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Three types of antimony‐based, opaque ceramic colours were used in the faience workshop of Le Bois d’Épense during the first decades of the 19th century; that is, yellow, tawny and green. Yellow is generated by lead antimonate crystals (Naples Yellow), which are incorporated into an uncoloured glass matrix. According to SEM–EDS measurements, these pigments contain iron. The tawny colour is the optical result of the combined presence of similar yellow, iron‐bearing lead antimonate particles in a Fe‐rich, brownish glass matrix. The green opaque colour is produced by the combination of a blue cobalt glass and yellow Pb–Sn–Fe‐antimonate crystals. Cores of zoned pigments lighten the recipes, according to which the pigments were produced. First, they were synthesized by calcination, ground and then mixed with a colourless, brown or blue glass powder. The resulting powder mixture was added to a liquid agent and used as high‐temperature ceramic colour.  相似文献   

Summary.   This paper examines ceramic vessels from Roman-period funerary contexts in Essex. Using correspondence analysis, it charts changes in the choice of funerary pottery and isolates the elements in pottery assemblages that unite or differentiate sites. The paper finds that the status of sites can be distinguished on ceramic grounds, reflecting cultural differences in life. Jars and beakers are characteristic of settlement cemeteries, while cups are more typical of high-status burials. Flagons and samian ware are common between them. Underlying funerary traditions are rooted in continuity from the Late Iron Age, rather than post-conquest change. The study also suggests that funerary pottery was selected out of the supply intended for domestic use.  相似文献   

In a recent paper, Mason et al. (2001) demonstrated that enamels on mina’i ware, a Persian ceramic of the 12th century, were applied using a special firing of short duration. A similar principle was exploited to enamel glass, beginning in Syria in about the same period. This gives new credence to the long‐standing idea that the origin of enamelling on glass resulted in part from an interaction between glass workers and potters.  相似文献   

Ceramic vessels and associated vitreous debris, excavated at Coppergate, York, UK, have been interpreted as the remains of Roman glass‐making from the raw materials. This paper reports the results of analysis of this assemblage by XRF, ICPS, XRD, SEM– EDAX and thin‐section petrography. These findings suggest that some ceramic vessels, used as crucibles, have been subjected to temperatures up to 1200°C, well above the firing temperatures of the local domestic assemblage from which they were selected. Analysis of quartz‐rich debris, intimately mixed with glass in some samples and in others interleaved with glassy phases, indicates partially reacted glass‐making raw materials, with α‐quartz, tridymite and cristoballite phases represented. This could represent evidence either of a failed attempt to frit the raw materials, or a batch that had not fully fused. Variability in the composition of glass at the site is viewed in the light of glass‐making technology, and possible interpretations concerning this episode are discussed in the light of the archaeological evidence.  相似文献   

Summary.   Glass was first produced in a regular and controlled manner in the Near East in the sixteenth century BC. This paper examines a wide variety of textual, archaeological and analytical sources to try and determine more about the makers of this first glass. It attempts to show how modern ideas about medieval glassmaking have been anachronistically applied to the second millennium BC, and readdresses this by turning instead to second millennium sources of evidence. Using these sources, it investigates the position of glass within Late Bronze Age society and the status of glassmakers themselves. It goes on to examine the evidence for ritual and experimental behaviour in LBA crafts and industries and applies this to ideas of technological innovation and change in the period. It looks at the alchemical nature of glass production and proposes new ways of attempting to understand the glassmakers themselves.  相似文献   

Summary.   Archaeologists have identified the adoption of new forms of cremation ritual during the early Roman period in south-east Britain. Cremation may have been widely used by communities in the Iron Age, but the distinctive nature of these new rites was their frequent placing of the dead within, and associated with, ceramic vessels. This paper suggests an interpretation for the social meaning of these cremation burial rites that involved the burial of ashes with and within pots as a means of commemoration. In this light, the link between cremation and pottery in early Roman Britain can be seen as a means of promoting the selective remembering and forgetting of the dead.  相似文献   

This study examines a large sample of ceramic and glass artifacts from ten privy-vault features in downtown St. Louis, Missouri, dating circa 1845–65. The features were associated with a neighborhood populated primarily by recently-arrived Irish and German immigrants. Minimum vessel counts from the samples are employed to establish the basic consumer patterning of a number of products, ranging from ceramic tablewares to bottled foods. Also examined is the frequency and character of more “folk” associated artifacts, such as regionally made crockery and smoking pipes. The visibility of cultural identity is considered in the context of large samples of domestic debris, retrieved from rarified social settings but also dominated by mass produced and mass marketed goods.  相似文献   

