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中国佛教史学是一个复杂的融合体。它既有佛教因子的影响,也有中国传统文化的痕迹,如易学、玄学、史学、理学等思潮对中国佛教史学形成与发展有着巨大的影响。本文即在佛教与中土文化融合的大视野下,以中国传统文化为切入点,着重阐释中国宋代佛教史家如何将中土传统文化融入到佛教史学视野中,从而成为中国佛教史学一个要素。  相似文献   

《史记》作为中国古代第一部纪传体通史,表现出了强烈的对中国历史文化的认同意识。它提出的“圣王同祖“的思想,以及在此基础上所精心编排的历史王朝的统系,反映了对中国古代政治统绪的认同意识;它宣扬华夷各民族同源共祖的民族一体性,强调夷夏民族一统,是对中国古代夷夏观念和民族认同意识的重大发展;它通过对中国历代地理沿革的历史考察和对汉皇朝大一统政治格局的反映与颂扬,体现了对中国古代统一多民族国家地理的认同意识。  相似文献   

五代以降,史家重视历史记载的前后相承,并有目的地记录周边民族政权与中原王朝相互交往的现实内容,文化认同进一步拓宽;辽金元时期重视对前朝史和本朝国史的编纂,这不仅说明编纂者拥有历史传承的明确意识,而且体现出他们对于中原文化的一种自我认同。总之,通过历史经验的总结,发挥了史学的鉴戒功能,彰显了史学传统与文化认同不可分割的密切关系。  相似文献   

Michel de Certeau: Les chemins d'histoire. Edited by Christian Delacroix, François Dosse, Patrick Garcia, and Michel Trebitsch.  相似文献   

张劲松 《史学月刊》2008,(12):38-43
岳飞之死乃是宋代政治的一大悲剧事件。一般认为是高宗、秦桧为与金媾和而杀害了岳飞,但从更深的政治文化传统来看,岳飞实为宋代士大夫官僚集团共同谋害。他的死象征了士大夫从武将手中重新夺回兵权,恢复了自宋代立国以来的文人主导政治的传统。岳飞之死亦显示了宋代文化的悲剧性质,是自北宋以来文人迫害武将传统的历史循环,显示了宋代文人集团极其狭隘的政治心胸。审视岳飞悲剧可以看出,士大夫们已经把维护本集团利益日益看得高于一切,甚至置王朝的整体利益于不顾,他们最终自陷于历史的困境而不能自拔。这也是整个所谓"宋型文化"失败的个案透视。  相似文献   


Aerial photography has been employed by archaeologists since 1906. This study discusses the application of image processing of historical photographs as an aid to archaeological excavations at two California mission sites.

Research on the Mission Vieja de la Purisima site involved the mapping of the Old Mission complex, destroyed by an earthquake and mudslide in 1812. Optical means of multiple-image registration and scale change were employed. The second study involved the digital transformation of an historical photograph of Mission San Buenaventura from its oblique perspective into a “psuedo-vertical” format.

Information obtained in these studies is being used by archaeological researchers and has been found accurate and extremely useful. The preliminary mapping of the Mission Vieja de la Purisima has aided in the preservation of the area and played a major role in the mission's being designated as a California and National Historical site.  相似文献   

隋人书《史孝山出师颂》原为清内府珍藏,被溥仪携出宫后流落民间,而今时隔80年又重回故宫,引起社会广泛关注。本文撇开作品的书法意蕴,简要探讨了《出师颂》所描述的东汉王朝派邓骘讨伐羌人的历史事件,及其发生的历史背景。为艺术研究者提供了一个深入研究的文本。  相似文献   

2008年,宋代名臣富弼家族墓葬发掘出土了14方墓志,其中有12方墓志为传世文献所无,是迄今为止发现的墓主人惟一的传记资料;有7方墓志铭文又是迄今为止发现的墓志铭作者的惟一作品。富弼家族墓志不仅有数量多、价值大、保存完好的特点,而且有正史、补史的文献价值。  相似文献   

The distinctiveness of the Mormon culture region has been described by several authors. One of the items which contributes to this distinctiveness was the widespread use of adobe (sun-dried brick) in relic buildings in the region. The process of adobe making was diffused from Spanish settlements in the American Southwest, and highly modifed by the Mormon builders in the Great Basin. Adobe was initially used in almost all forms of construction because of limited timber for construction and fuel to kiln-dry bricks. Advent of the railroad prompted construction of lines to open coal mines providing a cheap fuel for brickmaking. With low-cost kiln-dried brick, adobe was rapidly replaced as a building material. Thousands of the original adobe structures still remain, however, and constitute an important element in the landscape of the region. Existing adobe structures are normally plastered over, but the distinctive architectural styles associated with the period when most were constructed make them easily recognizable.  相似文献   

