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民国时期尤其是军阀政治时期,军阀政权对乡村进行掠夺性剥夺,加之兵匪纵横,使整个社会由于缺乏现代动员方式,导致现代国家的基层防卫体系在乡村地区极为薄弱。在此背景下,以红枪会为代表的民间秘密结社组织,在民国时期尤其是在军阀政治时期席卷了整个华北地区,一时成为当时农民反抗军阀、抵御土匪的一个重要手段。在此过程中,宗教仪式与神秘性成为红枪会社会动员的一种有力工具与主要特征,而自卫与动乱则是红枪会在这一时期带给乡村社会的两面。  相似文献   

1927—1937年农业生产与收成、产量研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
1927—1937年间,由于历史的积累,全国生态环境和农业生产条件呈现继续恶化态势。1932年农业恐慌大爆发,最终导致全国农业和农村经济破产。1935年农村经济开始复苏,但直至1937年抗日战争爆发,仍未恢复到农业恐慌前的水平。因为自然灾害频繁,损失惨重,农业收成不稳,土地产量起伏波动,但均低于“常年”水平。1931—1937年的农业产量变化,呈现明显的马鞍形。1934年是鞍底,1932、1936年为鞍峰。但最高年份为1932年,而非通常说的1936年。人均粮食占有量也在下降,既大大低于清代前期的水平,也比20世纪20年代减少了将近一成。所有这些。都无法证明国民党政府时期的农业生产有重大发展。  相似文献   

1927—1937年中国保险业发展艰难之原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
敖文蔚 《民国档案》2000,2(2):71-75
中国的保险业肇始于外商之手。1805年(嘉庆十年),东印度公司在广州设立谏当保险行(Canton Insurance Society),这是外商在我国开办的第一家保险企业。六十年后,即1865年(同治四年),中国第一家民族保险业义和公司保险行于上海成立。此后,由于洋务运动的兴起,一大批资本主义企业应运而生,其所设立的保险公司虽有增加,但外商所经营者仍占  相似文献   

铁路与石家庄城市的崛起:1905—1937年   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
江沛  熊亚平 《近代史研究》2005,1(3):170-197
近代以来,随着华北铁路网络的形成与铁路运输业的发展,华北区域城市兴起的条件、布局及特点发生了明显变化,由于铁路枢纽地位的形成和近代商贸流通体系的需要,一些地方逐渐形成新兴的城市。1905-1937年间正太、京汉铁路与石家庄城市崛起间的关系,便具体展示了铁路运输业与石家庄城市的交通运输业、工商业,城市人口增长和街市扩展等方面的关联作用,及以铁路为代表的新式交通对近代华北城市群体的分布特点、城市空间结构、等级规模所产生的重要影响。  相似文献   

19世纪末20世纪初,随着近代中国社会与经济的现代转型,铁路、轮船等新型交通运输方式应运而生,一批新兴交通型城市逐渐形成,青岛便是其中之一。作为青岛港所在地和胶济铁路起点,青岛市在1898至1937年间的变动与港路休戚相关:港路运输体系的构建,极大改善了当地的交通运输条件,使青岛成为陆上交通枢纽并跃居山东省沿海第一大港;凭借路港联动,物流与人流均以前所未有的速度和规模在内陆—青岛—海外地区间流动,带动了青岛工商经济的飞速发展,也为青岛集聚了人气,大批务工、经商人员移居青岛,青岛市人口规模增大,街市不断扩展。在青岛港和胶济铁路的作用下,青岛完成了由小渔村到现代化城市的嬗变,并由此带动了山东省乃至近代华北地区交通和经济格局的变动。  相似文献   

