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抗日战争时期的宪政运动,是中国现代史上争取政治民主化的重要组成部分,学术界曾推出过许多研究成果。不过,某些与宪政运动直接相关的问题,似乎或缺乏足够重视,或有待进一步探讨。本文对1939年与1943年前后两次宪政运动的实际发起因素、不同的争取重点、获得的有形成果三个方面进行了重新分析。在此基础上对目前宪政运动研究提出个人认识:第一,最早在国民参政会上提出实施宪政的提案,并非迄今认为的发起第一次宪政运动的七提案,只是由于七提案合并讨论,方形成共同发起宪政运动的既成事实。第二,第一次宪政运动的成果,虽然包括宪政思想宣传与宪政观念普及,但唯一的有形成果则是体现西方议会模式的“期成宪草”。第三,第二次宪政运动虽与联合政府运动有承继关系,但它不仅独立存在,而且也取得了三项成果,需要给予承认并加以客观评价。这三个问题关系到抗日战争时期宪政运动的完整性,因此也是今后这一研究中需要重视与补充的。  相似文献   

摄政王载沣驱袁事件,既是清廷内部的一场权力斗争,同时也夹杂着复杂的国际因素,与当时中美日三国外交存在十分微妙的关系,尤其与袁世凯的联美制日外交的失败直接有关。在这场政治权力斗争中,载沣之所以没有处死袁世凯,固然由于载沣本人性格优柔寡断、缺乏政治斗争经验,以及慑于袁世凯的北洋势力,但同时与列强尤其是美国的强力干预有着密切关系。而就几个主要列强来说,它们对载沣驱袁的态度和反应并不一致。其中,因为袁世凯的联美制日外交妨碍了日本对中国东三省的侵略,日本方面对袁世凯遭罢黜实际上持欢迎和支持态度,极不愿意看到袁氏复出;而美国政府由于担心清末新政改革政策发生逆转,同时也为了抵制日本对清政府的控制及与日本争夺中国东三省的控制权,坚决反对载沣罢黜袁世凯,从一开始就期待袁氏尽快复出。在载沣驱袁权力斗争的历史背后,同时也浮现出日、美两国较量的影子。  相似文献   

西安事变后,南京国民党中央对事变的处理,分为和战两派,但“讨伐派”究竟包括哪些人?过去并未见有具体的考察。实际上,戴季陶是主战最力的人物,讨伐派的代表。何应钦最初主战,其后迫于各种压力,至少在表面上,主战的热情下降,并因军事行动迟缓而受到戴季陶等人的斥责。讨伐派受到了宋美龄等人的强烈质疑和反对。  相似文献   

Does history have to be only about the past? “History” refers to both a subject matter and a thought process. That thought process involves raising questions, marshalling evidence, discerning patterns in the evidence, writing narratives, and critiquing the narratives written by others. Whatever subject matter they study, all historians employ the thought process of historical thinking. What if historians were to extend the process of historical thinking into the subject matter domain of the future? Historians would breach one of our profession’s most rigid disciplinary barriers. Very few historians venture predictions about the future, and those who do are viewed with skepticism by the profession at large. On methodological grounds, most historians reject as either impractical, quixotic, hubristic, or dangerous any effort to examine the past as a way to make predictions about the future. However, where at one time thinking about the future did mean making a scientifically–based prediction, futurists today are just as likely to think in terms of scenarios. Where a prediction is a definitive statement about what will be, scenarios are heuristic narratives that explore alternative plausibilities of what might be. Scenario writers, like historians, understand that surprise, contingency, and deviations from the trend line are the rule, not the exception; among scenario writers, context matters. The thought process of the scenario method shares many features with historical thinking. With only minimal intellectual adjustment, then, most professionally trained historians possess the necessary skills to write methodologically rigorous “histories of the future.”  相似文献   

上海金山县征集到一件曼生款竹节壶,此壶与道光时期的竹节形砂壶更相似,应为同时期传器,其题铭羊豆意在隐喻壶佳;从其他万泉款传器的比较推断,此壶应为万泉早期作品。  相似文献   

庶长为先秦时期秦国所独有的官爵称呼。与左庶长、右庶长这些明确为爵称不同的是,庶长自出现至昭襄王初年,均为官称,且与晋国“公族大夫”类似,多为宗室之人担任。孝公前,庶长一度把握秦国大权,操纵国内君位继承。孝公时,秦王开始任用异姓削弱庶长权力。惠文王四年秦国设相,文武分职,庶长逐渐沦为单纯的军事统领。昭襄王初年,庶长被“将”代替,从秦职官序列中消失。庶长地位的迁移,体现秦官制及君权演变的趋势。  相似文献   

