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At least 10 early Upper Paleolithic (EUP) open-air sites are found at Kostenki on the west bank of the Don River in Russia. During the 1950s, A.N. Rogachev excavated concentrations of horse bones and teeth from EUP layers at Kostenki 14 and 15 exhibiting the characteristics of kill-butchery assemblages. Excavations at Kostenki 12 in 2002–2003 uncovered a large quantity of reindeer and horse bones in EUP Layer III that also might be related to kill-butchery events, and the partial skeleton of a sub-adult mammoth excavated during 2004–2007 in EUP Layer V at Kostenki 1 yields traces of butchery. The character of these large mammal assemblages – combined with the analysis of artifacts and features – suggests that both habitation areas and kill-butchery locations are represented in a “EUP landscape” at Kostenki.  相似文献   

The development of North Sea oil and gas resources is related to technological problems, cost and government involvement. Most activity has centred on Norway and Scotland; nevertheless, countries such as France and West Germany, with a lack of indigenous offshore resources, have broken into the offshore supplies market in other sectors.  相似文献   

本工作旨在了解贾湖单人墓随葬品数量与墓主人性别、年龄以及墓葬分期之间的关系。根据墓葬样本的实际情况,本工作使用t-检验、单因素和双因素方差分析的方法进行了初步的统计学分析。结果显示,贾湖墓葬随葬品总量与性别无关,但与墓主人的死亡年龄有关,壮年随葬品较丰富。同时,随葬品数量受到性别和死亡年龄的交互影响比较显著,女性少年儿童的随葬品数量最多,男性壮年的随葬品次之。从随葬品的种类上看,除少年儿童组最多外,女性壮年墓葬占有石制品最多;男性壮年墓葬占有骨、牙制品最多。本工作还发现陶器和骨、牙制品的数量在不同时期存在着较显著变化,第二期时骨、牙制品和陶制品的数量较多。本工作认为,女孩随葬品数量较多的情况可能与母系氏族社会重女习俗有关,不同性别的壮年侧重随葬不同质地的物品则可能暗示着贾湖先民们已经出现了一定程度的社会分工,陶和骨、牙制品在第二期时比较丰富的现象可能与这一时期渔猎采集活动较活跃有关。  相似文献   

The article analyzes area-wide alcohol-related driving crash rates, with an emphasis on neighborhood effects, edge effects, and spatial effects arising from shared roadways that traverse area boundaries. Using township data for the state of Indiana, spatial Durbin models of alcohol-related driving crash rates are presented. The results suggest that a township's population composition and its abundance of alcohol-related businesses impact the alcohol-related driving crash rates. Moreover, positive spatial dependence is found to be highly significant, cautioning against the reliance on possibly biased OLS estimators. Due to restrictions in access to the crash and alcohol-related businesses data of the neighboring states, an alternative approach is adopted to address the spatial edge effects that may arise from alcohol consumption of residents from the edge areas of the neighboring states (possibly leading to crashes inside the border townships). Given the variation in alcohol laws and regulations across states, an empirical assessment of the edge effects is particularly relevant where some border crossing may be deliberate so as to avoid more stringent alcohol restrictions.  相似文献   

曾国藩写于中年时期的《浪淘沙》组词,一为调友,二为抒写情志,表现曾氏不得志时期的郁闷和抵御外侮、爱国忧民的情怀。  相似文献   

岩体开裂是危害花山岩画最严重的病害,会对岩画造成毁灭性的破坏。为制定有效的灌浆加固措施,在对岩体开裂成因及影响因素分析和现场调查的基础上,做了统计分析。结果表明:1)岩画区共有418处开裂病害,开裂岩体以风化开裂体为主,占69%,且构造开裂体的厚度大于风化开裂体;2)构造开裂体的钙质、钙质与泥质共同充填比例为78%,高于风化开裂体的52%;3)构造裂隙和风化裂隙的张开度均以小于6mm为主,可知当张开度大于6mm时,开裂体将发生剥离掉块;4)风化开裂体的危险性I级、Ⅱ级所占的比例为57%和22%,小于构造开裂体的64%和27%,但风化开裂体多发育于岩画存在部位,易出现开裂和掉块,破坏更大;5)构造开裂体的厚度较大、裂隙连通性好、危险等级高,而风化开裂体厚度较薄、裂隙贯通性差、危险等级较高。本研究结果可为开裂岩画岩体灌浆加固及后期修复提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Kernel‐based, smoothed estimates of spatial variables are useful in exploratory analyses because they yield a clear visual image of geographic variability in the underlying variable. In this paper I suggest an approach for assessing the significance of peaks in the surface that result from the application of the smoothing kernel. The approach may also be thought of as a method for assessing the maximum among a set of suitably defined local statistics. Local statistics for data on a regular grid of cells are first defined by using a Gaussian kernel. Results from integral geometry are then used to find the probability that the maximum local statistic (M) exceeds a given critical value (M). Approximations are provided that make implementation of the approach straightforward. Future work will address several other issues associated with local statistics that have been defined in this way, including edge effects, and the effects of global spatial autocorrelation on the choice of critical value.  相似文献   

