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Tree densities in the mid 1800s were calculated for 16 areas on the lowland Gippsland plain, Victoria, using data on historical maps. The plotless, closest individual method was used on map data, which listed the distance and compass bearings of trees from allotment corners. Densities ranged from 2 to 59 trees per hectare, with most estimates below 30 trees per hectare. Sparsest trees were in and near areas mapped as ‘open plains’ and the densest tree cover was on seasonally flooded river flats. Whilst it seems prudent to treat such figures as indicative rather than precise, this simple method holds considerable promise for obtaining quantitative estimates of tree densities before widespread clearing.  相似文献   

郭华榕 《史学月刊》2002,27(9):80-86
对原始献和目击记录进行认真的分析,以便深入了解历史事件与人物的真实面目,这是历史科学的传统。恩格斯的《从巴黎到伯尔尼》正是一篇具有珍贵的社会史史料价值的目击记录。在这篇未完成的手稿中,恩格斯给了法兰西有关地区的风土人情以较好的评价。它是当时法国的社会情景、民间心态与自然风貌的写真,是后人研究法国近代历史的宝贵资料。  相似文献   

本文的研究中,在内蒙古地区地质学、古地理学和环境演变方面已有研究成果以及考古与历史文献资料的基础上,修复和描述了内蒙古陆地形成以来的地质历史时期和人类历史时期内蒙古土地利用/覆盖时空演变过程,并探索其驱动机制与因素,从而为正确把握内蒙古地区近现代土地利用/覆盖变化时空轨迹提供科学依据。古代相当长的历史时期,内蒙古地区基本上被游牧民族所占据,达到了一种古代的可持续发展。清代中期以后,特别是进入20世纪以来,随着几次大规模的移民拓荒高潮,耕地面积急速扩展而草场面积日益退缩,内蒙古草原生态环境遭遇空前的破坏,沙漠化和草原退化急速加快,土地利用变化和土地利用方式成为了土地覆盖变化的最主要驱动因子。土地利用变化(开垦草原、毁林开荒)的驱动因子主要有人口因素、经济利益和政府决策等三个方面,而且每一次大规模开荒时期三者往往相辅相成,促成新一轮的开荒高潮。  相似文献   


GIS and quantitative analysis are used to explore a series of simple but important issues in GIS-led survey. we draw on information collected during intensive archaeological field survey of the island of Kythera, Greece, and consider four questions: the relationship between terracing and enclosed field systems; the effect of vegetation on archaeological recovery; site definition and characterization in multi-period and artifact-rich landscapes; and site location modelling that considers some of the decisions behind the placing of particular Bronze Age settlements. we have chosen GIS and quantitative methods to extract patterns and structure in our multi-scalar dataset, demonstrating the value of GIS in helping to understand the archaeological record and past settlement dynamics. The case studies can be viewed as examples of how GIS may contribute to four stages in any empirically based landscape project insofar as they move from the spatial structure of the modern landscape, to the visibility and patterning of archaeological data, to the interpretation of settlement patterns.  相似文献   

In the context of an archaeological survey of the southern Argolid, Greece, studies have been carried out to elucidate the evolution of the landscape since its earliest known human occupation about 50,000 years ago. One of these studies was a detailed geological mapping of the late Quaternary alluvium and soils in the area. Dated by means of thorium-uranium disequilibria, archaeological finds, and historical information, seven periods of alluviation were identified, each of short duration relative to long intervening periods of stability and soil formation. The three earliest alluvial phases, falling before and during the last glacial interval, range from about 330,000 to 32,000 years in age. No alluviation accompanied the last glacial maximum around 20,000 years ago. In fact, a stable landscape persisted until about 4500 years ago, when debris flows and widespread aggradation in the valleys resulted from major slope destabilization and soil erosion, probably as a result of extensive land clearance in the Early Bronze Age. A subsequent stable period lasted through the many upheavals of the later Bronze Age, the Dark Ages, and the early historical period. It came to an end with a brief phase of alluviation between about 300 and 50 BC. Stability returned through the late Roman period, notwithstanding considerable expansion of the settled area. Another period of destabilization, this one marked by debris flows and hence major soil erosion, is poorly fixed in time, but probably coincides with expanded maquis clearance accompanying the resettlement of the area around AD 1000. Subsequent events of soil erosion and aggradation vary in nature and timing from one drainage to the next and, in some areas, continue today.Nature and chronology of the soil forming and alluviation events show that simple correlations with climatic events do not suffice to explain them. For the latter ones, past about 2500 BC, human activity seems to be the dominant cause, but once again the relation between cause and effect is not straightforward. Land clearing, or neglect of soil conservation efforts during economic downturns, appear to have a more devastating effect upon the landscape than do intensive land use or total land abandonment.  相似文献   