辛龙 《文博》2011,(2):52-54
花萼相辉楼是唐玄宗时期建造的重要建筑,所建目的最初为联络兄弟感情,宴饮,随着开元二十四年的扩建,其又逐渐具备了举行大型宴会,组织文武举人考试的功能。  相似文献   

Spatial autocorrelation is a concept that helps to define the field of spatial analysis. It is central to studies using spatial statistics and spatial econometrics. In this paper, we trace the early development of the concept and explain the academic links that brought the concept to the fore in the late 1960s. In geography, the importance of the work of Michael F. Dacey, Andrew D. Cliff, and J. Keith Ord is emphasized. Later, with the publication of a volume on spatial econometrics by Luc Anselin, spatial research and the use of the concept of spatial autocorrelation received a considerable boost. These developments are outlined together with comments about recent and possible future trends in spatial autocorrelation-based research.  相似文献   

二里岗文化渊源刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪70年代,邹衡先生提出漳河型文化、辉卫型文化、南关外型文化为二里岗文化之渊源①,称之为先商文化的三个类型。邹衡先生认为,漳河型文化发展为辉卫型文化,辉卫型文化又发展为南关外型文化,最终由南关外型文化发展为二里岗文化。李伯谦先生指出南关外型文化不可能发展为二里岗文化②。张立东先生根据新发掘的资料,论证了辉卫型文化并非先商文化③。我们在《试论漳河型文化》一文中,论证了漳河型文化与二里岗文化差异显著,漳河型文化同样不能发展为二里岗文化④。另外,有些学者认为二里岗文化是由二里头型文化发展而来⑤。…  相似文献   

马世之 《华夏考古》2001,(1):110-112
20世纪后半叶,随着新中国考古事业的不断发展,迎来了楚文化研究的黄金时代,众多楚城、楚墓的发现,以及大批楚文物的出土,使我们对楚文化内涵有了全新的认识,为重写楚史提供了极其丰富的实物资料.一时,楚文化成了学术研究的热点,向有"南楚北夏"之称.与之同时,先秦都市的绚丽画卷,使得城市考古成为学术研究的又一热点.郭德维先生紧紧围绕这两大"热点",尽力捕捉各种学术信息,及时推出了《楚都纪南城复原研究》(文物出版社,1999年)一书,对沉寂2000余年的楚都纪南城,经考古发掘后,再进行复原研究,使得巍峨的城垣、富丽的宫室、巨大的陵寝一一展现在读者面前,让人颇有"层台累榭,临高山些"(《楚辞·招魂》)之感.  相似文献   

A Chronology of the Repair of the Potala PalaceAChronologyoftheRepairofthePotalaPalace¥byWangMingxing1989October1-7:ThePotala...  相似文献   

In March 1932, during Dr L. S. B. Leakey's expedition to the southern shore of the Kavirondo Gulf of Victoria Nyanza, part of a fossil human mandible was discovered by Juma Gitau in an erosion gully in the early Pleistocene Kanam Beds at Kanam West. Since the Kanam jaw showed a well-defined chin, generally regarded as signifying Homo sapiens, it was for long placed in a “suspense account” and repeatedly doubts have been expressed as to whether it really did come out of the Kanam Beds.The composition of the jaw was tested at a number of points, both the bone (corpus mandibulae) and the dentine of the teeth and comparison made with analyses of mammal bones and teeth from the Kanam Beds at Kanam West. For convenience the results may be summarized as follows.  相似文献   

朱开沟文化相关问题研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
这里所谓的“朱开沟文化” ,是指朱开沟遗址中出土的以蛇纹鬲为代表的文化遗存① 。朱开沟遗址位于内蒙古中南部的伊金霍洛旗 ,是内蒙古考古工作者于 2 0世纪 70年代末至 80年代初 ,在鄂尔多斯高原发掘的一处重要的先秦时代的古文化遗址。在《内蒙古朱开沟遗址》② 报告中 ,作者将所发现的文化遗存划分了五段 ,并将它命之为“朱开沟文化”。但是 ,该遗址复杂的文化内涵却引起了学者们对文化特征和性质等问题的质疑。李伯谦先生首次在《内蒙古考古的新课题》一文中 ,对“朱开沟文化”的内涵提出疑问③ ,这对重新考察该文化的内涵具有指导意义…  相似文献   

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