Sun Huei-min's book is the latest among a number of scholarly works on the role of the legal profession in Republican China.While some of the issues addressed in this book were covered in those other works,the author has provided more details and introduced new issues,partly through primary sources that were not taken up earlier.Alison Connor's works ("Legal Education during the Republican Period:Soochow University Law School," Republican China 19,no.1 (1993):84-112;"Lawyers and the Legal Profession During the Republican Period," in Kathryn Bernhardt and Philip Huang,eds.,Civil Law in Qing and Republican China.Stanford:Stanford University Press,1994),for instance,did not use the Shanghai Bar Association (SBA)'s annual reports,while Xiaoqun Xu's works ("The Fate of Judicial Independence in Republican China,1912-1937," China Quarterly,no.149 (1997):1-28;Chinese Professionals and the Republican State:The Rise of Professional Associations in Shanghai,1912-1937,New York:Cambridge University Press,2001) did use the SBA's annual reports but not the SBA's archives.  相似文献   

The birth of archaeologically themed television programmes is intimately linked to the birth of television itself. Yet little is known of the earliest broadcasts owing to both the fragmentary archival record and the longstanding hype surrounding later archaeology TV productions. This article examines two of the first such shows, likely the earliest in the English-speaking world for which records survive, focused on the British Iron Age site of Maiden Castle and on the reconstruction of prehistoric pottery. While noting the role of Mortimer Wheeler in their development, I also highlight several key women who produced the programmes, starred in them, and otherwise held critical posts in the establishment of professional archaeological practice in Britain, including Margot Eates, Ione Gedye, and Delia Parker — all based at London's Institute of Archaeology (IoA). These BBC TV broadcasts were specifically deployed to showcase the sites and methods of the burgeoning discipline of archaeology. More importantly, however, they were subtle players in the building of intellectual and institutional capital for both the IoA and the BBC. Augmented by other graphic media produced by the IoA itself, the earliest televised archaeology shows generated income, exposure, capacity, and clout for these two very different but pioneering organizations.  相似文献   

中国红十字会经费问题浅析(1912-1937)   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
中国红十字会主要的财源有三:捐款、会费、政府补助。其中捐款是该会最为重要的经费来源,因此为何募款及如何募款便成为该会在募捐时相当重视的议题。在募款的理念上,同胞爱、积功德乃至人道主义,都曾经被提及,民国初年积功德的诉求,似乎更为有效。会费则是另一个重要的财源。中国红十字会在支出方面,大致有灾难救济、医疗卫生、战地救护、国际救援、推动会务、投资理财等项。对投资理财的重视,是该会有别于传统慈善组织的特点,对于结余经费不再只是消极储蓄保值,而是积极投资以期蔟利.  相似文献   

Lower-class women are often portrayed as a passive and submissive group by various cultural,social and political forces in twentieth-century China.Social reformers "educated" them,cultural conservatives "Romanized" them,and political revolutionaries "transformed" them.However,despite all the efforts "on behalf of'them,we have rarely heard their own voice.In this regard,Zhao Ma's Runaway Wives,Urban Crimes,and Survival Tactics in Wartime Beijing is a significant contribution to the social history of Chinese women,for it reveals how lower-class women in wartime Beijing "perceived,utilized,and modified the urban social and moral landscape on their own terms" (p.28).  相似文献   

James Ramsay Hunt (1874-1937) was a pre-eminent twentieth-century American neurologist. The name of Ramsay Hunt is known today because several neurological disorders bear his name, including the herpetic geniculate ganglion syndrome and a form of ataxia and myoclonus. Despite his importance in the field of neurology, few biographical details have been recorded about Hunt's life. One of the authors of this report recently located Hunt's daughter. This biographical sketch was based on interviews conducted with her and review of documents in her possession, including letters written by Hunt. Details are depicted about Hunt's family background and childhood, medical education and early professional development, courtship and marriage, wartime experiences, family and social life, daily routine and professional development, as well as illness and death.  相似文献   

For students,textbooks are boring and tedious.They read them to keep up their grades and memorize them to pass examinations.But for Peter Zarrow—the author of the well-acclaimed books China in War and Revolution and After Empire—textbooks are valuable sources through which to examine the socio-political changes in early twentieth-century China.In his new book,Educating China,Zarrow demonstrates that as China was building a nation-state to replace its imperial system,textbooks played an important role in producing civic-minded citizens.In textbooks,he contends,we find intense debates about the concept of the Chinese nation.  相似文献   

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