Territories are spatial units that encompass the broadest range of a society's land-use behaviors as well as the history of human interactions with the natural landscape. Drawing from published documents pertaining to the North American Indian Land Claims and to the prehistory and history of land use among the Hopi Indians of Arizona, this paper integrates spatial, material, and historical variables of land use behavior (1) to formulate an empirical definition of territory and (2) to develop a generalized life history of territory formation that can be applied explicitly to the archaeological record.  相似文献   

This paper uses the earliest colonial records for Essex County to establish and map the ingredients of the forest at European contact. It does so in the context of the work both of P. F. Maycock, the modern botanist, and the records of the colonial surveyors. It uses Maycock's thesis of the relationship of individual species to the soil moisture series. The paper establishes what the surveyors considered “good” and “poor” land, maps vegetation areas which the settlers may have discerned and offers statistical evidence for the idea that they, using the prevailing forest lore, could identify the better lands with a minimum knowledge of tree species. Specific references in the historical record suggest that these relationships were valid.  相似文献   

The people of the Rural Federation of Zambrana-Chacuey, in the Dominican Republic, are engaged in complex and multivalent struggles over resources in a forest and farm landscape subject to rapid land use change. Acacia mangium, a fast growing tree recently introduced as a timber cash crop, has become an object, a site and a tool of struggle in conflicts between local and state interests, and between women and men. Until recently, tree cutting has been illegal, so the government-approved acacia has reversed the role of trees from liabilities to assets in land tenure. The acacia has also begun to alter the pattern of land use, land cover, and the species composition of the region's forests, gardens, and fields, and could replace women's diverse gardens with single species blocks of timber.  相似文献   

We consider the history of woodland clearing in central western New South Wales, Australia, which has led to the present highly cleared and fragmented landscape. A combined approach is used examining available historical land‐use data and using regression analysis to relate the pattern of cleared and wooded areas in the recent landscape to environmental variables, taking into account the contagious nature of clearing. We also ask whether it would be possible to apply a simple simulation modelling approach to reconstruct a credible historical sequence of clearing in the study area. The historical data indicate that annual clearing rates have varied substantially in the study area and selective tree removal (ringbarking and thinning) has been common. These findings make it unlikely that a simple simulation approach would replicate the spatial and temporal sequence of woodland loss. Our regression results show that clearing patterns can be related to environmental variables, particularly annual rainfall and estimated pre‐European vegetation type, but that patterns are dominated by contagion.  相似文献   

Searchers of the dead, women pensioners hired to examine and codify diseased bodies, were significant figures in the management of early modern plague epidemics, but have remained seriously neglected by scholars. This essay reclaims the searchers by investigating archival material such as parish records, legal documents, and bills of mortality. Active members of their parishes, the searchers occupied a paradoxical relationship to authority: subjected to the dangers of plague because of their economic dependence, the searchers also commanded tremendous power to define matters of life and death by literally naming plague on the bodies of their neighbours.  相似文献   

