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<正> 神农架成为我们关注的目标。到神农架之前尽管做了充分的准备,但还是心怀忐忑,怕野人来袭,怕不可预测的事情发生,一路上精神紧张又亢奋,备受刺激。神农架有那么多谜团,其中神农架的野人之谜最为人乐道。野人至今没有捕捉到,那位胡子头发老长在深山里候了8年也未果的张金星,野人倒成就了他的名声。我想,越是神秘的东西越能激发人们的好奇心,鼓动着探  相似文献   

Hugh Cheape 《Folklore》2013,124(1-2):111-123
Folk Traditions and Folk Medicine in Scotland: The Writings of David Rorie. Edited by David Buchan. Edinburgh: Canongate Academic, 1994. 317pp. Hdbk. ISBN 1 898410 01 1. £20. Reviewed by Gillian Bennett.

Counsel from the Ancients: A Study of Badaga Proverbs, Prayers, Omens and Curses. By Paul Hockings. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1988. 796pp. ISBN 3 11 011374 0. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

Welshness Performed: Welsh Concepts of Person and Society. By Carol Trosset. Tucson and London: University of Arizona Press, 1993. 183pp. ISBN 0 8165 1378 3. Reviewed by Tecwyn Vaughan Jones.

The Arabian Nights: A Companion. By Robert Irwin. Allen Lane: Penguin Press, 1994. 344pp. ISBN 0 713 99105 4. £20.00. Reviewed by Gwendolyn Leick.

The Stonemans: An Appalachian Family and the Music that Shaped their Lives. By Ivan M. Tribe. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1993. 361pp. Illus. ISBN 0 252 01978 4 (hdbk) / 0 252 06308 2 (pbk). Reviewed by Steve Roud.

Traveling the High Way Home: Ralph Stanley and the World of Traditional Bluegrass Music. By John Wright. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1993. 273pp. Illus. ISBN 0 252 02024 3. Reviewed by Steve Roud.

Captain Jack Crawford: Buckskin Poet, Scout and Showman. By Darlis A. Miller. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1993. 363pp. Illus. ISBN 0 98263 1449 X. Reviewed by Steve Roud.

Victorian Village Life. By Neil Philip. Oxfordshire: Albion Press, 1993. 160pp. Illus. ISBN 1 871927 05 6. £9.99. Reviewed by George Monger.

The English Rural Community: Image and Analysis. Edited by Brian Short. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. 239pp. B/W illus. ISBN 0 521 40537 9 (hdbk) / 0 521 40567 X (pbk). Reviewed by George Monger.

Countrywomen on the Land: Memories of Rural Life in the 1920s and 30s. By G.K. Nelson. Stroud: Alan Sutton, 1992. 182pp. B/W illus. ISBN 0 7509 0181 0. £14.99. Reviewed by George Monger.

Chronicles of Alston. By Joan Rockwell. London: Janus Publishing, 1993. 189pp. ISBN 1 8576 024 8. £11.95. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

The Yorkshire Dictionary of Dialect, Tradition and Folklore. By Arnold Kellett Smith. Settle: Otley, 1994. ISBN 1 85825 016 1 (pbk) / 1 85625 017 X (hdbk). Reviewed by G.M. Awbery.

Maya Textiles of Guatemala. By Margot Blum Schevill. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1993. 295pp. Colour and b/w illus. ISBN 0 292 75143 5. Reviewed by C. Stevens.

Superstitions: Folk Magic in Hull's Fishing Community. By Alec Gill. Beverley: Hutton Press, 1993. 174pp. Illus. Pbk. ISBN 1 872167 56 x. £7.50. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

Burmese Puppets. By Noel F. Singer. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.126pp. 16 colour illus, 42 b/w illus. ISBN 0 19588589 9. Reviewed by George Monger.

The Maiden Who Rose from the Sea and other Finnish Folktales. Edited and translated by Helena Henderson. Enfield: Hisarlik Press, 1992. 192pp. ISBN 1 87431201 X. £14.95. Reviewed by Ruth Glass.

