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The paper focuses on the resurgence of the regions as protagonists of the process of the state rescaling in many European countries. In the EU countries this process can be seen as a result of a mix of economic and institutional factors, which have been producing an increasing competition between the central governments and the regional authorities. The rise of the multi-level governance and of the so-called Euroregionalism has reinforced the role of the regional scale in the territorial development: on one hand, with new actors like agencies and organizations engaged in the economic development (FDI attraction, place marketing, innovation and learning), on the other hand by the resurgence of “old” actors, such as the regions, in many cases empowered by processes of institutional devolution. The literature has investigated this re-composition of the political space with regard to the “hollowing out” and the “rescaling” of the state. On the base of these theoretical underpinnings, we discuss some empirical evidence from the Italian experience, in order to show whether and how the regional structures are not only “spaces for policies”, but also “spaces for politics”. Over the last decade, the changes in legal framework, the external inputs from supranational levels of government—the European Commission—and the re-territorialization processes have introduced many elements of innovation in the role of the regions. By illustrating the case of the Piedmont Region, we try to demonstrate that the transition towards the region as an active space of politics can be mediated by the sphere of the policies, especially the spatial ones.  相似文献   

从环境史角度看乾隆年间天山北麓的农业开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在前人研究新疆屯田史、农业开发史和自然环境变迁的基础上,从环境史的角度出发,利用丰富的历史文献记载,集中探讨了乾隆年间天山北麓农业开发活动中人与自然环境之间的关系发生、发展和变化的过程。本文主体内容的第一部分概括天山北麓自然环境特点的基础和大规模农业开发以前天山北麓的游牧文化景观,这是理解乾隆年间人与环境互动的基础;第二部分,通过引用丰富的历史记载,细致而微地呈现了乾隆年间迁移而来的农耕民族如何看待这片土地、农业耕种如何从无到有、由内地带来的农业耕作制度和技术如何适应当地自然环境等人与环境的互动过程;最后,复原了乾隆六十年(1795)天山北麓的地理景观,总结指出乾隆年间天山北麓地理景观的变化主要发生在平原地区(出现的农业聚落和绿洲农业景观),迁移而来的屯兵、户民和天山北麓的自然环境共同造就了乾隆末年天山北麓的地理景观特征。  相似文献   

Aerial photogrammetric surveys are usually expensive and the resolution of the acquired images is often limited. For this reason, different innovative systems have been developed and tested in order to perform a photogrammetric survey in an inexpensive way, with high-resolution images. In this context, one of the most promising acquisition techniques is represented by the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) equipped with a digital camera.  相似文献   


European colonization brought innumerable changes and choices to Native groups across the Southeast. Scholars continue to examine the various ways communities navigated these disruptions. Studying the remains of daily practice offers a window into how communities negotiated continuity and change. Wood charcoal, representing the remains of daily fires, provides an important, but underutilized, method for examining people’s daily routines and interactions with their surrounding landscapes. This paper examines wood charcoal assemblages from several sites in the North Carolina Piedmont that span the precontact to early colonial periods (AD 1400–1705). Fuelwood collection models are used to consider the environments, practices, and preferences that influenced the composition of wood charcoal assemblages. Comparison of these datasets shows a consistent significant pattern of high-quality fuelwood selection with additional patterns potentially related to long-term use of the same environment and factors related to colonialism. Altogether, these patterns suggest continuity of some daily practices despite disruptions to other aspects of life.  相似文献   

Mounting evidence suggests that the Archaic Southeast shell mound builders had large-scale trade networks and engaged in social aggregations. Here, incremental 87Sr/86Sr values were measured by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) in third molar enamel samples of 11 individuals interred in the Middle Archaic Harris Creek shell burial mound in St. John's River Valley (SJRV), Florida. Results reveal that SJRV residents engaged in short-term, long-distance mobility up to the Piedmont margin and excursions into coastal areas, consistent with direct trading and social gatherings. Two individuals are interpreted as migrants from central Tennessee, suggesting a link to the Ohio River Valley shell mound builders.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Gellner (1983 : 35) equates nationalism with ‘the organisation of human groups into large, centrally educated, culturally homogeneous units’. As the theorist of nationalism argues, and as recent and not so recent historical research shows, the modernisation of schooling is a defining moment in this process. The objective of this article is twofold: first, to show that during the Risorgimento schooling in Piedmont became nationalist; and second, to explain why that was the case. In doing so, it is argued that: (a) the modernisation of schooling reflected the rise of laissez faire liberalism, industrialisation and the enfranchisement of the middle class; and (b) the leadership of the Risorgimento revived pre‐modern ethnic symbols of patriotism to legitimate inequality and state formation under conditions of individualism.  相似文献   