Archaeological faunal assemblages can provide data valuable to modern conservation ecology. For example, while freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae, Margaritiferidae) are common constituents in the archaeological record of North America, today they are one of the world’s most imperiled faunal groups. Efforts to aid habitat restoration, population growth, and species reintroduction can be informed by studies of prehistoric mussel assemblages. These data can provide a historical perspective, cataloging communities as they existed prior to extensive modern impacts, thus representing an ecological baseline to be compared with modern populations. This study focuses on two late prehistoric (ca. 300–600 AD) sites on the Yazoo River, where nearly 24,000 freshwater mussel valves were recovered. Though modern data are extremely limited for the river, analysis revealed it once supported a diverse mussel community containing numerous species currently considered rare, endangered, or extinct in Mississippi. In total, the combined shell assemblages yielded 23 new river records for the Yazoo River. One species in particular, Quadrula fragosa, represents the second such occurrence in Mississippi, and bolsters its candidate status as a new state record, as argued in a recent report from a neighbouring river in the Yazoo Basin.  相似文献   

利用科学测绘技术绘制的近代地图作为一类珍贵的历史地理资料,不同程度上反映着过去的地表覆盖情况,数字化则是复原地图所载地表覆盖信息的重要途径。以《华东·上海》地图为例,实现并验证一种基于机器学习和图像形态学的彩色近代地图数字化方法。结果表明,该方法能够充分挖掘地图中的颜色信息和形态结构信息,以半自动方式快速准确地将彩色近代地图中的地表水体信息提取出来。该方法对数字化一类彩色近代地图具有参考价值,有望为精准复原近代以来地表覆盖变迁,深入理解人地关系变化提供数据和方法基础。  相似文献   


A study of plant remains from seven archaeological wells at Mas de Vignoles IX, near Nîmes, southern France, was used to shed light on a current gap in the archaeological record caused by erosion and modern agriculture. The analysis also explored the reliability of these sources for palaeoenvironmental and palaeoeconomical information. Significant results on the spatial organization of human habitation, economic activities, and on the environment and its exploitation were obtained for the Middle Neolithic to Roman periods. Furthermore, the Neolithic wells also provided the first early finds of fig seeds in France. The abundance of weed and ruderal plants up to the Iron Age is consistent with data from other studies and their dramatic decrease during the Roman period may have resulted from radical changes in land management. The study marks the first time, in southern France, that a group of wells from a single site have provided a complete record throughout the later prehistoric and Roman periods.  相似文献   

During the Middle Ages and the early modern period the cultivation of the chestnut tree became dominant in various mountain regions in Western Europe. Large numbers of giant chestnut trees have been reported throughout the continent that may be considered the living heritage of this period. In this paper we used a systematic inventory of giant chestnut trees in southern Switzerland for reconstructing the eco-cultural niche related to the long-term cultivation and conservation of such remarkable trees. To this purpose we implemented a retrospective logistic modelling approach with the presence of giant chestnuts as response variable compared with 65 environmental and cultural predictors. We performed different logistic regression analyses using untransformed and transformed variables. Out of the 42 models produced, we finally selected two models, on the basis of their parsimony and accuracy. Many of the selected predictors, such as distance from the lake, abundance of small livestock or number of secondary settlements, reveal that former local and regional socio-economic conditions and environmental constraints have considerable explanatory power. The approach allows us to detect several aspects of the targeted eco-cultural niche that may have acted in the distant past to support the development of the traditional fruit chestnut culture, as well as more recently, to preserve the giant chestnut tree population during the disruption phase of this culture. Most results are in line with the historical documentation, while others go beyond the dictates of written history and reveal interesting traits of the past economic and cultural systems.  相似文献   

The olive tree (Olea europaea) was domesticated by vegetative propagation of selected wild individuals with superior fruit. Later, new cultivars were established repeatedly from feral trees or from crosses between wild, feral, and domesticated trees. Thus the genetic background of many contemporary domesticated lines is a mixture of ancient cultivars and local wild trees. Ancient DNA may illuminate the complicated process of olive domestication because such DNA sequences provide data about ancient genomes that existed closer to the domestication events. Well preserved DNA must be available for such studies, even though in the Mediterranean region, where olive cultivation took place, the climatic conditions are not favorable for DNA preservation. To select for well preserved pits we measured their proportions of lignin by IR spectroscopy, and correlated this with parameters of DNA quality such as template length in an olive-specific repeat array, and template quantity as determined by real-time PCR amplification. Archaeological pits that passed these tests did contain high quality ancient DNA. We present the first ancient olive DNA sequences and compare them to modern wild, feral and domesticated lines.  相似文献   

