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大都市生命周期与城郊化趋势   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
向心城市化、城郊化、逆城市化和再城市化四个连续的变质阶段构成大都市的生命周期。自本世纪30年代以来,西方发达国家的大都市主要经历了四次城郊化浪潮。本文通过对城郊化发展规律的分析,为我国大都市因势利导进行城郊化建设提供依据。  相似文献   

Von Thünen's classical model of agricultural location was published in the Soviet Union in Russian translation in 1926, a hundred years after its original publication in Germany, but was soon denounced as a bourgeois theory seeking to optimize location from the point of view of minimizing production costs or maximizing the profit of the entrepreneur. The view that the von Thünen model was not applicable to Soviet conditions was stated as late as 1966 in Vol. V of the Kratkaya geograficheskaya entsiklopediya [Short Geographical Encyclopedia], pp. 196, 525. A Moscow University agricultural geographer, in reassessing the von Thünen model, now points out that its objective of determining optimal production systems for a given set of physical (land quality) and economic (market) conditions is shared by anyone who seeks the most highly cost-effective form of agriculture in a particular setting.  相似文献   

<正>Maizhokunggar County sits in a river valley in the middle reach of the Yarlung Tsangpo River.With an average elevation of over 4,000 meters,it has many river valleys and grasslands.It boasts an exceptional location,long history,splendid culture,and beautiful natural environment.Maizhokunggar  相似文献   

城市生活质量与生活空间质量研究评介与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当今的社会-文化进程阶段,新人本主义强调人与社会(文化)和谐的可持续发展观,其目标体现在人们的生活质量上,其焦点是城市(社会)生活质量构成与城市(社会)生活质量空间耦合的建构。从新人本主义理念出发探讨城市(社会)生活质量与其对应(社会)生活空间质量对政府部门和学术界都是全新的课题。二者在不同领域,不同学科之间的研究并行不悖。对前者的研究是人文社会与管理学科聚焦的方向,对后者的探讨是区域与城市诸学科聚焦的方向。它们充分体现学科融合的新理念/原理及其前沿性。本文从研究源起、研究意义、研究阶段以及评价指标体系的构建等不同角度对二者的国内外研究动态及方向进行了评介与展望,目的在于明晰二者的研究方法,理论框架与研究趋势,为社会与城市发展及其规划指明方向,提供理论基础与科学依据。  相似文献   

珊阑 《旅游纵览》2014,(12):46-47
<正>生命,是一条艰难的峡谷,只有勇敢的心才能通过。生态学把生命看作是生物圈中物质循环过程的中心环节。换言之,有了生命,就有了一切。生命是鲜活的,也是强大的。在旅途中,我们会领略迷人风光,会感叹自然的伟大,但总会有那么一两眼景色直敲我们心底,震撼我们的心灵。生命,便是这样一种奇观。当你还在感叹生命为何如此脆弱时,不妨看一下这些在逆境中依然傲放的生命。美国西部的犹他州沙漠一向以干  相似文献   

The paper postulates that there has been a movement of port functions away from the city centre that has allowed that area to take on an urban orientation; thus separate and specialized areas of port activity and urban activity have developed in cityport waterfronts. The waterfronts of Saint John and Halifax for the period 1875–1978 are studied to illustrate the concept of separation and specialization of land uses. Reasons suggested for such developments relate to technological changes in transportation and cargo-handling and the declining dependency between the port and city.
La communication postule que les fonctions du port se sont éloignées du centre de la ville, ce qui a permis à la région de s'urbaniser; de ce fait, les activités portuaires et les aetivités urbaines des quais de ces villes-ports ont subi un développement propre et spécialisé. On a étudié le développement des quais des villes de Saint-Jean et d'Halifax pendant la période allant de 1875 à 1978, afin d'illustrer le concept de division et de spécialisation dans l'utilisation des différentes zones. Nous proposons que les raisons de ce type de développement sont basées sur les changements technologiques survenus dans le domaine du transport et de la manutention des marchandises, ainsi que sur la diminution de la dépendance entre le port et la ville.  相似文献   