Prehistoric pottery decorated with incisions or impressions filled with white and seldom coloured inlays is well documented in the archaeological literature, but the related in-depth archaeometric studies are sporadic. 43 decorated ceramic shards, dating from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age, and an Iron Age fibula from the archaeological site of Castello di Annone (Piedmont, North-Western Italy) were analysed with FTIR, Raman and XRPD for characterization of the ornamental pigments forming these inlays. Few white components were used as fillers, namely talc and bone ash (hydroxyapatite – Bone White), often as a mixture and seldom accompanied by other pigments (i.e. kaolinite and presumably secondary calcite). Comparison with freshly-heated biogenic hydroxyapatite proved that ancient Bone White pigment was calcined at about 900 °C. Such a process was kept separate from pottery firing as these white mixtures show absence of talc degradation by-products and sporadic presence of kaolinite, implying these ceramics were decorated only after firing in furnace. Actual presence of fluorapatite in bone ash could allow dating with the Fluorine Method, but lack of fluorine detection with SEM-EDS causes such an attempt to be impracticable so far. A pilot comparative study with a restricted but representative group (11) of coeval finds from other sites of Piedmont suggests that while recurrence of talc prevails in Castello di Annone from the Neolithic throughout the Bronze age, massive use of bone ash (Bone White) becomes widespread in the close Iron Age settlements, possibly consequent to a more efficient handling of its production technology.  相似文献   

<正>在马来西亚沙巴州西南海岸的红树林保护区,居住着一种珍贵的灵长类野生动物——长鼻猴(proboscis monkey)。长鼻猴有着大得出奇的长鼻子,目前只有在马来西亚婆罗洲的沙巴、沙劳越等地的红树林中才能看到,属于世界濒危动物,也是马来西亚的国宝。  相似文献   

<正>长岛县,烟台下辖县,位于黄渤海交汇处。迷恋海滩风情的旅人自然不应错过山东的迷人景点——长岛。这里风光旖旎,奇特的礁石、洞穴在日出日落的金色光芒中幻化出让人迷醉的景象,让人沉醉在这一场又一场的熔金之景里。天朗气清时,或在渔船上吹着海风飘飘荡荡地流连于海面,或登上九丈崖,看自然的鬼斧神工。山东长岛,凭借着她那奇绝的美,在我心中留下了惊叹与回忆。落日的景象是壮观、美丽而迷人的,尤其多云时会出现灿烂的晚霞。铁当然这样的景色不会天天遇到,还要靠运气。当天下午来到长岛,傍晚到海边渔村就看到了这样绚丽的景观:  相似文献   

<正>扬州王氏是中唐崛起的文化世家,堪称唐代扬州第一望族。尽管扬州人对唐代王播的名字比较熟悉,对"饭后钟""碧纱笼"典故耳熟能详。但对唐代的这个王氏家族则了解不多,尤其对这个家族"一门四进士两宰相"更是知之甚少。王播同其弟王炎、王起皆为进士,侄子王铎也是进士。《嘉庆重修扬州府志》一书收录的唐代扬州进士仅九人,王氏兄弟独占其四。"一门两宰相"也殊为不易,王播和其侄王铎,都曾两度出任唐朝宰相,在扬州历史上尚无先例。王播居官10年,历经唐穆宗、唐敬  相似文献   

阿霞 《中国土族》2009,(2):64-64
1.徜徉吕家河 从石头周围迂回,从山的怀抱奔流 在村庄的边缘环行,在水草的臂间摇晃 在水磨歌唱的季节,白色的浪花伴唱 并不遥远的岁月啊,在河边已成为遥远  相似文献   

Cyril S. Belshaw. The Sorcerer's Apprentice: An Anthropology of Public Policy. New York and Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1976. xvi +342 pp. Index. $16.00 cloth, $10.00 paper.  相似文献   

The Day in Lhasa     
Procession at Sunup As the sun rises,pilgrims,one after another,come from various directions and gradually form a procession around the Potala Palace.Undeniably,in the short term,this daily procession has been reduced due to the negative impact of the tragedy that occurred on March 14~(th) in Lhasa. Notwithstanding,today it seems everything has returned to normal.  相似文献   

戴婕  李祎  汤菁 《风景名胜》2009,(5):88-95
“巴拉望是菲律宾旅游局推荐给爱山爱海爱林,又想暂时避开尘嚣者的一个度假胜地。巴拉望是自然的爱好者、潜水者以及热衷于探险运动的人的天堂,作为一个生态旅游的目的地,巴拉望对野生动物和环境的保护得到了当地居民的大力支持。”  相似文献   

古镇李庄临危受命 "抗战开始后,最早内迁的同济大学先遣队一路打探,寻找合适的地点,一开始根本没想到李庄这个古镇.重庆人口密度高,成都太开阔不够安全,宜宾已经人满为患,江安又提前接纳了国立剧专(曹禺当时就在这里学习),最后想到了南溪.可当地却明确表态:不欢迎.南溪县城是有名的封建窝窝,清朝遗老遗少乡绅土豪们,不愿意接受成千上万的下江人(当地人对长江下游居民的贬称),担心他们来了把小菜吃贵了,更担心会搞环本地的风俗."罗萼芳坐在自家的小院子里,摆弄兰花.  相似文献   

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