Beals. Abelard-Schuman. £1.40. Reviewed by K. M. Briggs.

STARS IS GOD'S LANTERNS. An Offering of Ozark Tellin' Stories. By Charles Moreau Wilson. University of Oklahoma Press. $4.95. Reviewed by K. M. Briggs.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
IN SARA'S TENTS. By WALTER STARKIE, Litt.D. London, 1953. Pp. 339. 25s. net. Reviewed by Violet Alford.

THE SHEPHERDS' PLAY OF THE PRODIGAL SON. Coloquio de pastores del hijo prodigo. GEORGE C. BARKER. University of California Press, 1953. Reviewed by Violet Alford.

THE PEOPLE OF THE SEA. By DAVID THOMSON. Turnstile Press. London. 1954. Pp. ix + 214. Reviewed by E. Ettlinger.

THE PERSONNEL OF FAIRYLAND. By K. M. BRIGGS, M.A., D. Phil. (Oxon.). Pp. 228. Oxford. 1953. 93. 6d. Reviewed by M. A. Murray.

BABYLONIAN AND ASSYRIAN RELIGION. By S. H. HOOKE. Hutchinson's University Library, London. 1953. Pp. xii + 128. 8s. 6d. Reviewed by S. G. F. Brandon.

THE BIBLE. Historical Social and Literary Aspects of the Old and New Testaments. Published by The Times. 1954. Pp. 32, with illustrations, 1s. net. Reviewed by E. O. James.  相似文献   

J. H. Leuba 《Folklore》2013,124(2):148-171
THE NEW COMPARATIVE MYTHOLOGY, An Anthropological Assessment of the Theories of Georges Dumézil. By C. SCOTT LITTLETON. University of California Press, 1966. Pp. 242. 48s. net. Reviewed by E. O. James.

WESTALPENSAGEN. Europäische Sagen IV. By WILL-ERICH PEUCKERT, Berlin, Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1965. Pp. 253. Reviewed by W. F. H. Nicolaisen.

TALES OF THE WEST OF IRELAND. By JAMES BERRY. Edited by G. M. Horgan, Dublin, The Dolmen Press, 1966. Pp. x, 217. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

IRISH WAKE AMUSEMENTS. SEÁN O SÚILLEABHÁIN. Cork. The Mercier Press, 1967. Pp. 188. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

BILDNIS UND BRAUCH. Studien zur Bildfunktion der Effigies. By WOLFGANG BRÜCKNER. Berlin, Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1966. Pp. 361; 18 plates. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH ASIAN FOLKLORE. By EDWIN CAPERS KIRKLAND. Indiana University Folklore Series, No. 21. 4o The Hague, Mouton &; Co., 1966. Pp. xxiv, 291. 36 Dutch guilders (no price mentioned in sterling — or in dollars). Reviewed by Wilfrid Bonser.

ANTAURA. THE MERMAID AND THE DEVIL'S GRANDMOTHER. By A. A. BARB. Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, Vol. XXIX, 1966. Reviewed by E. O. James.  相似文献   

C. A. Burland 《Folklore》2013,124(4):495-497
DIVINE HORSEMEN: The Living Gods of Haiti. By MAYA DEREN. Thames and Hudson. London and New York. 1953. pp. 350. 25s. net. Reviewed by E. O. James.

THE OLDEST STORIES IN THE WORLD. Edited by Theodor H. Gaster. The Voking Press. New York. 1952. pp. 238. $5.00. Reviewed by E. O. James.

FOLKLORE STUDIES I. THE ITALIAN WELLERISM TO THE END OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. By CHARLES SPERONI. University of California Press. Berkeley and Los Angeles. 1953. Reviewed by Estella Canziani.

WILD MEN IN THE MIDDLE AGES. By RICHARD BERNHEIMER. Harvard University Press. 1952. xiii + 224 pp. Illustrated. $4.00 25s. (O.U.P.). Reviewed by G. Bullough.

ALBERT WESSELSKI AND RECENT FOLKTALE THEORIES. By EMMA EMILY KIEFER. Indiana University Publications ; Folklore Series, No. 3, 1947. Pp. 84. Reviewed by R. M. Dawkins.