跨国精英移民的日常生活实践与根植性家的营造   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
流动性背景下,跨国精英移民如何在迁入地实践、重构和感知家,以实现长久居留既是现实问题也是学术问题。本文援引“根植性家(rooted home)”的地理学概念,采用半结构化深度访谈和观察法等质性研究方法,以根植性类型的跨国精英移民为研究对象,探究其日常生活实践与家的营造。研究发现:①跨国精英移民对家的根植性理解并非意味着他们“不流动”,而是在流动中与“过去的家”保持联系与平衡。②跨国精英移民对家的根植性实践表现在使用怀旧性的日常生活实践策略,涵盖物质性、情感性和外部性维度,其中物质性维度较易实现,而情感性和外部性维度即使是精英移民也难以实现。③流动性加深了对根植性类型跨国精英移民对“过去的家”的认同,并影响其对现在和未来的家的感知和去向的思考。研究借助日常生活视角补充和完善了“根植性家”的理论与实证,也为跨国精英移民的深度研究提供了可供参考的范本。  相似文献   

In this essay, which introduces the History and Theory forum on Multiple Temporalities, I want to discuss how the existence of a plurality or a multiplicity of times has been conceptualized in the historiographical tradition, partly by entering into a dialogue with recent writers, historians, philosophers, sociologists, anthropologists, and literary scholars, partly by returning to the eighteenth century, to the origin of “the modern regime of historicity” (Hartog). In these theoretical and historical investigations I aim to do two things: on the one hand, to explore and discuss different ways of conceptualizing multiple times, in terms of nonsynchronicities, layers of time, or natural and historical times; on the other hand, to trace how these multiple times have been compared, unified, and adapted by means of elaborate conceptual and material practices that I here call “practices of synchronization.” From the eighteenth century onward, these synchronizing practices, inspired by, but by no means reducible to, chronology have given rise to homogeneous, linear, and teleological time, often identified as modern time per se, or simply referred to as “progress.” In focusing on the practices of synchronization, however, I want to show how this regime of temporality during its entire existence, but especially at the moment of its emergence in the eighteenth century and at the present moment of its possible collapse, has been challenged by other times, other temporalities, slower, faster, with other rhythms, other successions of events, other narratives, and so on.  相似文献   

杨效忠  严星雨 《人文地理》2022,37(3):1-6+162
近年来,旅游业已然成为中国国民经济的战略性支柱产业,但以经济发展为主要目标的旅游研究却呈现出固化和乏味的态势。未来旅游研究应科学与哲学齐头并进,与生命哲学的结合,更是旅游研究顺应时代发展的应有之义。文章以生命哲学研究的主要内容梳理为切入点,探索旅游生命观的形成,以生命哲学视野下的旅游概念与本质为整个研究体系的逻辑起点,分析生命哲学视域下旅游发展的内在机理,从矛盾论、价值论的视角逐步探讨未来旅游的研究与实践方向。结合当今时代特征,发现生命哲学下的旅游本质应是体察风景、体验生活与体悟生命的统合。人与自然共同构建生命共同体,科学旅游发展观应转向“以生命为本”,未来旅游的最终目的是促进人的生命自由和全面发展,实现人与自然的生命延续。  相似文献   

马涛 《中国钱币》2002,(2):53-55
中国现代金银纪念币伴随着我国的改革开放政策的发展而发展已走过了二十年的路程,经历了从无到有,项目品种从较单一到较众多,反映和表现了中国历史文化和当代社会发展的方方面面,拥有了一定的国际地位,并在经过数年的市场洗礼和随着新世纪的到来已走向了成熟与发展调整的最好时期。  相似文献   

Born in Oklahoma City in 1939, educated at George Washington University, the University of Central Oklahoma, and the University of Oklahoma, Baird taught for a decade at the University of Arkansas, Fayettmille, and for another ten years at Oklahoma State University before accepting in 1989 the Howard A. White Professorship of History at Pepperdine University. He and his wife, Jane, are the parents of a daughter and a son. In addition to numerous articles, Baird has published eight books on the history of Native American peoples in Oklahoma and two on the history of medicine in Arkansas. He has been president of the Western History Association and chair of the Oklahoma Foundation for the Humanities. From 1989 to 1991 he served as president of Phi Alpha Theta, whose advisory council he now chairs. Bairds presidential address was delivered in December 1991 at the 70th Anniversary Phi Alpha Theta convention held in Chicago.  相似文献   

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