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Harvest Customs     
E. H. Binney   《Folklore》2013,124(2):177-180
Motivated by a religiously-based defensive credulity, the accounts of apparitions recorded by Edmund Jones (1702–93) are heavily coloured by his personal religious beliefs. One of the best examples of this is his account of the Pwcca'r Trwyn, which differs widely from other versions of the tale. Through close investigation of Jones's telling, greater insight can be gained into his own folkloristics and the reluctance of later writers to use him as a source.  相似文献   

本刊讯 八月的三川惠风和畅,新麦飘香;八月的三川锣鼓震天,“大好”声声。8月25日至27日,由青海土族研究会主办、民和回族土族自治县承办的青海省第七届土族安召纳顿节在民和回族土族自治县中川乡、官亭镇举行。省人大常委会副主任刘春耀,省政协副主席、青海土族研究会会长鲍义志以及来自西宁、互助、大通、同仁等地的土族代表和当地土族群众约2万人参加了这次盛会。  相似文献   

小酌 《旅游纵览》2008,(10):34-37
<正>九九重阳,今又重阳。老年节到了,"老摄影家"们的"摄影节"也就到了!在我们的读者群,有一批老年摄影爱好者以其丰富的阅历、老道的视角、成熟的情感奔波在摄影的旅途上,令我们由衷尊称他们为"老摄影  相似文献   

LES FONCTIONS MENTALES DANS LES SOCIÉTÉS INFÉRIEURES. Par L. LÉVY-BRUHL. Paris: Félix Alcan, 1910. 8vo, pp. 461. Reviewed by E. A. Hooton.

THE FOLK-LORE OF HEREFORDSHIRE. Collected from Oral and Printed Sources. By ELLA MARY LEATHER. Intro, by EDWIN SIDNEY HARTLAND. Sidgwick &; Jackson, 1912. Large 8vo, pp. xxviii + 288. Ill. Reviewed by Charlotte S. Burne.

JOURNAL OF THE FOLK-SONG SOCIETY. NO. 16 (Vol. IV., Part iii., December 1911). A Collection of one hundred and five Songs of Occupation from the Western Isles of Scotland. Compiled by Miss FRANCES TOLMIE. 19 Berners Street, W., 1911. 4to, xiv, 143–278 + ix. Reviewed by K. W. Grant.

LA RELIGIONE PRIMITIVA IN SARDEGNA. By RAFFAELE PETTAZZONI. Piacenza: Societá Editrice Pontremolese, 1912. 8vo, pp. xxiii + 253. Reviewed by R. R. Marett.

LA CHANSON POPULAIRE DE L'ILE DE CORSE. Par AUSTIN DE CROZE. Avec conclusion de M. PAUL FONTANA. Paris: Librairie Honoré Champion, 1911. 16mo, pp. xv + 188. Reviewed by A. M. Spoer.

LE LÉGENDAIRE DU MONT SAINT-MICHEL. Par ÉTIENNE DUPONT. Paris: Robert Duval, 1911. Sm. 8vo, pp. xlvii + 173.

THEMIS. A Study of the Social Origins of Greek Religion. By JANE ELLEN HARRISON. With an Excursus on the Ritual Forms preserved in Greek Tragedy by Prof. GILBERT MURRAY, and a Chapter on the Origin of the Olympic Games by Mr. F. M. CORNFORD. Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1912. 8vo, pp. xxxii + 559. Ill. Reviewed by W. Crooke.

LA SOCIÉTÉ MUSULMANE DU MAGHRIB. MAGIE ET RELIGION DANS L'AFRIQUE DU NORD. Par EDMOND DOUTTÉ. Alger: Typographie Adolphe Jourdan, 1909. 8vo, pp. vi + 617. Reviewed by E. Sidney Hartland.

THE SUK : THEIR LANGUAGE AND FOLKLORE. By MERVYN W. H. BEECH. With Intro, by Sir Charles Eliot. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1911. 8vo, pp. xxiv + 152. Maps and ill. Reviewed by A. R. Wright.

THE LAND OF UZ. By ABDULLAH MANSÛR (G. Wyman Bury). Macmillan, 1911. 8vo, pp. xxvii + 354. Ill. Reviewed by Hans H. Spoer.

MATERINSKAYA FILIACIYA v VOSTOCHNOY 1 CENTRALNOY AZII. [Mother-right in Eastern and Central Asia]. V?p. 1. Materinskaya Filiaciya u Kitaycev, Koreycev i Yaponcev [Mother-right in China, Korea, and Japan]. V?p. 2. Materinskaya Filiaciya u Tibetcev, Mongolov, Myaocz?, Lolo i Tai [Mother-right among the Tibetans, Mongols, Miaotzu, Lolos, and Tai]. By NICHOLAS MATSOKIN. Vladivostock, 1910–11. 8vo, pp. 40, iv + 147. Reviewed by M. Trophimoff.  相似文献   

刘勉钰 《南方文物》2007,(3):《南方文物》-6-10,5
秋收起义和井冈山革命根据地的建立,是中共党史和中国革命史上的重大事件。毛泽东亲自组织和领导了湘赣边界秋收起义,随后向井冈山进军,建  相似文献   