HIGHLAND SETTLER : a portrait of the Scottish Gael in Nova Scotia. Front., ix, 179 p., maps. University of Toronto Press. $4, Geoffrey Cumberledge 32s. 1953. By DUNN, CHARLES W. Reviewed by Shirley E. A. King.  相似文献   

DANSK FOLKE DIGTNING. Edited by ERIK DAL. Copenhagen, Gyldendal, 1967. Pp. 363. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

PEDER LÅLE OG COD. BASIL. A. xi. 67. By IVER KJAER. (Nordisk Institut for Folkedigtning, Studier, nr. 5.) Copenhagen, 1964. Pp. 18 + English summary. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

DET STORE SKIB OG DEN STORE GARD. By GUSTAV HENNINGSEM, (Nordisk Institut for Folkedigtning, Studier nr. 6.) Copenhagen 1964. Pp. 17 + English summary. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

AHASVERUS IN DANEMARK. By ERIK DAL. (Nordisk Institut for Folkedigtning, Studier nr. 7.) Copenhagen, 1964. Pp. 26. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

TRIBES AND FORMS IN AFRICAN ART. By WILLIAM FAGG. Methuen, 1965. Pp. 24, plates 122, double spread; End Maps. 6 gns. net. Reviewed by Theo Brown.

RESEARCHES INTO THE MEDIEVAL HISTORY OF FOLK BALLAD. By LAJOS VARGYAS. Budapest, Academy of Sciences, 1967. Pp. 303. Reviewed by Margaret Dean-Smith.

THE FAIRIES IN TRADITION AND LITERATURE. By K. M. BRIGGS. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1967. 42s. Reviewed by Roger Lancelyn Green.

GARNERS GAY, Folk Song Today, No. 2; English Folk Songs collected by FRED HAMER. London, E.F.D.S. Publications, 1967. Pp. 80. Reviewed by Margaret Dean-Smith.

SCRIPTA INSTITUTI DONNERIANI ABOENSIS, I: Studies in Shamanism, edited by Carl-Martin Edsman. II: Fatalistic Beliefs in Religion, Folklore and Literature, edited by Helmer Ringgren. Stockholm, 1967. Reviewed by E. P. Baker.

PAGAN SCANDINAVIA. By H. R. ELLIS DAVIDSON. Thames and Hudson, 1967. Pp. 214. 42s. net. Reviewed by E. O. James.

WITCHCRAFT IN IRELAND. By PATRICK E. BYRNE. The Mercier Press. 5s. Reviewed by K. M. Briggs.

ETHNOMUSICOLOGY OF THE FLATHEAD INDIANS. By ALAN P. MERRIAM. Aldine Publishing Company, Chicago, 1967. Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology (edited by SOL TAX), no. 45. Pp. xvi + 403. Reviewed by Peter Crossley-Holland.

EVERYDAY LIFE IN THE VIKING AGE. By JACQUELINE SIMPSON. London B. T. Batsford Ltd., and New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1967. Pp. 208; 15 plates. Reviewed by H. R. Ellis Davidson.

DEUTSCHE VOLKSMÄRCHEN AUS RUSSLAND UND RUMÄNIEN. By A. CAMMANN. Monographien der Wittheit zu Bremen 6. Göttingen, Verlag Otto Schwartz &; Co. 1967. Pp. 456; Photos 35; Maps 3. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

DIE WEIHNACHTSSCHÜTZEN DES BERCHTESGADENER LANDES UND IHR BRAUCHTUM. By RUDOLF KRISS. Berchtesgaden, Verlag Berchtesgadener Anzeiger, 1967. Pp. 196; 40 plates. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

DANISH BALLADS AND FOLK SONGS. Edited by ERIK DAL. Translated by HENRY MEYER. Copenhagen, Rosenkilde &; Bagger, 1967. Pp. 303, 49, 50 kr. Reviewed by Aage Jørgensen.

THE COUNTRY LIFE BOOK OF OLD ENGLISH CUSTOMS. By Roy CHRISTIAN. Country Life. 35s. Reviewed by Mary Hudleston.

THE GIANT OF CERNE ABBAS. By H. S. E. DEWAR. West Country Folklore, No. 1 (General Editor: Theo Brown). Mount Durand, St Peter Port, Guernsey, the Toucan Press. Pp. 10, 1 plate. Price: 2s. 6d. Reviewed by Hilda R. Ellis Davidson.

FABELDYR OG SAGNFOLK. By BENGT HOLBEK and JØRN PIØ. Politikens Forlag, Copenhagen, 1967. 512; Illus. 200. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.  相似文献   

Current Books     
S. H. Hooke 《Folklore》2013,124(1):240-242
TOLD IN THE MARKET PLACE. By C. G. CAMPBELL. Ernest Benn. Pp. 207. 1954. 10s. 6d. Reviewed by A. S. T.

