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本文对河北徐水东黑山遗址出土的66件战国至唐宋时期铁器样品进行了碳十四年代测定、金相组织观察和夹杂物成分分析,认为该遗址内出土的铁器制作年代集中于战国两汉时期,铁器的材质全为生铁和生铁制钢产品.采用了铸造、退火、炒钢、淬火以及可能存在的灌钢等工艺,同时该地区至少在汉代已能根据不同的材质和工艺制作不同的器物.本研究为深入认识战国两汉时期太行山东麓北段的钢铁技术提供了新的科学材料。  相似文献   

炒钢是利用生铁在半熔融状态下氧化脱碳制钢的一种方法,是中国古代钢铁技术的十分重要的发明创造。以往学者已鉴定出不少炒钢制品,并初步总结出中国古代炒钢制品的判定标准,即通过钢铁制品中非金属夹杂物的成分和物相类型来区分炒钢与其它制铁技术产品。但该判定标准主要基于前人的判断结果及简单的理论推断,从而对古代炒钢制品的判定原理、炉渣的判定标准等方面仍有较多不明之处。笔者在以往研究的基础上,分析了山东章丘东平陵冶铁遗址的高炉炼铁炉渣及积铁块样品,判断出东平陵冶铁遗址可能存在炒钢冶炼技术,探讨了块炼铁、生铁、炒钢冶炼过程中主要的物理化学变化,初步解释了不同冶炼过程炉渣的形成原理,并对中国古代炒钢制品的判定标准作出补充。  相似文献   

中国是世界上科学技术发达最早的国家之一,拿冶铁炼鋼来說就已有二千多年的历史了。勤劳的中国人民在长期的鋼铁冶炼过程中,有不少独特的創造发明。我国在公元前七世紀的春秋时代就知道如何冶炼生铁了。公元前三世紀战国秦汉时期,冶炼生鉄的技术已普遍应用,許多工具,特別是农具都是用生铁鑄成的。解放后发現了大量战国到汉代的铁器,鑄造这些铁器已經使用单合范和双合范。我国古代在冶铁技术上的革新突出表現在鼓风技术  相似文献   

张潇 《华夏考古》2019,(1):94-102
目前学界对战国秦汉时期制陶业的研究多集中在陶窑结构及烧制技术方面,而对制陶工序的讨论较少。文章以民族志材料中陶器生产工序和制陶遗址中遗迹、遗物的功能分区为线索,复原了战国秦汉时期的制陶工序,并进一步讨论了当时陶器生产的专业化等问题。  相似文献   

秦汉时期是中国古代砖瓦生产的繁荣时期。在砖瓦生产中,窑炉是最重要的技术基础之一,故对砖瓦窑的研究具有重要意义。秦汉时期的砖瓦窑型制众多,结构各异。就地域而言,秦汉时期的核心地区即陕西省和河南省出土的砖瓦窑数量最多,型制也最丰富。而从发展阶段来看,该时期的砖瓦窑呈现出随着时间推移类型逐渐减少、型制趋于统一的趋势。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜-能谱仪(SEM-EDS)、X射线荧光-光谱仪(ED-XRF)及金(矿)相显微镜等研究手段,对江西西汉海昏侯刘贺墓主墓藏椁武库当中出土的19件铁兵器进行金相显微组织观察、夹杂物形貌观察和成分检测分析。结果表明:海昏侯刘贺墓出土铁兵器主要为炒钢制品(12把长铁剑,2把环首铁刀,占比为73.68%)和少部分块炼渗碳钢制品(5把长铁剑,占比为26.32%),制作工艺以炒钢为主,块炼渗碳钢为辅,其中经过分析还发现了以炒钢为材料进行折叠锻打/叠加锻打的百炼钢工艺。表明至迟在西汉中期,钢铁冶金技术体系依然为块炼铁及块炼渗碳钢体系、生铁及生铁制钢体系共存,但体现为后者是主要制作工艺的发展趋势,此结果为研究该时期乃至中国古代钢铁冶金技术提供了新的资料,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