Statistical regression models are presented that explain the observed variations, across urban areas, in the concentrations of two major pollutants, ozone and carbon monoxide. Model specification and estimation are based on an explicit and new spatial framework derived from the theoretical concept of well‐mixed cells, whereby the basic Fickian system of diffusion equations is integrated over the regional space partitioned into a grid of large cells. The concentration in each cell results from the balance of pollutant flows into and out of this cell and of pollutant emissions and removal within that cell, and is expressed as the sum of two concentration contributions: (1) the local effect, dependent upon pollution‐related factors around the measuring station, and (2) the regional effect, dependent upon pollutant flows originating outside the local area. A large database is developed, making extensive use of GIS technology, to spatially relate such data as pollution measurements, meteorological factors, land‐use characteristics, census socioeconomic data, and major highway network characteristics. The results confirm the appropriateness of the well‐mixed cell framework, are in line with general knowledge regarding the determinants of ozone and carbon monoxide concentrations, and clarify the role of transportation, residential fuel use, economic activities, natural environments, and meteorological factors such as temperature and solar radiation. About SO percent of the variations in concentrations are explained by these models. Several areas of further research are outlined.  相似文献   

试析太原纯阳宫的“冷”与“热”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纯阳宫地处太原市五一广场西北角,坐北朝南,现为五进院落,占地面积约9000平方米。相传,元代著名道士长春子邱处机的大弟子宋德芳曾主持过这座道观。据《山西通志》记载,明万历二十五年(1597),晋王朱新扬、范朝引等人捐资,对纯阳宫进  相似文献   


Previous work has presented evidence that the Circle-Octagon Earthworks at Newark Ohio contain numerous features that are aligned to the lunar standstills (extreme rise and set points of the Moon). A Monte Carlo study of randomly constructed octagons is presented to investigate the statistical significance of this evidence. The study investigates the sensitivity of the statistics to a variety of plausible assumptions about the design of the earthworks, the capabilities of the builders, and the type and precision of the astronomical alignments. The results of the quantitative study establish that the statistical significance of the evidence for deliberate astronomical alignment over the entire range of plausible assumptions is far too high to be dismissed. The study reveals that the hypothesis of deliberate astronomical alignment predicts the otherwise unexplained shape of both octagonal earthworks constructed by the Hopewell Culture. The analysis compares the Newark dataset to hypothetical datasets which have no statistical significance, so that the difference is clearly established. We also show the evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that the astronomical alignments were established from observations made from high points where the effects of local horizons were negligible.  相似文献   

Hunting is one of the areas of human activity that sees the most significant changes in the period from 40 000–35 000 BP in Europe. In this respect, the Aurignacian technocomplex shows technical innovations, notably with the fabrication of split-based points (SBP) in antler and the mass production of bladelets, arguably to serve as weapon armatures. Yet, little experiment work has been dedicated to this question. To begin to fill this gap, we have designed an experimental program devoted to testing and assessing the design, manufacture and use of Aurignacian weaponry.  相似文献   

The invention and widespread use of projectile weaponry is a characteristic presumed to exist only with Homo sapiens. However, as finds of wooden material during the early development of projectile weapons are extremely rare, this remains a contentious topic. Recent work has proposed a series of ballistically-significant morphological characteristics of stone points that yield information about their potential use. Here we report on initial experimental approaches to quantifying the performance of relatively simple stone points as arrow armatures. Two experimental trials were performed using a series of 51 Levallois points. The first, against a uniform density target, was designed to give an overall indication of performance. The second, against a simulated animal carcass, demonstrated the durability of these points. The results of this study suggest that small Levallois points could have functioned as arrowheads, albeit ones likely to break after limited use. They also suggest that these points’ penetrating power is strongly controlled by their morphometric characteristics, most notably their perimeter. This latter finding refines a method for assessing hypothetical Paleolithic stone points on the basis of tip cross-sectional area previously proposed by others.  相似文献   

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