ENGLISH FOLK SONG, SOME CONCLUSIONS. By CECIL J. SHARP. 3rd Edition. Methuen. London. 1954. Reviewed by V. A.

AFRICAN TRADITIONAL RELIGION. By GEOFFREY PARRINDER. Hutch inson's University Library, London. 1954. Pp. 156. Map. 8s. 6d. Reviewed by Edwin W. Smith

WAYS OF MAMMALS IN FACT AND FANCY. By CLIFFORD B. MOORE. Ronald Press. New York, 15s.net. Reviewed by L. R. Brightwall.

GREEK PROVERBS. A collection of proverbs and proverbial phrases which are not listed by the ancient and Byzantine paroemiographers. By REINHOLD STROMBERG. Göteborgs kungl. Vetenstaps-och. Vitterhets-Samhälles Handliugar, Sjätte Följden, Ser. A, Band 4, No. 8. Göteborg, 1954. Kr. 15. Reviewed by Wilfrid Bonser.

SCOTLAND'S DANCES. By H. A. THURSTON. London, 1954. Pp. 160. 11s. 6d. Reviewed by V. A.

THE WORD ON THE BRAZOS. By J. MASON BREWER. Foreword by J. FRANK DOBIE. Illustrations by RALPH WHITE, JR. Pp. xv, 109. Austin. University of Texas Press. 1953. $3.50. Reviewed by C. A. Burland.


LES COSTUMES DES POPULATIONS BRETONNES. By R.-Y. CRESTON. Avec préface de P.-R. GIOT. 2 vols. Pp. 66, 120; maps 21, 66. Numerous other illustrations. Rennes, 1953–4. Reviewed by E. Ettlinger.

THE UNWRITTEN LAW IN ALBANIA. By the late MARGARET HASLUCK. Edited by J. H. HUTTON. Cambridge University Press. Pp. xv, 285. With a map. 30s. Reviewed by R. M. Dawkins.  相似文献   

R. M. Dawkins 《Folklore》2013,124(3):209-211
EUROPEAN FOLKLORE IN AMERICA. By REIDAR TH. CHRISTIANSEN Universitetsforlaget. Oslo, Scandinavian University Books, 1962. Reviewed by Amabel Williams-Ellis.

RAIN IN INDIAN LIFE AND LORE. Edited by SANKAR SEN GUPTA. Foreworded (sic) by Nirmal Kumar Bose. Calcutta, Indian Publications, 1963. Reviewed by J. H. Hutton.

THE WHITE GOD OF THE AZTECS. By WILLIAM A. BERG. Pp. 412. Boston, Bruce Humphries, 1961. Reviewed by C. A. Burland.

ANTHROPOLOGY TODAY. Selections edited by SOL TAX from the ‘encyclopedic inventory’ prepared under the Chairmanship of A. L. KROEBER. Phoenix Books, 1963. 21s. net. Reviewed by C. A. Burland.

Tire REALM OF GHOSTS. By ERIC MAPLE. Robert Hale, 21s. Reviewed by Geoffrey Palmer.

THE FOLKTALES OF ISRAEL. Edited by Dov NOY with the assistance of DAN BEN-AMOS. Translated by GENE BAHARAV: Folktales of the World, General Editor Richard M. Dorson. University of Chicago Press. Reviewed by K. M. Briggs.

ANCIENT FESTIVALS OF ‘SATURNALIA’ TYPE. By PHOTEINE P. BOURBOULIS. Thessaloniki, 1963. Pp. 60. n.p. Reviewed by E. O. James.

WITCHCRAFT: EUROPEAN AND AFRICAN. By GEOFFREY PARRINDER. Faber and Faber, 1963. 25s. Reviewed by A. W. Smith.