This work focuses on petro-chemical characterisation of the volcanic inclusions often found within the fabric of many ceramic remains from various archaeological sites in eastern Sicily. Petrographic observations and EMP analyses revealed that volcanic glass is strongly influenced by chemical modifications during the firing process, whereas clinopyroxenes keep their original composition unaltered thus constituting an effective tool for provenance attributions. Multivariate statistical analysis of the latter can in fact unambiguously discriminate between different productive areas by comparisons with pyroxenes from volcanics belonging to distinct magmatic provinces. The method proposed here was tested on ceramic remains of different ages and typologies found in southern Italy.  相似文献   

The article presents ideas about distribution and consumption of vessel glass in the Viking Age arising from a contextual analysis of finds from Kaupang. Considering aspects of spatial distribution and waste handling, it is argued that the sherd assemblage primarily represents vessels used and broken on the site – and not vessels in transit or cullet collected for recycling as previously suggested. The glass vessels should most likely be associated with wine drinking and be related to the use of ceramic pitchers and spouted jars. Tableware of this kind represents a material culture that was not confined to elite consumption but available to merchants and artisans inhabiting production and market places – like Kaupang – with good contacts to Continental wine districts. It is suggested that its use was triggered by adoption of Continental table etiquette rather than any status associations. The concept of commodification is introduced to explain the transformation vessel glass went through in Northern Europe during the 8th and 9th centuries, from an item of luxury gift exchange to an alienable commodity.  相似文献   

中国历史上的钴显色材料有颜料、玻璃、陶瓷釉。花绀青、钴蓝属历史颜料;钴显色蓝色玻璃可能始于西汉;钴显色蓝色陶瓷釉始于战国陶胎釉珠,唐朝唐三彩陶瓷釉发展成多个品种。钴显色材料有国产钴土矿类和进口Smalt类。原料矿中带入的锰、铁、镍、砷、铋等杂质对色彩有一定影响。  相似文献   

The first European settlers came to North America in the early 17th century using glass in the form of containers and decorative objects. Thus, glass is a horizon marker for all historic period settlements and a potential source of chronometric dates at archaeological sites belonging to the historic period in the Americas. We have developed a new absolute dating method based upon water diffusion into the surface of manufactured glasses that predicts diffusion coefficients based upon variation in glass chemical constituents. Low‐temperature (< 190°C) hydration experiments have been performed on a set of five high‐calcium (21.7–28.3%) glasses that were used to manufacture wine bottles from the 17th?19th centuries. Infrared spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry was used to model the water diffusion/alkali exchange process. The ability of the model to accurately predict archaeological ages was evaluated with artefacts recovered from ceramic‐dated contexts at Thomas Jefferson's plantation known as Monticello.  相似文献   

This study illustrates the materialization of identity shifts through refined ceramic and glass forms recovered from working class Irish immigrant and Irish-American communities. The sites used in this article were chosen because of their spatio-temporal compatibility covering dynamic periods of Irish identity in the United States. Historians argue that 1880 marks the beginning of an identity shift from Irish immigrant to Irish-American. This research attempts to provide the necessary materials to begin a discourse bringing together material and historical evidence illuminating the conflict between competing ideologies of respectability and changing conceptions of Irish identity in America.  相似文献   

Summary.   Unlike Southern Britain, the Iron Age in Northern Britain spans two millennia from the introduction of iron technology to the Norse settlements. Northern Britain is divided into a series of geographical and archaeological regions, including for the pre-Roman Earlier Iron Age the whole of aceramic and non-coin-using northern England. Despite a wealth of settlement evidence, the Earlier Iron Age lacks diagnostic material assemblages, even in the ceramic Atlantic regions, where radiocarbon dating is now confirming the origins of Atlantic Roundhouses in the mid-first millennium BC. External connections may have been long-distance, reflecting a complex variety of selective connections. For the Later Iron Age, interpretation based upon historical sources has inhibited a proper archaeological evaluation of the 'Picts' and of the traditional view of Dalriadic settlement in Argyll, both of which are now under review.  相似文献   

The glazes and bodies of fifteen Persian ceramic objects datable to c. A.D. 1300 were analysed by X-ray fluorescent and optical emission spectroscopyin order to test the veracity of parts of Abū'l-Qāsim's treatise on pottery manufacture. The results showed that the bodies of these pots were closely akin to so-called Egyptian faience, and it is suggested on the basis of textual evidence that this body was used in Persia before the Seljuq period to imitate Chinese pottery, and may have been developed either from beads or glass.  相似文献   


The site lies to the south of the High Street in Guildford’s town centre, SU 9980 4944. The pit yielded a large assemblage of artefacts. The significance of the assemblage lies in its size and its coherence as a single, chronologically uncontaminated and sealed deposit. The finds form a discrete group of ceramics, glass, clay pipes and organic remains dating from c.1650-1714, and deposited c.1702-14. Many of the vessels after reconstruction proved to be complete, or almost so. Because of the location of the site in Tunsgate, the artefacts must either have come from the Tun Inn, which had a frontage on the High Street, or from a property nearby belonging to the owner of the Tun Inn. The end of the 17th century and the beginning of the 18th century is a particularly interesting period for ceramic and glass studies and the finds from 16 Tunsgate reflect this. The assemblage contains previously unknown examples of the work of John Dwight and George Ravenscroft, a soda glass with a hitherto unknown type of seal, the largest group of mould-blown cristallo beakers so far found in the United Kingdom or North America and a unique group of animal remains that provide a snapshot of inn food in the early 18th century. The finds are on display in Guildford Museum.  相似文献   