Dendrochronology, an analysis of tree rings, is a commonly used method for dating wooden structures in archaeological remains and historical objects. Fascinating subjects of examination are the historical oil paintings on oak panels. Here, we applied a tree ring analysis on three boards of a Dutch painting from the Sinebrychoff Art Museum (Helsinki). Tree rings were measured using the conventional lens-assisted method, in addition to the photography-based approach, where the widths of the rings were determined from digital enlargements of the photos. These two methods produced comparable tree ring series. The lens- and photography-based records of the measured panel exhibited higher agreement with each other than the conventional, lens-based, record against the different master chronologies. Dendrochronological cross-dating against the master chronology showed that the rings of the panel represent the period ad 1413–1620. Cross-dating was attained by comparing the tree ring series of the panel painting with the previously published chronologies obtained from timber transported from the historical ports of the Eastern Baltic Sea to Western Europe. Photography appears as a promising method to be used for dendrochronological investigations of archaeological and historical objects, alongside the conventional methods. We note that the importance of using photographs of tree ring cross sections was highlighted already in the 1930s. In the digital era, the photographic approach shows obvious benefits for archival purposes and remeasuring the rings, with additional future prospects of image processing and analyses.  相似文献   

The phytolith record from archaeological strata is a powerful tool for reconstructing aspects of past human behaviour and ecology. Considerable insights into the problems and potentials of this record can be obtained by studying phytoliths in modern plants. We prepared a phytolith reference collection of modern plants mostly from northern Greece that includes quantitative information on phytolith concentrations (number of phytoliths per gram dry organic material) and morphological assemblages. Here we analyse this reference collection with the aim of evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the archaeological phytolith record. The reference collection comprises 62 different plant taxa. Of them, 28 are trees, 1 conifer, 10 shrubs and 1 herb, 3 domesticated annual legumes and 19 monocotyledons. We demonstrate quantitatively the extent to which woody species, legumes and fruits of dicots contribute only small amounts of phytoliths to the sediments per unit tissue dry weight, while leaves of trees and shrubs produce significant amounts of phytoliths and grasses are prolific phytolith producers. We compare the data of this reference collection with a similar reference collection from another Mediterranean ecosystem (Israel). The comparison indicates that some aspects of phytolith production are probably genetically controlled, whereas others are environmentally controlled. We note that despite the fact that woody species produce few phytoliths per gram of tissue, their record can be most informative when taking into account other properties of the sediments. We also note that jigsaw puzzle-shaped phytoliths normally form in plants that grow in humid conditions, but may form in arid environments when the plants are irrigated. This study clearly shows the extent to which some plants can be under-represented and others over-represented in the phytolith record. Knowing the extent of this bias can greatly improve our interpretation of the phytolith record.  相似文献   

Pre-Conquest charters from the est Midlands provide evidence which cannot be revealed by archaeological means of the type of administrative organization within the Hwiccan kingdom. Estates comprising a number of parish units may be reconstructed but appear to have been carved out of larger territorial divisions. Nodal areas, frequently in riverine locations, appear to have been linked to areas of secondary development in more heavily wooded countryside. This association between complementary regions gave rise to a system of organization based upon sound economic foundations and the resulting pattern of regional complementarity was still apparent in the landscape at a later period. Fragmentation of administrative units was well-advanced by the mid-Anglo-Saxon period and minor units of parish or subparish size had come into being, many of which were clearly recognized as independent communities. In some areas these units had become well-established early enough for their boundaries to influence those of the ecclesiastical parishes. In the secondary areas subdivision occurred at a later date and yet other areas remained largely undeveloped without lasting demarcation. The charters also show, however, that settlement had been established throughout the Hwiccan kingdom by the later Anglo-Saxon period, with a number of minor settlements in existence beyond any village nucleus.  相似文献   

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