‘SCHLÄGE’ ALS STRAFE. Ein Bestandteil der heutigen Familiensitte in volkskundlicher Sicht. By WÄLTER HAVERNICK. Hamburg, Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte, 1964. Pp. 164; 12 diagrams and 43 illustrations. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

DIE ÖSTERREICHISCHEN SCHÜTZENGILDEN UND IHRE FESTE. 1500–1750. Studien zu ihrer Geschichte. By H. GOJA. Vienna, Verlag Notring der wissenschaftlichen Verbände Österreichs, 1963. Pp. 150; 2 plates. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

ZAUBERPFLANZEN UND HEXENTRÄNKE. BRAUCHTUM UND ABERGLAUBE. By H. MARZELL. Kosmos-Bibliothek, Vol. 241. Stuttgart, Francksche Verlagshandlung, 1963. Pp. 88; 25 text illustrations, 8 plates. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

CLARE PRIORY (SEVEN CENTURIES OF A SUFFOLK HOUSE). By K. W. BARNARDISTON. Cambridge, W. Heffer, 1962. 21s. Reviewed by A. A. Waugh.

THE TRADITIONAL TUNES OF THE CHILD BALLADS. With their Texts According to the Extant Records of Great Britain and America. Volume II. By BERNARD HARRIS BRONSON. Princeton University Press, 1962. Reviewed by K. M. Briggs.

ROUND THE WORLD FAIRY TALES. Re-told by AMABEL WILLIAMS-ELLIS. Illustrated by William Stobbs. Blackie. 25s. Reviewed by K. M. Briggs.

FOLK LIFE COLLECTION AND CLASSIFICATION. By J. W. Y. HIGGS, M.A.: Published by the Museums Association, 1963. Pp. 58. 7s. Reviewed by R. U. Sayce.

THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE MONGOLS AND OTHER PIECES. By ARTHUR WALEY. George Allen &; Unwin Ltd. Pp. 320. 32s. Reviewed by W. H. Hudspeth.

MORE TALES FROM THE FENS. By W. H. BARRETT. Edited by ENID PORTER. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1964. 25s. Reviewed by Carmen Blacker.

ATLAS DER DEUTSCHEN VOLKSKUNDE, NEUE FOLGE. Erläuterungen zur 2. Lieferung. Edited by M. ZENDER. Marburg, N. G. Elwert, 1963, Pp. 233–528; 6 illustrations, 31 text maps. Maps: NF 13–24. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

OESTERREICHISCHER VOLKSKUNDEATLAS. Edited by E. BURGSTALLER and A. HELBOK. 1st issue. Linz, 1959. 13 maps; comments, pp. 95, index of places, pp. 125. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

WITCHES. Investigating an Ancient Religion. By T. C. LETHBRIDGE. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1962. 21s. Reviewed by A. W. Smith.  相似文献   

H. A. Rose 《Folklore》2013,124(1):63-70
THE SAVIOUR GOD, comparative studies in the concepts of Salvation presented to Edwin Oliver James. Manchester University Press, 1963. 37s. 6d. Reviewed by E. P. Baker.

THE SACRED BRIDGE. Researches into the nature and Structure of Religion. By E. J. BLEEKER. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1963. Pp. 272. 2 8 guilders. Reviewed by E. O. James.

EDWARD LHUYD IN THE SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS 1699–1700. By J. L. CAMPBELL and DERICK THOMSON. Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press, 1963. Pp. xxxii, 319; plates XXIII. 63s. Reviewed by Stewart F. Sanderson.

VOLK UND VOLKSTÜMLICHE MOTIVIK IM FESTWERK DES BAROCKS. Dargestellt an Dresdner Bildquellen. By FRIEDRICH SIEBER. Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für deutsche Volkskunde vol. 21. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, i960. Pp. xii, 202. 29 text figs and 112 plates. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

FEBOLD FEBOLDSON: TALL TALES FROM THE GREAT PLAINS. By PAUL R. BEATH. New Edition including: Louise Pound, ‘Nebraska Strong Men and Olof Bergstrom Swedish Pioneer’. University of Nebraska Press, 1959. Pp. 137. Reviewed by C. A. Burland.

BUSOJARAS MOHACSON. By L. Mandoki. Pecs, 1963. Reviewed by E. O. James.

JAPANESE RAINMAKING AND OTHER FOLK PRACTICES. By GEOFFREY BOWNAS. 176 pp. George Allen &; Unwin Ltd, 1963. 25s. Reviewed by W. H. Hudspeth.

THE MENOMINI LANGUAGE. By LEONARD BLOOMFIELD. London, Yale University Press, 1963. Pp. 515. 72s. net. Reviewed by C. A. Burland.

JUBELFEST. By J.-Ö. SWAHN. Lund, 1963. Reviewed by W. R. Mead.

LACE. By L. W. VANDER MEULEN-NALLE. London, Merlin Press, 1963. Pp. 79 + 32. 5 plates. Reviewed by W. Bonser.