The results of an archaeometric trial study performed on an important finding of Renaissance maiolica (mid‐15th to early 16th century) from the Ducal Palace of Urbino are presented. Mineralogical–petrographic data (XRD, OP, SEM–EDS) and chemical characterization (ICP/AES–MS: major and trace elements) of both ceramic bodies and glazes were compared with similar data provided on coeval maiolica found in archaeological excavations in Pesaro, now stored in the city's Municipal Museum, in order to verify an origin of the potteries from common (Pesaro) or different (Pesaro and Urbino) production centres. The results indicate that ceramic bodies were produced with quite similar illitic–calcareous clays, most probably taken from the same local Pliocene Formation. Similarities were also found concerning the glaze's glass (silica–lead), colourants (cobalt, copper and manganese) and pigments (lead antimonate and cassiterite).  相似文献   

Tantura F is the first wreck excavated so far in the eastern Mediterranean dated to the beginning of the 8th century AD (the local early Islamic period), based on 14C and pottery analysis. Among the finds were the remains of about 30 ceramic vessels, two anchors, food remnants, fish-bones, a needle, a spoon and a glass vessel. Tantura F was c .15 m long and 5 m wide, and hull remains comprise keel, frames, planks, stringers, mast-step, and other internal components. Construction features clearly indicate frame-based construction, considerably earlier than it is generally thought to have been first employed.
© 2006 The Authors  相似文献   

Lustre is a medieval ceramic decoration, corresponding to a nanostructured thin layer formed by metallic copper and silver nanocrystals embedded in a glass matrix, which required deep knowledge on the part of the artisans with regard to the raw materials used and the kiln conditions. Their empirical knowledge led to the achievement of colourful lustre decorations ranging from reddish to yellowish or even greenish, some of them with a metallic shine with an associated purplish iridescence. Lustre ceramics dating from the 13th century from the Olleries Xiques workshop in Paterna (Spain) have been studied, linking their chemical composition and nanostructure with their colours and shine. Two kinds of nanostructures are found, yellowish lustre decoration constituted by a silver metal–glass nanocomposite, and reddish lustre decoration constituted by metallic copper nanocrystals and copper oxide nanocrystals; in some cases, metallic copper nanocrystals covered with an oxidized shell of CuO and partly Cu2O have been found. However, even with significant amounts of copper oxide, the lustre still exhibits a copper metal‐like shine. The bluish iridescence observed at a specular angle in the lustre could not be explained completely by means of the chemical composition, and metallic silver nanoparticle light scattering is proposed as a possible explanation.  相似文献   

The first people in Sāmoa produced a varied ceramic archaeological record including a single deposit with decorated Lapita ceramics on the island of ‘Upolu in the west of the archipelago and a nearly contemporaneous plainware deposit over 250 km to the east on Ofu Island. Post-Lapita ceramic change across Sāmoa is similar with almost no decoration, local ceramic production, limited vessel form diversity, and changing frequencies of thin- and thick-wares. This Sāmoan ceramic record is different from nearby Tonga and Fiji where early decorated Lapita ceramics are widely distributed, there are no thickness-defined ware types, and for Fiji, post-Lapita ceramics are more variable. Here we investigate the apparent uniqueness of the Sāmoan ceramic record through an analysis of early plainware ceramics, the second oldest after the Ofu deposits, from Tutuila Island in the center of the Sāmoan archipelago. Our assemblage-specific findings are similar to other Sāmoan plainware analyses, but we suggest the ceramic and other archaeological evidence from Sāmoa and the region indicates Sāmoa was colonized by a few isolated groups and that within the context of cultural transmission of ceramic variants, selection explains thickness variation and likely other aspects of Sāmoan ceramic change.  相似文献   

One expectation of emergent complexity is that as ceramic craft specialization increases it is reflected by increasingly homogeneous products due to the modified organization of craft production by specialists. This question has most often been addressed by analysis of sub-sets of larger ceramic assemblages consisting of intact vessels from idiosyncratic contexts. However, excavations often do not yield appropriate whole vessel sub-sets. In order to evaluate the changing context of the organization of ceramic production, we engage a robust methodological approach to the analysis of ceramic sherd assemblages, rather than intact vessels, rooted in cluster analysis but which we rigorously evaluate by other means. We successfully employ this method to assess changes in the organization of ceramic production through a 1000 year sequence leading to the emergence of the Tarascan state, and conclude in this case that no significant reorganization of ceramic production occurred with Tarascan state formation.  相似文献   

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