辽金元三朝的史学批评成果并不丰富,但自有其质朴的风格。各族君臣认同直书原则且以之为史笔的根本,元顺帝颇具代表性的言论"史书所系甚重,非儒士泛作文字也"突出强调了史之社会功用,元末宋辽金三史分修,当时的史官不仅在体例上择善而从,追求卓越,思想认识上也力求议论、褒贬公正无私,尤其值得一提的是,辽金元人无论讨论史笔,还是评价史书、拟定史例都有包容的胸襟,彰显着多民族文化交融时代的务实与大气。  相似文献   

历时5年,近15亿元经费投入,近5万名普查队员,近80万处新登记不可移动文物……一连串的数字代表着第三次全国文物普查沉甸甸的成果。从2007年4月国务院下发《关于第三次全国文物普查的通知》开始,全国各地区,各相关部门和各级普查机构,科学组织,统筹协调,密切配合,克服了许多难以想象的困难,共登记不可移动文物766722处。作为一次由国务院部署的重大国情国力调查,三普是当前我国最大规模文化遗产保护工程,对我国文化遗产保护事业和经济社会发展全局将具有重要意义。  相似文献   

海南省委、省政府十分重视对海南历史人物的研究、本土文化资源的挖掘工作。深入挖掘历史文化资源是落实科学发展观的客观要求,是弘扬民族精神,加快海南发展的迫切需要。“政府搭台,专家唱戏”,各级史志部门、专家学者要充分发挥自身作用,推动历史人物研究工作深入开展。  相似文献   

Abstract. Since the First World War, grants of territorial autonomy have been a widespread means by which regimes of diverse ideologies and political cultures have attempted to address the demands of regional cultural communities within their borders. Cantonisation, or asymmetrical decentralisation along territorial-cultural lines, has been a common form of territorial autonomy employed by these states. Yet, despite its importance, little is known about whether and why such cantonisation measures have helped or hindered the search for peace and stability in culturally heterogeneous states. Part of the answer lies in analysing the historical-political contexts, or historical paths, by which cantonisation arrangements have emerged. Comparative analysis identifies five such paths: international settlements; state-building; democratisation or transitions from authoritarian rule; democratic maintenance; and decolonisation. Each of these paths poses distinctive problems for the evolution of the cantonisation arrangement.  相似文献   

《周礼》的内容、行文特点及其史料价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨天宇 《史学月刊》2001,(6):44-50,56
《周礼》前五篇的内容和职官结构各有其特点,也包含着许多矛盾、错综和不合理处,而导致这种情况的原因,主要因为《周礼》是一部未完成的著作。《考工记》的内容和体例则与前五篇不同,自成一家。《周礼》前五篇的行文有如下特点,一是各篇前皆有一《叙官》,二是以职官联系制度,三是兼记有关的经验、技术或人们对某些问题的认识,四是互文见义,故读《周礼》贵在会通。《周礼》虽出于战国人之手,但其中保留了大量有关西周的珍贵资料,只要善于择别,并参以先秦其他文献和出土资料,即可为我们研究古史、特别是研究西周史所用。  相似文献   

串场河是苏北沿海人工开凿的一项集水文化、海盐文化、红色文化于一体的工程。作为古代重要的水利工程,串场河既是里下河的泄洪通道,同时也是一条古代的盐运河道。古串场河自唐代开河以后就肩负起海盐的运输任务,历代官府赖以生存的经济命脉——淮盐从这里运出。它是苏北东部地区历史变迁的见证者,承载着苏北千年水利水运和厚重海盐文化的历史遗产。  相似文献   

过去30年里,中国历史气候的研究取得了世所瞩目的成就。这一研究领域中每次重要的进展,都伴随着资料的开拓和方法的创新。有鉴于此,本文主要对近三十年来历史气候研究中文献资料的收集整理、资料中存在问题的甄别和处理,温度序列、干湿序列的重建及其它相关历史气候研究领域中研究方法的进展做了回顾总结。指出研究方法的进步主要体现在更有效地提取和利用历史文献中的有效信息,尽量减少重建过程和结果的不确定性。而一定的方法总是适用于一定的资料。并认为新资料的继续开拓和集成方法的发展完善将进一步推动研究的进步。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a stylistic analysis of depictions of elk in Siberian rock art in the Neolithic and Bronze Ages. The aim of this paper is to go beyond the cultural and chronological attributions of rock art and to try to understand why and through what processes changes in rock‐art style occurred. In order to answer these questions, the phenomena of ethnicity and ethno‐cultural identity are explored. Rock art is not considered as a passive reflection of past ethno‐cultural groups but rather as an active agent in structuring social identities.  相似文献   

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