SKANDINAVISCHE BALLADEN DES MITTELALTERS. By I.-M. GREVERUS. Rowohlt, Hamburg, 1963. Reviewed by W. R. Mead.

KINSHIP AND COMMUNITY IN CARRIACOU. By M. G. SMITH. New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1962. Reviewed by A. William-Ellis.

JAHRBUCH FÜR VOLKSKUNDE DER HEIMATVERTRIEBENEN. Vol. vi. Freilassing, Otto Müller, 1961. Pp. 207. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

CONTES CORSES. By GENEVIÈVE MASSIGNON. Centre d'Etudes Corses de la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines d'Aix, 1963. Reviewed by Violet Alford.

THREE BAGS OF GOLD AND OTHER INDIAN FOLKTALES. By MURKOT KUNHAPPA. Asia Publishing House, 1963. Pp. 134. 25s. Reviewed by J. H. Hutton.

FIABE E LEGGENDE ROMAGNOLE. Corpus delle Tradizioni populari Romagnole. Edited by P. TOSCHI and ANGELO FABI. Bologna, Cappelli Editore, 1963. Pp. xii, 303,12 plates. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.  相似文献   

P. W. F. Brown 《Folklore》2013,124(2):416-418
CROW TEXTS. Collected, translated, and edited by ROBERT H. LOWIE, University of California Press and Cambridge U.P., 1960. Pp. xiii, 550. Price 52s. Reviewed by Geoffrey Turner.

STORIES FROM UIST, TOLD BY ANGUS MACLELLAN. Translated by J. G. CAMPBELL. Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1961. Pp. xxix, 254, 1 photograph. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

THE EVERLASTING CIRCLE. English Traditional Verse from the MSS of S. Baring-Gould, H. E. D. Hammond and George B. Gardiner, By James Reeves. Heinemann, London. Pp. 303, 5 illus. Price 25s. net. Reviewed by H. J. Rose.


GREEK CALENDAR CUSTOMS. By GEORGE A. MEGAS. Press and Information Department, Prime Minister's Office, Athens, 1958. Pp. 159 + 24 plates. Reviewed by Wilfrid Bonser.

HIGHLAND FOLK WAYS. By I. F. GRANT. Routledge &; Kegan Paul, London, 1961. Pp. xiii, 377, 77 text illustrations. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

THE PSYCHOANALYTICAL STUDY OF SOCIETY. Vol, I. International Universities Press, Inc., New York, 1961. Reviewed by E. Baker.

SEASONAL FEASTS AND FESTIVALS. By E. O. JAMES. Thames and Hudson, 1961. 35s. Reviewed by E. P. Baker.

JOURNAL OF THE ENGLISH FOLK DANCE AND SONG SOCIETY. Vol. 9, No. 1, December 1960. Reviewed by W.B.

ANCIENT BALLADS TRADITIONALLY SUNG IN NEW ENGLAND, Vol. I, University of Pennsylvania Press. Reviewed by C. H.

PERIODICAL LITERATURE. Reviewed by Christina Hole.  相似文献   

Alexander Tille 《Folklore》2013,124(2):166-182
LETTERATURA POPOLARE ITALIANA. By GIANFRANCO D'ARONCO. Casa Editrice Patron, Bologna. 1970. Pp. 141. L. 1800. Reviewed by Stewart F. Sanderson.

BARI MITO. By LUIGI SADA, CARLO SCORCIA AND VICENZO VALENTE. Japigia Editrice, Bari. 1970. Reviewed by Stewart F. Sanderson.


BRETON FOLKTALES. By RUTH E. K. MEUSS. RUSSIAN FOLKTALES. By E. C. ELSTOB and R. BARBER. CHINESE FOLKTALES. By E. OSERS. PERSIAN FOLKTALES. By A. KURTI. G. Bell and Sons. Pp. 215, 213, 215, 216. £1.30 each. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

THE TRISTAN LEGEND. A STUDY IN SOURCES. By Sigmund Eisner. Pp. 190. Northwestern University Press; 1969, Evanston, Illinois. Reviewed by Mary Williams.  相似文献   

The Little Lady     
R.W. Hutchinson 《Folklore》2013,124(3):222-227
CREATION AND COSMOLOGY: A HISTORICAL AND COMPARATIVE STUDY. by E. O. JAMES, (Supplement to Numen), Brill, Leiden, 1969. Reviewed by S. G. F. Brandon

DE ZALMOXIS A GENGIS-KHAN. Études comparative sur les religions et le folklore de la Dacie et de l'Europe orientale. By MIRCEA ELIADE. Payot Paris, 1970. Pp. 252. 29.70 Francs. Reviewed by E. O. James.