爵制是秦汉时期比较重要的一项典章制度,与皇权、官僚制、礼制等都有着密不可分的联系,是我国古代政治制度中不可分割的一部分,历来是史学界所关注的研究对象。但由于史料的缺乏,有关秦汉爵制的某些问题一直颇有争议。20世纪以来简牍的大量出土,为秦汉爵制的研究提供了新的材料,相关研究掀起高潮。下面对秦汉爵制研究(主要限于大陆地区)作一回顾。  相似文献   

本文通过对河南舞钢、西平地区冶铁遗址群的田野调查和采集遗物的实验室分析,证明战国秦汉时期该地区已经形成了完整的以生铁冶炼为基础的钢铁生产体系。此外,本文对该遗址群的炼炉构造、鼓风方式,以及冶炼过程使用的矿石、助燃剂和燃料等技术环节进行了分析,并在整个时代背景下讨论了生铁冶炼工业体系对于社会和环境的影响。  相似文献   

战国量制问题一直是战国史的重要组成部分,学界对此也十分重视。随着考古材料的不断增多,相应研究也日益深入,但是关于燕国量制的研究却存在很大争议。出土资料所见燕国量制单位为"觳""■",关于两者的进制以及各自量值学者持不同意见,已有诸说无法疏通所有材料。联系战国、秦汉时期存在大、小量的现象,本文认为燕国也存在大、小量,依此可对全部的铜器铭文及器物容量进行合理的解释,且据此所得出的一"觳"之值与战国其他地区的一"觳"之值相合。  相似文献   

本文通过对文献的梳理,分析了早期"碑"的概念。以秦公一号大墓出土木碑为引子,阐述了先秦秦汉时期"碑"的演变及形态的变迁。结合历史文献和考古发现,认为中国古代碑刻成熟于秦汉时期,这与当时成熟的制铁与制造技术、政治需求、儒家思想的逐渐普及以及商周以来铭铸于金的传统密切相关,是新的技术、思想和传统观念相结合的产物,也是当时政治、经济、文化发展的见证。  相似文献   

河南省荥阳官庄遗址发现了用于制陶的粘土原料以及未烧制的陶坯,这为研究西周中期以后中原制陶技术提供了不可多得的研究资料。为此,本研究利用能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪、X射线衍射分析仪分析了部分原料和陶坯,并使用马弗炉对其中的陶泥进行了烧制实验。结果发现,官庄遗址的制陶原料含铁量较高,烧制过程中析出磁铁矿等铁类矿物,且烧成陶色偏深;此外,制陶原料和同期陶片之间物相的趋同性和化学成分的聚类性,显示陶器本地生产的特性。研究结果为研究西周晚期至春秋早期时期制陶技术提供了基础材料。  相似文献   

汉代的铸钱遗址中出土了大量铸造铸钱金属范的阳文陶范,阳文陶范既反映出了铸造金属范时的铸型,又可看出所铸造的铸钱金属范的铸型.为揭示铸钱金属范的铸造工艺及变迁,本工作从铸造工艺角度对阳文陶范进行分析,通过对汉代阳文陶范出土概况的统计,了解了阳文陶范铸型的变迁.以西安相家巷和窝头寨铸钱遗址采集的阳文陶范为基础,对陶范的面层与背层进行了X射线荧光成分分析,在电子探针下对型腔面进行了形貌和成分分析.分析结果表明,阳文陶范分层制作的原因是为了将模上的钱币铭文和形状清晰地复印到陶范上,型腔面的检测不能表明是否使用了表面涂料.  相似文献   

The brick Chapel at St. Mary's City, Maryland, built around 1667, would have been an impressive structure on a colonial frontier where all the other buildings were built only of wood. While the building is no longer extant, the bricks remaining in the buried foundations hold information about the technologies and materials used by brickmakers in the 17th-century Chesapeake region. Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) and petrographic analysis of thin sections were used to compare the Chapel bricks and other 17th-century bricks and tiles from several Chesapeake contexts to locally available clay sources. While the composition of the Chapel bricks is generally consistent with that of clays available in southern Maryland, these historic materials could not be linked to any one deposit, and may reflect the mixing of clays from multiple sources. In contrast, building materials from other 17th-century buildings at St. Mary's City could be more precisely “matched” to specific local clay deposits. This paper reports on our initial investigations toward understanding the technology of the Chapel bricks and their relationship to other bricks from St. Mary's City.  相似文献   