Folklore of Somerset. By Alan Holt. Stroud: Alan Sutton, 1992. 180pp. Illus. ISBN 0 7059 0221 3. £7.99. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

Hausa Folktales from the Niger. Translated and edited by Robert S. Glew and Chaibou Babalé. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1993. 136pp. ISBN 0 89680 176 4. Reviewed by Ruth Glass.

Arthur: Y Casgliad Arthuraidd—Catalog/The Arthurian Collection—A Catalogue. Gwasanaeth Llyfrgell a Gwybodaeth/Library and Information Service. Cyngor Sir Clwyd/Clwyd County Council, 1994. 190pp. ISBN 1859910025. £15.95. Reviewed by Juliette Wood.

Medieval Balladry and the Courtly Tradition: Literature of Revolt and Assimilation. By Gwendolyn A. Morgan. American University Studies Series 4, Vol. 160. New York: Peter Lang, 1993. 148pp. Reviewed by Kaye McAlpine.

Treasures of the National Library of Ireland. Edited by Noel Kissane. Published by the Boyne Valley Honey Company, 1994. 242pp. ISBN 0 951782 34 7 (pbk)/ 0 951782 35 5 (hdbk). £9.95 (pbk), £25.00 (hdbk). Irish edition Seoda i Leabharlann Náisiúnta nah Éireann. Pbk £9.95. Reviewed by John Hutchings.

Legends Told in Canada. Edited by Edith Fowke. Toronto: Royal Ontario Museum, 1994. 96pp. Illus. Hdbk. ISBN 0 88854 410 3. C$19.95. Reviewed by Jill Clayton.

Folk Law: Essays in the Theory and Practice of Lex non Scripta . Edited by Alison Dundes Renteln and Alan Dundes. New York: Garland, 1994. 1037pp. 2 vols. Hdbk. ISBN 0 8153 1314 4. US$150. Reviewed by Jill Clayton.

The Horsieman: Memories of a Traveller 1928–58. By Duncan Williamson. Edinburgh: Canongate, 1994. 276pp. ISBN 0 86241 444 X. £13.99. Reviewed by Ruth Glass.

Fireside Tales of the Traveller Children. By Duncan Williamson. Edinburgh: Canongate Press, 1993. Pbk. ISBN 0 86241 4 57 1. £3.50. Reviewed by Ruth Glass.

The Broonie, Silkies and Fairies. By Duncan Williamson. Edinburgh: Canongate Press, 1993. Pbk. ISBN 0 86241 456 3. £3.50. Reviewed by Ruth Glass.

The Well at the World's End: Folk Tales of Scotland. By Norah and William Montgomerie. Edinburgh: Canongate Press, 1993. Pbk. ISBN 0 86241 462 8. £3.50. Reviewed by Ruth Glass.

The Rebirth of Witchcraft. By Doreen Valiente. London: Robert Hale, 1989. 236pp. Illus. ISBN 0790-3715-5. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

An ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present. By Doreen Valiente. London: Robert Hale, 1994. 377pp. Illus. Pbk. ISBN 0790 5350 9. £7.99. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

The Rise and Fall of Merry England: The Ritual Year 1400–1700. By Ronald Hutton. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. 366pp. Appendix. Notes. Index. Hdbk. ISBN 0 19 820363 2. £17.95. Reviewed by Gillian Bennett.

The Things That Were Said Of Them: Shaman Stories and Oral Histories of the Tikigaq People. By Tom Lowenstein. Told by Asatchaq. Translated by Tukummiq and Tom Lowenstein. The University of California Press, 1992. 262pp. 5 photographs and 2 maps. ISBN 0-520-06569-7. Reviewed by Ruth Glass.