MYTH. Its Meaning and Functions in Ancient and Other Cultures. By G. S. KIRK. Cambridge University Press. Pp. 299. £3.25 net. Reviewed by E. O. James.

POSITIVELY BLACK. By ROGER D. ABRAHAMS. Prentice Hall International Inc., New Jersey and London. 30s. Reviewed by K. M. Briggs.

EVERYDAY LIFE OF THE PAGAN CELTS. By ANNE ROSS. London (B. T. Batsford Ltd) 1970. Pp. 224. 100 photographs and drawings by R. W. Feachem. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

HANS I VADESTØVLERNE. By JETTE LINDBO LEVY. Akademisk Forlag, Copenhagen, 1968. Pp. 151 + English summary. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

TANGU TRADITIONS. A Study of the Way of Life Mythology, and Developing Experience of a New Guinea People. By KENELM BURRIDGE. Oxford. At the Clarendon Press, 1969. Pp. xxiii + 513. 7 plates of illustrations. 6 figures. 2 maps. 4 tables. £5. Reviewed by J. S. Ryan.

WITCHCRAFT. Ed. BARBARA ROSEN. The Stratford on Avon Library, Vol. 6. Edward Arnold Ltd 1969. Pp. 407+xii. 21 line blocks. Reviewed by C. A. Burland.

THE SONG TRADITION OF TRISTAN DA CUNHA. By PETER A. MUNCH. India University, 1970. Pp. 176. Musical illustrations. Reviewed by Maud Karpeles.

TRISTAN AND ISEULT IN CORNWALL. By E. M. R. DITMAS. Published by Roberts, Brockworth, Gloucester. Reviewed by B. C. Spooner.

THE CUSTOMS, SUPERSTITIONS, &; LEGENDS OF THE COUNTRY OF SOMERSET. By C. H. POOLE. Toucan Press, 1970. Pp. 147. 428. Reviewed by Theo Brown.

MEMOIRS OF A VICTORIAN CABINET MAKER. JAMES HOPKINSON. Edited by Jocelyne Baty Goodman. Routledge &; Kegan Pau1, £1.10.0. Reviewed by Alicia C. Percival.  相似文献   

Northcote W. Thomas 《Folklore》2013,124(4):388-408
PRINCIPLES OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. By T. M. WILLIAMS. New York: A. A. Knopf, 1922. $5.00 net. Reviewed by R. R Marett.

DANMARKS TRYLLEFORMLER. Ved F. OHRT. Vol. I. Indlsdning og Text. Copenhagen &; Christiania: Gyldendalske Boghandel, 1917. Pp. 516. Reviewed by W.A. Craigie.

JOHANNES PAULI, SCHIMPF UND ERNST, herausgegeben von JOHANNES BOLTE. Erster Teil. Berlin: Herbert Stubenrauch Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1924. Pp. 30 + 418. Reviewed by M. Gaster.


SPECIMENS OF BANTU FOLK-LORE FROM NORTHERN RHODESIA. By J. TORREND, S.J. Pp. 187. ios. 6d. net. Reviewed by E. Sidney Hartland.

ARAB MEDICINE AND SURGERY : A STUDY OF THE HEALING ART IN ALGERIA. By M. W. HILTON-SIMPSON, B.Sc. Ill. Oxford Univ. Press, 1922. Pp. 96. Reviewed by A. R. Wright.

THE CHILDREN OF THE SUN : A STUDY IN THE EARLY HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION. By W. J. PERRY, M.A. Methuen &; Co. 1923, 16 maps. Pp. xvi, 551. 18s. net. Reviewed by E. N. Fallaize.

THE ORIGIN OF MAGIC AND RELIGION. By W. J. PERRY, M.A. Methuen &; Co., 1923. Pp. viii, 212. 6s. net. Reviewed by E. N. Fallaize.

STUDIES IN RELIGION, FOLK-LORE, AND CUSTOM IN BRITISH NORTH BORNEO AND THE MALAY PENINSULA. By IVOR H. N. EVANS, M.A. Cambridge University Press, 1923. Pp. vii + 296. 20s. n. Reviewed by H. A. Rose.  相似文献   

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