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Penetrating through and through (transcranial) injuries of the head and brain by foreign bodies other than bullet or shrapnel are extremely unusual. Although the case of Phineas Gage (1848) has been the most widely publicized, and stimulated much interest in brain function, additional surviving cases of through and through brain penetration by bars, rods or pipes have been reported. The author reviews 12 published cases over the last 150 years and describes two additional cases. The management of these cases is described. This group of patients for the most part experienced a functional outcome despite neurologic deficits.  相似文献   

朋友,当你走进土族人家,就会看到在堂屋的大红面柜(或供桌)上,供有一支箭杆。箭身约4尺,系满各色绸绫。此箭土族群众称作“达拉戛”,意思是“护法神箭”,又名“五台护法”。大凡逢年过节,家家点灯煨桑,虔心祭祀,祈求神箭护佑年年五谷丰登,六畜兴旺,人人心想事成,万事如意。倘若兄弟不和,或妯娌之间发生争执,长辈们将双方带到神箭前,语重心长地耐心开导,说服教育,以消除误会,化解怨恨,全家人像往日一样同舟共济,和睦相处。那么,土族缘何供奉神箭?对此人们说法不一。有的人认为,这与历史上吐谷浑首领阿柴临终时折箭遗教有关。据史料载,公元424…  相似文献   

历史上诗人陶渊明以爱菊而称。后人也习惯于将陶渊明采菊的行为归因于他对菊花的喜爱。然而菊花除了可供玩赏外,同时还是延年益寿之灵药。历代仙传中不乏服食菊花之仙人;降及晋代,士服食菊花更是蔚然成风。处于这一背景之下的陶渊明的采菊行为,实际上包含着明显的摄生意图。在陶渊明的诗歌中常常表现一种人生不永的感叹,这和诗人服食菊花以求长生的行为是内在一致的。  相似文献   

中日邦交正常化之前的"政经分离"与"政经不可分"之争   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上世纪五、六十年代,日本政府在对华关系方面曾推行过“政经分离”政策。其核心是:政治台湾,经济大陆。即只承认台湾当局,不承认中华人民共和国。对此,中国政府提出了“政治三原则”和“政经不可分原则”,与日本方面旨在搞“两个中国”的图谋进行了针锋相对的斗争。在中日复交35年后的今天,“政经之争”早已不再是中日之间争论的焦点。但对如今时而“政冷经热”、时而“政经双冷”的中日关系来说,重温这段“政经之争”的历史,无疑具有特殊的意义。  相似文献   

在古人眼里,“礼”本是“经国家、定社稷、序民人、利后嗣也”,然而有些礼的规定非但没有起到这一作用,反而屡屡引起朝廷的混乱,这就是“为人后为之子”这条“礼”。由宋英宗朝之“濮议”所引发的让皇帝喊他人为爹的一场轩然大波便是一个明显例证。“为人后为之子”语出《公羊传》成公十五年。由于《公羊传》作将春秋时的两个“婴齐”误认为一,遂使本来是公子遂儿子的仲婴齐便成了他父亲的孙子、他哥哥归父的儿子,“为人后为之子”的理论也由此误释而产生了。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A nuclear family, that is the social unit comprising a husband, wife(s) and their children, is one of the significant core elements around which the great majority of societies are built. An individual's most immediate social and emotional relationships, those between children and parents, between husband and wife, and between siblings are encapsulated within it. How these relationships are realised in actual practice is partly dependent upon the form marriage takes. In this paper, I analyse Warlpiri marriage as practice and institution by drawing on and comparing material by Mervyn Meggitt (from his work at Lajamanu in the 1950s), Diane Bell (based on her work at Alekarenge in the 1970s) and my own data from my fieldwork at Yuendumu (from the mid 1990s and onward). My aim is to explore the following questions: What constitutes a marriage in Warlpiri eyes today? Are there continuities with the past? What has changed since the 1950s? And, what do these continuities and changes mean in regard to the way Warlpiri people live their lives today?  相似文献   

As a rule, data to be used in locational analysis are either rounded up or rounded down. Therefore, error is incurred if such location data are used. The objective of this paper is to examine location error and cost error due to rounding in unweighted minisum and minimax problems in one-dimensional continuous space. Several conclusions on rounding effects are obtained by examining the respective mean-squared errors. First, rounding tends to exert more serious influence on the minisum problem than on the minimax problem. Second, in both location problems, the location error shows a pattern that is the inverse of that of the cost error.  相似文献   