During the last three centuries, agricultural writers and other commentators on Irish life frequently criticised Irish farmers for the late date at which they began to harvest both hay and grain. This paper will outline the reasoning behind these criticisms and the defence given by farmers in return. It will be argued that the rationality of common practice is demonstrated by the willingness of farmers to change the dates of harvest once changes in other practice made this desirable. The physical evidence for change will be described, and the paper will conclude with a discussion of possible implications of this for archaeology.  相似文献   

The Hughenden Collection of Disraeli Papers at the Bodleian Library in Oxford comprises over 50,000 items relating to the life and work of Benjamin Disraeli and his family. This article tracks hair through the Hughenden Collection in order to explore the collecting habits of Mary Anne Disraeli. It argues that reading Mary Anne Disraeli's story through hair – both hair as object, held in an archive and hair as represented in archival text – reveals aspects of that story occluded by reading only those archival texts with self-evident documentary value. It thus makes the case for a holistic reading of the Disraeli archive, and Victorian collections of personal papers more generally, by taking Mary Anne Disraeli as its central case study. In so doing it also illuminates her story, and points to the necessity of reading the stories of forgotten women through archival silences and absences. Section I reviews recent scholarship on hair in nineteenth-century Britain in order to contextualize Mary Anne Disraeli's case. Section II anatomizes the Hughenden hair collection in order to illuminate Mary Anne's history, her impulses as a collector, and the extent to which her activities complicate scholarly narratives about the sentimental commodification of Victorian hair. Section III gestures towards recent work on the archive and material culture to tease out the consequences of her example for our reading of the archive and our understanding of the texture of Victorian ‘thing culture’ more generally.  相似文献   

Crop harvests, livestock and poultry products, and hunting and fishing activities provide the themes for 18 annual festivals staged by rural South Carolina communities on weekends and holidays during the April-December festival season. Drawing 5,000 to 25,000 participants, the typical harvest festival mixes the promotion of visitor industry with the friendly spirit of a community gathering. Urbanites are attending South Carolina's harvest festivals in large and growing numbers. They are attracted by their ready accessibility, novelty and emphasis on something-for-everbody family fun with a distinctive "down home" country flavor. For the sponsoring communities, the festivals provide not only an excuse to get together and have fun, but also a morale boost and an important source of funds for much-needed civic projects. In the years to come it is likely that the state's harvest festivals will increase in number, and that the attendant rise in competition will on the one hand lead to improvements in management and on the other increase the incidence of gimmickry designed to boost attendance.  相似文献   

自 2 0世纪 80年代以来 ,关于中国近代文化的研究逐渐成为我国学界的热门课题 ,论述近代文化的著作也屡见不鲜。龚书铎教授主编的《中国近代文化概论》 (中华书局 1 997年 9月第 1版 ,以下简称《概论》)就是学界在这方面研究的一个可喜的收获。全书分 1 4章 ,论述了鸦片战争至五四运动的近 80年间中国近代文化的发展历程及一系列重要的问题。与同类著作相比 ,《概论》一书具有自己独特的风格和面貌。一、系统阐述关于中国近代文化的基本理论问题研究文化 ,首先遇到的问题是关于“文化”一词的概念问题。中外学界关于“文化”的定义不下二三…  相似文献   

本文通过对《行穰帖》原卷的考察和历代著录的研究,证明《行穰帖》是自北宋宣和内府以来,流传有绪的一件唐代制作的法书影摹本。此外,还澄清了该帖历代刻本、摹本的原委,并解释了乾隆跋语中对董其昌评价的误会。  相似文献   

19世纪末至20世纪初,伴随着沙俄对中国东北的殖民扩张,特别是在中东铁路修建、日俄战争、十月革命前后,大量外国侨民涌人新兴的哈尔滨,或是淘金,或是避难,或是辗转他处,使得刚刚崛起的哈尔滨成为一个名副其实的外侨之城、经贸之城、教堂之城.  相似文献   

祈求丰产的祭祀符号--大汶口文化陶尊符号新解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘德增 《民俗研究》2002,1(4):59-69
一 从1957年到1982年,在山东莒县陵阳河、杭头、莒县店子大朱村和诸城前寨四处大汶口文化遗址中陆续出土了19个刻画在陶尊上的符号(图一).其中,陵阳河遗址12个,大朱村遗址5个,杭头和前寨遗址各有1个.  相似文献   

子川 《中国土族》2004,(3):7-10
受过彩虹洗礼的地方不会再有忧伤的歌谣———土族民歌途中这是偶然也是幸运,我能目睹早有所闻的土族“纳顿节”。早在两年前,我从一篇文章中接触了关于吐谷浑的历史,便对这个民族产生了浓厚的兴趣,于是滋生要写他们一个长篇小说的想法。我在图书馆在网上搜罗了很多相关资料。最终没有动笔的原因很多,主要还是存在距离。我曾错误地以为,吐谷浑的后裔们全都聚集在互助县,种植大豆、土豆和青稞,用醇美的青稞大曲书写自己民族坚强的生存意志;没有想到在民和回族土族自治县,在黄河奔流穿越的青海三川大地,土族在黄色的川垴里,竟然花儿一般生长。…  相似文献   

<正>在以习近平总书记为核心的党中央带领全党、全国各族人民迈向实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的征途中,新中国迎来了70周年华诞。河北省博物馆事业是在新中国的孕育下出生、成长的,并与祖国风雨同舟,一路走来,经历了无数的艰辛与挫折。今天,分布在全省城乡的上百座博物馆已经成为推动社会经济发展,满足人民文化  相似文献   

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