Ceramic raw material use is one line of evidence for prehistoric territorial boundaries and social interaction. In this paper, we characterize the raw materials used by Hohokam and Patayan potters along the western Hohokam frontier, using data from oxidation analysis, laser-ablation inductively-coupled plasma spectrometry, and petrographic analysis. The sample includes 150 sherds from three sites (AZ Z:1:29[ASM], AZ Z:1:30[ASM], and BMGR-02-F-04) south of Gila Bend, Arizona. Similar Lower Gila River sediments were used for Hohokam and Patayan ceramics during the period A.D. 700–1150. Patayan potters apparently used clay sources from an area dominated by Hohokam settlements, and their ceramics were transported at least 50 km into the desert interior, perhaps representing seasonal movements between the river and the desert.  相似文献   

本文通过对河南鲁山望城岗,台铁遗址出土和采集的冶铁遗物的综合分析,证明该遗址是个集冶炼、铸造和炼钢为一体的大型工场,持续时间较长,具体工艺表现为采用选好的褐铁矿在高炉中炼出生铁,然后铸成器物,存在脱碳制钢的处理工艺,并且在冶炼时可能使用了煤炭作为燃料。  相似文献   

为探讨济南运署街汉代铁工场遗址的性质和冶炼技术,应用X-射线荧光、X-射线衍射、热膨胀测温等方法,对遗址出土的部分遗物进行了相关分析。结合出土实物和测试结果,可以推断运署街遗址是汉代一处兼有冶炼和铸造的铁作坊。陶范、耐火砖、铁渣及矿石原料等冶铸遗物的分析指出,当时的矿石分选、加工、冶炼、铸造技术已经十分成熟,在一定程度上反映了汉代冶铁业的工艺水平。  相似文献   

Heavily corroded metal artifacts recovered from the site of an 18th-century steel cementation furnace in Trenton, New Jersey, are cast iron altered by internal oxidation. The progress of the internal oxidation process was followed by comparison with the microstructure of cast iron exposed to high temperature in a wood-burning fireplace. The graphite flake structure of the cast iron allows deep, rapid penetration of oxygen that reacts at the iron–carbon interfaces within the iron to form iron oxides that eventually replace the graphite flakes. Microprobe analyses show that the silicon in the cast iron is converted to knebelite that also serves as the host for phosphorus. Sulfur dispersed in the internal oxidation product and porosity appear to be responsible for rapid rusting of the artifacts. Internal nitriding accompanies the oxidation. The Trenton artifacts are interpreted as grate bars from the fire box of a cementation furnace.  相似文献   

Kuwait–Georgian archaeological work at Failaka Island showed the need for geological study. Analysis of sediments related to drinking water-collecting cisterns was performed on a Late Islamic settlement (NE part of the island) in 2018. Field sedimentological, grain size and XRD analysis of the sediment profiles showed that the shallow (about 1 m deep) cone-shaped wells are dug in the loose, porous, cross-stratified calcareous coarse-grained quartz sandstones. Three upper layers of quartz sandstones in the profile have high infiltration rate and provide a rare yet ideal material for water retention. The fourth dense layer below, composed of very fine sand and silt fraction, tends to hinder water movement and forms a relatively impermeable water-resistant surface. Thus, the distribution patterns of clay content, grain sizes and porosity of the well-hosting sediments are favourable for freshwater infiltration and harvesting. An additional petrographic analysis was conducted on different types of rocks discovered on the archaeological site, used as building material and fragments of stone artifacts to identify their origin. It was established that archaeological building material is of local origin, whereas the source rocks for stone artifacts were imported.  相似文献   

S. Klein  T. Rose 《Archaeometry》2020,62(Z1):134-155
Until today, raw material information of copper (Cu) objects is mostly gained from impurities and trace elements and not from the Cu itself. This might be obtained using its stable isotopes. However, isotopic fingerprinting requires the absence of fractionation during the smelting process. The Cu isotope evolution during outdoor smelting experiments with Cu sulphide ore was investigated. It is shown that external materials, in particular furnace lining, clay, manure and sand, alter the isotopic composition of the smelting products. Cu isotopes are fractionated within low viscosity slag derived from matte smelting. The produced metallic Cu has a Cu isotope signature close to the ore.  相似文献   

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