新石器时代,南北陶器装饰已出现不同面貌,大体说来,黄河中上游为一种,表现为彩绘的样式:长江中游为一种,表现出素面刻划的特征。造成差异的原因,地理资源即无机质矿物颜料的多寡是第一位的,这一推论大体符合彩陶分布状况,和历史献记载以及现代探矿资料。  相似文献   

Tools are developed to predict damage to archaeological remains caused by the construction of line infrastructure on soft soil. They are based on numerical modelling and laboratory testing supported by X-ray microcomputed tomographic observations, and micromorphological analyses of thin sections. They have been validated for one-dimensional (1D) loading at two sites in the Netherlands where soil has been placed on top of organic layers rich in ecofacts and overlaying Pleistocene sands.

Numerical prediction of the deformation of soft layers underneath an embankment remains a challenge for geo-technical engineers. Errors on surface settlement prediction reach ±15% of the measured total settlement.

Laboratory observations show that vulnerable artefacts can get crushed when packed loosely in pure assemblies under 1D loading equivalent to less than 5 m of sand. Fragmentation is assimilated to loss of archaeological value as it compromises recovery during sieving. Embedment in a sandy or a very compressible organic matrix has a beneficial effect on the resistance of ecofacts. Embedded ecofacts can resist a load of more than 12 m of sand. Flattening and re-orientation of soft plant remains occur during 1D loading without microscopic damage of tissues.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(6):870-893

Jonathan Z. Smith has argued that apocalyptic discourse grew out of a political desire to remove the "wrong" king from the throne. Later, though, the same discourse was used to prevent a "wrong" king from taking the throne. Thus apocalyptic discourse can either motivate or resist transformative change. In US political history it has served both purposes. This article focuses on the trend in presidential discourse, especially in foreign policy, since Franklin D. Roosevelt to use apocalyptic language to resist transformation. The electorate's desire to prevent substantive change was the determining factor in the presidential election of 2008. In Barack Obama's first year in office, though he seemed to promote transformation, his dominant message was a reassuring one: The threat of fundamental change would continue to be contained both at home and around the world. No "wrong" rulers would be allowed to disturb the security of America.  相似文献   

论梁启超国家主义观点及其转变过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪初的梁启超在思想上正处于一个多变的阶段 ,其中他的有关国家主义的观点及其转向亦占有十分重要的地位。本文通过深入分析赴美之前梁氏将卢梭与伯伦知理作对比的文章及其有关看法 ,认为梁氏国家主义思想的形成和转变之轨迹 ,既是作为对卢梭民主主义理论的改动和否定的学说逐步出现的 ,也是作为对伯伦知理的国家主义理论的赞同和认同的政治学说而逐步出现的。  相似文献   

俞政 《史学月刊》2001,(6):83-87
严复在《社会通诠》按语中不赞成民族主义,招来了汪精卫和章太炎的攻击。但在实际上,严复反对的是狭隘民族主义,主要针对顽固派。20世纪初中国思想界确实出现了新的狭隘民族主义,批评一下又何妨?严复以学者的眼光看待民族主义,比不上孙中山,但比康有为和章太炎高明得多。  相似文献   

The Ming Dynasty was one of the important periods of cultural exchange and amalgamation between Han Chinese and Tibetans.Along with the governance of Tibet and other Tibetan areas by the Central Government of the Ming Dynasty,Tibetan culture represented by Buddhism and its art was disseminated in the interior of China,primarily in Nanjing city and Beijing city,the capital of the Ming dynasty.At the same time,Chinese culture represented by Chinese Buddhism and its art was also introduced into Tibet and other Tibetan areas.  相似文献   

In response to the need for further conceptual development in the field of anthropological globalization studies, this article concentrates on the concept of virtuality, arguing that this constitutes one of the key concepts for a characterization and understanding of the forms of globalization in Africa. The article first defines virtuality and globalization and provisionally indicates their theoretical relationship. The problematic heritage of a locality-obsessed anthropological tradition (as explored in the article) then provides the analytical framework within which virtuality makes an inspiring topic. The transition from theory to empirical case studies is made by examining the problem of meaning in the African urban environment. Finally, an ethnographic situation is invoked (urban puberty rites in present day Zambia) which illustrates particular forms of virtuality as part of the globalization process.  相似文献   

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