Dragons, Devils and Demons (Traditional Sussex Tales II). Edited by Tony Wales. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

Cassettes obtainable from Elixis Enterprises, Glistar Studios, PO Box 110, Horsham, W. Sussex RH12 1ZS. £5.95 ea/£10.95 pair (plus 95p postage). Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.  相似文献   

帝王陵寝,佛祖舍利,古泉圣水,长城猎场,奇人隐士——遵化隐藏着太多的神秘等待着我们去探寻。  相似文献   

<正> 10月的奉献是魅力苏州。苏州是千古美人。她含情脉脉,一举手一投足,都精致得无可挑剔。引得无数骚人墨客如痴如醉,留下缠绵悱恻的诗行、传奇。走近苏州,我随着才子佳人的感觉走,是柳三变"兰舟催发,执手相看泪眼,竟无语凝咽,念  相似文献   

<正>在澳大利亚本土的东南方向,有一座遗世独立的岛屿,叫塔斯马尼亚岛。这是一个令众多旅友和生态爱好者魂牵梦萦的岛屿,它有一种魅力,让几乎每个到的人都不由感叹:这是一座来了就不想走的岛屿,没有来过塔斯马尼亚,也就不能算真正地来过澳大利亚。  相似文献   

<正>在澳大利亚本土的东南方向,有一座遗世独立的岛屿,叫塔斯马尼亚岛。这是一个令众多旅友和生态爱好者魂牵梦萦的岛屿,它有一种魅力,让几乎每个到的人都不由感叹:这是一座来了就不想走的岛屿,没有来过塔斯马尼亚,也就不能算真正地来过澳大利亚。  相似文献   

吕莜 《旅游纵览》2016,(9):46-47
正鱼类是最古老的脊椎动物,它们几乎栖居于地球上所有的水生环境中。那辽阔而奇特的江河湖海,孕育了无数美丽的精灵。那里有速度最快的旗鱼,有能发电的电波鱼,有色彩艳丽的蝴蝶鱼,还有说不清、数不尽的各种各样的鱼类。今天就让我们一起共同探秘一下有关鱼类的妙趣杂谈吧。什么是鱼类科教书上说:鱼类是体被骨鳞、以鳃呼吸、用鳍作为运动器官和凭上下颌摄食的变温水生脊椎动物,属于  相似文献   

楚“神树”在楚墓中屡出不鲜。本以湖北荆州天星观二号墓出土的一棵髹漆的自然树-神树为例,并结合考古发现的神树标本、献记载的神树神话,对楚神树的形态、神树崇拜的起源进行了较全面细致的研究。同时对天星观二号墓髹漆神树的性质与功能等进行了探讨。  相似文献   

夏虫 《旅游纵览》2017,(7):54-57
正在中国,一直有着"龙生九子、凤育九雏"的传说,而雷鸟就是"九雏"之一。岩雷鸟,俗名雪鸡,属雉科雷鸟属,身体矮胖,体型中等,墩实厚重,憨态可掬。羽色随四季而变化。岩雷鸟多栖于林线以上,极耐寒,主要分布于北极苔原冻土带和高山的树线以上,在中国仅见于新疆西北部的阿尔泰山地区。羽色因季节而异,而与环境一致︰冬季羽毛白色,与雪地相一致;春夏则为有横斑的灰或褐色,雷鸟与松鸡科其他鸟类不同之处在于脚趾上下均有硬羽。  相似文献   

As Keith Hart (1986) articulated in his neat phrase ‘two sides of the coin’, money and the state are inextricably intertwined. However, academic discussions of the state tend to fall under the heading of ‘governance’, with implicit reference to democratic ideals, while money is regarded as ‘economics’, a field dominated by ideas of the market. In this paper, I use material from U‐Vistract, a mass Ponzi scam to show how quasi‐magical ideas of money and wealth have grown out of the disillusioning experience of the state in its failure to deliver ‘development’. These imaginings of prosperity entail a different kind of state, based on the moral reform of Christian citizens and political leaders and the reorientation of the banking system to deliver benefits to ordinary people. As the Royal Kingdom of Papala, U‐Vistract sought to be seen to be like a Christian state and so deceived its investors into thinking that they were participating in a moral project that would allow them to redress the short‐comings of the Papua New Guinean state. As the scam took on the appearance of the state, so the state came to be seen as a scam.  相似文献   

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